UTC proposal draft 10-10-11

America’s highway infrastructure is crumbling. The American Society of Structural Engineers gave
highways a grade of D- in its 2009 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, yet our nation’s economy
and quality of life require a highway and roadway system that is safe, reliable, efficient and comfortable.
The nation’s current spending level of $70.3 billion for highway capital improvements1 however, is well
below the estimated $186 billion needed annually to substantially improve the nation's highways.2
Auburn University and its partners will create a University Transportation Center to produce targeted,
useful research to help solve real problems. New, innovative approaches must address problems posed by
deteriorating highway infrastructure. Band-Aid approaches will no longer work; in the future UTCs must
be innovative, effective, efficient and accountable.
The tightly focused theme of this Tier 1 University Transportation Center is “Rapid Technology
Deployment for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure.” The consortium’s focuses are research,
education and technology transfer in connection with Pavement, Bridges and Erosion Control. As the
cost of building roads and bridges increases, revenues into the federal Highway Trust Fund stagnate. State
Departments of Transportation can save billions in taxpayer dollars by building faster, maintaining better
and figuring out how to make infrastructure last longer.
Facilities are already in place. Auburn researchers are able to compress 10 to 20 years of normal road use
into just two years by utilizing the one-of-a-kind National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) test
track. The NCAT site is so unique that other universities send researchers to use the facility, and
representatives from China, Australia, Europe and Malaysia have visited Auburn in hopes of emulating
the outdoor laboratory.
Finding better, cheaper, faster ways to build roadways saves taxpayers money, but bridges and erosion
control are also important. Most of the nearly 600,000 bridges in the U.S. have been designed for a 50year lifespan, and the average age is now 43 years. Replacing them all is an impossible dream; methods of
rehabilitation and repair are being pushed to the forefront of bridge research. Virginia Tech presently has
three bridges in the eastern U.S. instrumented for remote monitoring with web-based access, and the 300acre NCAT test track site includes a deep foundation testing facility for evaluating different foundations
for bridges and buildings as well as a section for erosion control testing built for Auburn’s Highway
Research Center.
Consortium members need to be familiar enough with the industry to know what research is really
needed, and need to be able to provide better methods and better science for the transportation industry to
make decisions. All consortium universities enjoy extremely close relationships with the Federal
Highway Administration, numerous state Departments of Transportation and industry, and channels are in
place to transfer results of research to those who will benefit. As one of 10 original Local Technical
Assistance Programs in the nation, Auburn has more than 20 years experience in training the
transportation workforce. Today, two consortium partners—Texas A&M and University of NevadaReno—are also home to their state’s LTAP centers. In addition, three consortium members—Auburn,
TAMU and UNR—are home to three of the nation’s five Superpave Centers.
Finally, consortium members are quite comfortable with the role and purpose of University
Transportation Centers. Auburn has been a member of the Council of University Transportation Centers
for several years, and Texas A&M is already home to a UTC.
The Road Information Project (TRIP), Key Facts About America's Road and Bridge Conditions and
Federal Funding, updated August 2008
2 Report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission -- Transportation
for Tomorrow, December 2007. Volume II
Rapid Technology Deployment for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure
If there is room we can include small pix of each university
Auburn University, located in Auburn, Al., is the lead institution in the consortium. Auburn is joined by
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, Va.; and the University of Nevada at Reno, Reno, Nev. Auburn’s partners bring significant
but complementary strengths to the consortium.
Auburn, through NCAT, has a notable program in asphalt technology with strengths in laboratory testing,
accelerated loading on the test track and materials and construction. The University of Nevada, Reno, has
extensive experience with asphalt pavement preservation, and Texas A&M has a strong concrete
pavements program in addition to its asphalt program. Texas A&M has been a leader in implementing Xray computed tomography, ground penetrating radar and surface energy measurements to improvement
pavements. Texas A&M and Auburn both have very strong programs in use of recycled materials and
warm mix asphalt.
Auburn University and the other institutions involved already have extremely active education, workforce
development and technology transfer programs in place. As land-grant institutions, all share a focus on
teaching practical science and engineering and disseminating practical information learned from research.
Auburn and Texas A&M are also sea-grant and space-grant institutions, reflecting their broad range of
research. Ongoing research at consortium universities is funded by agencies such as the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Institutes of Health and the National
Science Foundation.
None of the consortium members is a specifically minority-serving institution, but all have active
diversity programs and this UTC is designed to incorporate faculty and students from minority-serving
i. Auburn University
Auburn University, located in Auburn, Al., is a co-educational, public research institution with more
than 25,000 undergraduate and graduate students. It is one of the largest public universities in the state.
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering: Auburn’s Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, established in
1872, is a leader in the Southeast in engineering education, workforce development and research. The
new Shelby Center for Engineering Technology is designed to move Auburn to the forefront in
transportation research in the 21st century. The Department of Civil Engineering is the largest Civil
Engineering program in Alabama, graduating almost half of the state’s civil engineers each year. In fiscal
year 2010, research awards in Civil Engineering totaled $7.5 million.
National Center for Asphalt Technology: The 1.8-mile NCAT track is divided into more than 40
sections. Limestone, granite and other materials are trucked in from other states to build sections; issues
vary from region to region because soil conditions vary and states use materials available at home to save
ii. Texas A&M University
Texas A&M, located in College Station, Tx., is a co-educational, public research institution with more
than 50,000 students. The flagship institution of the Texas A&M System, it is the sixth largest university
in the country.
Texas Transportation Institute: The world’s largest university-based transportation research and
education instsitute, TTI is dedicated to applying research findings as rapidly as possible. Much of TTI’s
[Type the document title]
woprk stresses implementation of findings. TTI also plays a key role in training and educating students;
since 1950, more than 4,000 transportation professionals have been trained at TTI. More than 50 TTI
researchers hold joint academic positions at Texas A&M. The institute maintains close ties with Texas
A&M’s College of Engineering.
Dwight Look College of Engineering: Texas A&M’s civil engineering department is ranked eighth
(undergraduate) and eighth (graduate) among all civil engineering programs at public institutions. The
College of Engineering currently enrolls more than 7,600 undergraduates (including more than 1,400
women) and more than 2,700 graduate students. With more than 70 faculty members, 1,100
undergraduate students and 400 graduate students, the Zachry Department of Civil Engineering at Texas
A&M is the largest CE program in the country.
iii. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, known as Virginia Tech, is a co-educational, public
research institution located in Blacksburg, Va. With more than 28,000 students, Virginia Tech is the
commonwealth’s most comprehensive university and leading research institution.
Cooperative Center for Bridge Engineering (VaTech): The Virginia Cooperative Center for Bridge
Engineering seeks to advance the state of bridge engineering in the U.S. Jointly administered by Virginia
Tech and the Virginia Transportation Council, the center seeks to transfer new bridge engineering
technologies to transportation officials and work cooperatively with VTRC and VDOT to address bridge
engineering issues of immediate importance to the Commonwealth. Research focuses on reducing bridge
structure costs, rapidly installing and rehabilitating structures, maintaining existing bridges and enhancing
durability and life of new and existing structures.
Virginia Tech College of Engineering: Virginia Tech’s Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, ranked in the top 10 accredited civil and environmental engineering departments by U.S.
News and World Report, is one of the largest programs in the United States. The department has 46 fulltime faculty, 657 undergraduates and 400 graduate students.
iv University of Nevada, Reno
University of Nevada, Reno, a co-educational, public university, is Nevada’s flagship institution and
educates more than 17,000 students.
College of Engineering: The College of Engineering’s purpose is to expand the boundaries of
knowledge, advance and create new information and technology, develop students’ skills, abilities and
understanding, transfer technology to industry, positively impact the regional economy and advance
engineering as a discipline and a professions. Research and outreach grants and contracts were expected
to exceed $25 million in fiscal year 2011. In the 2010 academic year, the college graduated 181 BS
degree students, 61 MS degree students and 12 Ph.D. students.
As the lead institution, Auburn University far exceeds all eligibility criteria to become a Tier 1 University
Transportation Center. Transportation research and education are a key focus area at Auburn. Auburn has
consistently committed significant sums to support ongoing transportation research and education
programs. Table 1 illustrates that Auburn has committed well in excess of $400,000 in regularly budgeted
institutional amounts to support ongoing research and education programs in each of the preceding five
Table 1. Auburn University base budget allocations.
Civil Eng.
$ 369,515
$ 383,088
$ 403,151
$ 406,455
$ 399,806
75% CE+HRC
The table shows the hard funds allocated by Auburn to the Department of Civil Engineering and the
Highway Research Center each year. All HRC funds directly support the transportation research and
education program. In addition, 17 of the 22 civil engineering faculty members (approximately 75
percent) are directly involved in education, research and outreach programs related to transportation and
transportation infrastructure. The other five faculty members are in the area of environmental engineering
and occasionally are involved in work directly related to transportation. The total of 75 percent of the
Civil Engineering Department budget plus the HRC budget far exceeds $400,000 each year.
NCAT transportation research expenditures for the five fiscal years from 2006 to 2010 totaled more than
$27 million, averaging more than $5 million each year (see Table 1). Likewise, Highway Research Center
transportation-related expenditures totaled more than $5 million, averaging more than $1 million
annually, and the Civil Engineering Department’s transportation-related expenditures totaled nearly $3
million, with an average of nearly $590,000 annually.
Table 2. Research and Total Funds related to Transportation spent by CE, HRC and NCAT
NCAT (funds spent)
NCAT (Transportation-related funds
HRC (funds spent)
HRC (Transportation-related funds
CE (budgeted funds spent)
CE (Transportation-related funds
Total funds spent
5,928,821 10,271,003 7,861,228 10,352,023 8,811,693
Transportation-related funds spent
7,924,252 6,434,479
8,975,069 7,486,505
Auburn far exceeds the requirement of at least five graduate degrees each year for five years in
transportation-related fields. Currently, 587 students are studying to achieve bachelor’s degrees in
engineering. In addition, there are currently 75 master’s level students and 34 doctoral students. Since,
2006, a total of 136 graduate degrees have been awarded in Civil Engineering, with almost all being
transportation-related. That total includes:
32 master’s degrees and five doctorates awarded in 2006,
29 master’s and five doctorates awarded in 2007,
19 master’s and four doctorates awarded in 2008,
18 master’s and two doctorates awarded in 2009
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19 master’s and three doctorates awarded in 2010.
