Descriptive Essay

Portfolio #2 Narrative Writing
Essay One – Pivotal Moment
The first portfolio item for Portfolio Two is a narrative of a pivotal moment in your life. Consider a moment
in your life when your life changed. In other words, you were not exactly the same after that moment as
you were before it. Moments like these stand out, often, for their memorable quality and rich descriptive
potential. Remember to use vivid descriptions when discussing this life-changing moment. Choose
meaningful adjectives and action-packed verbs, too. Limit the amount of information you choose in order
to write a punchy, focused, driven essay.
This essay should be focused in the same manner that your portfolio one essays was required to be
focused. In other words, you shouldn’t just write about the day of your big dance recital in general;
instead, you should identify a single reason you want to write about it. Write about it to show your
confidence growing. Write about the day you moved to a new place in order to show your heartbreak. But
the most important thing to remember is that you need to choose a focus and avoid writing the general
Remember to experiment with your writing tricks, too. The reason they are tricks is because they really
enhance ordinary prose. These tricks are the strategies great writers use to showcase their skills and ideas.
This essay should be about two pages long, word-processed and double-spaced. I will provide the due date
in class.
Portfolio #2 Narrative Writing
Essay One – Routine
The second portfolio item for Portfolio Two is a description of a personal ritual. For example, think about
the personal steps that you always go through when you prepare for an exam. Do you sit at a desk, spread
books and notes across your bed, or use the kitchen table? Do you have to have something to drink...soda,
water, Red Bull? Like studying, there are numerous things we do for which we create our own personal
rituals. Choose one event, like studying for a test, writing a paper, dressing and warming up before a game,
or preparing a special family meal. Narrate the events that take place when you complete your ritual so
that your readers understand the steps that the ritual includes and why you complete them. Remember to
use vivid descriptions when discussing this ritual. Choose meaningful adjectives and action-packed verbs,
too. Limit the amount of information you choose in order to write a punchy, focused, driven essay.
This essay should be focused in the same manner that your portfolio one essays and your pivotal moment
essay was required to be focused. In other words, you shouldn’t just write about your routine for practicing
piano in general; instead, you should identify a single reason you want to write about it. Write about it to
show your fear of making mistakes and how that is a factor in your routine. Write about your morning
routine in order to show your detached, robotic start to the day. But the most important thing to
remember is that you need to choose a focus and avoid writing a general essay. And, above all, make sure
that the essay is engaging, charming, and purposeful even while you are explaining what is boring and
everyday to you.
Remember to experiment with your writing tricks, too. The reason they are tricks is because they really
enhance ordinary prose. These tricks are the strategies great writers use to showcase their skills and ideas.
This essay should be about two pages long, word-processed and double-spaced. It should be presented
according to MLA format, and it should include a main title and subtitle. I will provide a due date in class.
Rubric for the Narrative Essay
Does the essay include a catchy main title and an informative subtitle? Are the lengths of each appropriate? Am I
both excited to read the piece and knowledgeable about the topic after I read just the main title and subtitle?
Does the writer offer an engaging introduction? Does the intro grab the interest of the reader? Does it set up the
story that will follow? Is it at least one well-developed paragraph?
Is the essay focused on describing one important quality or making one dominant impression? In other words, is the
essay united in the sense that it strives to communicate one point and tell one story instead of many?
Is the story being told powerful? Does the writer work to establish a story with energy and a climax? Are
descriptions rich and vivid? Is sensory language used? Is metaphor or simile used to add richness to descriptions?
Does the writer show instead of simply telling? Are the word choices appropriate for a descriptive essay? Does the
writer avoid trite, overused descriptions and clichés? Does the writer experiment with writing tricks?
Is there a solid organization that provides an easy-to-follow framework for the essay? Does the structure make the
narrative work? In other words, does it contribute to the story being told? Do points flow smoothly from one to the
next? Does the essay avoid repetition of points? Does the writer employ transition words and phrases? Are the
transitions strong? Does the essay flow well?
Is there personality in this writing? Does the style of the writer make the essay memorable? Is the style appropriate
for the topic? Is the style appropriate for an essay written for a high school English class? Is there experimentation
with writing tricks?
Grammar and Punctuation
Is the essay relatively free of errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar? Are sentences varied? Does the writing
flow easily from one point to the next? Is there an absence of sentence fragments and run-on sentences? Does the
writer make appropriate word choices?
Is there an acceptable conclusion that makes the essay feel complete and finished? Does the writer avoid offering
new points in the conclusion? Is the closing memorable and meaningful? Is it at least one complete paragraph?
Evidence of Revision
Are there multiple drafts of each essay? Do the drafts reflect significant transformation and growth? Are the final
essays’ tricks marked and labeled accurately? Is the essay formatted properly?