Teachers’ Guide to Fly Higher Tutorial 2 Aircraft in the Air: What Jet Engines Do Teacher´s Guide to “Aircraft in the air: What Jet Engines Do” Tutorial 2 About this document This document is part of the second Tutorial of the Fly Higher Project “AIRCRAFT IN THE AIR: WHAT JET ENGINES DO” supporting the accompanying PowerPoint. It can be offered as a ‘stand-alone’ exercise, but equally builds on the work in Tutorial 1 “AIRCRAFT IN THE AIR: HOW HUMANS FLY” . It is aimed at giving students an appreciation of the early quest to uncover the secrets of aircraft engines and the need to develop a more powerful alternative - the jet - to the (heavy) internal combustion engine, as well as give them a simple appreciation of the scientific principles involved. Author(s) Author: Husain Ansari, BEng(Hons), AMIMechE, AFHEA Assistant Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering, Coventry University. Series Editor: John Fairhurst, MBA, PGDip EdLaw, PGCE, BSc, FRSA European School Headteachers’ Association. Disclaimer The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official European Commission’s view on the subject. ii Teacher´s Guide to “Aircraft in the air: What Jet Engines Do” Tutorial 2 Table of Contents About this document ............................................................................................................................ii Disclaimer .............................................................................................................................................ii Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................ iii Summary of the Tutorial ............................................................................................................... 4 Lesson Outline ............................................................................................................................. 5 PowerPoint - Supplementary Notes .............................................................................................. 6 Extension Materials In or out of Class JET ENGINES WORD SEARCH 1 JET ENGINES WORD-SEARCH 2 ANSWERS WORD-SEARCH 1 WORD-SEARCH 2 iii Summary of the Tutorial Target Age Range: The tutorial is designed for students 12 to 16 years old. Target Ability: All abilities (by using suggested simplifications and extensions at the discretion of the teacher). Target Time: For full discussion: 50+ minutes Possible minimum: 35 minutes (Suggested times are variable and it is intended that teachers use this resource flexibly to meet their own circumstances.) Materials Required Computer and classroom display screen Small Balloon (for class demonstration) or a series of them for the equivalent class activity Weight on string (optional) Clamp and 3 30cm rulers, one plastic, one wood, one metal (optional) Lesson Outline Introduction (Slide 1) Tutor’s Informal Statement of Aims (1 min) Identification of engine picture on slide 1 (1 min) Phase 1. Introduction to Thrust and Aircraft forward motion (Slides 2 – 6) Review of T1 and Discussion: How can birds fly in the air? (2 mins) Video to explain the physics behind bird flight (4 mins, incl 2 min 30 seconds video) Discussion: What is Thrust and Physics behind Thrust? (2 -3 mins) Demonstration (or possible class activity); Released balloon (3 – 6 mins) Phase 2. History of Aircraft Propulsion (Slides 7 – 10) Sir Isaac Newton – Newton’s Steam Wagon (1 min) Wright Brothers and Kitty Hawk (1 min) Sir Frank Whittle – Turbo Jet Engine (1 mins) Phase 3 Fundamental of Engine and Operation (Slides 11 - 13) Basic Operation of Engine (4 mins) Propeller Engine (2 mins) Video – Inside a Jet Engine (2 min) Phase 4 Types of Engine, Engine Summary and Further Learning (Slides 14 23) Brainstorm: Why are different Engines used? ( 3 – 4 mins) Engine Selection is based on flight requirements. Now many jet engines types to choose from (2 – 5 mins) Types of Engine (to optional greater depth, which would reduce time spent on earlier summary): Turbojet, Turbofan, Turbo-Prop, Ramjet, Rocket Engine (6 - 10 mins) Video – Engine Summary (1 min) and further learning Engine Simulator (optional and possible out-of-class activity) All timings are approximate; they are offered only as a guide. Obviously class discussions can be shortened or allowed to develop at greater length, particularly if the students work in smaller groups first, ahead of a plenary discussion. The programme can be lengthened further if the teacher introduces the detail in this Teachers’ Guide. Following the