Management of Technology

Management of Technology
555340S 5,0 ECT credits
Professor Harri Haapasalo
D.Sc. (Technology) Kari Sahlman
Management of Technology
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Copyright Harri Haapasalo & Kari Sahlman
Learning objectives of the course
Objectives: The aim of the course is to highlight the significance of
technology from the perspective of competition. To present the
speed of technological development and the effects that the scope
of technology has on the operations of a productive firm. To create a
basis for understanding the meaning of innovation. To create a link
between organization strategy and technological strategy.
Learning outcomes: After finishing the course, the student will able
to differentiate product development and technology management in
a company. The student will be able to piece together the
development needs and cycles of technologies in an organization.
In addition, the student will know how to combine technology
development and technology management with strategic planning of
a company.
Contents: The course consists of defining technology and its role
within an enterprise and within society. During the course we study
the meaning of innovation in technological competition. The
lifecycles of technology including development, acquirement, and
movement are also covered.
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Copyright Harri Haapasalo & Kari Sahlman
Course practicalities
Course info:
Course page is in Optima.
Lectures in YB210
26.10.2015 ma 10:15-14:00 YB210 Professor Harri Haapasalo
05.11.2015 ma 12:15-16:00 YB210 D.Sc. (Technology) Kari Sahlman
09.11.2015 ma 10:15-14:00 YB210 D.Sc. (Technology) Kari Sahlman
16.11.2015 ma 10:15-14:00 YB210 D.Sc. (Technology) Kari Sahlman
23.11.2015 ma 10:15-14:00 YB210 D.Sc. (Technology) Kari Sahlman
Industry visitors in lectures (9.11 / 16.11, to be confirmed)
Practical assignment: Compulsory
– Practical assignment 40 % of the final grade
– Kick-off 9.11. (12:30-13:00), YB210, participation obligatory
– Q&A session for the teams 23.11 (13:15-14:00), YB210
– Assignment report deadline 13.12.2015, into Optima folder
Final exam: Compulsory
– Exam 60 % of the final grade
– Dates: 9.12.2015,,
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Copyright Harri Haapasalo & Kari Sahlman
Material on final exam
Haapasalo, H. & Kropsu-Vehkaperä, H. & Rusanen, J-P. 2008. Literature
Review on Technology Management Functions, Working Papers in
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. 3/2008. 58 p.
Kari Sahlman & Harri Haapasalo, 201x. Strategic Technology Management
in High-Technology Enterprise Practice, International Journal of Innovation
and Learning, in press.
Farrukh, C. & Fraser, P. & Hadjidakis, D. & Phaal, R. & Probert, D. & Tanish,
D. 2004. Developing An Integrated Technology Management Process.
Research Technology Management. Jul/Aug 2004; 47, 4; ABI/INFORM
Global. pp. 39-46.
Phaal, Robert, Clare Farrukh, and David Probert. Technology
Roadmapping: linking technology resources to business objectives.
Centre for Technology Management, University of Cambridge (2001): 1-18.
Other tbd
Lecture notes:
Haapasalo Harri & Sahlman Kari. 2015. Management of Technology. 555340S
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Copyright Harri Haapasalo & Kari Sahlman
Course outline
1. Introduction and definitions
2. Industry, market and technology evolution
3. Technology management frameworks
4. Technology strategy and management
5. Innovation management
6. Enterprise management systems
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Copyright Harri Haapasalo & Kari Sahlman