DISCOVERING MY MINISTRY (C.L.A.S.S. 301) "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Eph. 2:10 “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.” Col. 4:17 Opening Questions: • 1. How long have you been attending GOFAMINT? • 2. How have you grown as a Christian since arriving at GOFAMINT? • 3. What do you like best about the ministry here? • 4. Do you have a sense of belonging here? “You must have a sense of belonging before you can minister/serve effectively THE PURPOSE FOR THIS CLASS: • “And Christ gave gifts to people—he made some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to go and tell the Good News, and some to have the work of caring for and teaching God's people. Christ gave those gifts to prepare God's holy people for the work of serving, to make the body of Christ stronger.” Eph. 4:11-12 (New Century Version). The Bible says: • * The Pastors are the Administrators • * The People are the Ministers • It's not the Pastor’s job to do the ministry but it is his job to prepare God's people to do ministry. THE PRINCIPLE UNDERGIRDING THIS CLASS: • MY MINISTRY IS DETERMINED BY MY SHAPE/DESIGN! • What God made me to BE determines what He intends for me to DO. I will understand the purpose I was created for when I understand the kind of person I am. This is the secret of knowing God's will for my life! The three results of discovering the ministry I've been shaped for are: Faithfulness, • Fulfillment and • Fruitfulness • THE FOCUS OF THIS CLASS • In GOFAMINT, we focus on an individual approach to ministry rather than an institutional approach. • “And say to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.” Col. 4:17 (New King James Version) CLASS OUTLINE THE GOALS OF THIS CLASS: • • 1. THAT I WILL DISC0VER MY UNIQUE DESIGN (S.H.A.P.E.) FOR MINISTRY AND COMMIT TO DEVELOP AND DEPLOY MY GODGIVEN GIFTS AND ABILITIES IN SERVING GOD AND OTHERS THROUGH MY CHURCH FAMILY. •2. THAT I WILL SELECT AND BEGIN SERVING IN THE MINISTRY OF MY CHURCH THAT BEST EXPRESSES WHAT GOD MADE ME TO BE. • We're going to talk about discovering your primary ministry and your secondary ministry. You ought to spend the maximum of your time in the ministry that best expresses who you are. But in addition to that, there are secondary ministries where you may not be as strongly gifted in, but you have a servant's heart and you're willing to help. • - My Primary Ministry • - My Secondary Ministry HEARING THE REDEMPTION STORY AGAIN Bigotry • Personal ambition • Love of praise • Pride of denomination 11 kilograms 22 kilograms 19 kilograms 15kilograms • Love of authority • Pride of talents • Love of God • Love of Man • • Total weight 12 kilograms 14 kilograms 4 kilograms 3 kilograms 100 kilograms WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT MINISTRY I. WHAT IS MINISTRY? DEFINITION: (Greek "diakonos" - "to serve") Deacon means “Servant.” • "It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.” Matt. 20:26-27 (NASB) II. FOUR DIRECTIONS OF MINISTRY • 1. Ministry to the Lord (Acts 13:2 • 2. Ministry to Leaders (Phil. 2:22). • 3. Ministry to Believers (Gal. 5:13; 6:10). • 4. Ministry to unbelievers (I Cor. 9:19; Matt. 5:13). III. THREE AREAS OF MINISTRY • Man is made of a spirit, a soul and a body and we believe ministry involves those three things (I Thess. 5:13; Lk. 4:18; Matt. 4:23-24). 1. Ministry to people’s physical needs. 2. Ministry to people’s EMOTIONAL needs. 3. Ministry to people’s SPIRITUAL needs. IV. EIGHT ATTITUDES FOR MINISTRY/SERVING • 1. Minister Willingly (Gen. 24:18-20). Serving is an issue of the heart (1Peter 5:2). Energy springs from willingness. • Impelled rather than compelled. Motivation comes from within rather than from some external pressure outside us. • Agreeable, not disagreeable. The willing heart finds ways to agree and flow with people. The wiling heart decides to focus on points of agreement rather than points of disagreement. • Executing, not excusing: The willing heart finds reasons to do, rather than reasons not to do. People with excuses reveal an unwilling attitude. 2. Minister Excellently (Gen. 24:19-20). 