UCF - Computer Science - University of Central Florida

CS Division – EECS Department
University of Central Florida
CGS 3763 – Operating System Concepts
Spring 2013 - dcm
General Information
Instructor: Dan C. Marinescu
Office hours: MW 11:30 -12:30
Location: HEC 304
Lectures: MWF 10:30-11:20 AM
Location: CL1 - 0320
Bo Kang
Email: bokang@knights.ucf.edu
Office hours: Monday:
2-3 PM in HEC 308 (the cave)
3-4 PM in HEC 308 (the cave)
3-4 PM in HEC 308 (the cave)
2-3 PM in HEC 308 (the cave)
Edward Aymerich
Office hours: Tuesday 2-3 PM in HEC 308 (the cave).
Friday 3-4 PM in HEC 308 (the cave).
Objective: Introduce fundamentals concepts and design principles of operating systems.
 OS fundamentals.
 Computer system structures
 OS structures
 Processes, threads, concurrency, synchronization, deadlocks.
 CPU scheduling
 I/O System
 Multi-level memory management; virtual memory; caching.
 File system..
 Client/Server Systems
Prerequisites: CGS1060C – Introduction to Computer Science.
Text: Operating System Concepts, 8e, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, 2009, John Wiley &
Sons, ISBN: 978-0-470-12872-5.
Policies and class organization:
1. Readings are assigned at each lecture. The students are required to study them and
be prepared to discuss in class the concepts introduced by the materials assigned
as a reading.
2. Class meetings will consist of discussions on each topic and the instructor will
help guide the discussion by asking questions rather than traditional lectures,
when the instructor presents a subject and students listen. Request clarifications
for any concept that you did not fully understand in class, by filling out the review
form, by asking questions during TA’s office hours, or
At the end of each week each student is required to fill out a “Student review”
form available from the class Web site. Each student should list the new concepts
and ideas discussed/introduced at each lecture s(he) attended during the week and
then list the topics/concepts/ideas that were unclear. If a student misses a class
s(he) should not fill in the form for the missed lecture and forfeit the 10 points.
Filling out the form for a missed lecture is considered an act of academic
dishonesty. This form should be submitted to the TA (Bo Kang,
bokang@knights.ucf.edu) by10 AM on Monday the following week. Total
number of points for reviews: 30 points/week x 14 weeks = 520 points. The
subject line of the Email should be “FirstName.LastName Week: xx”
The penalty for late assignments (homework, review forms) is 5 points/day.
The midterm is scheduled for Monday, February 25. A request for a makeup will
only be granted if the student provides a medical certificate.
Acts of academic will be treated according to the UCF Golden Rule: a handbook
for students(1), including the automatic failure of the class.
Tentative schedule: see the class schedule document
Grading Policy:
 30% - Class participation: based on the “Student review” forms and the participation
to class discussions.
 20% - Midterm – closed book open class notes.
 30% - Final Exam – closed book, closed notes comprehensive exam given during
final exam week.
 20% - Homework assignments.
B+ (86-87 );
C+ (76-77);
( 68-60);
A- (88-89);
B- (78-79);
C- (68-69);
Responses to Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism, or Cheating: UCF faculty members
have a responsibility for your education and the value of a UCF degree, and so seek
to prevent unethical behavior and when necessary respond to infringements of
academic integrity. Penalties can include a failing grade in an assignment or in the
course, suspension or expulsion from the university, and/or a ”Z Designation” on a
student’s official transcript indicating academic dishonesty, where the final grade for
this course will be preceded by the letter Z. For more information about the Z
Designation, see http://z.ucf.edu/.