
PEDu 6209
Policy Studies in Education
Topic 2
Development of Policy Studies in Education:
In Retrospect and Prospect
Historical Development of Policy Studies
as a Discipline
 Pre-historical period, from the Enlightenment to the WWI
1500s to 1910s
From the Prince’s advisor to social physicist
 The formative period, between the two world wars
 The rise to prominence in the post WWII period: The
Advent of the policy science
From military operation to operation research and management
From war of intelligence to cybernetics to information
From training camp to learning psychology to marketing
Historical Development of Policy Studies
as a Discipline
 The challenge of the bounded rationality and the science
of muddling through
Grand-comprehensive rationality meet with political reality
 The rise and fall of the policy science in the 1960s to the
The War on Poverty
The Vietnam War
The Watergate scandals
The Energy Crisis
 The post-modernist period from the 1990s to present
The linguistic, argumentative and persuasive turns
Historical Development of Policy Studies as
a Discipline
 From the Prince’s advisor to social physicist
From Niccolo Machiavilli (1469-1527) The Prince (1532)
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Leviathan (1651) to
August Comte (1798-1857) Treatise of Sociology (1851)
Niccolo Machiavilli (1469-1527)
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
August Comte (1798-1857)
Historical Development of Policy Studies
 From the Prince’s advisor to social physicist
From Niccolo Machiavilli (1469-1527) The Prince (1532)
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Leviathan (1651) to
August Comte (1798-1857) Treatise of Sociology (1851)
 US Government sponsored the Franklin Institute
(1824-) to study the causes of explosions in
steamboat boilers in 1832
 The rise and fall of the American Social Science
Association (ASSA) 1865-1915
Historical Development of Policy Studies
The initiatives around the WWI:
Upon President Wilson's request, National Research
Council was established in 1916 to assist the
government to fight WWI
Establishment of the Social Science Research Council in
1923 and the Brookings Institute in December, 1927.
Charles Merriam's advocacy in his Presidential address
in American Political Science Association in 1925 for
researches of applied and multidisciplinary social
science on social problems
Historical Development of Policy Studies
 The Post-WWII and Cold-War initiatives:
The success of Operations Research (OR) and
Psychology of War in WWII
The Congress initiated the establishment of National
Science Foundation (NSF) in 1950 to serve as
instrument to sponsor scientific research informing
public policy
Historical Development of Policy Studies
Harold Lasswell’s three-perspective formulation of
The Policy Orientation (1951) in the book Policy
Sciences edited by him and Daniel Lerner
 Multidisciplinary Perspective
 Contextual and Problem-Oriented Perspective
 The Normative Perspective
Historical Development of Policy Studies
Developments of policy orientations from the 1950s to
the 1960s
Multidisciplinary Perspective
The theoretical hegemony of the economic analysis,
system approach, and/or management science
Robert K. Merton’s call for applied social science
research and theories of middle range (1967)
Historical Development of Policy Studies
Developments of policy orientations from the 1950s to
the 1960s
Contextual and Problem-Oriented Perspective
Demarcation of knowledge in and of policy process, i.e.
policy analysis and policy-process analysis
The growth of policy analysis: the heyday positivistempiricism and instrumental rationalism
• Stuart S. Negal’s conceptualization of policy analysis “Policy
analysis can be defined as determining which of various
alternative public or governmental policies will most achieve
a given set of goals in light of the relations between the
policies and the goals.”
• Stokey, E. & Zeckhauser, R. (1978) A Primer for Policy
Analysis. New York: W.W. Norton.
• Quade, E.S. (1975) Analysis for Public Decisions. New York:
Historical Development of Policy Studies
Developments of policy orientations from the 1950s to
the 1960s
Contextual and Problem-Oriented Perspective
David Easton’s conception of political system (1953)
Robert Dahl & Charles Lindblom’s Pluralist challenge
Charles Lindblom’s science of muddling through
Simon & March’s conception of bounded rationalism (1958)
Aaron Wildavsky’s (1969) critique on program-planningbudgeting system (PPBS)
Historical Development of Policy Studies
 Developments of policy orientations from the
1950s to the 1960s
 Contextual and Problem-Oriented Perspective
• Debate on policy process
– Quade's (1975) elements of policy analysis: (1)
identification of objectives, (2) specification of
alternatives, (3) recommending policy action, (4)
monitoring policy outcomes, and (5) evaluating
policy performance
– May and Wildavsky's (1978) reformulation of
policy process: (1) agenda setting, (2) issue
analysis, (3) initiation, (4) estimation, and (5)
Historical Development of Policy Studies
Developments of policy orientations from the 1950s
to the 1960s
The Normative Perspective
 Neglect of normative perspective by the value-free
policy analyst & muddling through theorist
 Reinstating values in Policy Studies and challenge
from political philosophers, John Rawls (1971) and
Robert Nozick (1974)
Historical Development of Policy Studies
 Growth and Development of Policy Science through
the 1970s
 The rise of the welfare state and J.F. Kennedy and L.B.