In addition to undergraduates, Texas A&M is currently educating some 50 graduate students in materials
and pavements. The University of Nevada-Reno graduate degree in pavements and materials engineering
is currently educating 28 master’s level students and six doctoral students. Appendix ? lists the names,
degree awarded and graduation year of five students for each of five years who received graduate degrees
from the Auburn University Department of Civil Engineering.
Auburn’s College of Engineering has 142 tenure-track faculty, with 22 tenured or tenure-track faculty and
four research faculty in the Department of Civil Engineering. As a group, they have published – articles
on transportation-related topics in refereed journals during the previous five years. These include ----.
(See Appendix A)
The primary source of matching funds for this UTC will be the National Center for Asphalt Technology
test track. Most all of the work there is performed with funding using State Planning and Research (SPR)
funds from 12 states in addition to Alabama, as well as industry funds. Funds provided by the National
Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) Research and Education Foundation also can be used as matching
funds. In addition, NCAT provides training, and most of these funds can be used for matching funds as
well. Faculty members’ state-supported salaries are also available for the match. (We need to finalize the
match funds amounts etc.)
Auburn University will provide matching funds for all amounts allocated to the Diversity and Operations
categories. Partner universities will be responsible for providing matching funds equal to all research
funds received. Among consortium partners, Virginia Tech funds will come from the Virginia
Transportation Research & Innovation Center, which is funded by the Virginia Department of
• Well-maintained roads are safe roads. Roadway conditions are a significant factor in about one-third of
traffic fatalities.
• Good repair and a strong, viable infrastructure promote economic competitiveness; the American
Society of Civil Engineers estimates that by 2020 the nation’s deteriorating surface transportation
infrastructure will cost the American economy more than 876,000 jobs and suppress the growth of the
country’s Gross Domestic Product by $897 billion.
• Good, safe roadways and bridges are a crucial component of livable communities. Americans spend 4.2
billion hours a year stuck in traffic at a cost of more than $78 billion a year, and 36 percent of the
nation’s major urban highways are congested.
Planned research activities focus particularly on the DOT’s strategic goals of State of Good Repair and
environmental sustainability, but actually touch on every goal. The proposed projects:
1. Performance-Based Specifications for Self-Consolidating Concrete
Anton K. Schindler (P.I.) and Robert W. Barnes (co-P.I.)
Auburn University
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is an emerging material that can save money and improve durability in
transportation applications, especially Accelerated Bridge Construction. SCC is preferable to
conventional concrete because SCC is placed rapidly without mechanical consolidation.
The most critical performance requirement for SCC is that it remain stable (i.e. resist segregation) during
transportation and placement. The Visual Stability Index (VSI) is the most commonly used measure of
stability, but the measure is subjective because it is based on a visual assessment. This subjectivity makes
determining mixture acceptance or rejection based on a limiting VSI value problematic.
As an alternative to the VSI, the surface settlement test was recommended in NCHRP Report 628 (Khayat
and Mitchell 2009) as the primary stability test for SCC. This test involves precisely measuring the
surface settlement of a sample of fresh concrete as it sets. The test has been shown to give a good
measurement of the development of bleeding segregation, but the required measurement precision and
sensitivity to external stimuli make the test impractical for on-site quality assurance during SCC
The sieve stability test for SCC stability is commonly used in Europe (EPG 2005). This test involves
placing fresh SCC in a bucket for 15 minutes, then pouring a sample from the bucket onto a sieve and
allowing the SCC sample to rest on the sieve for two minutes. The percentage (by weight) of the SCC
sample that passes through the sieve is a quantitative outcome that correlates well with the degree of
segregation as well as the resulting performance of the hardened concrete. This test is practical for on-site
use (Keske, Schindler, and Barnes 2011).
Neither the surface settlement test nor the sieve stability test is currently standardized in the United States.
Standardization is necessary to provide an on-site quantitative and rapid assessment of the stability of
SCC. Criteria also need to be specified and assessed to establish the appropriate degree of stability. With
this information, unified requirements for performance-based specifications for SCC can be developed for
implementation in variety of cost-efficient DOT applications.
Objective and Work Description
The objectives are the identification and evaluation of the method best suited for rapid on-site stability
testing of SCC as well as the development of an AASHTO/ASTM specification for this test method.
Criteria will be established based on correlation, with the segregation measured in various full-scale
hardened concrete specimens, as well as the degradation of structural performance resulting from this
segregation. Guide performance-based specifications will be developed for DOT implementation in
ready-mixed and precast/prestressed concrete applications. The resulting SCC will result in more rapidly
built—and more durable—transportation infrastructure components.
Why is your team best for this project?
Dr. Anton Schindler and Dr. Robert Barnes have led four DOT-sponsored studies of SCC properties,
behavior and performance in precast, prestressed and cast-in-place concrete infrastructure components.
They edited a 2007 book of peer-reviewed papers titled Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast
Prestressed Applications and have authored several SCC-related, peer-reviewed papers. Dr. Schindler has
taught FHWA-sponsored SCC workshops in 15 states to more than 900 engineers and contractors. He is
currently the secretary of ACI Committee 237 (SCC) and has served as panel member on NCHRP 18-12
(SCC for Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge Elements).
2. Pavement Preservation
Peter E Sebaaly
University of Nevada, Reno
In today’s economy it is prudent for the road paving industry to “do-more for-less,” which translates into
paving more road miles with a limited budget. This can only be accomplished by implementing an
effective preventive maintenance program, which is essential to the life of a pavement. Pavements that are
[Type the document title]
left to deteriorate are likely to require major rehabilitation and reconstruction much sooner than properly
maintained pavements. Typically, the cost of maintenance is 10-15 percent of the expected cost to repair
pavement failure; national data indicate that every $1 spent on maintaining the pavement surface saves $5
on the major rehabilitation required without maintenance.
The most difficult part of implementing a preventive maintenance program is estimation of the long-term
performance of various maintenance treatments. This difficulty is compounded by the fact that the longterm performance of preventive maintenance treatments is heavily dependent on the time of application,
the materials used and the construction technique.
Objective and Work Description
This project seeks to identify the most effective preventive maintenance treatments of asphalt pavements
based on an extensive review of the national experience. In addition, the project seeks to identify the most
effective timing of application of the selected preventive maintenance treatments of asphalt pavements as
well as the most effective materials and application methods. Finally, we will develop guidelines for the
selection of the most effective timing, materials and construction technique for road agencies to use in
implementing pavement preventive maintenance programs.
Why is your team best for this project?
3. Design and Construction of Thin Overlays for
Improving Pavement Surfaces at Low Costs
PIs: Nam Tran and Don Watson
Institution: Auburn/NCAT
Thin overlays have been used to provide a new pavement surface at lower total cost, but performance has
been an issue because of difficulty in designing a suitable mix to be placed in thin layers and then being
able to adequately compact this thin layer. Some state DOTs have developed and begun to use mixes they
believe are suitable for placing in thin overlays, but guidance in mixture requirements and construction is
needed to ensure optimum performance. Also, use of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is increasing, but WMA
performance when placed and compacted in thin layers is not known. It is believed that compaction time
will increase, making it much easier to obtain adequate compaction and ensure good performance.
However, the performance of thin overlays using WMA needs to be observed on actual paving projects.
Objective and Work Description
The objective is to develop improved specifications for mixture and construction requirements for the
construction of thin overlays and then document performance of thin layers subjected to traffic and
environment. We will also document construction issues with placing and compacting thin layers and
evaluate the use of WMA in thin layers. This study will provide state DOTs with specifications for thin
overlays along with recommendations about the use of these thin overlays, giving DOTs another
maintenance/rehabilitation option.
Why is your team best for this project?
4. Recycled Asphalt Shingles and Reclaimed Asphalt
Pavement in HMA/WMA Mixtures
Jon Epps
Texas A&M University
The use of Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS) and Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in Hot Mix
Asphalt (HMA) and Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) mixtures has increased dramatically over the last three
years (some 700,000 tons in 2009 compared to 1.2 million tons in 2010). More than 15 states currently
allow the use of RAS in HMA and WMA paving materials. This increased use is largely a result of
paving industry economics and the desire to recycle and has been advanced by the materials supplier and
contracting industries.
States have accepted the use of RAS with limited engineering and performance data. The amount of RAS
used in paving mixtures typically ranges from 3 to 5 percent by weight of HMA or WMA mixture, but
recycled mixtures with RAS and with RAS/RAP may be prone to fatigue cracking, reflection cracking,
low temperature cracking, aging and raveling, which will reduce their service life. In addition, the use of
high RAS and RAP mixtures may cause workability and compaction problems during construction.
Engineering and performance data needs to be obtained on a nation-wide basis to develop specifications
for the use of RAS and RAS/RAP combinations.
Objective and Work Description
The objective is to define the engineering properties of HMA and WMA mixtures containing RAS and
RAS/RAP combinations. We will characterize the asphalt binders extracted and recovered from RAS and
RAP as well as HMA or WMA mixtures containing virgin materials and RAP/RAS combinations
(representing 100 percent blending) and compare to predicted blending, based on measured mixture
properties and predictive equations such as the Hirch Model. We will also characterize the engineering
properties of HMA and WMA mixtures containing RAS and RAS/RAP combinations and seek to predict
performance. We will also establish NCAT field test sections to study the short-term performance of
HMA and WMA mixtures containing RAS and RAS/RAP combinations and evaluate their short-term
Finally, we will update and propose revisions as necessary to AASHT provisional standards MP 15-09,
“Use of Reclaimed asphalt Shingles as an Additive in Hot Mix Asphalt” and PP 53-09, “Design
Considerations When Using Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles (RAS) in New Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA).” The
revisions should include the use of RAS and RAS/RAP combinations in HMA and WMA. We will also
develop training and workshop materials, including recommended practices based on results.
