U.S. and EU Competition Law A Case Study: GE

EU Competition Law Overview
H. Stephen Harris, Jr.
ABA Antitrust Section
Spring Meeting
April 4, 2003
The EU Basics
Created and governed by the EC
Treaty, as amended
The EU Basics
Currently 15 members:
Original Members:
Additional Members:
The EU Basics
10 new members to join May 1, 2004
Czech Republic
Cyprus (Greek controlled portion)
The EU Basics
Turkey to join “without delay” if it
meets criteria during December,
2004 review
Bulgaria and Romania “on track” to
join by 2006
The EU Basics
380 million citizens
With 10 new members,
population of 445 million
Largest integrated market in the
GDP of US$9.46 billion
(cf. NAFTA GDP of $11.9 billion)
The EU Basics
The European Parliament
Members (MEPs) directly elected in
Member State elections held every five
 Currently 626 MEPs
 Sit in party political groups, not national
 In some areas, Parliament jointly
legislates with the Council
The EU Basics
The Council of European Communities
(the “Council”)
1 member from each Member State
Presidency rotates every 6 months among the
Member States
Primary legislative body of the EC
Primary policymaker of the EC
Implements policy through Regulations and
Directives proposed by the Commission
The EU Basics
The European Commission (“EC”)
Independent of the Council
 20 members, nominated by Member
 executes EC law
 staff of approximately 15,000
 renders decisions
The EU Basics
The Commission is the primary
enforcer of EU competition law
Decides cases
 Issues Directives
 Proposes Regulations
 Issues Guidelines (“Notices”)
 Directs policy debate
(“White Papers” and “Green Papers”)
 Participates in shaping of legislation
The EU Basics
Structure of the Commission
 Secretariat-General
Legal Service
36 Directorate Generals
(1 Commissioner in charge of each)
 Competition Directorate (DG Comp)
Commissioner Mario Monti
The EU Basics
Commission Procedures
Since 1962, governed by Reg. 17/62
the “implementing regulation”)
 Recently adopted Reg. 01/03
restructures the system of competition
enforcement for the first time in 40
The EU Basics
Reg. 01/03
Abolishes notification of individual
exemptions under Article 81(3)
 Creates “European Competition
Network” in which all member states
must empower their national
competition agencies to apply EU
competition law
The EU Basics
Reg. 01/03
Redefines relationship between EU and
national substantive competition law,
generally affirming primacy of EU law
 Confirms power of EC to order
structural as well as behavioral
 Codifies EC’s powers to issue interim
measures (cf. preliminary injunctions)
and related procedures
The EU Basics
Reg. 01/03
Creates new procedure for settlement
of cases by giving order to cease
infringing conduct (cf. cease and desist
 Expands investigatory powers of EC;
empowers EC to question company
employees about factual matters, and
to search homes of employees
The EU Basics
Reg. 01/03
Substantially increases level of fines
which EC may impose re procedural
matters (obstruction of investigations,
providing false information, failing to
comply with EC orders)
 Applies to all economic sectors with
very limited exceptions; special
regulations for certain sectors, such as
The EU Basics
The European Court of Justice
1 judge from each Member State
 8 Advocates General
 Hears appeals from the Court of First
 Considers issues of law, not fact
 Gives preliminary rulings on EC law
to national courts
The EU Basics
The European Court of First Instance
15 judges, one from each Member
 hears initial appeals of EC decisions
 unlike ECJ, reviews issues of fact and
The EU Basics
Concurrent Jurisdiction with National
National courts must apply national
law (and EC law) in a manner that
does not hamper uniform application
of EC law within the 15 Member
Policies Underlying
EU Competition Law
Traditional Competition Concerns
Maximizing efficiency
 Protecting consumers from collusion
and other restraints on free competition
Protecting small and medium-sized
Integrating the European economy
(increasingly important in light of 10
new members)
Principal Sources of
EU Competition Law
EC Treaty Section 81 (formerly 85)
[Cf. Sherman Act § 1]
EC Treaty Section 82 (formerly 86)
[Cf. Sherman Act § 2]
European Community Merger
[Cf. Hart-Scott-Rodino Act]
Article 81
Prohibits and automatically voids all:
agreements, arrangements and
concerted practices
 between “undertakings”
 that affect trade between Member
 that have as their object or effect
 the prevention, restriction or distortion
of competition within the EU
Article 81
Not defined in Treaty or other formal
Construed very broadly
Includes any collection of resources
for the purpose of performing an
economic or commercial activity,
regardless of legal status
Article 81
Trade and other associations
Unincorporated groups
Public bodies
Article 81
Agreements, Arrangements &
Concerted practices
Not restricted to formal contracts
only “requires a joint intention of the
parties, without there being any need
for them to express their consent
consent may arise implicitly from
clear and unequivocal conduct
sufficient if one party limits its
freedom of action with regard to
Article 81
Agreements, arrangements
and concerted practices
“Concerted practices” are “a form of
coordination between undertakings
