MMJH 6th grade parent academy 2015

Grade Parents
Where to Get Information
First Day Packets going home 1st day
Campus Website
Canvas- This will be our primary information application for students/teachers.
Students will have access on Aug. 24th and parents will have observer rights starting
Sept. 11th.
Google Doc. Homework page will be available until Dec. 18th, 2015.
It will be deleted after the 18th as Canvas will take over as our primary application.
E-News/Phone Outs- Please double check your email addresses on HAC.
Home Access Center
Katy ISD APP for phones and devices
Remind 101
All students will have a bottom locker located in the 6th grade hallway.
The lockers should be pretty close to the student’s advisory class
Students may decorate the inside of their locker but they can’t use glue or
anything permanent.
Magnets, and overstuffing the locker can cause it to jam
If a student cannot open their locker
Get an adult to assist. (all teachers have locker keys)
Forms outside the counselor office can be filled out for us to check your locker
If broken, students will be issued a new one or it will be fixed
Locker combinations are on the top corner of the student’s schedule
Students may come in 8-10 on August 21st with their parents to place items in
their locker.
Schedules are passed out today and another copy will be
distributed Monday morning in the girls gym(6th grade holding area)
Problems with schedule such as missing or a duplicate classes.
 Teachers
will hand out schedule change forms to students.
 Students
will need to complete the form and hand it in to one of
their teachers.
 Follow
current schedule until changes can be made, the
counselor will meet with you once your schedule has been
We do not offer schedule changes to a different teacher
District Policy and guidelines
Outlined in the KISD Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct
Approved by the school board
Based on Texas Education Code
Student Guidelines
Will be discussed with students during an advisory assembly.
Classroom Discipline Guidelines
Will be discussed with students during Bobcat camp with advisory teachers
Covered as part of classroom procedures with teachers during first week
Dress Code
Please dress appropriately for Junior High
What is cute/short in elementary school may not be appropriate
for Junior High
Boys and Girls:
No hats, bandanas, or head coverings (unless for religious purposes)
Frayed clothing
Objectionable subject manner
Wallet chains
Pajamas, sleepwear, or slippers
Shoes with wheels on the bottom
Jeans with holes above mid-thigh
Unusual colored hair and piercings (other than ears) are not allowed
Dress Code
No running shorts
Skirts, shorts, and dresses should be no higher than mid-thigh
No strapless tops, or see-through material with just undergarments
No bare midriff
No tank tops and camisoles with straps less than one inch in width
Pants may be made of spandex or form fitting material but must be
covered by long shirt, skirt, or shorts which extend past mid-thigh
No undershirts or boxer shorts (as outside layer of clothing)
No sagging pants
No tank tops with large side openings
Students have option of bring or purchasing lunch
Tray lunch available at either hot line
Snacks, a-la carte, optional tray meal available at snack lines
Meal payments can be made several different ways
Cafeteria manager
Home Access Center
May take 24-48 hours for it to process through
Bring money or check from home
Students may sit any where for lunch
Occasionally will have assigned tables to meet other students
Students with good behavior will have the option of sitting outside at picnic tables
If students do not have lunch money
Speak with Counselor or Assistant Principal at lunch
Tutorials and After School
All Teaching Teams Offer Tutorials several days a week (M-Th)
Students may receive tutoring from a teacher different than they have in
Schedule available on teacher’s web pages/wikis and will be given to
students in class
Tutoring available during advisory on some days
 Students are encouraged to self-advocate with teachers for tutoring
 After School Academy:
Will begin during the 2nd six weeks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Students are selected based on teacher recommendations and grades
After school from 2:40-4:20
Bussing is provided to all students participating in ASA
Parents will be notified and permission forms send home for students
Students may bring their own devices to school (Kindle, IPAD, Nook,
Students are responsible for keeping equipment safe. Please set up
Find My Phone AP on the Apple Devices.
Students must adhere to the Responsible Use Guidelines concerning
devices and phones
Cell Phones
Students may use cell phone during the following times only:
Before and after school
During lunch (when not being addressed by an adult)
Hallway between classes
In class at the direction of AND with the permission of the teacher
Students can be disciplined for improper use of phones and devices
Head Phones are not allowed on campus. Students may use ear
buds (only in one ear)
Teachers may pick up a phone from a student
Will be returned to student at end of parent or
Referred to the assistant principal
Principal may go through students phone with student present
No pictures, video, or recordings may be taken of anyone during the
school day
The School is not responsible for breakage, theft, or damage of
Please check your students phone on a regular, random basis!!!
Snap chat
Ignore no more (this one is for parents)
Children need oversight and accountability to use technology
Cyber-Bullying may occur without proper oversight
Taken very seriously here at MMJH
Bullying vs Mean Behavior:
 Bullying
of time.
 Mean
is mean behavior that is repeated often and over a period
behavior is a random comment or act of unkindness
Number of interventions/programs in place
 No
Place for Hate
 Safety
Net/Hero Net
 Counselor
 Rachel’s
Activities/Small Group Counseling
Advice from Parents who have
been there…..
Don’t worry! Everything is going to work out.
Help your student adjust but let them take ownership of their responsibilities with
classes and friendships.
If they are experiencing problems with other students, tell them to talk to the
counselor, teacher, or principal for help with the situation.
Be involved. Join our awesome PTA. Junior high is a transitional time and children
need to see parents at school and know that they support the school
Engage your children. Ask them about their day. It makes a difference for them to
know that you are genuinely interested
Encourage them to get involved in club and activities.
The Katy ISD APP will give you quick access to your students grades and assignments.
When picking up your student from an event, ballgame, or tutorials
please be on time
Let your student self advocate with their teachers. Follow up after your
student attempts to work it out themselves.
Please follow the chain of command. If you have an issue with a
teacher, please try and resolve with the teacher first. Get the counselor
or assistant principal involved if there is not a resolution
Junior high is a time for students to stretch their wings, make mistakes,
and begin learning how to be a successful young person and adult.
Allow them that opportunity.
Follow the rules and locations for dropping off, picking up students, and
parking. It is for everyone’s safety.
Please contact the teachers to let them know your child’s needs or
Please contact teachers if something is going on at home that might
impact a students behavior or emotional well being at school.
We don’t need to know everything (unless you think it is important), but a heads
up is always nice.
Please follow the chain of command. If you have an issue with a
teacher, please try and resolve with the teacher first. Get the
counselor or assistant principal involved if there is not a resolution.
My contact information:
Melanie Thomas-6th grade Assistant Principal
Office Number: 281-237-8012