minimum times suggested here would fill a lesson of 35 minutes. Following the longer timings and giving more time to the types of Jet Engine should fit fairly neatly into a 50 - 55 minute slot. The Extension materials could be used to complete longer lesson times or set as homework tasks. We hope you might also consider using the Fly Higher competitions as extension materials. See http://www.flyhigher.eu PowerPoint - Supplementary Notes Slide 1: Main picture: Rolls Royce Trent 900 Engine on Airbus A380 Passenger aircraft. Few facts about the Engine: 4.55 m in length, which is approximately the size of a 7-seater family car such as the Renault Espace. Diameter of 2.94 m, weight 6,271 kg and produces thrust of 374 kN (kilo Newton). The engine of the Renault Espace, or other family car, is around 150hp. (We suggest that, for more able and/or science classes we dwell on units a little later in the Tutorial). Slide 2: Phase 1 Introduction to birds flight Use this slide as a backdrop to ask the class to name some living creatures that fly, and what they have in common. If the class have worked through Fly Higher Tutorial 1, they will have some knowledge of bird flight and recognition that aircraft do not simply imitate them. However, some elements are relevant to any flying object: high energy consumption, minimised weight and wings (or rotor blades) that are aerodynamically shaped. Weight: though some bigger birds are heavy, all have a light bone structure (and extensive feathering makes them look bigger than their bodies really are.) Mammals (such as ourselves) generally do not fly. Our bone-structures are too heavy, so we do not have wings, either – we were not built for flight! (Bats are an exception.) Birds flap their wings to push the air in the downward direction which produces an opposite force that ‘lifts’ the bird into the air. Their wings are aerodynamically shaped and will produce some lift even when the bird is just gliding (which is also true of an aircraft) Some tree-living mammals, Asian squirrels for example, have webbed limbs (so wing-like when extended, rather like a bat’s) that enable them to glide, so extending the distance they can jump between branches. But they cannot take off from the ground. Slide 3: Video Self-Explanatory video on how birds can fly in the air. Video source – Youtube. How do birds fly? Acknowledgement: www.pendulumswingmedia.com Running time 2:29 Slide 4: Thrust An aircraft’s thrust comes from the engine and the lift is produced by the aircraft’s (rigid) aerodynamic wings. We cannot copy bird’s flappable wings. (Again, see FlyHigher Tutorial 1.) Birds are much lighter in weight, hence they require less energy from their flappable wings to lift in the air. A large passenger aircraft such as Boeing 747 is designed to lift approximately 334 tonnes including passenger, baggage, fuel and aircraft’s own weight. The Renault Espace weighs 3 tonnes (3000kg) including 7 passengers weighing on average 80kg each. The aircraft therefore weighs as much as 112 fully loaded Renault Espaces! Recently, much research work has been carried out to make aircraft bodies lighter, using composite materials. The intention is to reduce the total mass of the aircraft, increase the aircraft range yet decrease the fuel consumption. The newest aircraft – such as the Airbus 380 – have benefited considerably from new materials technology. It’s not possible for the aircraft wings to flap due to the limitations of the complex mechanical movements required; the additional weight (flapping aircraft wings would need their own motors/actuators and their own fuel) would outweigh the lift they could generate. Our flying machines, whether large or small, have ‘fixed’ aerodynamic–shaped wings (with the advantages of simplicity and structural integrity) that depend upon sheer speed to achieve the lift. (Helicopters, sometimes called ‘rotary-wing’ aircraft, look very different, but still work on broadly these lines - see FlyHigher Tutorial 3). The speed required – created by the thrust – led aeronautical pioneers to focus on improving engines – hence the jet-engine, invented in the 1940s, and its development since Slide 5 Physics behind Thrust Teacher Demonstration (or possible Class Activity) : Fill a simple balloon with air and let it go in free space. (The class may have seen this before, as part of Tutorial 1; you may or may not want to repeat it, depending on the class and the time-span. As a possible variation use the resource available from