Johnson Administration’s Great Society Project
 Robert S. McNarama and the transplantation of
rhetoric Program, Planning, and Budgetary system
from the U.S. Department of Defense
Historical Development of Policy Studies
 Growth and Development of Policy Science through
the 1970s
 The rise of the welfare state and J.F. Kennedy and L.B.
Johnson Administration’s Great Society Project
 Robert S. McNarama and the transplantation of
rhetoric Program, Planning, and Budgetary system
from the U.S. Department of Defense
 The expansion of the policy analysis
The mean-end causal analysis
Public decision analysis
Evaluation analysis
Implementation analysis
Historical Development of Policy Studies
 Growth and Development of Policy Science through
the 1970s
 The contextual reality and constraint (deLeon, 1988)
 The War on Poverty
 The Vietnam War
 The Watergate scandals
 The Energy Crisis
Historical Development of Policy Studies
 From Policy Analysis to Policy Inquiry: The 1990s and
 The Post-positivist challenge:
 Frank Fischer & John Forester (1987) Confronting Values
in Policy Analysis
 John Forester (1989) Planning in the Face of Power
 Frank Fischer & John Forester (1993) The Argumentative
Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning.
 Schon Donald & Martin Rein (1994) Frame Reflection:
Toward the Resolution of Intractable Policy
 The coining of the concept of Design Rationality
Historical Development of Policy Studies
From Policy Analysis to Policy Inquiry: The 1990s and
 From instrumental rationalism to critical and
communicative rational approach
 From value-free analysis to political philosophy and
communicative ethics for policy argument
 Argumentative, narrative and discursive (linguistic) turns
of Policy Studies
 Planning in the face of power and the governmentality
approach to Policy Studies
Development of Policy Studies in Education
as a Field in the Twentieth Century:
The Welfare State Paradigm
Late James S. Coleman’s Odyssey: The case of US
 James S. Coleman’s odyssey of research in education
policy, 1960s to 1980s
The first Coleman Report 1965-66
Policy research on inequality of Educational Opportunity
Design of effective policy ends and intervention measures
The second Coleman Report in 1975 AERA annual conference
Policy research on the phenomenon of the White Flight
Controversy over the unwanting findings
The third Coleman Report in 1980
 Policy research on the effectiveness of public and private schools
The argumentative turn of the report
Late James S. Coleman’s Odyssey
Late James S. Coleman’s odyssey
 The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v.
Board of Education in 1954
Forensic admission of Kenneth Clark’s
psychological experiment on dolls
 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 & the Section 402
“The commission shall conduct a survey and make a
report to the president and the Congress, within two
years of the enactment of this title, concerning the
lack of availability of equal educational opportunities
for individuals by reason of race, color, religion, or
national origin in public educational institutions at all
levels in the United States, its territories and
possessions, and the District of Columbia.”
(Civil Right Act 1964, Section 402)
Late James S. Coleman’s odyssey
 The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of
Education in 1954
Forensic admission of Kennth Clark’s psychological
experiment on dolls
 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 & the Section 402
 US Office of Education commissioned a survey on the
availability of equal educational opportunity among
social group (April 1965)
 James S. Coleman's study on Equality of Educational
Opportunity (to be completed in July 1966)
Late James S. Coleman’s Odyssey
The odyssey of the First Coleman Report:
 From research report to summaries
 Jeanette Hopkins’ summary
 Alexander Mood’s summary
 Helen Rowan’s summary
 The myth of the Busing Policy: Judge J. Skelly Wright
ruled in the case Hobsen v. Hansen, in the District of
Columbia (Washington D.C.) that "the school board (should)
integrate its facilities …and to provide busing to take
children from overcrowded black schools to less crowded,
mainly, white ones." (Hunt, 1985, p. 79)
 From research finding to policy implementations
Late James S. Coleman’s Odyssey
The odyssey of the First Coleman Report:
From research finding to policy implementations
Nixon’s Message on Education Reform of March 3 1970
Delay Impact or “just a simple rationalization for
spending less money.”
