Class VBC C - Pield Heath House School

Key Stage 5
Autumn Term 2015
Mr W. McCullough
Topic: Gothic Literature - Dracula
Teacher: Ms. Suzanne Howe
Skills students will be developing:
 Writing skills – building fine motor ability, handwriting skills, awareness of sentence
structure, spelling words from memory and by using phonic knowledge and blending skills.
 Reading skills – developing vocabulary, sounding out unknown words, reading for meaning
and using expression when reading aloud.
 Speaking and listening skills – communicating ideas and showing understanding. Exploring,
developing and sustaining ideas through discussion. Understand, recall and respond to
speakers, building on others suggestions and responses. Create, share and evaluate ideas
and understanding through drama.
 Working as part of a group / in pairs / turn-taking.
Brief description of activities:
Learning the characteristics of Gothic text
Reading a simplified version of ‘Dracula’ by Bram Stoker
Develop ideas orally and in writing about the main themes, characters, style and plot of
the novel.
Participate in a role play activity based on the novel e.g dramatization of a scene,
television interview of a character.
Sequencing events.
Write a letter to a character from the story.
Write in character
Participate in a group discussion on issues raised by the novel.
Subject vocabulary:
 Gothic, genre, theme, characterisation, setting, emotive. evil, vampire, blood-sucking,
mystery, horror, terror, gloom, threatening, menacing,
Topic: Number, Time, Measurement, Money
Teacher: Mr Tomasz Kacperski
Skills students will be developing:
 Application of number and money
 Using money
 Addition/ subtraction
 Telling the time
 Measuring length
 Measuring weight
Brief description of activities:
 Recognise coins and begin to total amounts
 Use money to pay for items (know whether you have enough)
 Addition by counting on from larger number
 Subtraction by taking away and saying how many are left
 Using number lines to add and subtract
 Mental addition and subtraction using fingers
 Reading numbers to 100 in numerals and words
 Partitioning numbers into tens and units
 Ordering and comparing numbers
 Reading time from analogue clocks (o’clock/half past), using ordinal numbers (first,
second, third, last) to sequence e.g in lists
 Use simple times tables
 Compare length and height and use appropriate vocabulary.
 Use weighing scales to measure amounts e.g for cooking
 Develop vocabulary associated with weight
Subject vocabulary:
 Tens, units, more, pounds, pence, change, add, count on, takeaway, number line, o’clock,
half past, Times table, longer/shorter, more, less, heavy, light, grams, kilograms, weigh,
Topic: Multimedia Documents
Teacher: Mr Wayne McCullough
Skills students will be developing:
 Creating PowerPoint Presentation for a given audience
 Website Design
 Logic and Reasoning
 Sequence and Animation
 Coding
 Following instructions
 Decision Making
Brief description of activities:
 Creating documents for a given audience using a range of tools to enhance their
presentation and presenting it to their peer group
 Creating a website on a topic of their choice following a web design. Students will use a
range of features such as inserting hyperlinks, creating buttons, inserting images,
inserting video (if applicable) and using a range of formatting techniques to enhance the
overall appearance of the website.
 Creating animations
 Following instructions
 Creating a piece of code to create an app
 Keyboarding and Mouse Skills
Subject vocabulary:
 Images, formatting, buttons, plans, effects, hyperlinks, audience time, sequence,
function, button, control, run, events, after, execute, algorithm
Topic: Knowing my Rights
Teacher: Mr Wayne McCollough
Skills students will be developing:
 To identify their rights and of the others at school.
 To identify their rights and others outside school.
 To listen to others.
 Communication skills.
 Self- confidence.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Circle time discussion and games focusing on the
 Role play activities. Students will learn through role play their rights and of others.
 Peer feedback. Students will assess each other’s work and will offer critique as to how it
could have been improved, such as during role play, is there anything they would have
done differently?
Subject vocabulary:
 Human rights, personal space, social skills, communication skills, strategy.
Topics: Myself and my Family / Celebrations
Teacher: Mrs Priya Perera
Skills students will be developing:
 Recognising characteristics of themselves.