http://www.bloodhoundssc.com/shop/balloon-car-kit.) Explanation: Air inside the balloon is compressed by the balloon’s rubber walls. When the nozzle or opening of the balloon is released, air escapes. Newton’s third law of motion states: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, the action of the escaping gas creates a reaction – forces on the walls of the balloon that propel it through the air. (As Newton’s third Law is so important, it is worth stressing,afresh, however much time was spent on it in T1 .) Note that the balloon’s flight path is highly uneven because there are no structures such as in aircraft (fins and stabilisers) to control it. Slide 6 Aircraft in forward Motion The aircraft jet engine works on the exact principle of Newton’s third law of motion. Hot exhaust gases from the aircraft jet engines pushes on the air which in return produces opposite reaction on the engines. As the engine is rigidly attached to the aircraft, it creates a forward motion. The forward motion of the aircraft and the aerodynamic shape of the wing together cause air on the upper side of the wing to move faster than that below. This creates a low pressure layer of air above the wing than on the under side. The difference in pressure generates an upward force, lift, which keeps the aircraft in the air. (See FlyHigher Tutorial 1.) Slide 7 History of Jet Engines Sir Isaac Newton was the first to propose the theory of rearward-channelled explosion. A simplest example of a rearward-channelled explosion is a steam wagon as shown in the slide. In 1687 he attempted to put his newly formulated laws to the test with his “Steam Wagon” Newton’s prototype had a boiler mounted on the wagon and to propel it forward , the steam from nozzle was directed rearward. Although his steam wagon didn’t work (the steam lacked sufficient pressure) his theory or rearward-chanelled explosive force proved productive in the later years when adapted by pioneers to manufacture steam road vehicles. Note that steam engines, so important to the early railway network, work on quite different principles and not related to jet propulsion Possible out- of-class Extension: (i) Have the students investigate and write a brief summary of Newton’s many accomplishments Possible out-of-class Extension: (ii) As an alternative to the above, have the students investigate the first ‘jets’ the steam wagons (as opposed to steam engines) and why the idea was dropped Slide 8 Steam road vehicles were later replaced by petrol vehicles due to petrol’s much higher performance. The invention of Internal Combustion (IC) engine during 18th century steered the Wright brothers to fit their aircraft ‘Kitty Hawk’ with a 12 horse power (hp) petrol engine. Possible in-class Extension for more able general groups or science classes: These students may benefit from revisiting the definitions Force, Work , Power and Energy as well as a reminder of their units. Horse power is not part of the SI system, but still commonly used so they should be aware that 1 hp = 746 watts where 1 watt = 1 N.m / s (Newton meter per second) and is defined as rate at which work is done when an object’s velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one newton. Another household example: A typical household incandescent light bulb has a power rating of 25 to 100 watts; a similar amount of light would be produced by fluorescent lamps at 5 to 30 watts, or LED lamps at 5 to 20 watts. Students might also be reminded not to confuse watts, watts-hours and watts per hour. Slide 9 Propellers are aerodynamically shaped (hence they are twisted along the length of the blades). A number of different forces are acting upon the propeller and the science is complex . Students may know of centrifugal force (which will pull the blades away from the central hub) and bending stresses (produced by aerodynamic loads on the blades). Both complicate the design and strength required for the propeller to work. The strength of the thrust generated by the propeller blades is determined by the disk area of the blades. Too small an area is obviously less efficient; however, too large a disk can generate more noise than thrust! Possible Teacher demonstration: Centrifugal force – whirl a weight around on a piece of string then let it fly off Bending force – Clamp a plastic ruler at one end. Then with two fingers and apply a finger load on the other end. The deformation of the ruler is due to the bending load. Push hard enough and the plastic ruler will bend and bend… then