Parents Corner – Math Fun! A great way to develop deeper mathematical skills is through engaging in math games with your child. This month let’s try gaming with your child! Grade 1 Number Sense and Numeration Measurement Patterning and Algebra Grade 2 Number Sense and Numeration Measurement Patterning and Algebra Grade 3 Number Sense and Numeration Patterning and Algebra Grade 4 Number Sense and Numeration Geometry and Spatial Sense Patterning and Algebra Grade 5 Number Sense and Numeration Geometry and Spatial Sense Grade 6 Number Sense and Numeration Geometry and Spatial Sense Patterning and Algebra Grade 7 Number Sense and Numeration Geometry and Measurement Patterning and Algebra Grade 8 Number Sense and Numeration Measurement Patterning and Algebra Additional suggestions for Intermediate students Games Have your child to collect magazine pictures showing different daytime and nighttime activities. Have them sort the pictures into two groups and then give their rule for sorting. Try this game using pictures of different seasons. Play a game where you compete to make 10 cents by rolling a dice and taking pennies to match the number rolled. Trade pennies for nickels, nickels for a dime etc… until you make 10 cents exactly. Thread A Pattern: Have your child make a pattern necklace using different lengths straws and a slim shoelace. Ask your child, “How can you use the straw to make a pattern?” Use a calculator to find as many ways as you can to reach a target number such as 10 using only the 1, 2, 5, + and – keys. Play a game where you compete to make 50 cents by rolling a dice and taking pennies to match the number rolled. Trade pennies for nickels, nickels for dimes etc… until you make 50 cents exactly. Sort a collection of items ex. (cards, pictures etc.) in different ways. Arrange the same items in patterns. “Who Has The Greatest Number?” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 35 “How Many Are Missing?” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 68 Use cards from Ace to 9. Each person draws 3 cards. The person who arranges their cards to make the largest number scores a point. Play until one person has scored 10 points. Play again with the target being the lowest number. Find examples of angles equal to, less than and greater than 90 degrees in the newspaper. Trace the angles onto a 3column chart with the same headings “Number the Blocks” Math Makes Sense Textbook Page 24 “Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe” “What’s My Rule” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 51 Math Makes Sense Textbook page 105 “Buzz” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 53 Search the internet for sites on how to create origami and learn the progressive folding steps of creating origami models “And the Number is…” Each person writes a simple equation with one unknown number and one operation. Then trade with the other player and solve the unknown number. Mathematical Literacy “Organizing a Math Notebook” Math Makes Sense textbook page 66 “Decoding Word Problems” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 104a “Using Different Strategies” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 32 “Posing Math Problems” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 86 “Features of Word Problems” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 122 “Use Visual Text Features” Math Makes Sense Textbook page 40 Play games – Chess, Checkers, Cribbage, Euchre, Sudoku, Backgammon, Involve you child in projects around the home involving math such as banking, cooking, baking, or home renovations.