 Listening, speaking and turn taking involved in group discussions.
 To understand things different families may do.
 What is a celebration?
 To take part in celebrations.
 Celebrating festivals of Light.
 Finding out about Diwali.
 To participate in the Posada tradition.
 Advent preparations.
 Celebrating Christmas.
 Recognising the cues for prayer and reflection time and responding to these cues
Brief Description of Activities:
 Creating art work to showing how important and special their name is and how uniquely
they have been created.
 Activities involving Family/Family tree.
 Art and craft activities to reinforce the student’s understanding of the celebrations,
including Diwali and Christmas.
 Looking at special costumes for different celebrations.
 Using a variety of resources to learn about celebrations/festivals of light
 Art and craft activities related to the colours and meaning of Advent.
 Making a poster of The Christmas Story and designing Christmas cards.
 Prayer and reflection time at the end of every lesson.
Subject vocabulary:
 Myself, me, family, family tree, sister, brother, mummy, daddy, friend, pray.
 Celebrate, celebration, light, festivals, Diwali, Advent, Christmas
Sports Leadership
Instructor: Mr Chris Moore
In Sports Leadership our aim is to improve our student’s confidence and self-esteem as well as
identifying how to live a healthy lifestyle. Students will take part in group discussions about
events and activities they would like to arrange before planning and organising the events
This year the focus will be on team building and looking at different activities and events we can
organise to carry out with the lower key stages across the school. The aim is to teach the
students new skills that they could use when working with some of younger students. With
praise and encouragement, help to nurture and build their confidence, self-esteem,
communication along with their social and organisational skills.
students will be developing:
Self Esteem
Leading a group
Organising group activities
Recording results
Brief description of Activities:
 Explore/discuss offsite and onsite group activities
 Choose groups/students to participate in chosen
 Organise activities (considering Health & Safety, Risk assessment, Cost, Time)
 Lead a range of activities.
 Record results of sporting events.
Subject vocabulary:
 Health, Safety, Lead, Confidence, Golf, Bowling, Group, Students, Organise,
Football, Boccia, Kurling, Score, Cost, Time, Risk, League
Community Skills
Instructor: Mrs Sandra Parsons
Skills students will be developing:
 Awareness of health and safety when using public transports
 Knowledge of bus routes around the school
 Waiting for bus or trains safely
 Money skills to top up oyster cards
 Exploring bus and trains routes in our local area
 Reading of bus and train timetables
 Paired work
Brief Description of Activities:
 Use freedom pass
 Use machine to top up Oyster cards
 Access buses and trains safely
 Explore various ways to access information about public transports
 Become familiar with 2 bus routes
 Plan a trip using public transports using TFL
 Make various journeys on public transport
Subject vocabulary:
 Local area, travel, safety, buses, routes, platform, edge, doors, move right down, self
machine, top up, services, information, departure, terminate, passengers, alight,
Media Studies
Instructor: Anushka Arora
Skills students will be developing:
 Development of formatting skills.
 Research skills.
 Teamwork.
 Development of Designing skills.
 A flexible, creative and independent approach to tasks.
 Development of creative work in writing, audiovisuals and other electronic media.
 The awareness of media.
 Decision making skills.
 Presentation skills
 Communication skills.
Brief description of activities:
 Accessing information from the Internet.
 Downloading Images from the Internet.
 Exporting work in different file formats.
 Designing One Page Profile, Printing, laminating; Making Magazine Cover, Talking Books.
 Using media equipment.
Subject vocabulary:
 Internet, graphics, text, video, sound, safe, protect, file, folder, media, format, Talking
Teacher: Ms Claudette De Aguiar
The Textile option is a half year rotation option based in arts and handicrafts. The Textiles
Option builds upon the DT National Curriculum KS3 programmes of study to develop a working
knowledge of textiles, a further understanding of the design process and of a variety of textile
materials and components. At the start of the options, students will continue to develop the
manufacturing and fabric enhancement skills that will help to support their NOCN accreditation
in KS5. Students will also have the opportunity to do some creative design using a variety of
decorative techniques. A distinguishing feature of the textile option is its practical nature. By
the end of the option rotation students will have learned and developed skills such as:
Skills students will be developing:
 Show awareness of the vocational area.