break! (usually in a clean and sudden snap). The with a wooden ruler: the wood – depending on thickness and type – will probably bend less and crack and break in a ragged way. Then with a metal ruler: the metal will probably bend, but not break. However at some point it will distort permanently, – never to spring back to its original shape. These observations are common-place (so may not need demonstrating) but make the point that the materials with which aircraft parts are made are crucially. Would any one want to be in an aircraft when mid-flight the propeller suddenly snapped and bits flew off? ! Modern light aircraft still use propellers (though these are now made from high technology composite materials which are lighter and stronger than those of the past). Crucially, the cost of purchasing and maintaining a propeller engine is significantly less than a jet engine. Light aircraft, flying short distances at modest speeds and lower altitudes are, perhaps, a hobbyist’s ‘plane or a farmer’s crop-sprayer. Low costs are imperative. Jet engines are sophisticated and expensive. A small, high-performance aircraft (an Air-force fighter, for example) that must fly high and fast will obviously be jet-powered, as might a international company’s executive aircraft (that must fly its VIPs long distances, but reasonably quickly). Slide 10 From 1903, the year of the Wright Brothers’ first flight, to the late of 1930s, the petrol powered internalcombustion (IC) engine with a propeller was the sole means used to propel an aircraft. It was Sir Frank Whittle, a British pilot, who designed the first turbojet engine in 1930. In the picture below is a Gloster E28/39 and, as the class should quickly see, there is no propeller at the aircraft nose. The engine had multiple stages of compressor and turbines to create forward thrust, but ultimately depended on the escaping (exhaust) gas to push it forward – just like the balloon! It is probably worth pointing out to the class that this aircraft and the propeller aircraft of the previous slide look similar – but very, very different from the canvass-and-wood bi-planes of 30 years earlier and different again from modern jets of 30 years later. Slide 11 Engine Fundamentals This slide demonstrates the basic operation of a piston engine which is essentially the engine used in cars. For demonstration a syringe with a hollow barrel can be used with a piston at one end and nozzle at the other end. The first stage of the engine operation is to intake air through the inlet by downward drive of the piston. A good example is when a syringe piston is pulled backward it fills the hollow barrel with air. Second stage comprises of air compression which is performed by the upward motion of the piston in the cylinder. Demonstration - If you close the nozzle of a syringe (or block it with your finger) and push the piston in the direction of the nozzle it will compress the air inside. Note, in an actual pistoncylinder engine the inlet closes securely, to stop any air escaping from the cylinder and allow the compression of all the air. Third stage of the engine operation involves combustion by the addition and ignition of fuel. Of course, there is complex science In this, too. All of the fuel inside the cylinder needs to burn, so precisely the right amount needs to be injected; further, this must happen at exactly the correct moment in the cycle. Students may have seen ‘spark plugs’ on simple engines, such as a lawnmower’s or an old car’s, and possibly heard of “the distributer” that mechanically connected the spark plug to the car’s electrics at the right moment. If you can, show them. Modern car engines are computer controlled and the students are likely to have heard of electronic “fuel injection” systems. Fourth stage is the escape of hot gases through exhaust opening. These hot gases have high temperature and pressure (energy) and while escaping cause the downward motion of the piston inside the cylinder. The piston’s downward motion draws an intake of air for the next cycle. The cycle continues so on and so forth repeatedly. The piston is linked to the propeller of the aircraft through a crankshaft which causes the rotational motion of the propeller as shown in next slide. Slide 12 As you can see from the picture, the propeller is linked through a crankshaft, which translates the piston motion into rotation. The more pistons there are pumping, the more power generated and the more smoothly the crankshaft rotates. Therefore, engine are