validate - YSU Computer Science & Information Systems

CSCI 6962:
Server-side Design and Programming
Input Validation and
Error Handling
Overall goals of input validation
Numeric inputs
Regular expressions
Dates and validation
Form Validation
• Detecting user error
– Invalid form information
– Inconsistencies of forms to other entities
• Enter ID not in database, etc.
• Correcting user error
– Providing information or how to correct error
– Reducing user memory load
• Preventing user error
– Good instructions
– Field types/values that prevent error
– Error tolerance
• Example: Accepting phone numbers in multiple formats
public String validate() {
// Validate form elements
// Return “valid” if all valid
// Return “invalid” otherwise
// and return to page
Error Pages
• Put error message next to source of error
– Allows user to see where correction is needed
What to Validate
• Required fields have input
– Text inputs non-empty
• Trim method useful to remove leading, trailing spaces
name = name.trim();
if (name.equals(“”)) { …
– Radio button groups and other lists have selection
where required
Error Prevention
• Tell user what is
required, optional
• Set default values
where appropriate
by setting
initial values
Numeric Conversions in Java
• All values entered in text elements passed as string in request
• Must convert to numeric type before manipulating
• Methods built into Java static classes:
int Integer.parseInt(String) for integer values
double Double.parseDouble(String) for decimal
• Example:
int quantNum = Integer.parseInt(quantity);
double cost = quantNum * 9.95;
Validating Numeric Inputs
• What if user enters non-numeric value?
int quantNum = Integer.parseInt(quantity);
Cannot parse “five”
• Exception thrown in Java
validate method
Integer class
NumberFormatException parseInt method
Validating Numeric Inputs
• Unhandled exceptions
cause error screen
• Must handle with try/catch block
try {
code which might cause exception
Jump here if
catch (ExceptionType variable) {
Skip if no
code to handle exception
code after block
Set return value to forward to
original or error page
Validating Numeric Inputs
Jump here if NumberFormat exception due
to quantity not being a number
Return to original page
Skip if no
Numeric Conversions in C#
Numeric Conversions in C#
• Similar exception handling format for non-numeric values:
try {
code that might cause exception
catch (exception type) {
code to handle exception
Numeric Error Prevention
• Avoid direct numeric input if possible
• Provide dropdowns that list values
if possible
• Can use loop to generate array of SelectItem objects
Numeric Error Prevention
• Adding items to list using code (usually in Page_Load):
listname.Items.Add(new ListItem(string))
– Note: Only add elements to list in Page_Load if no elements
already in list
• Otherwise, re-added every time page reloaded!
• Example: generating list of months
using loop from 1 to 12
Validating Input
• Is numeric input valid?
– Negative quantity invalid
– What about quantity of 0?
• Is combination of choices legal?
• Is format of input legal?
– Credit card number 15 or
16 digits
– Phone number in correct format
Error Prevention
• Tell user if format or other rules apply
Regular Expressions
• Tool for verifying an input string is in a given format
– Easier than parsing it yourself!
• Examples:
– Credit card contains 16 digits
– Phone number in form (3 digits) 3 digits - 4 digts
– Email in form characters@characters.characters
• Note that correct format  legal
– Nonexistent phone number, etc.
– Will need to verify against database
Regular Expressions
• Matching single characters
Matches character a
Matches any character
Matches any character in list
Matches any character not in list
Matches any character in range a - n
Matches any character in range a - n and 1 - 7
Regular Expressions
• Metacharacters match characters of a certain type
Matches any digit 0-9
Matches any non-digit
Matches “word” character a-z, A-Z, 0-9
Matches any non-“word” character
Matches any “space” character ( , tab, return)
Matches any non-“space” character
– Note: the extra “\” in front is required by Java
Regular Expressions
• Combining regular expressions
Regex X and Y must occur in sequence
Matches regex X or Y
Used to group regular expressions
• Quantifiers give number of times a char must appear
{num1, num2}
Any number of times (including 0)
At least once
Exactly number times
Between num1 and num2 times
Regular Expressions
• Examples:
– Credit card number: \\d{16}
– Phone number: \\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}
– Email address: \\w+@\\w+(\.\\w+)*
Regular Expressions in Java
• Java syntax:
– Returns true if String is in form regularexpression
Regular Expressions in C#
• Construct Regex object from expression string
Regex r = new Regex(@expression);
– Need using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
• Match input string with Regex object
if (r.IsMatch(input string)) {…
Error Tolerance
• Don’t reject based on format if any chance input valid
– Example: other legal phone numbers
(555) 555-5555
• Choose most tolerant pattern to prevent false rejection
– “Phone number is 10 digits separated by any number of nondigits”
– Pattern: (\\d\\D*){10}
Any number
of non-digits
10 times
Dates and Validation
• Validity of user input may be related to current date
• Example: Credit card expiration date must not be
before current month/year
– Expiration year < current year  invalid
– Expiration year == current year and
Expiration month < current month  invalid
• Caution:
– Date for user may be different from server
• Inaccurate clocks, international date boundary
– Safest to only use for month, year
Calendar Dates in Java
• Construct a new GregorianCalendar object
– Contains information about current date when created
– Must import java.util.* library
• Use get(Calendar.fieldname) method to get
component of that date
– Field names = YEAR, MONTH, etc.
– Returns an integer
Calendar Dates in Java
• Can use to generate values from current date
Get current year
Generate new SelectItem for each
of the next 10 years
Calendar Dates in Java
• Can validate things about dates entered by user
Dates in ASP
• Key: DateTime object
– DateTime.Now used to get current time/date
– gets specific values
(Year, Month, Day, Hour, …)
Dates in ASP
• Example: Generating next 10 years starting with current
year in Page_Load