2012 Applying for a District Position

Applying for a District Position
Kris Mendoza
2012 District Meeting
What Positions are available at the
district level?
Elected Positions
• District Secretary
– Starts after Annual Session (March 6-9, 2013)
• District Legislative Chair
– Starts after National Lobby Day (April 15-16, 2013)
District 11 Secretary
• Serves as the official record keeper for district
business, assists District Cabinet in planning
leadership and membership meetings and
coordinates the district business in the
absence of the District Trustee.
Kris Mendoza
District 11 Legislative Chair
• Serves to inform members of local, state, and
national legislative news of interest to dental
students and the profession and encourages
advocacy on behalf of all district dental
Kulginder Sran
Election Process
• Must attend annual session
• Will answer questions provided by a
representative from each school during
district caucus, followed by a short speech.
• The district members will then discuss and
vote for a candidate, with each school getting
equal number of votes.
Appointed Positions
District Community Outreach Coordinators (2)
District Internet and Technology Chair
District Member(s) at Large (1-2)
District Newsletter Editors (2)
District Communications Chair
District Community Outreach
• Northern and Southern California Coordinators
• Serve to foster relationships with local and
state organizations by planning and
participating in various community outreach
David Lindsey
Robert Quan
District Internet and Technology Chair
• Develop and maintain the District website
• Communicate with District leaders to post and
manage files on the website as needed
• Work with other committee members as
Alex McMahon
District Members at Large
• Support and aid the District Trustee and
Secretary as requested.
• Support other members as needed
Amanda Farley
Erica Stokke
District Newsletter Editors
• Responsible for the production and
distribution of the district newsletter.
• Submit pictures and articles to the ASDA
central office for national publications
• Encourages district members to submit
articles for local, state, and national
Jennifer Yau
Tracy MacKoy
District Communications Chair
• Facilitates communication between ASDA and
other dental organizations such as CDA and
• Educate district about issues involved with
other organizations
• Advocates for ASDA’s policies
Doug Baasch
Application Process
• Applications come out right after annual
session and involve writing a short paragraph
on why you should be selected for that
• Appointed by the district trustee, secretary,
and legislative chair, in addition to the first
delegate of each school
• Annual Session: March 6-9, 2013
What can you do now?
• Talk to the people currently in the position
you are interested in
• Get involved at the chapter level!
Contact Information
• Danielle Marquis: d_marquis@u.pacific.edu
• Kris Mendoza: doza04@ucla.edu
• Kulginder Sran: ksran7@gmail.com