multi-cylindered in order to provide continuous energy source from individual firing strokes, with more than one piston attached to the crankshaft. (We have not dwelt on this – as the Tutorial is about Jet Engines!) Generally, a domestic car engine has four cylinders – but many have six (particularly on larger and/or more prestigious vehicles). Cylinders tend to come in pairs to give balance with two or three each side or the shaft. However, small engines such as those found in mopeds or garden machines are single cylinder and use only a single piston as the power requirement is less. Larger vehicles (eg lorries carrying heavier loads) or specialist vehicles (eg F1 racing cars) will have 8, 10, 12 cylinders depending upon the exact requirements. Slide 13 . 1) Self-explanatory video Duration 1:41 Video source – Youtube Inside a Jet Engine. Acknowledgement www.wydea.com; 2) Alternative video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON0sVe1yeOk Slide 14 Types of Engines In the picture, Airbus A380 long range, double-deck aircraft with four giant engines fitted from either Rolls Royce Trent 900 Engines or Engine Alliance GP700. These are Turbofan engines, most appropriate for cost-conscious commercial flights that also need the engines to be robust and reliable. The Airbus 380 is one of the most modern aircraft. It can carry up to 525 passenger on typical seating arrangement (that is, with economy, business and first class cabins). It could carry 853 passengers if only economy seating was provided. It has a range of 15, 700 km and a top speed of 945 km/h (9755 miles; 587 mph). Classes of middle or higher ability should here, be introduced to Mach numbers that expresses speeds (usually of jet aircraft) as a fraction of the speed of sound. Supersonic aircraft go faster than the speed of sound, hence the word “supersonic”. The Airbus top speed is Mach 0.89. Concorde, when it was in operation, had a top speed of Mach 1.2. 𝑀𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑁𝑜 = 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 . 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑎 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 = 340.29 𝑚/𝑠). Slide 15 Other Types of Jet Engines Dwell on this slide and the next, and then skip Slides 17 – 21 if the age/ability/interest of the class or the length of the lesson slot makes it appropriate. The essential point is that there now many different types of jet engines and new developments continue to happen. For uses, other than a commercial airline, the turbofan is not necessarily the best choice. Military use, for example, requires the highest possible performance and the cost is less of an issue than it is to the airlines. Jet engine technology has developed considerably and there are now a variety of choices, as the slide shows. Ramjet – High speed, high altitude ‘ spy – plane’ . Uses massive speed of aircraft to “ram” air into engine. This is the Lockheed SR-71 “Black Bird” over the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California in 1994. Retired aircraft with only 32 aircraft built. Primary users were US Air Force and NASA. It was extremely fast (Mach 3+ i.e. over 1980 mph or 3186 km/h) and an aerial reconnaissance aircraft. An exceptionally high performance from the engine was the primary requirement for this aircraft and the costs of secondary importance. Turbojet – Military aircraft that must be robust and reliable, carry significant loads and fairly rapidly. This the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II. It’s an American single-seat, twin-engine. A total of 716 were built and are still currently in service. It was designed to provide close air-support of ground forces, to attack tanks, armoured vehicles and other ground targets with limited air defences. The primary requirement from this engine is performance and reliability. Rocket – NASA Atlantis Space Shuttle. Uses a liquid-fuel cryogenic rocket engine. A cryogenic rocket engine is one that uses both fuel (Liquid Hydrogen) and an oxidizer (Liquid oxygen). The primary requirements of this engine is not only performance and reliability but to operate in space (where there is no air! ). Hence it must provide its own oxygen. Turboprop – Small(ish) executive aircraft; needs to be affordable but reliable and reasonably quick. This is the Beechcraft King Air 350i. It is an 8 seater business aircraft fitted with two Pratt and Whitney (Canada) turboprop engine. Not as speedy as most jets (its top speed is 