Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Revision Lecture
30th April 2009
Frank Cowell
Revision lecture
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Styles of
How to see what
you need to do
Doing short
Doing long
Objectives of the lecture
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
A look back at Term 1
Exam preparation
Reference materials used (1)
Exam papers (and outline answers)
2005 1(a)
2006 1(a)
2006 1(d)
2007 1(d)
2008 5
Reference materials used (2)
CfD presentations 3.3, 4.12, 7.8
All related to past exam questions
The exam paper
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Scope of exam material
Structure and format of paper
what’s covered in the lectures…
… is definitive for the exam
follows that of last four years
check out the rubric from, last year’s paper
Mark scheme
40 marks for question 1 (8 marks for each of the five parts)
20 marks for each of the other three questions
multipart questions: except where it’s obvious, roughly equal
marks across parts
Question style – three types
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
1 Principles
2 Model solving
a standard framework
you just turn the wheels
3 Model building
reason on standard results and arguments
can use verbal and/or mathematical reasoning
usually get guidance in the question
longer question sometimes easier?
from past
question 1
One type not necessarily “easier” or “harder” than another
part A (question 1) usually gets you to do both types 1 and 2
type 3 is usually only in parts B and C of paper
Revision lecture
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Styles of
How to tackle the
main types of
Doing short
Doing long
2006 1(d)
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
“principles” question
Just say what you
need to say
2005 1(a)
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Straight “principles”
Note the contrast
between firm and
Be sure to give your
2006 1(a)
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Principles again
But format of question
gives you a hint…
…write out
decomposition formula
Then read off results
2007 1(d)
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Principles and modelsolving
Jot down the principle
(as note for self)
Write in the elements
of the model
Principle: vNM is of the form p0u(y0)+p1u(y1) (or transform of this)
Model: p0 is a/[a+b]; p1 is b/[a+b]: just need g=d to get the above form
Principle: c-e income x implicitly defined by u(x) = p0u(y0)+p1u(y1)
Model: plug y values into −x−g = −a y0−g −b y1−g
Principle: risk premium defined by Ey − x
Model: plug a,b,g,d values into answer to part (ii)
[Check the online solutions for full detail on this one]
2008 5
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Straight principles can come
up in long questions
Don’t ignore them in a rush
to get to the model!
Could be some easy marks…
State concept of PE
In absence of externalities
PE requires MRS=MRT
But monopolist forces p>MC
 Four Marks (Yay!!)
See CfD 4.12 (below)
See on-line answers
Revision lecture
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Styles of
How to do well in
Doing short
Doing long
Planning Answers
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
What’s the point?
See the big picture
take a moment or two..
…make notes to yourself
what is the main point of the question?
and the subpoints?
balance out the answer
imagine that you’re drawing a picture
if pressed for time, don’t rush to put in extra detail…
…you can go back
Be an economist with your own time
don’t solve things twice!
reuse results
answer the right number of questions!!!
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Follow the leads
help you to see the solution
help you to explain your solution to examiner
What should the answer be?
examiners may be on your side!
so if you’re pointed in the right direction, follow it…
take a moment before each part of the question
check the “shape” of the problem
use your intuition
Does it make sense?
again take a moment to check after each part
we all make silly slips
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Long questions
Let’s look at three examples
Illustrates two types of question
taken from exercises in the book
but of “exam type” difficulty
covered in CfD
Ex 3.3, 4.12 straight model solving
Ex 7.8 incorporates a little bit of model building
Look out for tips
In all three questions, use pictures to clarify solution
following hints in 3.3 [The “Explain carefully…” bits]
Revision lecture
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Styles of
A problem with
Doing short
Doing long
•CfD 3.3
•CfD 4.12
•CfD 7.8
Ex 3.3(1) Question
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
purpose: to derive competitive supply function
method: derive AC, MC
Ex 3.3(1) Costs
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Total cost is: F0 + ½ aqi2
Marginal cost: aqi
Average cost: F0/qi + ½ aqi
Therefore MC intersects AC where:
This is at output level q where:
At this point AC is at a minimum p where:
For q below q there is IRTS and vice versa
Ex 3.3(1) Supply
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
If p > p the firm supplies an amount of output such that
If p < p the firm supplies zero output
otherwise the firm would make a loss
If p = p the firm is indifferent between supplying 0 or q
p = MC
in either case firm makes zero profits
To summarise the supply curve consists of :
Ex 3.3(1): Supply by a single firm
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Average cost
Marginal cost
Supply of output
Ex 3.3(2) Question
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
purpose: to demonstrate possible absence of equilibrium
method: examine discontinuity in supply relationship
Ex 3.3(2): Equilibrium?