3. Minister Swiftly 4. Minister Honorably (Gen. 24:18). • 5. Minister Sacrificially (Gen. 24:19-20). • 6. Minister Sincerely • 7. Minister Obediently (I Sam. 15) • 8. Minister Unselfishly (Phil. 2:19-30). V. THE PURPOSE OF MINISTRY • "There are different kinds of service to God, but it is the same Lord we are serving. The Holy Spirit displays God's power through each of us as a means of helping the entire church. All of you together are the one Body of Christ and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it." • GOD WANTS TO USE ME TO HELP THE CHURCH GROW VI. THE 10 FOUNDATIONAL TRUTHS ABOUT MINISTRY • 1. I'VE BEEN CREATED FOR MINISTRY • 2. I'VE BEEN SAVED FOR MINISTRY! • 3. I'VE BEEN CALLED INTO MINISTRY! I AM A MINISTER OF JESUS CHRIST! • 4. I'VE BEEN GIFTED FOR MINISTRY! • 5. I'VE BEEN AUTHORIZED FOR MINISTRY! • "(Jesus said) All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples..." Matt. 28:18-19 • 6. I'M COMMANDED TO MINISTER! • 7. I'M TO BE EQUIPPED FOR MINISTRY • 8. THE BODY OF CHRIST NEEDS MY MINISTRY! • 9. I AM ACCOUNTABLE FOR MY MINISTRY! • 10. I WILL BE REWARDED FOR MY MINISTRY! VII. THE PROCEDURE: HOW TO DISCOVER MY MINISTRY (ROMANS 12:1-8) STEP 1: DEDICATE MY BODY STEP 2: ELIMINATE COMPETING DISTRACTIONS STEP 3: EVALUATE MY STRENGTH STEP 4: COOPERATE WITH OTHER BELIEVERS STEP 5: ACTIVATE MY GIFTS "We have different gifts, according to the grace God has given us… prophesying... serving... teaching... encouraging... contributing... leadership... showing mercy..." Romans 12:6-8 “Every person is absolutely unique in his or her design, and God doesn’t want you to settle for anything less than His very best! The more you understand the way He designed you to be, the better you can cooperate with that design!” Wayne Cordeiro DISCOVERING HOW GOD HAS SHAPED ME FOR MINISTRY • Goal: Creating a strengthbased congregation. • "Your hands formed and shaped me..." Job 10:8a (GN) • "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Jer. 1:5 (NASB) • I was shaped for a purpose. Not by accident but for a reason. • I am unique! There is nobody else like you in the world. This makes competition and jealousy absolutely irrelevant. • I am wonderfully complex. FIVE FACTORS THAT DETERMINES AN EFFECTIVE MINISTRY MY S.H.A.P.E. WILL DETERMINE MY MINISTRY • S──SPIRITUAL GIFTS QUESTION: WHAT AM I GIFTED TO DO? • H──HEART QUESTION: WHAT DO I LOVE TO DO? • A──ABILITIES QUESTION: WHAT NATURAL TALENTS AND SKILLS DO I HAVE? • P── PERSONALITY QUESTION: WHERE DOES MY PERSONALITY BEST SUIT ME TO SERVE? • E──EXPERIENCES * What Spiritual Experiences have I had? * What Painful experiences have I had? * What Educational experiences have I had? * What Ministry experiences have I had? • HOW PAUL'S MINISTRY WAS "SHAPED" • PAUL'S SPIRITUAL GIFTS • PAUL'S HEART "My constant ambition • PAUL'S ABILITY • In addition to his gifts, did he have any special vocational skills or natural talents? Yes, he did. PAUL'S PERSONALITY • "For you have heard of my past... I persecuted the church with fanatical zeal... and did my best to destroy it... I was ahead of most of my contemporaries in the Jewish religion, and had a boundless enthusiasm..." Gal. 1:13-14 (Ph) PAUL'S EXPERIENCES • HIS SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES * Watching Stephen be stone (Acts 8:1) * Conversion on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:1-20) * 3 years maturing in Arabia (Gal. 1:18) * Special vision from God (II Cor. 12:2-7) • HIS PAINFUL EXPERIENCES • PAUL'S EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES • PAUL'S MINISTRY EXPERIENCES Read the Book of Acts! WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT SPIRITUAL GIFTS [1Cor.12; Rom.8; Eph.4] • “Every person who knows Jesus Christ is endowed with one or more spiritual gifts…God never intended for His ministry to cease when He ascended into heaven, so He decided that His ministry would be carried on through Believers. Knowing that we could never do it on our own, He distributed gifts to His church through which He would carry on His work.” Wayne Cordeiro. What is a Spiritual Gift? • A SPIRITUAL GIFT: Is a special ability, given by the Holy Spirit to every believer to be used to minister to others and therefore build up the Body of Christ 10 TRUTHS ABOUT SPIRITUAL GIFTS • 1. Only believers have spiritual gifts. I Cor. 2:14 • 2. Every Christian has at least one gift. I Cor. 7:7 • 