523 km/h, 325mph) but speedier than a piston-prop. (The clue is in the word ‘Turbo’!). The engines are light, fuel efficient and simple in design (so cheaper to run and maintain). Pistonprop – A slow moving, work-horse. This is the Antonov AN-2. It was a single-engine, biplane (aircraft with two main wings stacked one above the other) agricultural aircraft designed in the Soviet Union (Russia) in 1946. The aircraft had a low maximum speed of 258 km/h (160 mph) but could carry a significant load (up to 5500kg; 12,000 lb). The primary requirement from the 9-cylinder piston engine was to produce the required thrust to lift the aircraft into the air Slide 16 Engine Selection Self-explanatory slide Slide 17 Turbojets Works on the same principle as piston engine: Air intake at the front of the engine, compression then combustion but the exhaust exits through a turbine to generate additional thrust. Slide 18 Turbofan Turbofan engines employ a fan at the inlet of the engine to add to the thrust generated by the engine. A key classifying feature of the turbofan engine is that the fan is contained within the engine duct (not outside like a propeller) And not all the air passes through the entire engine like Turbojet, but is divided into different streams. Complex, but very common on commercial aircraft. Slide 19 Turbo-Prop Turboprop engines are generally used on small subsonic aircraft. They utilise the core ideas of a turbojet but include additional machinery to convert the energy within the high-speed exhaust gases to drive a propeller. This in turn provides the majority of the propulsive thrust for the aircraft as the exhaust gases exiting the engine contain little energy compared to a jet engine and play a minor role in the propulsion of the aircraft. Slide 20 Ramjet Ramjets are the simplest form of propulsion. The working power cycle of the engine is identical to that of the Internal Combustion engine. Air intake at the front, at high speed, then compression, achieved within a diffuser (which slows the air down; as more air is “rammed” in, so the pressure increases). Fuel is then sprayed and burnt within the combustion chamber and finally high-speed air is expelled through the exhaust to generate thrust. Ramjet engines depend on the aircraft already moving at speed and do not work at standstill. Ramjets require assistance to take-off and to accelerate to a speed where they begin to produce thrust. They work most efficiently at supersonic speeds around Mach 3. Slide 21 Rocket Rocket engine differs from all the other types of aircraft propulsion system. Rocket engines are “not air-breathing” engines and carry both fuel and oxygen considering that they have to operate at very high altitudes and in a vacuum. Carrying their own supply of fuel and oxidant also results in their main weakness due to increase weight. The thrust is generated from the high pressures within the combustion chamber and the exhaust nozzle which produces the acceleration and momentum changes of the exhaust gases. Slide 22 Summary Video sourced from YouTube; Duration 0:52 Acknowlegement www.rendermedia.co.uk This video is silent! You may need to pause at appropriate stages to check the class have absorbed the central ideas Discuss each component with the class as the animation plays. (Pauses will probably be necessary.) Components in the animation: o Compressor – to compress the air. o Turbine – to extract the energy from the hot gases and drive the compressor mounted on the shaft. o o Combustion chamber – to burn the compressed air by addition of fuel Engine casing – to accommodate all the components As you can see from the animation, cold air (blue colour) entering the engine gets compressed by the compressor blades, burnt in combustion chamber by addition of precise fuel-air mixture and the hot gases (red colour) exhaust from the turbine which provides the necessary propulsive force to push the aircraft in forward direction. Slide 23 Further Learning Have the class access the website mentioned on the slide – perhaps at school/college if that is possible or at home - and run the engine simulator. Extension Materials In or out of class Word Searches The two word searches that follow can each be set at two levels: with the key words listed as clues or without. They can be used to extend the classroom lesson or set as homework. All the words should have been used in the PowerPoint presentation. The Word searches are laid out in an easy-to-copy format in the next section. (All copyright is