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
AC,MC and supply of firm
Demand, low value of b
Demand, med value of b
Demand, high value of b
Solution for high
value of b is where
Supply = Demand
Ex 3.3(2) Equilibrium
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Outcome for supply by a single price-taking firm
High demand: unique equilibrium on upper part of supply curve
2. Low demand: equilibrium with zero output
3. In between: no equilibrium
Given case 1 “Supply = Demand” implies
This implies:
But for case 1 we need p ≥ p
from the above this implies
Ex 3.3(3) Question
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
purpose: to demonstrate effect of averaging
method: appeal to a continuity argument
Ex 3.3(3) Average supply, N firms
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Define average output
Set of possible values for
average output:
Therefore the average supply
function is
Ex 3.3(3) Average supply, limit case
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
As N the set J(q) becomes dense in [0, q]
So, in the limit, if p = p average output can take
any value in [0, q]
Therefore the average supply function is
Ex 3.3(3): Average supply by N firms
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Average cost (for each firm)
Marginal cost (for each firm)
Supply of output for averaged
Ex 3.3(4) Question
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
purpose: to find equilibrium in large-numbers case
method: re-examine small-numbers case
Ex 3.3(4) Equilibrium
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Equilibrium depends on where demand curve is located
High demand
characterise in terms of (price, average output)
equilibrium is at (p, p/a) where p = aA / [a+b]
Medium demand
equilibrium is at (p, [A – p]/b)
 equivalent to (p, bq) where b := a[A – p] / [bp]
 Achieve this with a proportion b at q and 1–b at 0
Low demand
equilibrium is at (p, 0)
Ex 3.3(4): Eqm (medium demand)
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
AC and MC (for each firm)
Supply of output (averaged)
achieved by
mixing firms at 0
and at q
b here
1b here
Ex 3.4: Points to remember
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Model discontinuity carefully
Averaging may eliminate discontinuity problem in
a large economy
depends whether individual agents are small.
Equilibrium in averaged model may involve
identical firms doing different things
equilibrium depends on the right mixture
Revision lecture
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Styles of
Close to 2008 5
Doing short
Doing long
•CfD 3.3
•CfD 4.12
•CfD 7.8
Ex 4.12(1) Question
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
purpose: to derive solution and response functions for quasilinear
method: substitution of budget constraint into utility function and then
simple maximisation
Ex 4.12(1) Preliminary
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
First steps are as follows:
Sketch indifference curves
Write down budget constraint
Straightforward – parabolic contours
Straightforward – fixed-income case
Set out optimisation problem
Ex 4.12(1) Indifference curves
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Slope is
vertical here
Could have
x2 = 0
Ex 4.12(1) Budget constraint, FOC
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Budget constraint:
Substitute this into the utility
We get the objective function:
FOC for an interior solution:
Ex 4.12(1) Using the FOC
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Remember that person might consume zero of commodity 2
consider two cases
Case 1: x2* > 0
From the FOC:
But, to make sense this case requires:
Case 2: x2* = 0
We get x1* from the budget constraint
x1* = y / p1
Ex 4.12(1) Demand functions
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
We can summarise the optimal demands for
the two goods thus
Ex 4.12(1) Indirect utility function
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Get maximised utility by substituting x* into the utility
V(p1, p2, y) = U(x1*, x2*)
= U(D1(p1, p2, y), D2(p1, p2, y))
Case 1: p1 >`p1
Case 2: p1 ≤`p1
Ex 4.12(1) Cost function
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Get cost function (expenditure function) from the indirect