The use of RAS, RAP and WMA reduces the consumption of energy, reduces emissions, reduces green
house gases and conserves or natural resources as well as reduces the cost of HMA. The proper design
and utilization of these material combinations needs attention in the immediate future.
Why is your team best for this project?
Dr. Epps has more than 45 years working with pavements and pavement materials in government,
universities and the private sector. He has been a Principal Investigator on more than 100 research
projects dealing with theoretical as well as practical topics of interest to state DOTs. He has served on the
NCAT board of directors since its inception. A former dean of engineering at the University of Nevada,
Reno, he now holds academic and managerial positions at Texas A&M. In the past he was responsible for
quality control and new technology development at a multibillion-dollar transportation construction
5. Automation and Real Time QC/QA Testing
Mike Heitzman and Richard Willis
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During pavement construction, an extensive testing program is required to ensure a quality product, but
conducting these tests is time-consuming, expensive and requires some level of technician experience.
There are also some safety issues in taking samples around construction equipment. DOT work is
performed during normal working hours but also at night to ensure less disruption to traffic. There are
limited personnel with expertise to oversee these projects, and it becomes even more difficult to control
when performing construction work 24 hours per day.
This study will develop some test procedures that can be automatically conducted during construction to
collect data needed to evaluate material quality. This will help to ensure full time monitoring of
construction quality even during times when the number of personnel may be limited. During the last 10
years NCAT has studied the use of automation in conducting control tests, but more work is needed to
finalize the equipment and many of the test procedures.
Objective and Work Description
We will identify tests that have potential for automation during production of paving mixtures and work
with a contractor to install equipment and conduct tests during operation. We will analyze data and make
recommendations to DOTs about steps that can be taken to automate testing procedures.
6. Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements
Jon Epps
Texas A&M University
Portland cement concrete pavements are utilized on a substantial portion of our interstate and urban
highway network. Rehabilitation and maintenance of these pavements under heavy traffic remains a
problem. Longer lasting repair techniques that require minimal disruption to traffic are needed.
Concrete pavements will continue to need slab replacement and joint and crack repairs. While progress
has been made to reduce these types of repairs from a design point of view, existing concrete pavements
and some new pavements will require a significant expenditure of funds for these types of repairs.
Slab repair techniques have improved over the years with the use of rapid setting concretes, pre-cast slab
use and other techniques. Partial depth slab repairs are becoming more popular on continuously
reinforced concrete pavements. Joint and crack repair of jointed concrete pavements using dowel bar
retrofits, joint replacement and grinding have proven successful. More rapid techniques are needed.
Objective and Work Description
The objective is to improve portland cement concrete repair and maintenance alternatives by selecting
new materials, utilizing new equipment and/or processes. Additional goals are to reduce the time required
for repair of portland cement concrete pavements and implement the findings in a minimum of three
Why is your team best for this project?
See description under Project 4.
7. State of the Practice Documents
Jon Epps
Texas A&M University
“State of the Practice” documents are prepared periodically by professional organizations, trade
associations, universities and public agencies, but funding for these documents has been limited over the
last decade. This is occurring at a time when it is important to utilize the latest technology to reduce cost
and the environmental impact associated with the construction, rehabilitation, maintenance and operations
of our transportation systems. Implementing/deploying of existing technology is a cost-effective use of
available funds to improve infrastructure.
Objective and Work Description
We will develop and market a series of UTC-Infrastructure publications defining the current “state of the
practice” in particular areas of infrastructure construction, rehabilitation, reconstruction or maintenance,
with an emphasis on reducing time required for operation under traffic. These publications will be
developed for practitioners in specific areas addressed by this center. The publications will be utilized as
references for UTC training programs that will be developed and delivered. These documents will be
expected to “bridge the gap” between research and practice and thereby provide transportation
professionals with the latest technology and techniques. Sufficient detail will be included in the
publication to allow the engineers and other professions to accomplish a specific task, and the documents
and training will be deployed in a minimum of three states.
Why is your team best for this project?
See description under Project 4.
8. Reducing Project Delivery Time
Jon Epps
Texas A&M University
One of the great challenges facing transportation is providing operating physical facilities without
disrupting the movement of goods and freight, because the cost for these delays and disruption of traffic is
substantial. Providing operating physical transportation facilities involves the construction of new
facilities, expanding the capacity of existing facilities and rehabilating and maintaining existing
Objective and Work Description
This project will concentrate on contractor, material supplier, equipment manufacturer and project staging
related opportunities. The objective is to reduce project delivery time associated with construction,
reconstruction, rehabilitation and maintenance activities. The project will involve contractors, material
suppliers, equipment manufacturers, contracting agencies, researchers and other stakeholders, with results
implement in three or more states. As a result, transportation facilities will be supplied to the driving
public and freight haulers more quickly, resulting in reduced user and non-user costs.
Why is your team best for this project?
See description under Project 4.
9. Advancing Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Concepts
John Mander and Mary Beth Hueste
Texas A&M University
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Bridges today are normally constructed using a mix of cast-in-place (CIP) and precast (or prefabricated)
construction techniques. Much of the site occupation time is consumed with the CIP construction
activities, specifically formwork and falsework placement, reinforcing steel placement and pouring
concrete. Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) offers alternative design solutions that save time and
money by minimizing significant delays, speed restrictions and detours. The time-cost-of-money can be
minimized when the construction period is shortened. Another advantage is that precast, prestressed
concrete (PSC) structural elements are more durable because they are fabricated under plant-controlled
conditions and can be designed for uncracked sections under service loads. Using PSC elements in
advanced ABC methods minimizes disruption to the public during both the bridge construction stage and
over the longer service life of the structure.
Objectives and Work Description
Most ABC solutions use some site casting of concrete. These are classified as “wet” connections. Precast
decks have a reinforced concrete (RC) topping; hollow precast pier segments are reinforced and infilled
with site-cast concrete. The objective of this research is to advance ABC by minimizing the amount of
concrete cast on site—in fact, where possible, to eliminate CIP-RC and replace concreting with limited
volumes of grouting. To achieve this, piers can be fully precast with “dry-joints” and post-tensioned,
while decks can be full-depth RC/PSC with a thin (unreinforced) wearing course topping.
The proposed work consists of developing several ABC approaches and trial designs with all bridge
components precast and units connected by either dry or wet concrete connections. Comparative standard
designs will also be made. The project will develop a complete precast concrete substructure system for
bridges with short to medium spans up to 200 feet. The pier bent columns will be dry-jointed and
connected to the pile and pier caps via post-tensioned prestress. A deck system will also be developed that
does not require rebar placement but uses wet joints to connect panels and provide the final riding surface.
Construction schedules and cost estimates of the various ABC and CIP designs would then be compared.
Promising ABC design solutions would serve as a basis for future testing of components and
subassemblies before developing a demonstration project for implementation within one of the states that
hosts the UTC.
Why is your team best for this project?
Dr. John Mander has more than 30 years experience in bridge design, analysis and structural testing. Dr.
Mary Beth Hueste has significant experience in the design, analysis and laboratory testing of reinforced
and prestressed concrete bridge members, including several projects with TxDOT. Dr. Hueste and Dr.
Mander currently are engaged in two somewhat related research projects with TxDOT dealing with
splicing technology developments for prestressed girder bridges (TxDOT 0-6651), and a new type of
modular precast slab-beam bridge system (TxDOT 0-6722). The intent is to capitalize upon and leverage
this knowledge and these current efforts to enhance the outcomes of the present proposed research.
10. UHPC Closure Joints in Pre-fabricated Bridge Deck Systems
Carin Roberts-Wollman and Tommy Cousins
Virginia Tech
Full-depth precast, prestressed bridge deck systems are a rapidly constructed, durable alternative to castin-place reinforced concrete bridge decks. The systems usually consist of panels between 7 inches and 10
inches thick, approximately 10 feet long and as wide as the roadway (up to ~40 ft). The panels are
precast and pretensioned in the direction transverse to traffic and cast with block-outs above the
supporting girders to allow for shear connectors to extend from the girders into the slab.
The panel-to-panel connection is typically a female-female keyed joint, which has routinely been filled
with grout. Typically, the panels are post-tensioned longitudinally to improve durability and structural
performance. A new development in concrete technology and an alternative to grouted joints is Ultra
High Performance Concrete (UHPC). UHPC has been shown to improve workability, reduce labor for
installation, provide superior durability and yield long-term cost savings over traditional concretes and
The system has many advantages over conventional cast-in-place concrete bridge decks. Panels are high
quality, since concrete quality and fabrication tolerances are significantly better in a precasting yard than
in the field. The decks can be prestressed in both directions, which can make them stiffer under service
loads and more impervious to the ingress of corrosion-inducing chlorides and water. Also, the precast
decks can be more rapidly constructed than conventional decks, which reduces construction time and user
costs related to traffic slow-downs and detours. Combining these advantages with the improved durability
of UHPC should provide an excellent alternative to conventional bridge deck systems.
Objectives and Work Description
The project objective is to investigate the behavior of UHPC concrete in the closure pours in panel-topanel connections in the above-described bridge deck system. Of critical importance is the behavior of a
UHPC joint in positive bending (which puts the joint in compression) and negative bending (tension in
the joint) under cyclic loadings and long-term effects. Full-depth deck panel systems simulating actual
bridge conditions will be tested under repeated loadings under positive and negative bending. The test
panels will be compositely connected to the supporting girders. Both longitudinally post-tensioned and
mildly reinforced UHPC panel-to-panel joints will be tested. Degradation of the joint over time will be
measured during testing.
Why is your team best for this project?
Dr. Carin Roberts-Wollmann and Dr. Tommy Cousins have more than 40 years of combined experience
in bridge design, analysis and structural testing, and have been working with UHPC for the past four
years. The specialized equipment needed for mixing and curing UHPC is in place at the Structural
Engineering and Materials Laboratory at Virginia Tech. Dr. Wollmann and Dr. Cousins are currently coadvising a PhD student who is investigating the use of UPHC panels as a replacement to cast-in-place
reinforced concrete decks, and Dr. Wollmann has particular expertise in the long-term behavior of
concrete bridge structures. Dr. Wollmann and Dr. Cousins are currently completing a multi-year project
that will culminate in the construction of a bridge containing full-depth prestressed concrete panels.
