ENGL 098 - Laura M. Tobias, M.A. Teaching Portfolio 2012

ENGLISH 098-01, Laura Tobias M,W, Winter 2013 – Topical Outline and due
dates for major* reading and writing assignments:
8:30-9:55 M, W CM1109
Office Hours (in CM2110): Mondays: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays:
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.; 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.; Wednesdays: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.;
Thursdays: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. and 12:30 - 1:00 p.m., and by appointment at
other times.
Email: laura.tobias@mcc.edu
Office: CM2110
Office Phone: (810) 232-2741
Cell Phone: (810) 336-7900 (Please feel free to call me when you
are confused.)
January 14-30 - Discovering Raw Material: From Reading and Informal Writing
to Content for Essay(s)
*There will also be other homework that will be announced in class each day. The
dates listed are dates the assignments were assigned. They are due the next class
day.. Any changes to the homework will also have been announced in class. In
addition, they will be posted on the Syllabus on Blackboard. Please check the
Syllabus on Blackboard one and a half hours after class ends every Monday
and Wednesday to see/confirm what has been added to your homework.
Intro to Class; Writing Sample.
READ Malcolm X, “Prison Studies” + WRITE brief reading response. 2
pages in Journal (prompt given in class). Course Packet pp. 9 - 20.
College is closed. Dr. Martin Luther King Day.
Meet in COMPUTER LAB – CM1136. READ Alice Walker, “Beauty:
When the Other Dancer is the Self” + WRITE reading response. Course Packet pp.
21 - 26. 2 pages in journal (prompt given in class).
Course Packet, pp. 46 - 50.
1. READ “Be Specific” on page 13 and “Girl” on page 63 and write a 1-page response
for each reading. Use the new response guidelines I passed out on 1/28/30
to write your reading responses.
2. Freewriting: 1 page: Advice you get/got from your elders.
February 4-27 - Shaping Your Work: Drafting & Revising Narrative/Descriptive
2/04 HMWK:
1. Bring your best freewriting (done out of class or in) or reading response on
Wednesday. (If you don’t know which one is the best, think of how you felt
after you wrote each one. If you didn’t want to stop writing, or your mind
started traveling miles a minute, that’s a sign that it’s your best free writing
or reading response. Typed in MLA format. MLA format review on pp. 213 221.)
2. Additional sentence work will be assigned. Sentence Combining on page 149. 3
sets of short sentences to be combined into one longer sentence.
Meet in COMPUTER LAB – CM1136.
1. 2 pages in Journal (a time you knew something was wrong, but you did it
anyway). Remember, even though you should start out addressing the
prompt, you can allow your writing to wander off topic. Just go wherever
your pen takes you. If you go very far, gently bring yourself back to the
2. Read Annie Dillard “The Chase” p. 93 + WRITE reading response (1-1/2 - 2 pages).
Remember to use the new Reading Response Guidelines passed out in class
on 1/28/13.
3. Volunteer your story for class discussion next time (Tonya)
2/11 HMWK:
1. Read assignment for Essay #1 on pages 76 & 77 of your blue course pack.
2. First draft of Essay #1 is due Monday, 2/18 in class, typed in MLA format. We will
work on Essay #1 in class next time also.
2/13 HMWK:
1. Course Packet, just read pp. 84 -107.
2. 2 pages in Journal (Tell a story about learning to read or write. What can you
remember about learning to read or write? What was your worst writing or
reading experience? What was your best reading or writing experience?)
3. Finish your storyboard!
4. READ Frederick Douglass, “Learning to Read and Write,” + WRITE reading
response, http://www.gutenberg.org/files/23/23-h/23-h.htm - Chapters VI
and VII. Use the new guidelines for reading responses passed out 1/28/13 in
Using Details.”
Continue working on Essay #1 in class. Read “Rewriting:
in Journal (Start with “Once Upon a Time . . .” and keep writing.) Current draft of
Narrative/Descriptive Essay due in your conference.
