商务英语-Unit 2

Unit Two Letters, Faxes, and
This unit introduces and practices the skills
required to deal with the writing tasks. It
* How to layout a business letter or memo
* Some “golden rules” for writing letters, faxes
and memo
* Practice in writing routine letters, e-mails,
faxes and memos
2.1 Communicating in writing
1. Identify the different kinds of
correspondence on desks.
2. Which of the items would you attend to first?
It depends on the real situation,
normally one might open the airmail letter
and deal with the internal memo last of all.
B. Memo
What is a memo (memorandum)?
a letter you send to people who woke in the
same organization. It is meant for quick
and easy reading, and are also kept in files
for future reference.
usually does not have a complimentary close,
because you are familiar with the reader of a
memo you can use less formal writing
When to write a memo
* if a response is required from the reader
* if you are communicating with only some of the
company personnel
* if you want to make sure that important
information is received by everyone
* if the information needs to be kept in file for future
The purpose of writing a memo
to inform
to request action
Please report the discussion result:
- the features of the layout and language of a
- who “HGW” is and what his or her job is.
From: Heady, the Head
To: All Staff
Date: June 1, 2006
Subject: New Memo Format Effective
In order to make interoffice communications easier,
please adhere to the following guidelines for writing
effective memos:
- Clearly state the purpose of the memo in the subject
line and in the first paragraph.
- Keep language professional, simple and polite.
- Use short sentences.
- Use bullets if a lot of information is conveyed.
- Proofread before sending.
- Address the memo to the person(s) who will take
action on the subject, and CC (carbon copy) those
who need to know about the action.
- Attach additional information: don’t place it in the
body of the memo if possible.
Please put this format into practice immediately. We
appreciate your assistance in developing clear
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to
call me. Thank you.
The organization of a memo
 If a memo has only one idea, which can be written
in one or two simple sentences, there is no need for
an introduction or conclusion.
 If a memo has a more complicated message, it
needs to be broken up into several body
paragraphs. It should be organized like a letter
with an introduction.
The writing of a memo
should be especially clear and concise.
Use the active voice instead of the passive voice.
Use simple, action verbs rather than long phrase
Use single words like “since, although, if” and so on
to link your ideas. Avoid long phrases like “in view
of, in spite of ”.
Underline key words to attract the reader’s
Number your paragraphs or points.
Tabulate(制表) information involving list of
numbers, prices, dates and so on.
Please turn to P23, read the memo, discuss and
what makes the memo difficult to follow?
- layout
- content
Take items discussed above as a standard.
- a subject is necessary
- the memo should be paragraphed
- important information should be numbered
- not precise and clear enough, consequently liable
to be misunderstood and disregarded.
- frequent use of “I” makes the requirement sound
the memo request action, but it does not contain
necessary information:
- deadline for its submission
- how to submit the information
- who to contact with, if have questions
1. Read another version of the memo on page 167 (file
2. Take the memo on page 167 (file 63) as a model and
finish the writing task.
3. Write a memo according to information provide
人事经理 Mr. J. Mendel 向全体员工发送备忘录,
请根据以下信息,以 Mr. J. Mendels 的名义写一份
Mr. J. Mendel’s notes:
2. Listen to the conversation and discuss.
1) Compared with the memo, what information was
2) Compared with the conversation, what can not be
done in a memo?
3) Which seemed to be the more efficient way of
conveying this piece of information?
In the memo,
a lot more information is given and it’s easier to
You will have a permanent record.
In the conversation,
there is an opportunity for discussion and for
questions to be answered,
but the details would only be given if they were
memo seems to be more efficient.
Please add more points to your report on the
advantages and disadvantages of the two ways of
communicating information (talking to them face to
face and writing to them).
Please share your report.
C. 1.
Face to face
more personal, more interaction and feedback
possible, more impact on the other, cheaper if no
travel involved …
once you’ve said something, it can’t be unsaid;
saying something once may not be remembered …
In writing
a record can be kept for the files;
errors can be changed;
you can write or read when you’re in the right mood;
you can take your time over planning and how you’ll
express complicated or delicate details …
takes longer; no feedback or feedback is delayed; no
personal touch …
2. Discuss and list the advantages and disadvantages of
different kinds of communication in writing:
memo, e-mail, letter, fax
permanent record, do not need computer;
waste resources, have to be delivered …
quick and easy;
people are tolerant of spelling even grammatical
a hard copy can be printed out if necessary;
can go to another branch in another country almost
instantly …
formal and important;
express complicated or delicate details ;
have to confine to accepted style ;
take time to write and deliver;
seems less urgent than faxes or E-mail …
can go astray;
have no record of receipt;
can not tell if it is received intact by the right
person …
1. read the 5 messages on P24
2. discuss and decide what is the best way for each
message to be transmitted:
as a letter, as a fax, in a phone call, in a face to face
3. please make a brief report on your decision and
1. Read the “Golden Rules” on P19
2. Finish the task D on P22
3. Read and discuss
- the letters on P20 and P21
- which of the two letters would you prefer to have
received? Why?
- what kind of impression does each letter give the
- the features which are most effective
- the parts you dislike.