11. Extending the Length of Jointless Bridges
Carin Roberts-Wollman and Tommy Cousins
Virginia Tech
It is generally understood in the bridge engineering community that “the best joint is no joint.” Joints cost
money to buy, install, maintain and replace. They are also a path for salt-laden water to enter and attack
the bridge super- and sub-structure. Reducing or illuminating the expansion joints greatly extends the
service life of a bridge as well as reducing maintenance costs.
Integral abutment and jointless bridges have been used in many states, proving that the number of bridge
joints can be reduced. There is not uniform acceptance of the maximum unit lengths achievable in a
jointless bridge, however. Tennessee DOT routinely builds jointless bridges up to 400 feet long with steel
girder super-structures and up to 800 feet long with concrete super-structures. To date, the longest
jointless Tennessee DOT bridge is the Happy Hollow bridge, which is about 1200 feet in length with nine
spans. Many state DOTs have been more conservative in implementation of integral abutment and
[Type the document title]
jointless bridges. For example, VDOT currently uses a limit of 300 feet for integral abutment and
jointless bridges. Based on Tennessee practices, it seems advisable to investigate the shorter limits on
integral abutment and jointless bridges that many state DOTs use.
Objectives and Work Description
The objective is to investigate the present state of practice in the U.S. with regards to integral abutment
and jointless bridges and make recommendations about the potential for increasing span lengths. Part of
the project will be literature review and design code review encompassing AASHTO and international
bridge design codes, as well as a survey of practices by state DOTs. These reviews will be followed by a
field investigation of bridge movements stresses resulting from continuity in jointless bridges. This field
investigation will primarily focus on validating and/or modifying present design practice for both steel
girder and concrete girder bridges. A set of design examples typical of the most common bridge types will
be produced and circulated to state DOT’s.
Why is your team best for this project?
As noted earlier, Dr. Wollmann and Dr. Cousins share more than 40 years of combined experience in
bridge design, analysis and structural testing, and Dr. Wollmann has particular expertise in the long-term
behavior of concrete bridge structures. Through the Virginia Cooperative Center for Bridge Engineering,
Dr. Wollmann and Dr. Cousins have easy access to the bridges within the VDOT inventory for long term,
non-destructive evaluation.
12. Development of a Lightweight Steel Bridge
Deck System Suitable for Rapid Construction
Bill Wright, Tommy Cousins, Carin Roberts-Wollmann, and Mike Stallings
Virginia Tech and Auburn University
This project will develop a steel sandwich panel bridge deck system suitable for rapid deck replacement
and rapid construction of new bridges. The concept utilizes prefabricated modular panels that can be
easily transported and erected using modest-capacity lifting equipment. The basic panels consist of a top
and bottom steel plate separated by rectangular HSS steel tubes as core elements. This results in a nonproprietary system involving standard off-the-shelf components that can be fabricated at conventional
bridge fabrication facilities. The system utilizes the newly developed hybrid laser arc welding (HLAW)
technology to produce "stake" welds to connect the plates to the HSS core elements.
It is estimated that the steel deck panel system can be installed and made ready for traffic in
approximately one week. The system weight is about half that for a conventional concrete deck, allowing
increased live load capacity for bridge rehabilitation projects. An added benefit is that panels provide
lateral bracing to the beams as they are placed, eliminating the need for cross frames between beams.
Early projections indicate significant project cost savings are possible because of substantial reductions in
construction time. The system is suitable for mass production in a factory-type environment using robotic
welding equipment potentially resulting in large savings.
Objectives and Work Description
The objective is to prepare the steel sandwich panel bridge deck system for implementation. Preliminary
results indicate that the system has sufficient strength and can be designed for infinite fatigue life under
truckloads, but several barriers remain to implementation. To address the most significant barriers, we
will perform an optimization study to determine the best combination of plate thickness and HSS sections
for a typical girder bridge application. We will also fabricate and test full-scale deck panels in the
laboratory. This includes both cyclic tests under simulated wheel loads and strength overload tests.
Finally, we will develop and fatigue test the panel-to-panel field connections for rapid construction. Other
barriers to implementation to be addressed in future research are the need for a girder-to-deck connection
that will result in composite action, a durable wearing surface for application to the top deck surface, and
a crash tested barrier rail system.
Why is your team best for this project?
The project team brings a wealth of experience in the steel bridge arena. All of the PIs have been active in
the bridge research community since the 1980s. Dr. William Wright is the inventor of this sandwich panel
concept and has already performed an initial feasibility study including fatigue testing of the proposed
HLAW-welded connections used to form the panels. Virginia Tech and Auburn both have extensive
experience evaluating the performance of innovative deck systems and have facilitated numerous
installations of deck systems on actual bridges. In addition, both institutions have compatible structural
and fatigue testing capabilities, which will aid in timely completion of this project.
Profs. Wollmann and Cousins are co-PIs on a federally funded project primarily focused on the long-term
instrumentation of various types of bridges. Through this project they have gained valuable expertise in
the area of remote, long term monitoring of bridges.
13. Improving the Design and Performance of Cuts and
Retaining Structures in the Piedmont Physiographic Province
Brian J. Anderson
Auburn University
A large portion of the nation’s infrastructure is underlain by residual soils. The I-85 corridor in the
Eastern U.S. generally follows the southern Piedmont, a physiographic province consisting of residual
soils. In this zone, there is much transportation infrastructure that will be refurbished, upgraded and
renovated as the global economy recovers.
Cuts, slopes and retaining structures are necessary to provide grade changes where real estate boundaries
and geometric limitations exist. Design of these cuts using traditional soil mechanics theories is almost
always conservative and wasteful. Current data demonstrate the influence of suction on excavations in
residual soils results in significant measureable impacts that may be integrated into design infrastructure
in these soils. Widespread application of these findings hinges on the ability to measure soil strength
properties reliably, using laboratory and field methods, and maintain or monitor suction during and after
construction. Updating analysis and design methods for these structures to reflect the actual behavior of
residual soils will result in significant cost savings and construction efficiencies while maintaining safety.
Retaining structures and cuts can be delivered in a manner that is more cost effective, safe, and thus
Central to delivery of this project is the National Geotechnical Experimentation Site at Auburn
University, an internationally recognized residual soil research site (see section on Program Efficacy for
site description).
Objective and Work Description
Research conducted by the PI and others over the past decade demonstrates the impacts of factors such as
residual soil fabrics and unsaturated soil behavior on the performance of excavations and slopes in
residual soils. The objective of this study is to integrate these behaviors into design and performance
predictions through a program of enhanced soil testing and instrumentation of facilities at full scale. The
scope of work includes instrumenting and monitoring sacrificial walls and cuts at a well-characterized
research site along with similar infrastructure constructed by ALDOT, NCDOT or other research partners.
[Type the document title]
The expected deliverable of this project is an engineering-ready application guide for cuts, slopes and
retaining structures constructed in residual soils.
Why is our team best for this project?
Dr. J. Brian Anderson and his research team have developed effective techniques for measuring strength
and suction properties of residual soils. In a research project for the North Carolina Department of
Transportation, it was shown that the theoretical earth pressure was never mobilized, and consideration of
the impacts of residual soil fabrics on the estimation of earth pressures was essential for rational design.
This study was extended by an investment from the FHWA through an Eisenhower Fellowship to study
the stability of cuts and slopes in residual soils with a focus on the impact of soil suction. The team has
extensive experience with instrumentation of all types of construction projects.
14. Sediment Basin Control
Dr. Wesley Zech, Dr. Xing Fang
Auburn University
Effectively controlling sediment-laden effluent discharge from active construction sites, such as highway
construction sites, is a growing concern because of the discharge’s damaging effects on the environment.
Even though the Environmental Protection Agency recently stayed its proposed effluent limitation of 280
NTU, the need still exists to reduce the turbidity of effluent discharged from highway construction sites.
One way to control discharge is using properly designed and constructed sediment basins. Sediment
basins are being used on highway construction sites to control effluent discharge, but their overall
performance has not been determined.
Objective and Work Description
To gain a better understanding of sediment basin performance characteristics, we propose constructing a
sediment basin (approx. 60 feet in length by 20 feet in width) at the Auburn University Erosion and
Sediment Control Testing Facility (see Program Efficacy). The sediment basic will be dedicated to
evaluating and testing various baffle designs (i.e., configurations, type of baffle material, use of
polyacrylamide) along with various types of de-watering devices such as floating skimmers.
We plan to use ISCO 6712 portable samplers with a 24-bottle configuration and ISCO 730 and 750 flow
modules to collect water samples near the inlet, the outlet and inside of the sediment basin. ISCO 730 and
750 flow modules will be used to monitor inflow and outflow rates during the experiments. This allows
us to determine the detention time of the basin and quantity of sediments flowing into and out of the
basin. We will measure turbidity, total suspended solids concentration and particle size distribution of
water samples to determine the sediment-trapping efficiency of various basin configurations.
Sediment-laden water will be used to simulate construction site runoff, while various configurations and
dewatering devices are tested to identify the practices that are most effective in retaining suspended soil
particles and reducing turbidity.
This project can generate valuable information about sediment control on construction sites for state
highway agencies, and the sediment basin can be used in the future for workshops and demonstrations to
communicate the results of research.
Why is our team best for this project?
Wesley C. Zech has conducted research in collaboration with ALDOT that led to the development of AUESCTF. Several research projects have focused on silt fence tieback practices, the use of polyacrylamide
as an erosion and sediment control measure, the performance evaluation of various hydromulches,
performance evaluation of wattle ditch checks and assessing the in-field performance characteristics of
sediment basins constructed in Alabama. Dr. Xing Fang has conducted various research projects funded
by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and ALDOT, including determining regional
characteristics of storm hyetographs, regional characteristics of unit hydrographs and rainfall loss
analysis, estimating time parameters of direct runoff and unit hydrographs for Texas watersheds, evaluating
scour potential of cohesive soils and assessing performance characteristics of sediment basins. His areas
of expertise include hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and modeling, environmental hydrodynamics,
water quality modeling and fluid flow simulations.