which, without having reached the
stage where an agreement properly
so-called has been concluded,
knowingly substitutes practical
cooperation between them for the
risks of competition”
Article 81
“Prevention, Restriction or
Distortion of Competition”
Article 81(1) provides non-exhaustive
list of examples:
fixing purchase or selling prices or
other terms of trade
 sharing markets or sources of supply
 discriminatory practices
 tying arrangements
Article 81
“Prevention, Restriction or
Distortion of Competition”
Includes, in principle, any form of
coordinated bilateral or multilateral
behavior that has, or is intended to
have, an appreciable negative effect
on competition, without limitation as
to the form of the restraint
Article 81
“Prevention, Restriction or
Distortion of Competition”
“Appreciable” is decided on a caseby-case basis
Article 81
“Prevention, Restriction or
Distortion of Competition”
EC Guidance on what is
1968 Notice on Cooperation
Agreements (encouraging some
cooperation among SMEs)
 1997 De Minimis Notice
(e.g., horiz. agreements for production
of goods not covered by Art. 81 if less
than 5% of goods affected)
Article 81
“Prevention, Restriction or
Distortion of Competition”
Includes horizontal agreements
(agreements between companies
at the same level in the production
or distribution chain; e.g., between
two manufacturers)
Includes vertical agreements
(agreements between companies at
different levels; e.g. between
manufacturer and
Article 81
“Effect on Trade Between
Member States”
Article 81 requires that an agreement
or practice “may” affect trade
between Member States
sufficient if practice is “capable of
constituting a threat, either direct or
indirect, actual or potential, to
freedom of trade between Member
States in a manner which might harm
the attainment of the objectives of a
single market”
Article 81
“Effect on Trade Between
Member States”
ECJ downplays the importance of
this element
ECJ held sufficient the impact on a
company’s ability to establish itself in
another Member State, holding that
“trade” is not limited to movement of
goods and services across borders
Article 81
Anticompetitive Effect
or Objective
Immaterial whether practice has an actual
anticompetitive effect or only an intended
anticompetitive effect
No need to examine the effect of
agreement the clear object of which
prevents, restricts or distorts competition
(price-fixing, e.g.)
Detailed economic analysis still needed
for agreements not designed to restrict
competition (distribution agreements, e.g.)
Article 81(3)
Individual Exemptions
Previously, notification to the
Commission was required under
Form A/B
Under new Reg. 01/03, notification
system abolished
Competition authorities of member
states and courts will apply Article
81(3) without need for prior
Article 81(3)
Block Exemptions
Apply to categories of agreements
No notification necessary
certain R&D horizontal agreements
 specialization horizontal agreements
 certain IP licensing vertical agreements
Article 81(3)
Horizontal Guidelines
Guidelines on the Applicability of
Article 81 to Horizontal Cooperation
flexible “blacklist approach”
 requires analysis of market power, and
procompetitive benefits of the
agreement or practice
Article 81(3)
Vertical Exemptions
Reg. 2790/99 creates blacklist,
whitelist, and greylist
Article 81(3)
Vertical Exemptions
Reg. 2790/99 “black list” excludes
from the exemption (prohibits):
price-fixing (including minimum RPM)
 customer and territorial market
 restriction on members of a selective
distribution system (“SDS”) to sell to
end users
 prohibition on component supplier
selling to independent service orgs.
Article 81
Nullification of agreements
Declaratory relief ordering cessation
of violation
EC’s 1998 Guidelines on the Method of
Setting Fines
 Individual firm may be fined up to
€20 million, or 10% of its turnover in the
prior year, whichever is greater
Article 82
Prohibits any abuse
by one or more undertakings
 of a dominant position
 within the common market or in a
substantial part thereof, to the extent
that it may affect trade between
member states
Article 82
“Dominant position”
Product and geographic market
definitions are fundamental
Article 82
Relevant Product Market
Comprises products that “are particularly
suitable for satisfying constant needs and
are only to a limited extent
interchangeable or substitutable with other
products” (ECJ)
Reasonably interchangeable products will
be considered part of the same relevant
product market if they are apt to meet the
same consumer need. (ECJ)
Article 82
Relevant Product Market
EC’s 1997 Market Definition Notice
requires assessment of:
demand-side substitutability
 supply-side substitutability
 potential competition
Article 82
Relevant Geographic Market
An area in which the conditions of
competition applying to the product
concerned are sufficiently
homogeneous for all traders (ECJ)
Article 82
Relevant Geographic Market
The EC’s Market Definition Notice defines
it as the “area in which the undertakings
concerned are involved in the supply and
demand of products or services, in which
the conditions of competition are
sufficiently homogeneous, and that can be
distinguished from neighboring areas
because the conditions of competition are
appreciably different in those areas.”