waived for educational use.) Word Search 1 is fairly low level, even without the clues. All words are simply vertically or horizontally displayed. Word search 2 with the clues is rather more difficult and, without the clues, quite tough! A number of words are spelled out in a straight, left-to-right diagonal line but a couple of words are laid out right-toleft. ------------------------------------------------------- A number of activities that might be undertaken out of class are listed above at points relevant to the presentation. They could, of course, be set at the end of the class time instead. These are: After the discussion of Sir Isaac Newton (Slide 7): Possible Extension: (i) Have the students investigate and write a brief summary of Newton’s many accomplishments Possible Extension: (ii) As an alternative to the above, have the students investigate the first ‘jets’ the steam wagons (as opposed to steam engines) and why the idea was dropped After noting the jet engine’s power (Slide 8) Possible Extension (for more able, general groups or for science classes): Revisit the definitions Force, Work , Power and Energy as well as remind them of the respective units. Horse power is not part of the SI system, but is still commonly used (at least in the Anglo-phone world) so they should be aware that 1 hp = 746 watts where 1 watt = 1 Nm/ s (newton metre per second) and is defined as rate at which work is done when an object’s velocity is held constant at one metre per second against constant opposing force of one newton. : After the Tutorial Possible Extension (i) (As the final slide suggests): Have the class access the website mentioned on the slide – perhaps at school/college if that is possible or at home - and run the engine simulator. Possible Extension (ii) Students might equally investigate the many video clips on YouTube that show how a jet engine works - some are playful and general; some get quite technical – individuals will decide for themselves how deeply they wish to explore. JET ENGINES WORD SEARCH 1A Can you find all ten of the jet engine related words hidden in the following grid? To help you, the ten words are: * Airbus * Combustion * Exhaust * Intake * Jet * Lift * Newton * Thrust * Turbine * Whittle Each time you find a word, explain what it means. E X H A U S T K X Z S H U I R W J E B I A D C R J O E L N I C O M B U S T I O N A T D U N M N F O T N H C S E V E T M A P R U N M A W N L K D U T W H I T T L E V S M O L W O H O G S T U R B I N E R T JET ENGINESS WORD SEARCH 1B Can you find all ten “Jet Engines” words hidden in the following grid? No clues! You have to find them for yourself. E X H A U S T K X Z S H U I R W J E B I A D C R J O E L N I C O M B U S T I O N A T D U N M N F O T N H C S E V E T M A P R U N M A W N L K D U T W H I T T L E V S M O L W O H O G S T U R B I N E R T Each time you find a word, explain what it means. JET ENGINESS WORD SEARCH 2A Can you find all twelve “Jet Engines” words hidden in the following grid? Each time you find a word, explain what it means. BEWARE! The letters not only run up, down and diagonally, but also (in some cases) backwards, that is right to left. To help you, the twelve words are: * Airbus * Compression * Exhaust * Intake * Jet * Lift * Newton * Ramjet * Rocket * Thrust * Turbine * Whittle C U R R O C K E T Y B N O J I B R E N I B R U T M O E K C W G M B E O H P N E T E N G I N E K R R S R X E O E L C N A U E W D J H M R W L I X S S R E A I A P G T K T T S Q A I R B U S N O N U I D O M A E R S T C N L O W D O J E L T T I H W N B N E W E T A N C I D O L D A I N T A K E O L JET ENGINESS WORD SEARCH 2B Can you find all twelve “Jet Engines” words hidden in the following grid? BEWARE! The letters not only run up, down and diagonally, but also (in some cases) right to left. No clues! You have to find them for yourself. C U R R O C K E T Y B N O J I B R E N I B R U T M O E K C W G M B E O H P N E T E N G I N E K R R S R X E O E L C N A U E W D J H M R W L I X S S R E A I A P G T K T T S Q A I R B U S N O N U I D O M A E R S T C N L O W D O J E L T T I H W N B N E W E T A N C I D O L D A I N T A K E O L Each time you find a word, explain what it means. WORD SEARCH ANSWERS JET ENGINES WORD SEARCH ANSWERS. SET 1 E C X O H M A U S T I J R E L T I B U S I O N T U N F T H S E T A R W U W H I S T T K T O U R B I N E L E JET ENGINES WORD SEARCH ANSWERS. SET 2 C O R J M E P E R S I O C K E T E N I B T E N X G U I R T E R U W A I N E H A R H E S O R B S T U M S T O S J N E N L T T I T A K E E I N H W