15. Evaluating the Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Single-Application of Polyacrylamide
(PAM) for Both Erosion and Sediment Control
Beverly Storey and Jett McFalls
Texas A&M
Polyacrylamide (PAM) has proven to be effective for erosion and sediment control. When applied on the
soil surface, PAM reduces erosion of fine particles by binding them together, which reduces
detachment. This process also improves sediment control, as PAM-bound soil particles become heavier
and settle more rapidly which allows for release of cleaner water downstream. Typically, use of PAM for
erosion or sediment control requires a separate application method for each type of control, resulting in
multiple applications.
Objective and Work Description
We will examine the feasibility and effectiveness of PAM as both erosion and sediment control in a single
application. PAM will be applied directly to the surface of soil test beds as recommended for erosion
control. Test beds will be placed under artificial rainfall simulators at a rainfall rate to be determined, and
the resulting sediment laden water will be collected. Grab samples will be taken to determine the amount
of PAM in the runoff, and the turbidity of samples will be analyzed to determine if the PAM is effective
at binding soil particles, resulting in the rapid settling of suspended solids. If a single application of PAM
proves to be effective at both erosion and sediment control, the benefit will be realized in the time and
cost savings of an effective one-application treatment.
Why is our team best for this project?
Table 3 shows how UTC projects will address the DOT’s strategic goals.
Performance-based Specs
for SCC
State of
Competitiveness Communities Sustainability
Pavement Preservation
Thin Overlays
RAS and RAP in HMA and
Automation and Real Time
QC/QA Testing
Portland Cement Concrete
[Type the document title]
State of the Practice
Reducing Project
Delivery Time
Advancing Accelerate
Bridge Construction (ABC)
UHPC Closure Joints in
Pre-fabricated Bridge Deck
Extending the Length of
Jointless Bridges
Development of a
Lightweight Steel Bridge
Deck System Suitable for
Rapid Construction
Improving Design and
Performance of Cuts and
Retaining Structures
Sediment Basin Control
Feasibility and Effectiveness
of PAM
Virginia Tech and Texas A&M are both among the top five civil engineering programs in the U.S., and
Auburn University is in the top 40. Faculty at all schools are involved at the national level with
organizations such as the Transportation Research Board (TRB), the American Concrete Institute, the
Deep Foundations Institute and the Society for Civil Engineering. Research expenditures in engineering
for fiscal year 2010 topped $167 million at Texas A&M, $134 million at Virginia Tech, $55 million at
Auburn and $15 million at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Auburn: The National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) is a unique facility with an unrivaled
leadership role in pavements research. Auburn’s Highway Research Center (HRC) brings together
researchers from various civil engineering disciplines to do applied and basic research to solve problems
in the planning, design, construction, maintenance, management, and operation of transportation systems.
HRC staff helped with the construction of the first self-consolidating concrete (SCC) drilled shaft project
in the United States, which led to its use on the foundations of the new I-35W bridge in Minneapolis,
Virginia Tech: Dr. Thomas Cousins is founding director of the Virginia Cooperative Center for Bridge
Engineering, a focal point for bridge research in Virginia. He is also a member of the TRB’s committee
on Dynamics and Field Testing of bridges. Dr. Karin Roberts-Wollman is the chair of the TRB committee
on concrete bridges. She is an active member of the American Concrete Institute, serving on committees
having to do with pre-stressed concrete, pre-stress loss and pre-stressed/precast. She also serves on the
Bridge Technical Committee of the Pre-stressed/Precast Concrete Institute. Dr. William J. Wright is the
inventor of lightweight steel sandwich panels for bridge construction (see Research section). Dr. Cousins
has authored of 34 refereed journal articles and 24 project reports as well as numerous conference
proceedings. Dr. Wollman is the author of 44 journal and proceedings papers and 26 project reports.
Texas A&M: The Texas Transportation Institute, part of the Texas A&M University System, works on
more than 600 research projects with more than 200 sponsors annually at all levels of government and the
private sector. TTI has saved the state and nation billions of dollars through strategies and products
developed through its research program. TTI’s Dr. John Mander has been involved in developing two
technologies for improving bridge construction (see Research section). Dr. Mander is the author of 47
peer-reviewed journal papers, 24 reviewed research reports, seven book chapters and 38 peer-reviewed
conference papers. Dr. Hueste has authored 12 peer-reviewed transportation-related journal articles, eight
conference and workshop publications and 10 reviewed research reports.
University of Nevada-Reno: Dr. Peter Sebaaly is director of the Western Regional Superpave Center and
the Nevada Technology Transfer Center. He has published 93 transportation-related articles in
publications such as the Journal of the Transportation Research Board, the International Journal of
Pavements and the Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists.
Auburn, through NCAT, is the acknowledged world leader in solving problems involving flexible
pavements. Industry-changing improvements from NCAT research include:
• Asphalt Content Test by Ignition: Asphalt construction requires quality control. Before NCAT
developed this test, a hazardous solvent extraction test was utilized. Because the ignition test is quicker,
more accurate and much safer, it has been adopted throughout the world.
• Superpave: Superpave is a superior, standardized asphalt paving process that creates roads with
predictable and significantly better durability and longevity. When the FHWA sought to implement
Superpave in the 1990s, Auburn was one of five universities selected as home to Superpave Centers, and
two of the other consortium members also are home to Superpave centers (University of Nevada, Reno
and Texas A&M). Over the years, many Superpave requirements have been modified because of NCAT
• Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): NCAT has taken a lead nationally in Hot Mix Asphalt research, education
and technology transfer. The mix design procedures for Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) were developed at
NCAT and are now used throughout the U.S.
• Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA): NCAT is currently researching the use of WMA, which reduces
emissions and fuel use as well as improving working conditions. Researchers are monitoring short-term
WMA performance over two years and will use the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide
(MEPDG) to predict long-term performance.
• Calibration of Superpave Gyratory Compactor Levels: A gyratory compactor is used in creating
Superpave; more gyrations are required for denser asphalt, so depending on the amount of traffic, more
gyrations are necessary. When the method was first introduced, there was little information on how to
calibrate the necessary gyration levels to give the right mix, and this research was conducted at Auburn.
• Limiting Strain Guidance for Perpetual Pavements: Pavements are generally not rebuilt. Instead,
pavement is added on top of the existing surface. Many problems are solved if those in the transportation
industry know how thick this top layer should be. Pavements that are the right thickness can last for up to
50 years. Guidelines were developed at Auburn.
The Highway Research Center stepped to the front early on in researching Self Consolidating Concrete
(SCC), which can actually be “poured” without the need for noisy and labor-intensive mechanical
consolidation. SCC originated in Japan because of a lack of skilled labor to work with concrete, then
spread to Europe. SCC made its first appearance in the U.S. in 2001, and in 2002 Auburn engineers were
researching ways to use this innovative new material.
• Rapid Bridge Replacement: In 2002, traffic on I-65 in Birmingham, Al., was brought to a standstill
when a tanker load of gasoline crashed and burned under a steel bridge. Based on Auburn’s previously
completed research related to high-performance concrete (HPC), , the Alabama Department of
[Type the document title]
Transportation (ALDOT) quickly designed a replacement bridge utilizing HPC. The new bridge opened
to traffic just 65 days after the accident and 35 days after construction started.
• New Bridges: Researchers from Auburn University put SCC into use in 2005 with the construction of
drilled shafts for the U.S. 76/SC 9 bridge replacement over the Lumber River in South Carolina. Because
of this success, Auburn researchers also assisted the Minnesota DOT to successfully use SCC in the
drilled shafts of the I-35W bridge that collapsed in 2008 in Minneapolis, MN. Auburn researchers
contributed to the completion of the first bridge in Alabama made with SCC in its foundation in
Scottsboro, AL. Auburn University researchers are also assisting ALDOT with the evaluation of SCC in
its first prestressed concrete girder bridge application in Alexander City, Al.
Virginia Tech: Research conducted at Virginia Tech has resulted in implementation of new technologies
on seven bridges in Virginia over the past 15 years, with three new projects underway. One project
involved rapid replacement of Tangier Island bridges using lightweight and durable fiber-reinforced
polymer (FRP) deck systems. Tangier Island, located in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay, is an
environmentally sensitive area with limited access to construction equipment and a very corrosive
environment. The Virginia Department of Transportation is working with the Cooperative Center for
Bridge Engineering to research and deploy FRP technologies and applications. The FHWA, through the
Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment (IBRD) program, is committed to a significant reduction in
the number of deficient bridges in the nation and a reduction in the time and cost necessary to complete
new bridges and bridge improvement projects.
Texas A&M: Several National Highway Institute courses have been developed and delivered by the
proposed center team, including the training of state DOT personnel at a six-week program sponsored by
AASHTO. Dr. John Mander from the Texas Transportation Institute was instrumental in initiating and
conceiving a form of rapid construction in a design context called “Damage Avoidance Design,” which
led to solutions for bridge piers. Dr. Mander and other TTI co-workers also tested and developed a new
type of precast concrete deck system, with a particular emphasis on dealing with the overhang problem
aimed at completely removing the shoring, that has already been utilized in a bridge in Ft. Worth. Dr.
Hueste and Dr. Mary Beth Hueste are currently working with the Texas Department of Transportation on
developing splicing technology for pre-stressed girder bridges and a new type of modular precast slabbeam bridge system.
University of Nevada, Reno: The Pavements/Materials Program at the University of Nevada, Reno, is
among top programs in the world conducting fundamental and applied research on asphalt pavements
design, materials and performance. The program is conducting basic research on the use of recycled
asphalt pavements (RAP) and warm mix asphalt (WMA) technologies in the construction of asphalt
pavements, with sponsors including FHWA, state DOTs and private industry. Applied research on the
effectiveness of preventive maintenance activities on asphalt pavements and resistance of asphalt
pavements to moisture damage (moisture damage is called the “silent killer” of asphalt pavements
because it is not easily identified in the field).