3. No one receives all the gifts. I Cor. 12:27-30 • 4. No single gift is given to everyone. I Cor. 12:29-30 • Again, God wants variety. There's no gift that everybody has. • 5. You can't earn or work for a spiritual gift. Eph. 4:7 • 6. The Holy Spirit decides what gifts I get. I Cor. 12:11 • 7. The gifts I'm given are permanent. Rom. 11:29 • 8. I am to develop the gifts God gives me. I Tim. 4:14 • 9. It is a sin to waste the gifts God gave me. I Cor. 4:1-2; Mt. 25:14-30 • 10. Using my gifts glorifies God and grows me. Jn. 15:8 THE PURPOSE OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS • A. NOT FOR MY BENEFIT, BUT FOR OTHERS. • B. TO PRODUCE MATURITY AND STABILITY IN OUR CHURCH FAMILY. • CAUTIONS ABOUT SPIRITUAL GIFTS • 1. Don't confuse gifts with natural talents. • 2. Don't confuse gifts with the Fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5:22-23 • * "Fruit" shows my Maturity. • * "Gifts" show my Ministry. • 3. Don't confuse gifts with Christian roles. • 4. Be aware of the "gift projection" tendency. • 5. Don't feel my gift makes me superior to others. I Cor. 12:21 • 6. Realize that using my gifts without love is worthless! • 7. Recognize that I have both a Primary and a Secondary ministry in my church: • * My PRIMARY MINISTRY commitment should be in the area where I am GIFTED • * My SECONDARY MINISTRY includes serving in any other area of the Body where I am NEEDED. HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR GIFT •S.T.A.R.T. • S -STUDY •T -TRIAL AND ERROR • A - ANALYZE • R- REQUEST RESPONSES FROM OTHERS • T -TAKE TRAINING THREE WAYS GOD WANTS TO USE YOUR GIFTS • Through an Ongoing Ministry • Through Short-Term Projects: You could be called on to serve in any committee or project task force. • Through Spontaneous Situations HOW TO ACTIVATE MY SHAPE • There are five things to do to effectively activate my SHAPE: • 1. UNWRAPPING MY GIFTS • 2. MONITORING MY HEARTBEAT • Definition: "HEART“ • 3. APPLYING MY ABILITIES • 4. PLUGGING-IN YOUR PERSONALITY ELEMENTS OF YOUR INDIVIDUAL STYLE • 1. How are you energized: Taskoriented or People-Oriented? • Task oriented: you are energized by accomplishing tasks that serve people • People Oriented: You are energized by dealing with people and focus on relationships. 2. How are you organized? Unstructured or structured? • Unstructured: Prefer variety, options and flexibility in your activities. • Structured: Prefer detailed, planned and orderly lifestyle; your relationship with others are consistent. The Four Personality Quadrants • 1. Task/Unstructured • If you tend to be task/unstructured, you like general guidelines, versatility, helping wherever needed, and tangible results. • If this is your personality, consider serving in an area of ministry where you can fulfill a wide variety of responsibilities. • For example: Room set up volunteer, sound and lightning technician. • 2. Task/Structured. • 3. People/Unstructured • If you are people/unstructured, you like unstructured situations, are very conversational, you relate well to others, and tend to be flexible. • If this is your personality, consider serving in an area of ministry where you have the freedom to respond to people spontaneously. • For example: Youth ministry leader, hospital visitation, Greeter • 4. People/Structured • 5. EXAMINING MY EXPERIENCES • "And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Rom. 8:28 • GOD NEVER WASTES A HURT! • HE WANTS YOU TO BE OPEN TO MINISTERING TO PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING THROUGH WHAT YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN THROUGH! REMEMBER: • 1. Have fun! These are not "tests"! There are no right or wrong answers. The purpose is to show how you are a unique blend! REMEMBER: • 2. Each one is self-evaluating. No one is "rating" you on this. We're interested in your feelings, not others. However, it may be helpful to ask for additional input from those closest to you after you've filled in your own responses. REMEMBER: • 3. The value of each of these tools will vary depending on your age, how long you've been a Christian, your background, your honesty, and how much time and serious thinking you're willing to invest in them! REMEMBER: • 4. AS YOU COMPLETE EACH TOOL, TRANSFER YOUR