69th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy June 16, 2014 Rotational Analysis of High Resolution F. T. Spectrum of a3+ -a3 Transition of CS Molecule M. D. Saksena (Retd. from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) INDIA P312 ABSTRACT ROTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF HIGH RESOLUTION F. T. SPECTRUM OF a3- a3 TRANSITION OF CS MOLECULE MADHAV DAS SAKSENA, A-10 Basera, Off Din-Quarry Road, Deonar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; K SUNANDA, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Maharastra, India; M N DEO, High Pressure and Synchrotron Radiation Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; KENTAROU KAWAGUCHI, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology , Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. The F. T. Spectrum of CS molecule was recorded with Bruker IFS 120 HR spectrometer at a spectral resolution of 0.03 cm-1 using liquid nitrogen cooled InSb detector in the region 10500 - 1800 cm-1. Intense spectrum of CS radical was excited by DC discharge of mixture of CS2 (120 mTorr) and He (2 Torr) in flowing condition. Two hours integration time was used for obtaining a good S/N ratio. For the first time seven bands of a’3- a 3 transition of CS molecule are observed lying between 8000 - 4800 cm-1 region. Rotational analysis of these bands, viz. 7-1, 6-1, 5-0, 4-0, 3-0, 2-0, and 3-1 will be presented. Motivation for high resolution spectroscopy of CS CS radical plays an important role in the formation of aerosols in troposphere & found in inter stellar medium, carbon rich stars and comets. CS is similar to CO and SiO belonging to group IV-VI diatomics, therefore it presents itself as an excellent candidate to study off diagonal interactions, since the first two excited electronic configurations result in many rotational interactions in their spectra. The rotational analysis of the high resolution spectra helps in evaluation of effective molecular constants and interactions viz. spinorbit, spin-spin and rotation induced interactions. The true molecular constants can be determined only when all the perturbations involving various states have been completely taken into account. Hence it is interesting to know the energy level structure of CS where each of the bands in the spectra has its own story to tell. Brief history of CS • A1 -X1+ system of CS was first reported in 1934 in the near ultraviolet region by Crawford et.al.. Later perturbations in the A1 state were attributed to e 3- and a 3+ states by Lagerqvist et.al. [1958]. Barrow et.al. [1960] in their absorption study of the A-X system also introduced the d 3Δi state. • Rotational analysis of a 3 - X 1+ emission spectra was presented by Tewarson et.al. [1968] and Cossart, Horani and Rostas [1977]. • Precision measurements of -doubling intervals Stark effects using optical double resonance technique were done by Field et.al. [1971]. • The ab initio calculations of CS were given by Robbe et.al. [1976]. • Detailed study of the lower excited states of CS along with the report of the d 3Δ- a 3+ system was done by Bergeman and Cossart [1981]. • Fourier Transform spectrum of d 3Δ - a 3 is reported by Jong-in Choe et.al. [1991]. • Ground state mw and ir study was presented by Ram et.al. [1995]. • Chuanliang et.al. [2011,12,13] reported the perturbation analysis of the v=6, 7 and 8 levels of d3Δ state and anomalous -doubling in 6 and 7 state by optical hetrodyne-concentration modulation abs. spectroscopy. Recording of CS radical Spectra in the 1900 - 9500 cm-1 CS spectra were recorded on FT Bruker IFS 120 HR spectrometer at the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology , Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. Intense spectrum of CS radical was excited by DC discharge of mixture of CS2 (120 mTorr) and He (2 Torr) in flowing condition, with 2 hrs. Integration Time. Spectral resolution : 0.03 cm-1. Recorded high resolution spectra of the d3 –a3 and a+–a3 system. LN2 cooled InSb Detector. CS Potentials from Cossart et.al. Energy level scheme of CS Gross spectrum of CS in the 1900-9500 cm-1 region. BRIEF INTRODUCTION (Steps followed for Rotational Analysis) Using known Vibrational Constants band-positions are located and from the molecular constants of Ground state the combination differences are determined and the rotational analysis of various bands was carried out. The rotational constants were obtained using the PGOPHER Program for Simulating Rotl., Vibl. & Electronic Spectra (Colin M. Western, Bris. UK). In the spectra of a’ 3+ - a 3 system only the =0 sub-bands appear implying that the two states involved could be best described by Hund’s case (a). A few perturbed lines were then also included invoking the perturbation parameters. The -doubling in the ≠0 states arises from the perturbations with the ± states and is strongest for states. In general the -doubling in the 30 is the largest, while for other components 3 3 1,2 and in 1,2,3 states is very small and could not be resolved and is J dependent. BRIEF INTRODUCTION The molecular Hamiltonian consists of the following terms H = Hev + Hrot + Hso +Hss + Hsr For unperturbed electronic states the effective Hamiltonian consists of Hev[Te] Vibronic part and Hrot [B( R)] Rotational part of the Hamiltonian one for each parity. For near degeneracy between vibronic levels of two electronic states the Hamiltonian