 Interact with others in an appropriate way.
 Show a development in textile skills such as:
Embellishing techniques
Applying colour – dyeing fabric / paper
Fabric cutting
Hand sewing
Ironing fabrics
Washing fabrics
Health and safety
Sewing machine skills
Brief Description of Activities:
 Creating design templates.
 Identify appropriate equipment for set tasks; recognise basic tools and fabric
requirements for each project.
 Demonstrate awareness of the correct use of equipment, for example, scissors,
templates, fabrics, needles, sewing machine, pins and ironing.
 Communicate with peers and tutors.
 Demonstrate ability to work effectively individually or with a partner
 Identify suitable fabrics and threads.
 Identify equipment to be used.
 Identify appropriate techniques used in textiles and textile design.
Subject vocabulary:
 Template, design, Cutting, strips, recycled, Sew, needle, sewing machine, tack, scissors,
thread, and tape measure.
Sport and Leisure
Instructor: Mr Chris Moore
Leisure aims to develop skills for recreation. It helps in maintaining and enhancing health and
improves the quality of life. There are different types of Leisure; engaging in sports and or
outdoor games, passive recreation, which involves activities such taking nature walks, and
activities such as bowling, miniature Golf etc. Leisure will support student’s development of
interpersonal skills in a social environment encouraging students to enjoy the company of friends
in an appropriate manner.
Skills students will be developing:
 Interpersonal skills
 Speaking and Listening skills
 Working as part of a group / turn-taking.
 Researching using books and the Internet.
 Show awareness of the activity.
 Show development in a Leisure Activity.
 Health and safety awareness- indoor and outdoor activities.
Brief description of activities:
 Students will participate in: Football, Boccia, Bowling, Golf, Outdoor Activities.
 Develop ability to work effectively individually, with a partner, or within a group.
 Identify appropriate equipment for set tasks; for example – Cones, Ball & Racket.
 Demonstrate awareness of the correct use of equipment.
 Identify appropriate techniques in participation.
Subject vocabulary:
 Bowling, Fun, Golf, Team, Individual, Sports, Clothing, Equipment, Ball, Rules, Fair Play,
Safe, Technique, Kit, Confidence, Play,
Catering Option
Instructor: Ms Michelle Proud
VBC Catering will be carried out over 5 sessions on a Thursday. The students will be learning
how to prepare a selection of meals, side dishes and desserts. All the dishes will be made by
the students and they will be able to take them home with them at the end of the day.
Skills students will be developing:
 Health and Safety in the Kitchen
 Taking turns and sharing with the group
 Identifying kitchen equipment
 Understanding how to use kitchen equipment
 Understanding how to follow a step by step recipes
 To recall in their own words the activities they have taken part in
 Measuring and weighing
 Understanding the method
 Identifying ingredients
 Building confidence in the kitchen environment.
Brief description of Activities:
 Carry out Health and Safety rules when in the kitchen
 Use kitchen equipment in a safe manner
 Work together in small groups following step by step recipes
 Take turns and share with their peers
 To produce a selection of snacks, meals and cakes during each session which they can
take home or share among their classmates
 To discuss as a group the different activities and or tasks they have taken part in
 To write up the recipes and methods in their own words
 To recognise and identify the ingredients they have used
 To make lists of ingredients used.
 Record what they have made and identify the sessions key words
Subject vocabulary:
 Equipment, Ingredients, Recipes, Method, Rolling, Mixing, Sifting, Spreading, Chopping,
Measure, Weighing, Bowl, Spoon, Knife, Slice, Peeler, Oven, Apron, and wash up.
Music Production
Topic: Folk Music of the British Isles
Teacher: Mrs Sadie Hallchurch
Skills students will be developing:
 Singing/signing/vocalising - social skills, promote self-expression, communication skills.