utility function
maximised utility is u = V(p1, p2, y)
invert this to get y = C(p1, p2, u)
Case 1: p1 >`p1
Case 2: p1 ≤`p1
Ex 4.12(2) Question
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
purpose: to derive standard welfare concept
method: use part 1 and manipulate the indirect utility function
Ex 4.12(2) Compute CV
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Get compensating variation (1) from indirect utility function
before price change: u = V(p1, p2, y)
after price change: u = V(p1', p2, y − CV)
Equivalently (2) could use cost function directly
CV = C(p1, p2, u) − C(p1', p2, u)
In Case 1 above we have
Rearranging, we find:
Ex 4.12(3)
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
In case 1 we have x1* = [½ a p2 / p1]2
So demand for good 1 has zero income effect
Therefore, in this case CV = CS = EV
Ex 4.12: Points to remember
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
It’s always a good idea to sketch the indifference
in this case the sketch is revealing…
…because of the possible corner solution
A corner solution can sometimes just be handled
as two separate cases
There’s often more than one way of getting to a
in this case two equivalent derivations of CV
Revision lecture
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Styles of
A standard GE
exercise… with a
little bit of a twist
Doing short
Doing long
•CfD 3.3
•CfD 4.12
•CfD 7.8
Ex 7.8: Question
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
purpose: to show how to find equilibrium allocation in a GE model
method: standard construction and solution of excess demand functions.
Ex 7.8: approach
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Step 1: model behaviour of each type as a price taker
Step 2: get excess demand function for one of the goods
Write down budget constraint for the unknown price p
Set up Lagrangean for each type
Find the FOCs
Get demand functions from the FOCs
Use the demand functions for each type from step 1
Other EDF follows by Walras’ law
Step 3: find equilibrium price(s) as root(s) of EDF
Ex 7.8: type-a problem
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
The endowment for type a is R1
Let price of good 1 in terms of good 2 be p
The income of type a is then pR1
The utility function is:
So the Lagrangean of type a is:
Ex 7.8: type-a demand
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Given the Lagrangean for a:
FOCs for interior maximum:
Rearrange and use the budget
Demand by a for good 2:
Ex 7.8: type-b problem
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
The endowment for type b is R2
Recall that values are measured in terms of good 2
So the income of type b is just R2
The utility function is:
So the Lagrangean of type b is:
Ex 7.8: type-b demand
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Given the Lagrangean for b:
FOCs for interior maximum:
Rearrange and use the budget
Demand by b for good 2:
Ex 7.8: excess demand
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Demand by the two types
for good 2:
Excess demand for good 2
is defined as x21 + x22  R2
So the excess demand
function for good 2 is:
Letting q:= 2R1/R2 excess
demand is zero where
Ex 7.8: how many equilibria?
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Graph of p2/3
pq  1
Graph of pq  1
 Excess demand is zero
where p2/3 = pq  1
 There is clearly only one
equilibrium p*
Ex 7.8: the equilibrium
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
To find the equilibrium we need the resource values
Equilibrium price must satisfy p2/3 = (5/8) p  1
Use trial and error to find solution
R1 = 5
R2 = 16
So q := 2R1/R2 = 5/8
check whether there is excess demand/supply at certain prices
try easy numbers that have integer cube roots: p = 1? 8? 27? …
Clearly p = 1 is too low and p = 27 is too high
Try p = 8
LHS: p2/3 = 4
RHS: (5/8) p  1 = 4
so this is the equilibrium
Ex 7.8: Points to note
Frank Cowell: Microeconomics
Step by step approach gets you very close to the solution
work out individual demands
set excess demand to zero
get a condition to determine equilibrium price
Graphical intuition helps you get the form of the solution
Don’t get fazed by awkward numbers
trial-and-error method quickly gives you the answer