Performance metrics to measure the center’s leadership will include:
• Number of transportation related reports funded by the University Transportation Center and published
in national literature.
• Number of invited speakers for director and key staff for regional, national or international meetings.
Even if work is not directly related to a specific project detailed above, invitations to speak shows
leadership of the individuals, which translates to leadership of the Center.
• Number of regional, national and international visitors to the center.
• Number of Historically Black College & University (HBCU) faculty actively working involved in UTC
summer programs. This would include three faculty members and 10 undergraduate students from
HBCUs each year. Expenses to attend the Transportation Research Board annual meeting will be paid,
and a reception at the beginning of each meeting will allow participants to meet each other and interact.
The UTC steering committee (see Collaboration section) will modify metrics as appropriate and evaluate
the UTC’s performance.
Auburn University’s College of Engineering undergraduate enrollment for fall 2010 was 3,890, with 65
percent of incoming freshmen ranked in the top 25 percent of their high school graduating classes. Thirtythree were National Merit Scholarship finalists. Of those students, 587 are studying in the field of Civil
Engineering, almost all related to some aspect of transportation.
A total of 810 graduate students bring the college’s enrollment to 4,700 students, making the Samuel
Ginn College of Engineering Auburn's largest and highest ranked academic unit. Of these, --- received
graduate degrees in Civil Engineering, all fields closely related to transportation.
Three of the partners are listed among the top 50 institutes awarding engineering degrees in 2010,
according to the American Society for Engineering Education:
Virginia Tech awarded 1,182 engineering degrees, for sixth place.
Texas A&M awarded 1,111 engineering degrees, for seventh place. Of that total, 203 were in
civil engineering.
Auburn awarded 466 engineering degrees, for 44th place. Of that total, 87 were in civil
Auburn University and consortium partners already have extremely active education and workforce
development programs in place for the transportation workforce that will design, deploy, operate and
maintain the complex transportation systems of the future. These programs already reinforce this UTC’s
planned research activities. This consortium also proposes a specific training program that will be funded
from grant proceeds:
Workforce Training to Conduct Self-Consolidating Concrete Tests
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is an emerging new material that can be used for many transportation
applications and could lead to cost savings and improved product durability as well as offering
advantages over conventional concrete because it can be easily placed without mechanical consolidation.
FHWA has funded workshops to train and educate state DOT engineers and contractors on the properties,
specifications and applications of SCC, and since 2005, Dr. Anton Schindler has delivered the FHWA’s
SCC workshops in 15 states to more than 900 engineers and contractors.
SCC requires recently developed test methods to assess its unique fresh properties, and an obstacle to
nationwide implementation of SCC is the training of DOT technicians to perform the unique tests
associated with SCC. Workforce training workshops are needed to enable DOT technicians to perform the
most frequently specified SCC test methods.
Objective and Work Description:
We will develop and deliver one-day workshops in 10 states to enable DOT technicians to prepare
samples and conduct SCC test methods. Training will allow the deployment of SCC to decrease costs and
time associated with the construction of a durable transportation system. The workshops will consist of a
[Type the document title]
4-hour morning lecture session and 4-hour afternoon hands-on practice session. All participants will
perform each test using ready-mixed SCC during the afternoon session. All workshop material will be
reviewed and approved by FHWA, DOT and industry representatives, with one of the objectives being to
determine that the most frequently specified SCC test methods are part of the workshops.
The following tests are proposed: Slump flow test (ASTM C 1611), segregation assessment with the
Visual Stability Index (ASTM C 1611), passing ability with the J-Ring (ASTM C 1621), column
segregation test (ASTM C 1610), segregation assessment with the rapid penetration test (ASTM C 1712),
preparation of molded cylinders for AASHTO T 22 or ASTM C 39, and preparation of the air content
bucket for AASHTO T 199 or ASTM C 231.
The team will coordinate with FHWA and DOTs to select states where workshops will be delivered. The
assistance of each host DOT will be required to provide classrooms and testing space for workshops.
Quality of workshops will be assessed using participant evaluation forms, and workshop content will be
adjusted as warranted to ensure high-quality training. A report will summarize workshop locations,
number of participants, evaluation results and recommendations for follow-up training.
Dr. Anton Schindler is currently secretary of ACI 237, Self-Consolidating Concrete, and has served as
panel member on NCHRP 18-12, Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge
Elements. He led Auburn’s efforts to provide hands-on training for technicians of the Alabama
Department of Transportation for two large-scale projects where SCC was implemented for the first time.
Because Dr. Schindler has also delivered the FHWA’s SCC workshops, he has the expertise to conduct
these workshops.
• When NCAT was established in 1986, it was very difficult to hire a graduating engineer with any
knowledge of asphalt technology. Universities said they did not have faculty with the necessary
knowledge, so the center’s first task was to establish Professor Training Courses in 1988. Since that
time, NCAT has trained some 400 professors from all 50 states, with the course leading to the inclusion
of asphalt technology in the civil engineering curricula at many universities. Professor Training Courses
are an excellent way to reinforce research activities, because professors pass what they have learned on to
their students.
• NCAT personnel actually “wrote the book” on flexible asphalt pavements. The standard college
textbook, published in 1991 and updated twice, will be another channel to convey research results when
updated a third time. The textbook, Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design and Construction,
contains sections covering topics such as manufacturing and evaluation of asphalt materials and
aggregates, design of HMA mixtures, characterization of HMA in terms of engineering properties, and
• The FHWA’s Local Technical Assistant Program (LTAP) seminars are an effective way of
disseminating information to the workforce. Three of the five consortium members are home to their
university’s LTAP centers. In fact, Auburn was one of the first 10 LTAP centers in the country,
established some 25 years ago. The Alabama Technology Transfer Office (known as T2), funded by the
USDOT through FHWA, the Federal Transit Administration and ALDOT, is located at Auburn and
administered by the department of civil engineering and engineering continuing education. The Nevada
Technology Transfer Office has headquarters at University of Nevada, Reno and the Texas Technology
Transfer Office has headquarters at Texas A&M.
• Auburn assists ALDOT in administering the Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP), which assists
in the design and implementation of training and technical assistance projects and other support services
tailored to meet the needs of transit operators in non-urbanized areas.
• Auburn is one of three sites approached by the FHWA and the National Highway Institute to provide a
National Training Course for the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT), a new way to
evaluate the performance potential of asphalt mixes. The one-week Asphalt Technology Course and
Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Workshop was launched at NCAT last fall after a pilot course in May
2010. Offered yearly for ALDOT, FHWA and industry personnel, the course aims introduce AMPT
equipment and associated test and analysis procedures into accepted engineering practice with the
ultimate goal of moving AMPT technology from the research stage into routine use. Participants receive
hands-on training using the AMPT to perform dynamic modules and flow number testing of asphalt
concrete. Results can be input directly input the American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials’ Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide. More than 21 state highway
agencies and the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Canada, are participating in a study that provides
participants with the AMPT system, funding for two participants and participation in studies to properly
implement equipment.
• Auburn is partnering with Capstone Development International LLC to provide project management
courses as part of its continuing education program. Capstone is a leading provider of management
development services and a globally registered education provider with the Project Management Institute.
This provides another existing channel for workforce development; Auburn engineering’s continuing
education programs are nationally recognized, and in 2006 served more than 4,500 customers.
• The Alabama Transportation Conference is one of only a handful of state transportation conferences
still viewed as valuable enough to be funded by the state DOT as a way to share advances in
transportation planning, engineering, design and construction. Sponsored by Auburn, ALDOT, FHWA
and associations serving the transportation sector, the conference is attended by some 800 people every
year and brings together state and highway personnel, road building contractors, general contractors,
heavy construction contractors, utility contractors, county engineers, consulting engineers, construction
material vendors, researchers and faculty members.
• The Texas Transportation Institute is responsible for working with TXDOT to develop the annual
“Short Course” program attended by more than 1,000 employees. In addition, the TTI Communications
Group is involved on a continuing basis in the development of videos and publications, webinars and
other forms of technology deployment for the transportation industry.
Table 4 describes existing outreach efforts now used at consortium universities to attract new entrants
into the transportation field, and outreach to primary and secondary schools.
(Auburn University)
(Auburn University)
Summer Camps
(University of Nevada, Reno)
Auburn Engineering's annual open house, gives more than 2,000
students from around the state a chance to chat one-on-one with
students and faculty, experience interactive exhibits and visit
classes and labs.
NCAT offers fellowships to help support graduate students
conducting research in asphalt technology. The Contractor License
Fee Scholarship program, started by the state to attract students into
the field of civil engineering, provides $120,000 a year from state
contractor license fees
The Paul and Marilyn Box Transportation Research Trust funds
practical research in transportation as well as funding undergraduate
and graduate students and paying for them to attend transportationrelated conferences such as the Institute for Transportation
Developed to encourage middle and high school students’ interest
in engineering, camps include Intro to Engineering, Civil
Engineering and Computer Science
[Type the document title]
Mobile Engineering Education
Laboratory (ME2L)
(University of Nevada, Reno)
Concrete for Kids
(Virginia Tech)
Workshop: Graduate
School 101
(Texas A&M)
Discover Engineering
(Texas A&M)
Explore our campus, labs and various topics ranging from
designing video games to learning about mechanics,
chemistry, earthquakes and bridges
Financial aid and scholarships available for students with an
aptitude for math and science, and to those associated with
community organizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys &
Girls Clubs and the Reno Housing Authority
Has visited hundreds of K-8 classrooms and science fairs in
adjoining counties where current engineering students present fun,
hands-on lessons
Teaches middle school children about civil engineering and the
composition and behavior of concrete
Program consists of three visits to class. During the visits, students
mix concrete and place it in a form, and then the beams are tested to
Target population is Boy Scouts
Conducted by student chapter of American Society of Civil
Free workshop to give top undergraduates information they need to
make decisions about going into the workforce or accepting
Engineering open house
Supported by all engineering departments, as well as the Texas
Transportation Institute, the Texas Center for Applied Technology,
NASA Johnson Space Center and several engineering student
More than 50 tours, demonstrations and hands-on activities
Include the performance metrics you will use to obtain and measure all this data
All four partners are land-grant institutions that fulfill their land-grant mission of transforming knowledge
to practice through technological leadership and by fueling economic growth and job creation locally and
regionally. Many companies involved in transportation are too small to be able to invest in research or the
latest technology, so consortium universities have been very active in finding ways to transfer knowledge
gained through research to those working in the field. All maintain strong, active partnerships with
agencies and groups that might take a lead in applying research results, including research clusters at
other universities. Of course, consortium researchers will continue to publish results of their research in
peer-reviewed journals and academic publications and present at academic conferences.