 Instrument specific skills – Tuned/untuned percussion, African drums, Microphone
technique, Piano keyboards, Ukulele, Guitar.
 Listening with awareness, identifying instruments and salient features.
 Performance skills – individually and as an ensemble, developing self-esteem.
 Learning how to read and play following a graphic score using letters and colours – literacy
 Making choices through composition and improvisation tasks.
Brief description of activities:
 Rhythmic circle activities using percussion and African drums, incorporating, call and
response, creating their own rhythms, revising the musical elements, tempo, dynamics,
pitch, timbre.
 Studying the context, history and different styles of folk music in the British isles through
listening, watching recorded performances, discussing and performing traditional and
contemporary folk music.
 Learning how different cultures celebrate Christmas around the world, through listening,
watching recorded performances, discussing and performing.
 Listening to extracts of Folk music and Christmas music, identifying musical instruments
and elements through questions and selecting options.
 Singing/signing/vocalising and performing traditional and contemporary folk songs and
Christmas music.
 Practicing and performing folk music independently on instruments and as an ensemble.
 Composing tasks – choosing notes from the Pentatonic and Dorian mode scales to create
short melodies and patterns, using colour coded worksheets, improvising rhythms and
contributing ideas for lyrics.
Subject vocabulary:
 Instruments: Hurdy Gurdy, Banjo, Ukulele, Mandolin, Violin, Tin Whistle, Flute, Accordion,
Harmonica, Bagpipes, Boom-whacker,
 Musical elements: Pitch, tempo, dynamics, melody, call and response, rhythm, performance,
chord, melody, bass-line, drone.
 Folk Music: English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Celtic, Fusion, Traditional, Pentatonic, Dorian.
 Christmas around the world: Names on the world map.
 Colours (visual notation support), letters (musical alphabet) and numbers (counting).
Horticulture Enterprise Option
Instructor: Ms. Rosemarie Gleeson
Skills students will be developing:
Health & Safety routines in the garden re: clothing/tools
Identifying plants
Understanding & tending plants (weeding; feeding; watering; protecting)
Choosing & using garden tools e.g. Fork; Spade; Rake; Wheelbarrow to
Understanding what helps plants to grow & what makes plants weak
Developing vocabulary of Horticulture
Brief description of Activities:
 Planting & maintaining fruit & vegetables
 Clearing & preparing soil beds for planting
 Growing plants from seed
 Learning about wildlife & the seasons
Subject vocabulary
 Tool, plant, growing, soil, poly-tunnel, weeding, feeding, watering and protecting.
Drama and Stage Production
Instructor: Mr B Richardson
The Drama Ethos consists of developing the following attributes through its
Skills students will be developing:
 The ability to work together as a team
 Speech development and listening skills
 Co- ordination; physical fitness and flexibility
 Spatial awareness, the development of empathy
 The stimulation of the imagination; the processing of rituals and rites of passage;
respect for and appreciation of the work of others
 The building of confidence and self-esteem development of verbal and non-verbal
communication skills.
Brief description of activities:
 Elements realising this ethos include: "ice-breaker" games; warm up exercises; drama
games; improvisation; action and movement songs; building a character and the art of
Expressive Arts
Dance Movement Therapist: Ms. Natasha Sackey
The role of Arts and Culture in our school plays a
major part in how we diversify our students lives. Pield Heath House works not
only to educate our students but aims to enhance all students well-being,
confidence and motivation to reach their own full potential.
Our unique approach to expressive arts is underpinned by a creative and
therapeutic framework that fundamentally understands the interconnectedness
of our mind, body and movement. Expressive arts students are encouraged to
explore and work with their own individual need, self-expression and creativity.
Expressive arts students will participate in dance, movement, performance and
project work. Alongside the performing arts (dance) exploration, the programme
aims to support students personal development by building self awareness, body
awareness, verbal & nonverbal communication, and promotes individual choices &
self regulation. Within the KS4 and 6th form, the benefits also include
enhanced interpersonal, communication and relationship skills.