Busing controversy spread
Late James S. Coleman’s Odyssey
 Invitation to the 1975 AERA annual conference
 "White Flight": the unwanted consequence of the
desegregation policy
 The odyssey of the Second Coleman Report:
Among waves of criticism from fellow
educational researchers and sociologists, there
was the president of ASA Alfred M. Lee's
campaign to the ASA's Committee on
Professional Ethics to regard Coleman's research
effort and advocacy on "Trends in School
Segregation" as unethical
 Elected as President of ASA 1991-92
Late James S. Coleman’s Odyssey
 1980 Public and Private School Study
commissioned by the National Center for the
Educational Statistics of the Department of
Education: The argumentative turn
“There are two fundamentally different schools of thoughts
concerning the role of scientific research. … One school of
thought sees policy research as private dialogue between the
policy maker and the policy researcher. The policy makers poses
the problem and the questions, and the policy researchers acts as
adviser to the prince, to answer the questions on the basis of
existing scientific knowledge if possible, and if not, to gather the
right kind of data and analyze it properly to arrive at a conclusive
answer. This conception of a clear, orderly process, with the final
stage being implementation of the policy researcher’s results. The
scientific answers are conclusive, sources of controversy are
stilled by the conclusiveness of the research results, and rational
action based on scientific evidence replaces interest group
“The other school of thought – the one to which we subscribe –
see policy research as a largely public activity, one in which there
is no ‘policy maker’, and in which the policy researcher’s role is
that of the servant of multiple interests. …The contribution of the
policy research to the end result is that of raising the level of
discourse which leads to policy: facilitating disposal of false
issues, narrowing attention and political conflict to the important
issues. The research results cannot specify policy to be
implemented; they are only one of a number of input which
makes that process a more open one, helping to provide a
window to the consequences of policy that enables more persons
to effectively press for their interests and ideals.”
(Coleman, et al., 1982, p.220-221)
Stephen J. Ball's personal review of
“policy sociology”
Policy research on New Right Education Reform
in the UK
Policy studies as text analysis
Policy studies as discourse analysis
Stephen J. Ball's personal review of “policy
Stephen J. Ball's personal review of “policy
 Education Reform: A Post-Structural Approach
 “Policy is clearly a matter of the ‘authoritative
allocation of values’; policies are the operational
statements of values, ‘statements of prescriptive
intent’. But values do not float free of their social
context. We need to ask whose values are validated
in policy, and whose are not. Thus, ‘The authoritative
allocation of values draws our attention to the
centrality of power and control in the concept of
policy’. Policies project images of an ideal society
(education policies project definitions of what counts
as education).” (Ball, 1990, p.3)
Stephen J. Ball's personal review of “policy
 Education Reform: A Post-Structural Approach
 In another occasion, Ball specifies his own approach
to policy study that “in current writing on policy issue
I actually inhabit two very different conceptualization
of policy. …I will call these policy as text and policy
as discourse. …The point I am moving to is that
policy is not one or the other, but both: they are
‘implicit in each other’.” (1994, p.15)
Stephen J. Ball's personal review of “policy
 In his personal review, Ball quoted Grace’s
distinction between two approaches of policy
research prevailing in post-WWII UK, namely
policy science and policy scholarship
approaches (Ball, 1997)
 A policy science approach "attempts to extract a
social phenomenon from its relational context in
order to subject it to close analysis. …The
concern of a policy science approach is to
understand present phenomena in order to
formulate a rational and scientific prescription for
action and future policy." (Grace, 1995, pp.2-3)
Stephen J. Ball's personal review of “policy
…..policy science and policy scholarship
A policy scholarship approach "resists the
tendency of policy science to abstract problem
from their relational settings by insisting that the
problem can only be understood in the complexity
of those relations. In particular, it represents a view
that a social-historical approach to research can
illuminate the cultural and ideological struggles in
which schooling is located." (Grace, 1995, p. 3)
Stephen J. Ball's personal review of “policy
Policy Scholarship
Policy Science
a. Design and Scope
Policy oriented
Linked focus
Practice oriented
Single focus
Single level
b. Embedded
Context rich
Conceptually 'tick'
Context barren
Conceptually 'thin'
c. An ethics of research
Social justice
Social efficiency
d. Peopling policy
(Ball, 1997, P. 264)
Development of Policy Studies in Education
in the 21st Century:
Neoliberalism under
Global-Informational Paradigm
The rise of Neo-liberalism
The advent of the Global-Informational
The Internal Tension between Grobalization and
Glocalization in Education Policy
Stephen J. Ball’s emerging approach to policy text,
policy enactment, policy discourse, policy network
and policy governance
Topic 2:
Development of Policy Studies in Education: In Retrospect & Prospect