Avenues detailed in the
Development and
Education section
provide excellent ways
to transfer technology
to those who need the
improvements and will
use results of research.
Consortium universities also all have Offices of Technology Transfer that serve as the link between the
commercial marketplace and faculty. The office offer researchers expertise and guidance regarding the
protection of intellectual property, including patents and copyrights, and in seeking licensing agreements
with commercial entities to take research developments into the marketplace for the public benefit.
The universities comprising this consortium offer two main advantages: Geography and a long history of
working together to accomplish transportation research objectives.
• Virginia Tech is located on the East Coast, Auburn University is in the Southeast, Texas A&M is in
the South Central region and the University of Nevada, Reno is located in the West. This geographic
distribution is important because road and bridge building techniques vary widely from region to region
based on available materials, soil conditions, climate, DOT interests and other factors.
• Auburn through NCAT is internationally recognized in pavement and asphalt materials research. UNR
and Texas A&M have strengths in those areas as well, and both Auburn and Virginia Tech have strengths
in bridge research. Auburn and Texas A&M share strong research into erosion control. These programs
have frequently collaborated in the past, but their strengths complement each other rather than
overlapping, as explained in the Applicant Information section.
• The strengths of these four universities are matched by interest from the transportation industry. A
significant portion of USDOT funding is already going to programs in these areas, and this UTC Can
tailor its efforts to finding ways to rapidly deploy needed research to the industry.
• Implementation of research is an important part of the UTC mission, and these four universities have a
record of successfully transferring research to be utilized by the industry. NCAT’s links to the paving
industry are unparalleled, and all universities work closely with regional DOTs for project direction and
workforce training. Procedures are in place to control quality, implement research and maintain
Auburn’s Highway Research Center has an advisory board and industry liaison committee in place. The
Auburn Civil Engineering Department has an industry liaison council, and the contractor license fee
scholarship program has an oversight committee. NCAT has a board of directors that provides general
direction and oversight. Board members include personnel from Auburn, asphalt contractors and at-large
[Type the document title]
board members such as equipment suppliers, state DOTs and other universities. The board has has set up
an Applications Steering Committee to review research projects and review reports. This committee’s
membership includes personnel from FHWA and state DOTs as well as paving contractors, materials
suppliers, consultants and universities.
The UTC Advisory Committee will be modeled on the NCAT advisory board. Oversight will be provided
by the 10-person committee consisting of representatives of the four Departments of Transportation in
consortium states, one asphalt/paving industry representative, one road builders industry representative,
one at-large DOT representative, one FHWA research representative, one county transportation
representative and one municipal transportation representative.
A Leadership Team made up of the four university team leaders from the consortium will participate in
communications with and meetings of the Advisory Committee to solicit and incorporate the input of the
Advisory Committee into Center activities. Upon notice of award, the leadership team will recruit
members for the Advisory Committee. Membership will be finalized in the first 45 days.
UTC organization
A Leadership Team made up
of the four university team
leaders from the consortium
will participate in
communications with and
meetings of the Advisory
Committee to solicit and
incorporate the input of the
Advisory Committee into
Center activities. Upon
notice of award, the
leadership team will recruit
members for the Advisory
Committee. Membership will
be finalized in the first 45
The Advisory Committee will review research proposals and recommend projects for funding as well as
review quarterly progress reports and spending versus projected spending for projects. The committee
will provide direction on diversity, outreach, workforce training, technology transfer and other Center
activities. The Advisory Committee also will appoint three-person panels for each research project funded
through the UTC. The panel will consist of technical experts, usually practicing transportation
Qualifications for Advisory Committee membership will include having a broad view of design,
maintenance and operations of transportation systems, allowing them to assist the center in recognizing,
targeting and solving problems of national significance. They will have, or have access to, the necessary
technical expertise for proposal reviews and have a large enough professional network so they can recruit
project panel members. In addition, they will have a commitment to the development of new technologies
for improving the nation’s transportation system and to the development of a diverse workforce at all skill
and education levels.
This graphic shows collaborative relationships that are already in place to link research, education,
workforce development and technology transfer with other state, regional and national entities:
The University Transportation Center’s academic home at Auburn University will be the Department of
Civil Engineering within the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. The UTC director will report directly
to the dean of engineering.
The proposed UTC will complement the activities of the existing National Center for Asphalt Technology
and the Highway Research Center at Auburn and the Cooperative Center for Bridge Design at Virginia
Tech, but will differ because of its tight focus on research aimed at faster, cheaper and better ways to
build highway infrastructure and rapidly deploy that information to the transportation industry. The center
also will differ from the existing Texas Transportation Institute, which focuses on all modes of
transportation—highway, air, water, rail and pipeline.
The UTC director and a full-time staff member will be separate from NCAT and HRC. All of the UTC’s
hot-mix asphalt research will be conducted through NCAT, which has its own facilities, equipment and
human resources including a full-time director, civil engineering research faculty, research engineers and
technical and administrative staff. Civil engineering tenure-track faculty serve as PIs and researchers on
projects conducted through NCAT, and the NCAT director, research faculty and tenure-track faculty
direct civil engineering graduate students. The NCAT director also reports to the dean of engineering.
The Highway Research Center consists of a HRC director and one full-time staff member who have office
spaces in the department of civil engineering. The HRC director, Anton Schindler, is a tenured civil
engineering faculty member and reports to the head of Civil Engineering. HRC’s primary purpose is to
facilitate transportation research at Auburn, primarily by civil engineering faculty and students.
HRC has a strong cooperative relationship with the Alabama DOT and the transportation industry in
Alabama and funds small research projects that often lead to larger efforts funded by Alabama DOT or
industry. HRC provides funding for equipment and other expenses necessary for maintaining
transportation research capabilities and will continue to support the efforts of faculty and students at
Auburn to facilitate transportation research.
As described in the section on collaboration, an Advisory Committee consisting of consortium members,
industry representatives and state DOT representatives will provide fiscal oversight for this UTC, with
[Type the document title]
project panels consisting of outside experts, appointed by the advisory board, providing technical
Overhead will be minimized because existing facilities will be used. Use of these facilities will also
provide leverage of resources other than what is provided as matching funds. Facilities include:
• National Center for Asphalt Technology (Auburn): Facilities include world-class laboratories for Hot
Mix Asphalt (HMA) research and a 1.8-mile test track for accelerated, full-scale pavement testing.
• Civil Engineering Laboratories (Auburn): Laboratory spaces are available for research in many areas
of civil engineering including environmental, geotechnical, pavements, construction materials and
structural and hydraulic Engineering.
• Bridge Load Testing Van (Auburn): HRC’s bridge load testing van provides researchers the ability to
collect data from a secure air-conditioned space at bridge test sites. This custom-made vehicle has desk
space of for data acquisition and computer equipment for collection and processing data during bridge
load testing.
• Geotechnical Experimentation Site (Auburn): HRC’s Spring Villa Test Site, located in Opelika, Al.,
provides a place for full-scale field research. The Spring Villa Test Site is also part of the National
Geotechnical Experimentation Sites (NGES) Program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
and the FHWA. The NGES Program contains a network of U.S. test sites to facilitate the development of
new techniques of soil characterization and earthwork construction, allowing geotechnical researchers to
select the most appropriate site for their needs on the basis of soil type, site location and available
geotechnical data.
• Erosion and Sediment Control Test Facility (Auburn): Located at the NCAT Test Track, the
facility’s purpose is to evaluate performance of various erosion and sediment control technologies used on
construction sites. The facility is approximately 2.5 acres with an upper storage pond used to supply
water, three experimental test channels, a sediment basin and a lower retention pond. Two of the 50-foot
experimental test channels are used to conduct large-scale tests to evaluate the performance of various
ditch check practices used in channelized flow. The other 35-foot test channel is used to evaluate the
performance of various inlet protection devices and their ability to promote sedimentation.
(a) View from upper storage pond
(b) Large-scale ditch check/inlet protection channels
Figure 1: Auburn University-Erosion and Sediment Control Facility
• Pavements/Materials Research Laboratory (UNR): This lab focuses on asphalt mixtures
characterization, laboratory and field evaluation of modified asphalt binders and asphalt mixtures, water
sensitivity of asphalt mixtures, recycled asphalt pavements, pavement instrumentation, pavement
performance studies and rehabilitation and maintenance design procedures.
• Structural and Materials Testing Lab (VaTech): This facility allows for testing of bridges and bridge
sub-assemblages under static and repeated loadings. Test facilities are available for control material
property testing, including compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, shrinkage, creek
petrographic analysis and freeze thaw testing.
• Hydraulics, Sedimentation and Erosion Control Laboratory (Texas A&M): This 19-acre site on the
Riverside campus includes indoor and outdoor rainfall simulators, channels and many other features to
provide the transportation industry with uniform and timely testing and research programs for
technologies, products and devices used for storm water quality improvement.
Materials and Pavements Division (Texas Transportation Institute): Using state-of-the-art laboratory
and field research tools, researchers here were the first to document the natural ability of asphalt to selfmend fractures. This division has the most extensive Superpave binder and mixture laboratory in the U.S.
• Highway Materials Laboratory (Texas A&M): This lab is accredited by the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) as a Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL)
and contains an extensive Strategic HIghway Research Program (SHRP) binder and mixture laboratory.
Researchers also utilize the Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center (WERC), which contains a large
structural test laboratory, several machine/electronic shops, and general purpose labs.