Narrative/Descriptive Essay after discussion with me. Your third draft will be due
on March 4th in class, typed in MLA format, double-spaced.
Narrative/Descriptive Essay after discussion with me. Your third draft will be due
on March 4th in class, typed in MLA format, double-spaced.
March 4-27: Polishing: Editing and Revising: Narrative/Descriptive Essay(s)
READ Toni Cade Bambara, “The Lesson” + WRITE reading response by
next time. Work on Short Essay #2. Sentence Combining Problems. Work on
sentence issues pointed out in your third draft of Essay #1. See me individually in
my office hours or by appointment.
COMPUTER LAB – CM1136. COMPLETE: Editing and Mechanics
Issues Exercises. Sentence Combining Problems. 2 pages in Journal (prompt
announced in class). Bring third draft for a read-around in class on 3/18 looking for
the best sentences in student papers. Work on Short Essay #2. Work on sentence
issues pointed out in your third draft of Essay #1. See me individually in my office
hours or by appointment.
Imitate the sentences of professional writers. Work on sentence
issues pointed out in your third draft of Essay #1. See me individually in my office
hours or by appointment. Work on Short Essay #2.
COMPUTER LAB – CM1136. COMPLETE: Editing and Mechanics
Exercises. Sentence Combining/Imitating Problems. 2 pages in Journal (prompt
announced in class). Work on sentence issues pointed out in your third draft of
Essay #1. See me individually in my office hours or by appointment. Work on Short
Essay #2. Read “I Stand Here Ironing” + Write reading response.
2 pages in Journal (prompt given in class last time). Work on sentence
issues pointed out in your third draft of Essay #1. See me individually in my office
hours or by appointment. Bring third draft of Essay #1 to individual conference.
Work on Short Essay #2. Bring first draft of Essay #2 to your conference.
INDIVIDUAL CONFERENCES. READ Raymond Carver, “A Serious Talk”
+ WRITE reading response. 2 pages in Journal (prompt announced in class).
Sentence Combining/Imitating Work. FINAL (FOURTH) DRAFT ESSAY #1 DUE ON
INDIVIDUAL CONFERENCES. READ Raymond Carver, “A Serious Talk”
+ WRITE reading response. 2 pages in Journal (prompt announced in class).
Sentence Combining/Imitating Work. FINAL (FOURTH) DRAFT ESSAY #1 DUE ON
April 4th – May 1st Practice Final, Final Exam and Final Conferences and more
Sentence Work. Short Essay #2 due last day of classes.
Tentative Due Dates for Major Writing Assignments:
1st Draft of Narrative/Descriptive Essay: 2/18.
2nd Draft of Narrative/Descriptive Essay: 2/25, 2/27.
3rd Draft of Narrative/Descriptive Essay: 3/04
Final Draft of Narrative/Descriptive Essay: 4/09
Final Draft of (Short) Essay: 5/1
Practice Final Essay Exam: 4/04, 4/09, 4/11, 4/15
Final Essay Exam: 4/17, 4/22, 4/24
Reading Responses: (9) due dates as specified above
Journal: 1/30: 6 full pages due; 2/25: 14 full pages due (cumulative); 3/25: 20 full
pages due (cumulative).
Grading Categories:
· Narrative/Descriptive Essay:
(This includes grades on drafts.)
Reading Responses:
· Participation:
(Participation includes all work done in class and all homework except for reading
responses and the Journal, which have their own categories. It also includes being in
class and honoring the teaching/learning environment (see “Classroom Etiquette”
on Course Description.)
Your grade on the final exam does not count in your grade, but you must earn an Son this exam in order to receive an S in the class.
*If you complete all your journals according to the guidelines given in class, and
they are turned in on time, at the end of the semester you will receive up to 5
percentage points added to one category of your choice (see “Grading
Categories” above) towards your final percentage in the class.