Title: Our School Environment Investigation Lesson: 2 Grade Level: 4th Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, and Evaluation Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. Visual/ Spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Interpersonal Linguistic Children’s Literature: City Green, Author: DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan NYC Science Scope and Sequence: Inquiry Skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Classifying Communicating Creating models Comparing and Contrasting Gathering and Organizing Data Interpreting Data Process Skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. Observe, analyze, and report observations of objects and events. Generate appropriate questions in response to observations, events and other experiences. Observe, collect, organize and appropriately graph data, then accurately interpret results. Plan, design, and implement a short term and long term investigation based on a student or teacher posed problem. 5. Communicate procedures and conclusions through oral and written presentations. ISTE NET Standards for Literate Students: 1. 2. 3. 4. Creativity and innovation Communication and collaboration Research and information fluency Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making Behavioral Objective(s): 1. To describe and understand different ways humans have affect the environment by completing “Green Squad Progress Report” worksheet. 2. To construct a spreadsheet and bar graph based on groups findings from school investigation. 3. To create an ad using PowerPoint to bring awareness to our environment. Motivation/ Constructivist Activity: We will start off by discussing and activating students’ prior knowledge on different ways that humans have changed the environment over time. We will then discuss the steps that we can take to help our environment become a better place by starting off locally, our school. Students will be taught about things we could do differently to help save our environment. This will teach them that small steps can bring awareness to eventually make a difference by starting at the place we spend most of our time, which is school. Time Duration: Two classroom sessions Procedures: 1. Students will be asked to come to the meeting area with their notebooks to be read the book City Green, by DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan. 2. Students will discuss and take notes on the different things the characters’ in the book did to help save the environment. 3. As a class, we will discuss different ways that human have affected the environment, and what we could do the save it from getting worse. 4. Students will then be put into groups, then sent to the computer station where groups will log on to http://www.nrdc.org/greensquad/intro/intro_1.asp . 5. Once students have completed the entire investigation online, they will be split up to different rooms in the school. 6. Students will go to the room(s) their group is assigned to investigate the things it contains done by humans that affecting the environment. 7. Each group will complete the worksheet as they investigate the rooms in the school and read the facts sheet. 8. Students will return to class and discuss their findings to create solutions on what they can do to stop harming the environment in our school. 9. Each group will discuss and compare what they found in the rooms. 10. Each group will create a bar graph to compare the findings as a class. 11. Students will create an ad to bring awareness to the things we’re doing that’s harming the environment. Questions: I. Closed Ended Questions: 1. What does the word environment mean? Answer: Everything in the world that surrounds and affects our lives. 2. What type of graph would be the most appropriate for us to compare our findings as a class? Answer: A bar graph. II. Open-Ended Questions: 1. How have humans affected the environment? 2. What can we do to bring awareness to help save our environment? Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. City Green, Author: DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan Notebooks Computer station Worksheet School rooms Excel spreadsheet Power point Assessment: Students will be assessed based on behavioral objectives listed in the rubric. The rubric will reassure students’ ability to: 1. Describe and understand different ways humans have changed the environment by investigating and completing “Green Squad Progress Report” worksheet. 2. Construct and compare bar graphs based on group’s findings. 3. Create an ad to bring awareness to our environment. Modifications: Students with IEP’s will receive more time to conduct the investigation activitity. Behavioral Objective Behavioral Objective#1: Target 3 100% Students completed the To describe and “Green Squad understand Progress Report” different ways worksheet in an humans have excellent manner. changed the They received 35+ environment by points on the investigating worksheet. and completing Sentences are “Green Squad written Progress grammatically Report” correct; contains 0 worksheet. errors. Satisfactory 2 80% Unsatisfactory 1 Below 75 Student completed the “Green Squad Progress Report” worksheet in a neat manner. They received 26-34 points on the work sheet. A few grammatical errors; 1 or 2 minor errors. Students did not complete the “Green Squad Progress Report” worksheet. Received 5-10 points on the worksheet. Sentences contain 3 or more errors. Score Behavioral Objective #2: The bar graph is appropriately entitled, x-axis To construct a and y- axis are spreadsheet and labeled, and all of bar graph based the data is entered on groups correctly into the findings. spreadsheet. The legend is also included. 100%90% complete/correct. Students entitled graph, some axes are not labeled. 