RESULTS TO THE FORM CALLED "WHAT’S MY SHAPE” FORM. YOU WILL BRING THIS FORM WITH YOU TO YOUR INTERVIEW WITH A MINISTRY GUIDE. GOFAMINT MINISTRY DISCOVERY PROCESS SERVING THROUGH GOFAMINT •OUR STATEMENT OF PURPOSE •OUR MINISTRY STATEMENT – Our Philosophy of Ministry About Ministry • We Believe: • Salvation in Jesus Christ automatically includes a call to ministry. Every believer is created, saved, called, gifted, authorized, and commanded to minister (John 15:16; Eph. 2:8-10; Acts 9). • Ministry is the heart of the Christian life (Matt. 20:28) • Function follows form in ministry. How God made me determines what He intends for me to do. God has uniquely shaped each individual for a specific ministry (Acts 26:16-18). • God has given all His children gifts that can be developed and used in ministry. Everyone is a "10" in some area. Everyone has something to offer. Developing and using your gifts is an act of good stewardship and of Worship (Matt. 25:14-30). • You discover your gifts through ministry, instead of discovering your ministry by identifying your gifts. • The evidence of the right match between my "shape" and my ministry is Faithfulness, Fruitfulness and Fulfillment. • Membership and maturity are prerequisites to ministry. Therefore we require class attendance and commitment to these two areas before serving through GOFAMINT. No shortcut is allowed. ABOUT THE BODY OF CHRIST • We believe: • God intends for ministry to be performed through the context of the local church. Membership includes a commitment to ministry. • • The Holy Spirit has provided our church body with all the spiritually gifted people needed to do everything He wants done. Our task is to discover, enlist, train, and support these people in ministry. Everything needed is in the house. • The church is to operate on the basis of spiritual gifts, rather than elected offices. We do not elect people to ministries. "A man's gift makes room for him." Prov. 18:16 • The church is a body, not a business, an organism, not an organization. Therefore we streamline the structure in order to maximize ministry and minimize maintenance. We don't bury ministries under a bunch of procedures. •The mobilization of every member as a minister is the key to balanced growth of the church (Eph. 4:16). • The greater good of the whole body must always take priority over the needs of any single ministry. There is no place for Turfism in God's family. We offer lots of opportunities without any competition. ABOUT THE ROLE OF PASTORS • We Believe: • The equipping of the members for ministry is the number one priority of the pastors. The people are the ministers and the pastors are the administrators. (Eph. 4:11-12) • The objective of Class 301 and the Lay Ministry Forum is to mobilize an army of ministers who are maximizing their unique gifts, heart, abilities, personality and experiences in a meaningful place of service through our church. • Every member deserves personal assistance in discovering a meaningful place of service. We value the individual more than the ministry. Our aim is to do the best we can to make sure that everyone apprehends the reason why he has been apprehended by the Lord (Phil. 2:12-15). That’s why we are having personal interviews with every person. • • Those involved in ministry are entitled to competent leadership. Therefore, every ministry is assigned a Director who is committed to the success of that ministry. That is we have Leadership Training Institute (aimed at raising multiplying leaders) and Advanced Leadership Institute (aimed at raising co laborers). • Each Ministry Director is to provide training, encouragement, guidance, feedback and resources to the ministers under his or her care. ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY • We become what we are committed to. Therefore we encourage growth in commitment to Christ and His Church. • Everything rises or falls on leadership. No ministry can exceed the commitment of those leading it. • One mark of a maturing church is that the standards for leadership are raised periodically. • There must be periodic reviews of all ministries. We do what is inspected, not just what is expected. Best intentions are not enough. ABOUT TRAINING Every leader is a learner. The moment you stop learning, you stop leading. We believe in constant training to sharpen the leader’s cutting edge. • We emphasize on the job training more than pre-service training. We learn best by doing. We delegate to develop people. • • ON DIVERSITY OF MINISTRY • ABOUT PERFORMANCE • We expect excellence in ministry, not perfection. Excellence is doing your best (Dan. 6:3). God deserves our best. • We encourage creativity and innovation in ministry, MINISTERIAL ETHICS Scripture 1: •Scripture 2: •Scripture 3: • • 1. Punctuality: • 2. Ministers’/Workers’ Forum: • 3. Dressing: • 5. Cultural Sensitivity: • 6. Relationship: • 7. Role/Position: • 8. Communication: •9. Protection: •10. Obedience: •11. Stewardship: •12. Discipline: •13. Exemplary living: •14. Timeliness: • 15. Excellence: • 16. Self-improvement • 17. Fasting & Prayer: • 18. Evangelism and Follow up • 19. Cooperation: • 20. Consistency: •21. Orderliness: •21. Love: GOFAMINT’S MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES • These are just examples of the different ministries and their categories in the church. Some of you are already involved in some ministry, so you need to ask yourself some questions about that ministry now that we're looking at these things: GOFAMINT FOCUS GROUPS • The purpose of this group is to enable people of the same status have fellowship together and also provide a forum to address issues related to each group with clarity. They are also to organize outreach events to reach those who are unsaved. • 1. MARRIED COUPLES’ FELLOWSHIP • 2. SINGLES’ FELLOWSHIP • 3. GSF & YOUTH FELLOWSHIP • 4. CHILDREN FELLOWSHIP: • 5. WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP: • 6. MEN’S FELLOWSHIP • • • • • • GOFAMINT OUTREACH MINISTRIES 1. Music ministry 2. Tape ministry:. * Audio * Video 3. Bookstore/ Ministry resource ministry. 4. Greeters’ Ministry: • 5. Ushering ministry • 6. Intercessory ministry • 7. Welfare ministry. • 8. Teaching Ministry: • 9. Interaction ministry: • 10. Transportation ministry. • 11. Technical assistance ministry. • 12. Soul winning ministry. • 13. Publicity & Publication ministry. • 14. Restoration ministry. • * Substance abuse. • * Homeless • * Homosexuals etc. • 15. Hospital ministry: • 16. Protocol Ministry • 17. Hospitality Ministry: • 18. Money Counter Ministry: • 19. GOFAMINT Orchestra: • 20. Drama Ministry: • 21. Maintenance Ministry: • 22. Traffic Control: • 23. Recreation Ministry: • 24. Communication Ministry: • 25. Pastor’s Research Ministry: • 26. Prison Ministry: • 27. Writing Ministry: DEVELOPING A HEART TO SERVE THROUGH MINISTRY COVENANT MY MINISTRY COVENANT Having committed myself to membership and the habits essential for spiritual maturity, and agreeing with GOFAMINT’s Ministry Statement, I commit to... • * Discover my unique shape for ministry and serve in the area that best expresses what God made me to be. • • * Prepare for ministry by participating in C.L.A.S.S. and Leadership Training Institute. • * Demonstrate a servant's heart by serving in secondary ministries as the Body needs me. • * Cooperate with other ministries and place the greater good of the whole Body over the needs of my ministry. ________ _________ • Signed date • This certifies that ______________________________ is a commissioned minister of Jesus Christ through the The Gospel Faith Mission International Church and is entrusted with the related responsibilities and privileges. THE TWO ENEMIES OF MINISTRY 1. Fear: •2. Secular values. •Prayer: • THE NEXT STEP • 1. Commit to the ministry covenant. • 2. Complete your “My SHAPE’S Form. • 3. Schedule an interview with a ministry guide. Together you will select two or three ministry opportunities that best match your unique S.H.A.P.E. • 4. Contact the Director of Ministry over the ministries you’ve selected for possible involvement • 5. Begin Serving! • 6. Start attending the workers’ meeting. • 7. Enhance your maturity and ministry through other C.L.A.S.S. COURSES. You only have two more base classes to complete, "Discovering My Mission #401" and "Discovering Worship #501" after which you will be a Grand Slam Disciple! • 8. Grow in leadership by attending the leadership institute to become a multiplying leader. Thank you for listening