needs to incorporate the off-diagonal matrix elements : HSO is the spin-orbit, HSS [] the spin-spin, HSR[] the spin-rotation interactions treated by second-order perturbation theory. The rotational [B] and spin-orbit [A] constants being function of the inter nuclear distance have non-zero matrix elements off diagonal in vibrational quantum numbers are also treated as second order parameters giving rise to centrifugal distortion constants [D] and [Ad] respectively. Ad along with spin– rotation [] and spin–spin [] parameter is required to fit the observed spin splitting for states with 0 and S0. The interaction of ~ levels require the second order -doubling parameters p, q and o (a parity dependent spin-spin term) in the Hamiltonian to fit the lambda doublets observed in the state. BRIEF INTRODUCTION PERTURBATIONS The most important aspect of this molecule is the presence of interaction between the close lying vibronic levels of different electronic states Of these the first excited electronic configuration 4* (a3, A1 states) interact with the vibronic levels of the second excited configuration 32*(a3+, d3Δ, e3-, A1+, 1-,1Δ states). The perturbations between the states of the two groups are due to the electronic spin-orbit matrix elements (AL±) and the electronic rotation matrix elements (BL±) also known as the l-uncoupling operator. It has been reported that both these terms are relatively large in CS. Thus the Perturbation parameters can be determined from the analysis of the interaction of the vibronic levels between any two electronic states , given as ½ 3,v│AL ± │3Δ/3, v =0 3,v│B(R)L±│3Δ/3, v A 3,v│A L±S±│1 Δ /1±,v =±1 High Resolution spectrum of the a3+-a3 system of CS 2-0 band of a3+-a30 component Observed Simulated Plot from the fit of the 2-0 band system Rotational Analysis a3+ -a3 Transition of CS Molecule First, using the Pgopher program the data of a 3 -X 1+ system was merged with the data of CHR [1977] and the mw and ir data of Ram et. al. [1995] with appropriate weight factor and molecular constants found. The constants obtained for the a3 state were kept fixed in the initial analysis of a 3 - a 3 and then released in the final fit. Bands incorporated in the fit of a3-a3 and a3-X1+ 3 -3 1 0 3 -3 1 1 3 -3 1 2 Our new data 2-0 3-0 4-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-1 7-1 Ref: CHR[1977] 2-0 3-0 21 bands a3-X1+ 0-0 1-0 0-1 1-1 2-1 1-2 2-2 3-2 2-3 4-3 Observations The overall poor fit of the bands shows that the v=0-6 levels of a3+ state are severely perturbed by the v ≥ 3 levels of a 3 state, so till now no high resolution analysis could be attempted. The molecular constants of v=5, 6, 7 of a3 state are not reported as they are perturbed and their constants can be obtained through their interaction with the a3+ state (v=2, 3, 4, 5). The higher states of this system are also known only through their perturbations with the d3Δ and A 1 states. Matrix elements 3+ state of the Hamiltonian used keeping the molecular constants of 3 fixed. 3 3 3 3 + + + + + + B*(-sqrt(2*J+2*J^2)) + gamma*(sqrt(2*J*(J+1))/2) + D*((2*J+2*J^2+2)*sqrt(2*J+2*J^2)) Origin*1 B*(J+J^2) LambdaSS*(2/3) gamma*-1 D*(-2*J-3*J^2-2*J^3-J^4) + + + + + Origin*1 B*(J+J^2+2) LambdaSS*(-4/3) gamma*-2 D*(-8*J-9*J^2-2*J^3-J^4-4) Molecular constants of a+ state The molecular constants of a3 state obtained from fit of a3-a3 bands, where the constants of a3 and X1+states are held fixed from previous fit of a3 -X1+ bands and ir data of X1+ state. Present work Ref: BC (1981) a3 state Te (v=2) 32733.17(14) B 0.63205(84) 1.2653(39) D -1.35(91)e-6 Te (v=3) 33535.00(15) B 0.62588(73) 1.2526(38) D -1.05(71)e-6 Te (v=4) 34326.84(20) B 0.6279(16) 1.044(14) D 1.3(25)e-6 Te (v=5) 35107.02(55) B 0.6171(44) D -3.5(71)e-6 Te (v=6) 35876.60(82) 35876.00(5) B 0.607(12) 0.61038(30) D -8(36)e-6 1.76e-6 Te (v=7) 36636.21(30) 36636.05(5) B 0.60356(81) 0.60426(9) D 4.0(42)e-7 1.6e-6 Error : 0.373(Unweighted) No of observations: 2145 Parameters: 21 o Residual Fit of the a3 state from the PGOPHER program fit. o The residual plot shows that the R2/Q2/P2 branches in the v=2-4 are perturbed. o Initial fit of the molecular constants obtained excluding the perturbed rotational lines is given below Comparing the generated rotational lines, line by line and improving the effective molecular constants needs to be carried out before incorporating the perturbation terms. Summary The v=0-6 levels of a3+ state are severely perturbed by the v ≥ 3 levels of a3 state, so no high resolution analysis was attempted till now. The higher states of this system are also known only through their perturbation with the d3Δ and A 1 states. The intense bands of CS molecule recorded in the 1900-10000 cm-1 were recorded using the FT spectrometer at a resolution of 0.03 cm-1. This helped in assigning new bands involving low v’s for the first time for a3+-a3 system. The effective molecular constants of the a3+ state for the v= 2 to 7 levels are obtained for the first time. The perturbation terms needs to be incorporated to obtain the true constants and the molecular constants of the v=5, 6, 7 : a3 perturbing state . REFERENCES • F. H. Crawford, and W. A. SHURCLIFFP, Phys. Rev. 45, 860 (1934). • A. Lagerqvist, H Westerlund, CV Wright and RF Barrow, Arkiv Fysik 14,387 (1958) • R. F. BARROW, R. N. DIXON, A. LAGERQVISTA, NDC . WRIGHT, Ark. Fys. 18, 543 (1960). • J. M. 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