12 Errors in data entered in the spreadsheet onto the bar graph. Legend is included. Bar graph and spreadsheet are 89%-75% complete/ correct. The bar graph is incomplete and/ or is missing the title and/or axes are not labeled. There are more than 3 mistakes in data entry on spreadsheet. The legend is not included. Student’s work is less than 65% complete/ correct. Behavioral Objective #3: Students power point ad focuses on one specific topic, but have a few details from the fact sheet, shows a little or creativity and has a few images. 1-2 spelling or information errors. Students did not complete an ad. No information was used from the fact sheets. No type of creativity or images is shown. 3-4 spelling or information errors. Student uses power point correctly to create To create an ad an ad. Focuses on using one specific way PowerPoint to humans have/are bring awareness affecting the to our environment, environment includes the information learned from the fact sheets, is very creative and contains appropriate images. 0 spelling or information errors. Students Performance Based Product for Behavioral Objective #1 Green Squad Progress Report Name: Teacher: Date: Instructions: 1. As you click through the school, write down each Green Squad discovery and where you found it. 2. Read the fact sheet for each item and then write down two or three sentences about what you learned on a piece of paper. 3. Count how many items you found and put the total at the bottom. 4. Count the number of fact sheets you read and wrote about, and put the total at the bottom 5. Add the two numbers at the bottom and hand this sheet and your sentences in to your teacher. Items Found Room 1.computer 104 2. open window 104 3. trash can 104 4. refrigerator cafeteria 5. water fountain cafeteria 6. garbage cafeteria 7. running faucet bathroom 8. low handwashing supplies bathroom 9. running toilet bathroom 10. kids in action 210 11. mold 210 13 FACT SHEETS o ASTHMA o CLEANING PRODUCTS o DIESEL SCHOOL BUSES o INDOOR AIR QUALITY o KIDS IN ACTION 12. lights 210 13. cleaning products closet 14. pesticides closet 15. paint with lead gym 16. opened paint cans gym 17. renovations gym 18.diesal school buses outside 19. pesticide treated lawn outside 20. dirt outside 21. solar panels outside o o o o o o o o o LEAD LIGHTING AND DAYLIGHT PANTING SCHOOLS PESTICIDES RENOVATING SKILLS SAVING ENERGY SAVING PAPER SOLAR ENERGY WASTE Sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. The gases from the diesel buses contain hundred of chemicals that are harmful to us. The particles that come out from these gases can affect our lungs and can cause cancer. A lot of waste is being thrown out from our schools. We need to recycle our garbage correctly to avoid it being send to landfills, where there’s barely any space. Flicking the lights on and off have a big impact on the environment because the fuels are burning and releasing carbon dioxide. This is causing global warming as well as smog, which causes asthma. A lot of paper is being used and thrown out on a daily. Trees are constantly being cut down, which affects the earth’s climate because the trees absorb carbon dioxide. Leaving computers on all day wastes a lot of unnecessary energy. We could help by powering any monitors or electronics that we’re not using. Some cleaning products contain very dangerous and strong chemicals. They can affect our health and contaminate the ocean, river and lakes. Most of these chemicals are poisonous for animals and can cause long-term sickness for humans. Seeing kids in actions show that you don’t have to be an adult to make a difference or protect our environment. Left over paint from renovations can harm our environment. Many people do not dispose of them correctly. It is often dumped down the drain, which contains lead, which goes into our rivers and streams and harms wildlife and plants. The water that comes from the water fountain can be contaminated because of the water system that it comes from, and the rusty old pipes. This can affect our health. Mold in our school causes air pollution. A lot of waste is produced in the cafeteria such as metal, plastic and food. Much of this trash ends up in landfills. The more trash that we use that we don’t recycle ends up in landfills and they take up a lot of space. The wood that’s usually ordered for renovations goes unused. This is cutting down a lot of trees in our environment and taking away from our oxygen. Running toilets and faucets is wasting water. Water is scarce in many places around the world. Solar energy should be used in our schools. Most of our electricity is extremely dirty and builds pollution. A Total Items Found 21 + B Total sheets read 14 = C Overall Score 35 Squad Detective 35+ points Green Shield Detective 26-34 points Investigator 16-25 points Junior Investigator 5-15 points Students Performance Based Product for Behavioral Objective #2 Rooms Computers Waste Bathroom 0 Cafeteria 0 Room 402 10 Mean 2 Median 2 Mode 0 Range 10 12 Paper 4 0 3 Items That Affect Our School Enviornment # of Items Found In Rooms 10 Chemicals Lights 4 1 8 4 3 1 8 Bathroom 6 Cafeteria Room 402 4 2 0 Computers Waste Chemicals Lights Items Found Paper Paint Paint 2 8 2 0 0 0 The room that contains the most amount of items that affects our environment is the cafeteria. It contains a lot of paper and waste materials. None of the rooms had leftover paint in them, and only our classroom had a large amount of computers. Students Performance Based Product for Behavioral Objective #3 References DiSalvo, D. (2003). City Green. New York, NY: Scholastic Teaching Resources Lundgren, Julie K. (2012).How do Humans Depend on Earth? New York, NY: Rourke Educational Media Publication NRDC's Green Squad: Get Started. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nrdc.org/greensquad/intro/intro_4.asp NYC Department of Education: Kelin. J, Lyles. M, Curtis-Bey. L. (2008). K-8 Science Scope & Sequence. Retrieved from http://schools.nyc.gov/Documents/STEM/Science/K8ScienceSS.pdf The ISTE national educational technology standards (NETS•S) and performance Indicators for students. (2007). Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/content/navigationmenu/nets/forstudents/2007standards/nets_for_studen ts_2007_standards.pdf