RCML Memorial Scholarship Award 2016

RCML Memorial Scholarship Award
Historical Foundation
The RCML Memorial Scholarship Award, in honor and memory of the organization’s longtime
members, was established to provide non-tenured faculty financial support to attend the RCML annual
conference. Each year one non-tenured faculty member employed in a tenure track position at a
college/university, will received $1,200 to offset the cost of attending the annual RCML conference.
Qualification Checklist
The Scholarship will be awarded on a competitive basis. To qualify, the applicant must meet the
following qualifications:
 Has not been previously awarded a RCML Memorial Scholarship
 Be a non-tenured faculty member whose current appointment is a tenure-track position at a
 Has attended at least one RCML conference prior to application submission. Preference will be
given to a candidate who has presented at least one time.
 Be a current member of RCML (encompassing both 2015 and 2016 membership years)
 Complete and submit the application form by November 1, 2015 for attendance at the 2016 RCML
Conference in Orlando, FL.
 Submit a current curriculum vita for review, and articulate one’s research agenda as a summary of
this curriculum vita.
 Must have a presentation session accepted for the 2016 annual meeting.
Note that the application form includes a 500-word elaboration of how the candidate’s current research
as described in the brief abstract contributes to the RCML mission statement: RCML seeks to
stimulate, generate, coordinate, and disseminate research efforts designed to understand and/or
influence factors that affect mathematics learning. The final paragraph of this application will affirm
how this presentation will contribute to the candidate’s research agenda stated as a summary of his/her
curriculum vita.
Selection Group
The RCML Memorial Scholarship Award committee that will review 2016 application materials
consists of the following four members of RCML:
Dr. Sheryl Maxwell, VP of Publications, member of the Executive Board
Dr. Bill Speer, founding member of RCML
Dr. Alan Zollman, member of RCML, appointed
Dr. Kerri Richardson, transition member of the Executive Board
The recipient of the RCML Memorial Scholarship Award will be notified by mid-December 2015.
Public announcement will occur in the January newsletter, RCML Intersection Points (see expectations
below). Additionally, the recipient will receive recognition in both the RCML Conference Program
Booklet and at the Annual RCML Business Meeting on Friday, February 26, 2016.
The candidate receiving this scholarship will provide a picture and a one-third-page article in the
January RCML Newsletter, Intersection Points. This article should include a short biography and
information about how this scholarship will benefit him/her. There may be additional opportunity in
future issues of other newsletters to provide reflections and observations about how this scholarship
has supported his/her professional growth.
Application Form
The application must be submitted electronically to each of the members of the committee by
November 1, 2015. The application form is provided as a Word document that will allow you
complete the information required prior to electronic submission for review. Directions for
submission are provided as a part of the form.
RCML Memorial Scholarship Award
Rank:________________________________Tenure Track: Y or N
Current Employment Institution:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Phone Number: (
Cell Phone Number: (
Year(s) attended RCML Conference:_______________ Speaker: Y or N
Title of 2016 Accepted Conference Presentation: (Select only ONE conference presentation)
50 Word Program Abstract:
Note the following:
(1) The purpose of RCML Memorial Scholarship Award is to support the research agenda of a
non-tenured, tenure-track, individual in his/her effort to become tenured.
(2) In accordance with (1), please elaborate on your abstract using the following items as guides:
(a) 300 words for each topic below with a limit of 3 pages [single-spaced]
(b) Citations should be placed within the body of the paper, but a bibliography is not
Problem: (Describe the purpose of your research)
Methodology: (Describe the approach you chose)
Results: (Discuss what you discovered)
Future Impact/Study: (Describe what you learned, how this impacts your research agenda, and
how it strengthens the advancement of RCML’s mission)
[Details regarding submission are provided on the following page]
Your completed application form [with added details about your presentation articulated] together
with your current curriculum vita [CV] should be sent via email to each of the members of the review
panel. Submissions MUST be received by November 1, 2015. In the subject line of your message,
please use the following format,
Your Name – RCML Scholarship Materials
and then attach the application file and CV for review by the committee. To ensure the committee can
access documents, use Word or PDF formats for files.
Dr. Sheryl Maxwell, VP for Publications, member of the Executive Board, Review Chairman
Dr. Bill Speer, founding member of RCML
Dr. Alan Zollman, member of RCML, appointed
Dr. Kerri Richardson, transition member from the RCML Executive Board