THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES TITLE III PROGRAMS 2015 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WORKSHOP UNIFORM GRANT GUIDANCE (2 CFR, CHAPTERS I & II, PART 200, ET. AL.) Presented By: KEITH X. TERRELL, CPA, Cr.FA, FCPA, CGMA SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT 1 WHAT WILL BE YOUR TAKEAWAYS? A. Understand which prior OMB Circulars were consolidated into the Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG). B. Know the applicable effective dates for UGG. C. Become familiar with the significant changes made within UGG. D. Know what to expect with your first audit under UGG. E. Become aware of other possible changes that are on the horizon. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 2 THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS REFORM 1. Eliminating duplicative and conflicting guidance. 2. Focusing on performance (Not just on compliance) 3. Encouraging efficient use of information technology and shared services. 4. Providing for consistent and transparent treatment of costs. 5. Limiting allowable costs to make best use of Federal resources. 6. Setting standard business processes using data definition. 7. Encouraging non-Federal entities to have family-friendly policies. 8. Strengthening oversight. 9. Targeting audit requirements on risk of waste, fraud and abuse. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 3 UGG LAYOUT Subpart A – Acronyms and Definitions Subpart B – General Provisions Subpart C – Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal Awards Subpart D – Post-Federal Award Requirements Subpart E – Cost Principles Subpart F – Audit Requirements THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 4 SUBPART B: GENERAL PROVISIONS (1 OF 6) Throughout, both “should” and “must” are used “Must” means “required” “Should” indicates best practices or recommended approach THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 5 SUBPART B: GENERAL PROVISIONS (2 OF 6) Two new requirements that strengthen oversight: The Federal awarding agency must establish conflict of interest policies for their Federal awards. The non-Federal entity must disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest to the Federal awarding agency (or pass-through entity) in accordance with applicable Federal awarding agency policy. (Employee and Company level) Non-Federal entities (and applicants) must disclose all violations of Federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the Federal award. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 6 SUBPART B: GENERAL PROVISIONS (3 OF 6) Effective and applicability dates of UGG: The effective date of UGG for Federal entities was December 26, 2013 which is the official publication date. Federal agencies had one year after the publication date to implement the new regulations which was December 26, 2014. The administrative requirements and costs principles will apply to new Federal awards or additional funding on existing awards issued on or after December 26, 2014. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 7 SUBPART B: GENERAL PROVISIONS (4 OF 6) Effective and applicability dates of UGG: (Continued) Existing awards will continue to be governed by the regulations in place at the time of the award. The audit requirements are effective for all fiscal years beginning on or after December 26, 2014 (fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 for most of you). Early implementation of UGG is not allowed. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 8 SUBPART B: GENERAL PROVISIONS (5 OF 6) UGG supersedes and streamlines requirements from OMB Circulars: A-21 (Cost Principles for Educational Institutions) A-50 (Audit Follow-Up) A-87 (Cost principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Government) A-89 (Federal Domestic Assistance Program Information) THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 9 SUBPART B: GENERAL PROVISIONS (6 OF 6) UGG supersedes and streamlines requirements from OMB Circulars: (Continued) A-102 (Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments) A-110 (Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profits) A-122 (Cost principles for Non-Profit Organizations) A-133 (Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations) THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 10 SUBPART C: PRE-FEDERAL AWARD REQUIREMENTS AND CONTENTS OF FEDERAL AWARDS Pertinent Sections (Brief Summary): 200.201, Use of grant agreements, cooperative agreements & contracts 200.203, Notices of funding opportunities 200.204, Federal agency review of merit 200.205, Federal agency review of risk 200.206, Standard application requirements 200.210, Information contained in a federal award THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 11 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES SUBPARTS D,E & F There were many areas that did not change with UGG but the most notable ones that did were: Performance measurement Internal control – COSO Framework Procurement Direct costs Indirect costs Time and effort reporting Audit requirements Sub-recipient monitoring THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 12 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Federal awarding agencies must require recipients to use OMB-approved standard government-wide information collections to provide financial and performance information. Recipients must be required to relate financial data to performance accomplishments, and must also provide cost information to demonstrate cost effective practices. The Federal awarding agencies are required to provide recipients with clear performance goals, indicators, and milestones. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 13 INTERNAL CONTROL – COSO FRAMEWORK To be effective, this requires that each of the five components of internal control and relevant principles is present and functioning, and that the five components are operating together in an integrated manner. 1. Control Environment – The control environment is the set of standards, processes, and structures that provide the basis for carrying out internal control across the organization. The control environment comprises the integrity and ethical values of the organization. 2. Risk Assessment – Risk is defined as the possibility that an event will occur and adversely affect the achievement of objectives. Risk assessment Involves a dynamic and iterative process for identifying and assessing risks to the achievement of objectives. Risk assessment forms the basis for how risks will be managed. 3. Control Activities – Control activities are the actions established through policies and procedures that helps ensure that management’s directives to mitigate risks to the achievement of objectives are carried out. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 14 INTERNAL CONTROL – COSO FRAMEWORK 4. Information and Communication – Information is necessary for the entity to carry out internal control responsibilities to support the achievement of its objectives. Communication is the continual, iterative process of providing, sharing, and obtaining necessary information. Internal communication ‐ the means by which information is disseminated throughout the organization, flowing up, down, and across the entity. External communication – twofold; it enables inbound communication of relevant external information, and it provides information to external parties in response to requirements and expectations. i.e.; invoicing and payment provisions in awards. 5. Monitoring Activities – Ongoing evaluations, separate evaluations, or some combination of the two are used to ascertain whether each of the five components of internal control, including controls to effect the principles within each component, is present and functioning. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 15 PROCUREMENT (1 OF 3) The non-Federal entity must use one of the following methods of procurement as follows: 1. Micro-purchases (purchases do not exceed $3,000 or $2,000 if for construction) Try to distribute distribute equitable between qualified suppliers. May be awarded without soliciting competitive quotations. 2. Small Purchases Cost less than Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT) of $150,000. Obtain price or quotes from an adequate number of sources. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 16 PROCUREMENT (2 OF 3) The non-Federal entity must use one of the following methods of procurement as follows: (Continued) 3. Sealed Bids (Formal Advertising) – Exceeds SAT Bids are publicly solicited. Awarded to bidder whose bid is the lowest in price. 4. Competitive Proposal (RFP must be publicized) – Exceeds SAT Fixed price or cost reimbursement. Awarded to bidder whose proposal is most advantageous to the program after considering price and other factors. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 17 PROCUREMENT (3 OF 3) The non-Federal entity must use one of the following methods of procurement as follows: (Continued) 5. Non-competitive Proposal Used only when items are available from a single source. Public emergency. Federal agency expressly authorizes non-competitive proposal. Competition is determined to be inadequate. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 18 DIRECT COSTS Prior written approval needed in advance of incurring special and unusual costs. Salaries of administrative and clerical staff are generally indirect costs except if all of the following conditions apply: 1. Administrative and clerical services are integral to the project or activity; 2. Individual involved can be specifically identified with the project or activity; 3. Such costs are explicitly included in the budget or have prior approval from the Federal awarding agency; and 4. The costs are not also recovered as indirect costs. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 19 INDIRECT COSTS Negotiated indirect costs rates must be accepted by all Federal agencies unless statute or regulation allows for an exception or agency head approves. Any non-Federal entity that has never negotiated an indirect cost rate may elect to charge a de minimis rate of 10% which may be used indefinitely. Any non-Federal entity that has a Federally negotiated indirect cost rate may apply for a one-time extension for a period up to four years. If granted, a new rate review will not be allowed until the extension period is over. At the end of four years, the non-Federal entity must re-apply to negotiate a new rate. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 20 TIME AND EFFORT REPORTING (1 OF 3) Time and effort reporting has plagued many institutions including erroneous reporting and improper allocation of salaries. The OMB UGG requires: 1. Charges for salaries must be based on records that accurately reflect the work performed. Their records must: Be supported by a system of internal controls which provides reasonable assurance charges are accurate, allowable and properly allocated. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 21 TIME AND EFFORT REPORTING (2 OF 3) Reasonably reflect the total activity for which the employee is compensated by non-Federal entity, not exceeding 100%. Encompass all activities (Federal and non-Federal). Comply with established accounting policies and practices. Support the distribution of the employee’s salary or wages among specific activities or cost objectives if the employee works on more than one Federal award. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 22 TIME AND EFFORT REPORTING (3 OF 3) 2. Budget estimates alone will not be sufficient. (Often based on grant budget or percentage allocation on Personnel Action Form) 3. Percentages may be used for distribution of total activities. 4. Time and Effort Reports are an integral part of ensuring records meet new standards especially for those employees working on multiple cost objectives. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 23 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (1 OF 9) Old Audit Requirement New Audit Requirement Single Audit Threshold - $500,000 Single Audit Threshold - $750,000 Minimum Type A Program Determination Threshold - $300,000 Minimum Type A Program Determination Threshold - $750,000 Threshold for reporting questioned costs Threshold for reporting questioned costs - $10,000 - $25,000 Risk Assessment Threshold for Type B Programs - $100,000 Risk Assessment Threshold for Type B Programs – 25% of Type A Threshold THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 24 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (2 OF 9) Major Program Determination Thresholds: Federal Awards Expended Type A/B Threshold > $750,000 but < $25 Million $750,000 > $25 Million but < $100 Million .03 X Federal Awards Expended > $100 Million but < $1 Billion $3 Million > $1 Billion but <$10 Billion .003 X Federal Awards Expended > $10 Billion but < $20 Billion $30 Million > $20 Billion .0015 X Federal Awards Expended THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 25 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (3 OF 9) Criteria for a Low-Risk Auditee Old Audit Requirement New Audit Requirement Single audits were performed annually Single audits were performed annually including submitting the data collection form and reporting package to FAC within the timeframe specified There were no material weaknesses in internal controls over financial reporting No change THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 26 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (4 OF 9) Criteria for a Low-Risk Auditee – (Continued) Old Audit Requirement New Audit Requirement Opinion on the financial statements and schedule of expenditures of Federal awards were unqualified Opinion on whether the financial statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP or, a basis of accounting required by state law and the schedule of expenditures of Federal awards were unmodified THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 27 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (5 OF 9) Criteria for a Low-Risk Auditee – (Continued) Old Audit Requirement New Audit Requirement Not applicable under OMB Circular A133 (New Requirement) There is no going concern opinion on the audited financial statements There were no material weaknesses in internal controls over compliance No change Opinion on compliance for major programs must be unmodified No change THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 28 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (6 OF 9) Criteria for a Low-Risk Auditee – (Continued) Old Audit Requirement New Audit Requirement Known or likely questioned costs does No change not exceed 5% of the total Federal award expended for a Type A program during the audit period Audit Coverage Thresholds: Audit Coverage Thresholds: Low Risk Auditee – 25% Non-Low Risk Auditee – 50% Low Risk Auditee – 20% Non-Low Risk Auditee – 40% THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 29 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (7 OF 9) Criteria for Program Risk Assessments Old Audit Requirement New Audit Requirement Has Federal and pass-through oversight – Judgment No change Results of audit follow-up not progressive – Judgment No change Changes in program personnel or system - Judgment No change Audited within previous two years No Change No material weakness over compliance No Change No modified opinion over compliance No Change No questioned costs > 5% of Federal awards expended No Change Type B programs with larger Federal awards expended No change THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 30 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (8 OF 9) Criteria for Swapping High Risk Type B Programs for Low Risk Type A Programs Old Audit Requirement 50% of all High Risk Type B Programs but not more than Low Risk Type A Programs; New Audit Requirement 25% of Low Risk Type A Programs for High Risk Type B Programs or 1 High Risk Type B Program for 1 Low Risk Type A Program THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 31 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (9 OF 9) The compliance supplement is published annually with changes under a separate process. As such, the 14 compliance requirements including activities allowed; allowable costs; cash management; Davis-Bacon Act; eligibility; equipment; matching, level of effort, earmarking; period of availability; procurement, suspension, debarment; program income; real property; reporting; subrecipient monitoring; and special tests and provisions will be consolidated (reduced) in the new compliance supplement to be issued soon. Only real property and relocation program requirement is slated to be deleted. THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 32 Old Compliance Requirements Proposed Compliance Requirements Activities allowed or unallowed (A) Consolidate into B Allowable costs/cost principles (B) Allowable costs/cost principles/activities (B) Cash management (C) Cash management (C) Davis-Bacon Act (D) Consolidate into N Eligibility (E) Eligibility (E) Equipment and real property management (F) Consolidate into B Matching, level of effort and earmarking (G) Consolidate into B Period of availability of Federal funds (H) Consolidate into B Procurement and suspension and debarment (I) Consolidate into B Program income (J) Consolidate into N Real property and relocation assistance (K) Delete Reporting (L) Reporting (L) Sub-recipient monitoring (M) Sub-recipient monitoring (M) Special tests and provisions (N) Special tests and provisions (N) THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 33 SUB-RECIPIENT MONITORING (1 OF 6) A. Evaluate each sub-recipient’s risk of noncompliance with Federal statues, regulations and terms and conditions of the sub-award. Risk factors to consider are: 1. Prior experience with same or similar sub-award 2. Results of previous audits 3. Whether they have new personnel or new or substantially changed systems 4. Results of Federal monitoring (if they receive Federal awards directly) THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 34 SUB-RECIPIENT MONITORING (2 OF 6) B. Consider imposing specific sub-award conditions upon the subrecipient, if appropriate, such as: Shift to reimbursement basis awards Withhold authority to proceed pending acceptable performance Require additional, more detailed financial reports Require additional project monitoring Require additional technical and management assistance Establish additional prior approvals THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 35 SUB-RECIPIENT MONITORING (3 OF 6) C. Monitor the activities of the sub-recipient as necessary including: 1. Reviewing financial and programmatic reports required by the pass-through entity 2. Ensuring timely and appropriate action on all deficiencies 3. Issuing a management decision for audit findings pertaining to the Federal award provided to the sub-recipient THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 36 SUB-RECIPIENT MONITORING (4 OF 6) D. Depending on the pass-through entity’s assessment of risk posed by the sub-recipient, consider the following monitoring tools: 1. Provide sub-recipient with training and technical assistance on program-related matters 2. Perform on-site reviews of the sub-recipients operations 3. Arrange for agreed-upon procedures engagement performed in accordance with GAGAS, paid for and arranged by pass-through entity and limited in scope to one or more of the following: Allowable or unallowable activities or costs, eligibility and reporting THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 37 SUB-RECIPIENT MONITORING (5 OF 6) E. Verify that every sub-recipient is audited as required by the thresholds (minimally $750,000 spent in Federal awards) established in the new UGG F. Consider whether the results of the sub-recipient’s audits, on-site reviews or other monitoring indicate conditions that necessitate adjustments to the pass-through entity’s own records THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 38 SUB-RECIPIENT MONITORING (6 OF 6) G. Consider taking enforcement action against noncompliant subrecipients such as: Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency Disallow all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the Federal award Initiate suspension or debarment proceedings Withhold further Federal awards for the project or program Take other remedies that may be legally available THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 39 QUESTIONS? THE WESLEY PEACHTREE GROUP, CPAs Helping to Build Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation 40 THANK YOU! WEBSITE FOR UGG (2 CFR, CHAPTERS I & II, PART 200, ET. AL.): HTTP://WWW.GPO.GOV/FDSYS/PKG/FR-2013-1226/PDF/2013-30465.PDF 41