Article 82
Relevant Geographic Market
Factors considered under the EC’s
Market Definition Notice:
supply-side considerations
 demand-side substitution (whether
customers would switch to suppliers
located elsewhere in response to a
hypothetical small (5 to 10%) but
permanent price increase
Article 82
Relevant Geographic Market
Relevant market must be the
common market or a substantial
portion of it
pattern and volume of production
 territory of a single Member State
(or group of contiguous states) often
recognized as substantial part
Article 82
Dominance is assessed in the relevant
A dominant position is demonstrated by
an undertaking’s ability to operate to
an appreciable extent independently of
its competitors, its customers, and
ultimately the consumers in a relevant
market. (ECJ)
Article 82
Market power is usually
demonstrated through high market
Countervailing considerations such
as ease of entry, buyer power and
other specific conditions of a market
may rebut a finding of market power
despite a high market share
Article 82
Market shares over 70% generally per se
evidence of dominance
Over 50% may support finding of per se
dominance (AKZO)
Between 40 and 50% raises presumption
of dominance
Between 30 and 40% usually insufficient
without other circumstances
Below 30% unlikely, but no “safe harbor”
Article 82
Collective Dominance
Two or more undertakings may
collectively hold a dominant position
Only recently recognized by CFI and ECJ
Based on idea that, in concentrated
markets, usually of homogenous products,
greater risk exists of explicit or tacit
High evidentiary threshold to prove that
the undertakings will collude
Article 82
Article 82 prohibits not dominance,
but its abuse
Article 82
Article 82(3) provides a nonexhaustive list of examples of
imposing unfair purchase or selling
prices or other unfair conditions
 limiting production, marketing or
technical development
 discrimination
 tying
Article 82
The EC, CFI and ECJ have found
abuses in other circumstances,
refusals to supply
 refusals to license
 rebate schemes
 exclusive dealing
 predatory pricing
Article 81
Declaratory relief ordering cessation
of violation
Fines (same as Article 81)
EC’s 1998 Guidelines on the Method of
Setting Fines
 Individual firm may be fined up to €20
million, or 10% of its turnover in the
prior year, whichever is greater
The EC Merger Regulation (ECMR)
confers exclusive jurisdiction on the
EC to review certain “concentrations”
-- those having
“Community dimension”
The EC distinguishes concentrations
(subject to the ECMR) and the
acquisition of a noncontrolling
shareholder, which may be subject to
Article 81
Includes mergers, acquisitions of
control and creation of full-function
joint ventures
Acquisition of control may be sole or
Community Dimension
Test 1:
Combined aggregate worldwide
turnover of all undertakings is more
than €5 billion; and
 the aggregate Community-wide
turnover of at least two of the
undertakings is more than €250 million,
unless each of the undertakings
achieves more than 2/3 of its aggregate
Community-wide turnover in one and
the same Member State
Community Dimension
Test 2:
Combined aggregate worldwide turnover of all
undertakings is more than
€2.5 billion; and
Combined aggregate worldwide turnover of all
undertakings in each of at least 3 Member
States is more than €100 million; and
In each of at least 3 Member States, at least 2
of the undertakings have a turnover of more
than €25 million; and . . .
Community Dimension
Test 2 (continued):
the aggregate Community-wide
turnover of each of at least 2 of the
undertakings is more than €100 million;
 UNLESS each of the undertakings
concerned achieves more than 2/3 of
its aggregate Community-wide turnover
within one and the same Member State
Community Dimension
Calculation of turnover includes the
undertaking involved and its group of
companies (subsidiaries and
Where only part of a company is
bought, only the turnover of the parts
is considered, rather than the
turnover of the seller and the group
of companies to which it belongs
Application to Foreign
The ECMR applies to all transactions
within the Community, regardless of
whether the companies concerned
are established in the Community
Notification Procedure
Notification must be made on Form
Within 1 week of conclusion of the
agreement, announcement of public
bid, or acquisition of controlling
Concentration may not be effected
before EC clearance
Review Procedure
EC publishes concentration in the
Official Journal, inviting comments
from third parties
EC must make decision within one
month whether a concentration
raises “serious doubts as to its
compatibility with the common
May be extended to 6 weeks
Review Procedure
If the Commission determines that a
concentration raises serious doubts,
it must initiate second stage
Final decision required within four
months after opening of second
Substantive Test
Concentrations with a Community
dimension are incompatible with the
common market if they create or
strengthen a dominant position that
significantly impedes effective
competition in the Community or a
substantial part thereof
Article 82 market definition concepts
Substantive Test
The EC has considered long-range
and indirect effects of proposed
mergers, notably, so-called “portfolio
The EC appears sometimes to have
focused more on impact on
competitors than on consumers
Clearance may be:
 subject to remedies, such as
divestiture, termination of exclusive
agreements, or granting third parties
access to infrastructure or technology
Failure to notify may result in fines of
up to €50,000
In addition, fines of up to 10% of the
turnover of the undertakings may be
imposed if a concentration is
implemented without clearance -- in
addition to divestitures ordered to
restore competition
The Merger Task Force
Separate group within EC to review
Reviews on average about 300
notifications per year
Court Review of
Merger Decisions
Theoretically ECMR decisions are
subject to review by the CFI and ECJ
In reality, such cases take about 2 to
3 years, so court review is regarded
generally as unavailable from a
practical standpoint
Cf. U.S. preliminary injunction
decisions within months of H-S-R
Broad concepts and goals of EU
competition law similar to U.S.
antitrust laws
Significant differences in procedures
and emphases on certain policy
concerns (integration of markets,
injury to competitors)
Efforts to seek “soft convergence” of
U.S. and EU law underway but
difficult (ICN)
Thank You