DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE CSC 420 DATABASE PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN COURSE SYLLABUS CLASS MEETS: MONDAY/WEDNESDAY/FRIDAY, 11 AM – 12 PM IN RTC 202 INSTRUCTOR Name: Office: Phone/E-Mail: Office Hours: Dr. Cheryl V. Hinds Robinson Technology Center (RTC) 310-B 757 823 9551/ RTC 310-B: Monday: 9 – 10, Wednesday: 9 – 10, 1 - 2 Friday: 9 – 10 Online Office Hours: Tuesday: 10 - 12 COURSE DESCRIPTION An introductory course emphasizing the basic concepts and principles of database systems. Topics include an introduction to database systems and databases, different database system models, basic system and language support (SQL) for database systems, relational modes, relational algebra, an introduction to relational database design as well as an overview of common database system issues. COURSE GOALS & INTENDED OUTCOMES The major goals of the course are to: Introduce students to basic database system concepts Introduce students to basic database models Acquaint students with basic database systems and languages such as Structure Query Language (SQL) Introduce students to different components of SQL that perform different database system transactions Expose students to the relational model and relational algebra expressions Introduce students to relational database design Introduce database security Explain the importance of data security and database security. By the end of the course, students will be able to: 1 Describe the hierarchy of database systems and database management systems Differentiate between the relational, hierarchical, network, and object oriented database system models Understand and utilize the relational model to solve problems related to database systems Use Structure Query Language (SQL) to retrieve data from a database, update existing data in a database and create and modify database objects Illustrate the importance and means to maintain database integrity, database security and resolve concurrency issues Explain the importance of maintaining security of the data Design and create basic relational database objects using Oracle DBMS PREREQUISITE CSC 260 Computer Programming II COURSE CREDIT HOURS 3 semester hours COURSE RATIONALE This course is a required course for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science (Information Systems Track. BS.CSC.IS). Activities and assignments in this course support the department’s program objectives currently listed on the departmental website. (www, COURSE OUTLINE Introduction to Database Systems Data Models The Relational Database Model Data Modeling Normalization of Database Tables Structured Query Language Database Design Strategies Concurrency Control Query Optimization Database Security TEXT BOOKS 1. Database Systems Design, Implementation and Management. 11th edition. By Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris. ISBN: 978-1-285-19614-5. Publisher- Cengage Learning 2. Oracle SQL by Example; WEB ISBN 0-13-704734-7. Free 24/7 online access is available through Safari via NSU library at REFERENCES 2 Fundamentals of Database Systems 5th Edition; Elmasri/Navathe; ISBN 0-321-36957-2 Database System Concepts, 4th Edition; by Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan A Guide to SQL featuring ORACLE, by Philip J. Pratt An Introduction to Database systems; by C.J. Date EVALUATION Examinations Quizzes Homework Team Project Final Exam 30% 15% 15% 20% 20% GRADING STANDARDS / EVALUATION CRITERIA The final semester grade will be based on the following semester averages. A = 90 – 100 C+ = 75 – 76 A- = 87-89 B+ = 85 – 86 C = 70 – 74 C- = 67-69 B = 80 – 84 D+ = 65 – 66 B- = 77-79 D = 60 – 64 F = < 60 METHOD OF INSTRUCTION The primary instructional method for this class will be lecture and discussion. Students will also work in a team to design, test and implement a relational database system. The course management system Blackboard ( will be used to provide supplemental material and/or to administer some or all of the quizzes and examinations. TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE, HARDWARE AND SKILLS NEEDED Basic knowledge of using a personal computer and navigating the Internet Reliable Internet connection A means to store your work while using a computer other than your own. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STANDARDS Unless otherwise specified, all required work is to be completed by the individual student. The Department of Computer Science employs a no tolerance policy on cheating. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying others work, misrepresenting the work of others as your own (includes online sites and the use of code provided by online sites), plagiarism, sharing when unauthorized, and the use of cell phones and/or electronic media when unauthorized. The following outlines the departmental procedure if a student is suspected of cheating during their academic tenure with the Computer Science Department at Norfolk State University. Offense 1 – The student will receive a grade of ZERO on the assignment AND a note will be placed in the student’s permanent departmental file. Non- CS Majors will receive a ZERO and will be reported to the chair of their respective department. Offense 2 – The student will receive a letter grade of ‘F’ for the course AND the student will be reported to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for adjudication. CLASS ATTENDANCE POLICY: UNIVERSITY 3 The University expects students to attend all classes. The student assumes full responsibility for work missed due to an absence. Not more than twenty percent (20%) of class meetings may be missed by a student during a given semester. University policy states that at the discretion of the instructor, a student whose absences exceed 20% of scheduled class meetings for the semester may receive a grade of “F” for the course. TUTORING Tutorial services are available, by posted schedule in the STARS Tutoring Center in the Nursing and General Education Building. Faculty,teaching assistants and upper classmen provide assistance to those students who may be experiencing difficulty in mathematics, science or computer science classes. OFFICE LOCATION The Department of Computer Science is located on the third floor in Robinson Technology Building. The individual faculty offices are located within the suite. WRITING COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT All students who matriculate at Norfolk State University beginning Fall Semester 2001 and thereafter, will be required to take "entry" and "exit" examinations to assess their writing competency. Both examinations will be administered by the English Department during enrollment in English 101 and 102 respectively. The entry examination is untimed, multiple choice, and computerized. The exit examination is a two-hour, essay format, and the topic will be relevant to the student's discipline. Therefore, students enrolled in Computer Science courses will be required to complete writing assignments in addition to other requirements to assist them in their preparation for the exit examination. All students are required to take the exit examination prior to completing 90 semester hours. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, we ask if you have a disability or think you have a disability please make contact with the Disability Services Department. Location: Student Service Center Suite 110 Contact Person: Janet L. Timberlake Telephone: 823-8325 DISCLAIMER: The instructor reserves the right to revise the syllabus as appropriate and will make reasonable attempts to notify students. 4