(i) Summary of findings during deliberations on • Developing appropriate curricula • Leverage quality faculty • Cultivate trainers By R.K.Sinha, R.C.Khurana, Vimal Singh Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Points raised Remarks D.N.N.Raju, JS(M), MOPNG No. of institutes are inadequate Growth calls for well qualified manpower. Need to intensify various efforts S.K.Srivastava, DDG (E), DGH Outdated curriculum. Non relevant R&D topics. Industry oriented academia. Industry to support research capabilities of Universities. Understanding Industry requirements. Bringing real world perspective to academic environment Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker R.S.Pandey, Secy. MOPNG Points raised HR requirements are known Need to prioritise for E&P Add the Nos. of Curriculum reforms Need of short term courses and research in general Concretize the gap between Industry – Academia Remarks Students to undertake Ph.D. in Oil & Gas research Practical orientation of thinking Monitoring Mechanism for results Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Points raised Remarks A.K.Arora, DG, Petrofed Weakness lies in implementation and not in conceptualization Need to intensify various efforts Deepak Mahurkar, PWC High demand of Geophysicist, Reservoir Engineer, Poaching at mid career Need to act now as E&P Skill -Sets takes time to develop Curriculum review of existing institutes. Setup mechanism for knowledge transfer Demand will surpass in 2010 for all discipline Joint committee of MOPNG and HRD Ministry to take “Go explore ” approach Developing appropriate curricula Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Dr. A.K.Balyan, Director, HR Points raised Universities emphasize on good education Employability is secondary. Skill Mismatch / Shortage Emphasis on applied courses Industry- Govt. regular interface Lack of clarity, Lack of trust Market oil sector by showcasing the oil & Gas sector Remarks Need for holistic approach Remove misperceptions about oil sector Market Oil sector Specified courses in drilling, geo-sciences to reduce time/ energy efforts Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Sunil Bharati, Cairn Points raised Remarks Focus on text book inspired courses No access to university for high quality data Industry to get best core talent Data to be made available to institute in the beginning year Empowered committee to execute the centre of true excellence Defined performance indicator Good compensation package Not aligned with industry Industry to be definitive step for universities Universities to develop quality product acceptable to Industry Joint Industry- academia culture Marinate good curriculum for Industry demand Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Points raised Prof P.K. Saraswati Redefined earth sciences I.I.T. Mumbai Curricula Data given by Industry, Schlumberger provided Software Exchange of faculty Laboratory development Provision of data, sub sample and well logs etc. Remarks Interaction as long term vision Support identified department Research has to be strengthened Public to be open to research findings Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Prof Kartic Khilar IPT Gandhinagar Points raised How to build good faculty? Building strong industry interaction. Early induction. Collaborate with foreign institutions. Asst. Professorships chair Joint PhD Co-teaching with foreign faculty. Remarks Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Rajiv Khanna, BG Points raised Shortage of competent Human resources Lack of awareness of sector Adopt International model Dual degree Slow change process at educational institutes Need for making domestic pool of knowledge Remarks Domestic pool of knowledge and expertise National level status paper Specific strategy to fill gaps Communication strategy National pool of faculty Fill critical faculty gaps at universities Generate new set of faculties Funds from OIDB- Industry Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Points raised Remarks Prof Hamid Ali, AMU, Aligarh Introduced two new courses No body advertises for Trained students are required. petrochemicals In-spite of best courses Students are nor being recruited in PSUs for lack of regular courses Suhane, Sclumberger Dedicated anchors for the Institutes like IITs Lacking females in the industry Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Points raised Mohan Kumar, ESSAR Academia to get exposure at international level Demand in IT shall also be covered Sector to be marketed well J.Dhimary, NGRI Need for research institute in the country like NGRI Syllabus at 10+2 level for earth sciences Ashu Sagar, Hardy Industry put less resource for lack of Base anchor in E&P Sector Smaller player to be looked differently Remarks Summary of deliberations Presenter / Speaker Prof Venketacharya Points raised Selection at each level to be uniform Different level at various levels Remarks FINDINGS • Outdated courses • Academia and Industries should come together not only to develop curriculum but also to develop study materials. • Committee for course certification. FINDINGS • Retention of Good people • Academia should be given feeling of belongingness to the industry. • Salary packages should be brought at par with the industry. FINDINGS • Research topics and funding • Industry should come up with the practical problems they are facing in their current exploration programs and give projects to the academia on the same. They can also encourage some of their employees to take up this problem as their research topic that can lead to a Ph.D degree towards the end FINDINGS • Training and exchange programs not only for students but also for faculty. •Monitoring at the topmost level. • Good leader to monitor IndustryAcademia interaction 17