• Communications and marketing: Groups in place at NCAT and in Auburn’s College of Engineering
will handle dissemination of information through the web, media and other means.
• The Center director will manage UTC funds using staff and resources already in place at NCAT,
providing an immediately effective and efficient solution for financial management.
A total of 10 percent off the top of UTC funding will be set aside by Auburn to provide:
 Summer research experiences for minority and women undergraduate and graduate
students as well as minority and women faculty members. They will visit one of the partner
institutions, where they will be able to participate in ongoing research projects. Historically
Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) will be targeted for recruiting participants, with
top priority given to students and faulty who are not studying or working at partner
 $6,000 honoraria and travel for minority and women speakers to present seminars at
partner universities.
 $6,000 Travel for UTC Director and Coordinators to go to HBCUs to recruit applicants for
the summer programs
 $24,000 Travel grants for faculty and graduate students at HBCUs who participate in the
summer programs to attend the TRB annual meeting.
 $4,000 UTC reception at TRB annual meeting to honor minority summer program
[Type the document title]
All consortium universities are deeply committed to broadening participation and enhancing diversity, as
well providing already active outreach channels to increase interest in STEM disciples and raise
awareness of transportation careers among the next generation. Possible initiatives include creating
outreach courses to enhance the competitiveness of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and a video
called “Why a Career in Transportation” targeted at high school seniors and college freshmen. The video
would clearly illustrate opportunities for women and minorities as well as other students.
• Auburn tied with Florida A&M for No. 17 on Diverse: Issues in Higher Education’s recent list of
institutions granting engineering degrees to African-Americans. Of those universities that ranked higher,
most were much larger institutions, HBCUs or institutions specializing in technology research and
• In 2010 total, Auburn graduated 32 African-American engineers, 27 men and five women. That was a
33 percent increase over the previous year, and 6 percent of total engineering degrees awarded, according
to Diverse.
• Auburn participates in the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, whose goal is to increase
the quantity and quality of underrepresented minority students majoring in sciences, engineering and
mathematics. Other Alabama participants are Alabama A&M University, Alabama State University,
Miles College, Oakwood College, Stillman College, Talladega College, Tuskegee University, and the
University of Alabama. LSAMP Scholarships are awarded to outstanding incoming underrepresented
minority freshmen majoring in science, engineering and mathematics on the basis of their high school
grades and ACT or SAT scores and/or their performance in summer programs here at Auburn University.
All scholarship recipients are required to attend chemistry, mathematics, and physics workshops and
maintain a 3.00 GPA. Alabama is one of the six oldest NSF alliances in the country.
• The Texas Transportation Institute’s contribution to women in the transportation industry was
recognized in September 2011 by the awarding of ARTBA’s Glass Hammer Award, given to “honor
transportation construction industry companies that have innovative programs and activities directed at
successfully promoting women leaders within their organization.”
• The Texas Transportation Institute’s budged workforce is 47 percent female, a reflection of TTI’s
diversity efforts. In the last decade the percentages of women in executive/administrative/managerial
positions increased by 86 percent; in professional/non-faculty positions, 23 percent; research
administrators, 100 percent, research professional staff, 40 percent; senior administrative professional
staff, 167 percent; and senior research professional staff, 160 percent.
• For a number of years, TTI has been one of the top 25 agencies participating in the state of Texas
Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Purchasing program. In 2010, more than 38 percent of TTI
expenditures went to HUB vendors, ranking TTI eighth among state agencies.
Table 5 describes existing programs supporting minority engineering students at consortium universities.
Alabama Power Minority
Education Program
(Auburn University)
Has increased number of African-Americans receiving undergraduate
engineering degrees by 60 percent since its inception in 1996
Aim is to recruit and retain minority students and provide t tools for
Students come to campus for an intensive three-week introduction to all
areas of engineering, visiting every department in College of
Any student who achieves a 3.0 GPA and participates in the program for
five and a half hours per week is eligible for a scholarship award.
First-year and transfer students receive supplemental instruction in
mathematics, chemistry, physics, critical thinking and college survival
skills to promote retention
After freshman year, students become mentors and tutors. Mentors help
Student Leadership Corps
(Auburn University)
Mathematics, Engineering, Science
Achievement (MESA)
University of Nevada, Reno
Center for Enhancement of
Engineering Diversity
Virginia Tech
Diversity Council
Texas Transportation Institute
manage academic schedules, share study strategies and assist new
students with navigating campus culture and life.
Alumni have created “mentorship beyond the classroom,” which pairs
students with a Minority Engineering Program graduate who works for
the company where the student will be employed.
Reaches out to women, other under-represented minorities and people
with disabilities
Provides intensive computing experience
Students receive a stipend, computer mentoring, project experience,
monthly seminars, a free summer workshop
College preparation program that strives to increase the number of
minority, low income and first-generation college bound students
Students from middle and high schools participate in hands-on math,
engineering and science activities as well as college-preparation workshop
Mission is to increase engineering student diversity
Provides academic, professional and personal support
Provides support to student organizations that support its mission,
including the National Society of Black Engineers, the Society of
Hispanic Professional Engineers, the Society of Women Engineers and the
Council for the Advancement of Minority Engineering Organizations
Formed to develop a formal diversity Plan and to serve as an advisory
body to TTI
Table 6 describes existing programs that will be used to attract new entrants into the transportation field.
The table also shows outreach to primary and secondary schools
BEST (Boosting Engineering,
& Technology)
Auburn University
(Auburn University)
Camp ROC (Reaching
Our Children)
National headquarters located at Auburn
Executive director if George Blanks, director of College of Engineering’s
K-12 outreach
Increases interest in STEM disciplines
A sports-like science- and engineering- based robotics competition
This year 4,500 volunteers served 12,500 students from 850 schools
Pairs team with experienced engineer who advises students and faculty
Reinforces computer literacy
Carnegie Mellon University Alice Programming System, Microsoft Kodu
programming environment, Lego Mindstorms NXT, Lego Tetrix robots,
Carnegie Mellon University RobotC and Carnegie Mellon
University Tekkotsu Programming on Mobile Robots are used to teach
concepts of robotics and computer programming
Scholarships available for girls and those with special needs
Provides instruction in the areas of reading and reading comprehension,
math, science, financial and computer literacy for students from at-risk
populations in grades 5-12
[Type the document title]
(Auburn University)
Introduces participants to common computer programs such as Microsoft
Word and introductory programming in HTML and website design
Goal is to increase academic success and graduation rates of students and
increase the number pursuing post-secondary education, non-traditional
careers and attend Auburn
TIGERs (Teams & Individuals
Guided by Engineering Resources)
(Auburn University)
Resident summer camps targeting students in grades 8-11
Exposes students to engineering and STEM disciplines
Summer Transportation Institutes
Texas Transportation Institute
Funded by FHWA through Texas DOT
Outreach to promising junior high and high school students
Include pic of stallings?
Michael Stallings, professor of civil engineering at Auburn University, will be the director and will
devote 85 percent of his time to administration of the Center. Each partner university’s coordinator
(Tommy Cousins, Jon Epps, Peter Sebaaly and Randy West) will devote approximately 10 percent of his
time to Center administration. The director and four coordinators are referred as the Leadership Team.
Dr. Stallings holds a bachelor’s of civil engineering and a master’s degree from Auburn and a Ph.D. from
the University of Texas at Austin. His teaching and research interests include structural analysis and
design, experimental study of structural behavior, fatigue and fracture mechanics, and bridge evaluation
and rehabilitation. Dr. Stallings has 25 years of progressive experience in academics and engineering
consulting beyond his years as a graduate research assistant. Over nine years of his academic experience
includes serving as head of the Civil Engineering Department at Auburn. As a researcher he has been
heavily involved in highway bridge projects focused on evaluation, rating, repair and the implementation
of high performance concrete mixtures in bridge construction.
Dr. Stallings’ professional service activities have included being chair of ASCE’s Committee on Fatigue
and Fracture and a member of TRB’s Committee on Dynamics and Field Testing and ASCE’s Steel
Bridge Committee. He continues to offer video and live outreach courses on structural engineering design
These experiences have provided him with a broad understanding of the engineering profession, the
transportation industry and university education, research and outreach programs. As an experienced
academic department head he is familiar with the administrative structure and procedures of the grantee
institution and available resources for management of finances and personnel.
The Center director will have overall responsibility for management and operations of the University
Transportation Center. He will establish procedures for assessment of the effectiveness of Center
activities and for ensuring compliance with all UTC program requirements. He will devote at least 85
percent of his effort toward management of the Center, with the remainder of his time focused on
transportation research. If the proposed UTC is selected for funding, Dr. Stallings will immediately and
permanently step down as head of the Department of Civil Engineering. The dean of Auburn’s College of
Engineering will appoint an interim head to serve during a search for a new department head. This will
allow Dr. Stallings to assume the duties of Center director immediately upon receipt of notice to proceed.
One full-time staff member will be hired to assist the director. Hiring of a staff member will be quickly
accomplished through the university’s human resources department. The staff member will have
responsibilities typical for an administrative assistant.
The Center director will utilize an Advisory Committee and the Leadership Team (see section on --) to
provide direction and oversight for research, workforce development and technology transfer efforts. The
Advisory Committee will select projects to receive funding from the Center from the pool of funds for
competitive awards, ensuring that activities will focus on significant, nationally relevant topics. Because
the proposed Center is designed for one-time funding, funding for predefined projects is significantly
larger than the pool for competitive funding to allow research to begin immediately. If the Center receives
future funding, the pool of competitive funds will increase and the influence of the Advisory Committee
on the Center’s overall will likewise increase.
As noted, the Leadership Team includes one member from each partner university. These individuals will
serve as the point of contact and coordinator of activities at their universities. Having a coordinator at
each university enables efficient, effective communications and provides continuous oversight at partner
[Type the document title]
Curriculum Vitae for Center Director and Key Staff
Confirmation of Negotiated Overhead and Fringe Benefit Rates
Letters of Support from four DOTs
Letters of commitment (and cost share) from universities
Letter from sponsored programs
Letter from Overtoun Jenda
[Type the document title]