Chapter One

Chapter One
Challenges and
Choices in
Chapter One
Why Public Speaking?
Benefits of Public Speaking
Public Speaking and the
Communication Process
Public Speech and Pluralistic Voices
Challenges and Choices of Public
Why Public Speaking?
An Enduring Legacy
Reasons for Public Speech
Public Speaking as a Form
of Communication*
Why Public Speaking:
An Enduring Legacy
476 B.C.- Corax, Sicilian teacher offered
lessons in rhetoric.
427-347 B.C.- Plato, Greek philosopher,
viewed rhetoric as a means of seeking
384-322 B.C.- Aristotle, philosopher
and student of Plato, viewed rhetoric as
the art of persuasion. Wrote the
textbook, Rhetoric.*
Why Public Speaking:
An Enduring Legacy
18th-19th Centuries- colonists
delivered speeches in the quest for
21st Century
public speaking remains an
indispensable vehicle for expressing
Why Public Speaking:
Reasons for Public Speech
3 Main Functions:
to inform
to persuade
to celebrate or commemorate special
Why Public Speaking:
Public Speaking as a Form of
 Dyadic Communication
between two people,
as in conversation.
 Small Group
a small number of
people who can see
and speak directly
with each other, as in
a business meeting.
 Mass Communication
between a speaker
and a large audience
of unknown people, as
in television.
 Public Speaking
a speaker delivers a
message with a
specific purpose to an
audience of people
who are present at the
delivery of a speech.*
Why Public Speaking:
Public Speaking as a Form of
Similarities between
Public Speaking and
Other Forms of
sensitivity to the
Differences between
Public Speaking and
Other Forms of
listener feedback
level of preparation
degree of formality*
Benefits of Public
Becoming a more knowledgeable person
Honing critical thinking and listening skills
Enhancing your career as a student
Accomplishing professional and personal
Exploring and sharing values*
Benefits of Public Speaking:
Becoming a More Knowledgeable
A good speech is a blend of form and
Basic speech form
topic of the speech*
Benefits of Public Speaking:
Honing Critical Thinking and Listening
Public Speaking training sharpens your
ability to reason or think critically
learning to make claims and then presenting
evidence and reasoning that logically support
Benefits of Public Speaking:
Enhancing Your Career as a Student
speeches involves
numerous skills
that you can use in
other courses
creative thinking*
Benefits of Public Speaking:
Accomplishing Professional and
Personal Goals
Professional Goals
people at work use public speaking to convey
information, to persuade and motivate others,
and even to celebrate their special skills.
skill in public speaking tops the list of sought
after skills by many organizations.
Personal Goals
public speaking offers a way to communicate
your personal concerns to others.*
What Skills Employers Want
in College Graduates:
Oral Communication
Proficiency in Field of Study
Written Communication
Work Experience*
Benefits of Public Speaking:
Exploring and Sharing Values
Public speaking enables you to express values
and explore those of others in a civil dialog,
regardless of whether or not the audience
shares your viewpoint.*
Public Speaking and the
Communication Process
Communication is an interactive process
in which people exchange and interpret
messages with one another.
Elements of Communication
Special Speaker Considerations*
Public Speaking and the Communication Process:
Elements of Communication
 Source - person who
creates a message
encoding - physical
process of delivering a
 Message - content of
the communication
process; thoughts and
 Receiver - recipient of
the source’s message
decoding - the
process of interpreting
the speaker’s message
 Channel - the medium
through which the
speaker sends a message
noise - the
interference that
serves as a barrier to
Public Speaking and the Communication Process:
Elements of Communication
Shared Meaning
mutual understanding of a message between
speaker and audience*
Public Speaking and the Communication Process:
Special Speaker Considerations
Other Factors:
Self-concept - strengths and limitations
Audience - taking audience perspective
Context - influences on the speaker
Speech Goals - clear focus
Outcome - accomplishing what you set out to
Public Speech and
Pluralistic Voices
Public Speaking offers an opportunity to
recognize and appreciate diversity in all its
Pluralistic character is reflected in people
of various ethnic groups, age groups,
persons of different sexual orientations,
persons with disabilities, and in religious
Public Speech and
Pluralistic Voices
the belief that the
ways of one’s own
culture are superior
to those of other
Challenges and Choices of
Public Speaking
Challenges - simulating tasks or problems
Choices - options or alternatives for
solving tasks or problems
Challenges and Choices of Speech in
Making a Difference*
Challenges and Choices of Public Speaking:
Speech in a Democracy
As members of a democratic society, we
have the right to speak freely
We have the equally important
responsibility to speak responsibly*
Challenges and Choices of Public Speaking:
Making a Difference
Ordinary citizens
can and do
accomplish a great
deal through the
power of public