14.23 Comprehensive review of budgetting Menno Verheijen en Stefan de Weerd Inleidende informatie (1) Het bedrijf British Beverages bottelt twee soorten frisdrank onder de naam Cadbury Schweppes. De enige voorraad die wordt gehouden bestaat uit directe materialen of voorraad gereed product. Er is geen onderhanden werk. De twee frisdranken zijn lemonade en diet lemonade. British Beverages hanteert als eenheid een lot-grootte van 1000 kratten, waarbij 1 krat 24 flessen bevat. 1 lot = 1 unit. Directe materialen worden uitgedrukt in lot; één lot directe materialen is dat wat nodig is om één lot eindproduct te krijgen. Inleidende informatie (2) Voorspelde kostprijzen van directe materialen voor 2002: Syrup Containers Lemonade £ 1 200 per lot £ 1 000 per lot Diet Lemonade £ 1 100 per lot £ 1 000 per lot Packaging £ 800 per lot £ 800 per lot De twee frisdranken worden met dezelfde machines gebottelt. Het enige verschil in het ‘bottel-proces’ is dat de frisdranken verschillende siropen krijgen. Inleidende informatie (3) a) Sales - Lemonade, 1080 lots at £ 9 000 selling price per lot - Diet lemonade, 540 lots at £ 8 500 selling price per lot b) Opening (1 January 2002) stock of direct materials - Syrup for lemonade, 80 lots at £ 1 100 purchase price per lot - Syrup for diet lemonade, 70 lots at £ 1 000 purchase price per lot - Containers, 200 lots at £ 950 purchase price per lot - Packaging, 400 lots at £ 900 purchase price per lot c) Opening (1 January 2002) stock of finished goods - Lemonade, 100 lots at £ 5 300 per lot - Diet lemonade, 50 lots at £ 5 200 per lot Inleidende informatie (4) d) Target closing (31 December 2002) stock of dir. materials - Syrup for lemonade, 30 lots - Syrup for diet lemonade, 20 lots - Containers, 100 lots - Packaging, 200 lots e) Target closing (31 December 2002) stock of finished goods - Lemonade, 20 lots - Diet lemonade, 10 lots f) Each lot requires 20 direct manufacturing labour-hours at the 2002 budgeted rate of £ 25 per hour. Indirect manufacturing labour costs are included in the manufacturing overhead forecast. Inleidende informatie (5) g) Variable manufacturing overhead is forecast to be £ 600 per hour of bottling time; bottling time is the time the filling equipment is in operation. It takes 2 hours to bottle one lot of lemonade and 2 hours to bottle one lot of diet lemonade. Fixed manufacturing overhead is forecast to be £ 1 200 000 for 2002. h) Hours of budgeted bottling time is the sole allocation base for all fixed manufacturing overhead. i) Administration costs are forecast to be 10% of the cost of goods manufactured for 2002. Marketing costs are forecast to be 12% of sales for 2002. Distribution costs are forecast to be 8% of sales for 2002. Overzicht opgaven (1) Neem aan dat British Beverages de first-in, first-out (FIFO) methode hanteert om de voorraden te bepalen. Bepaal de volgende budgetten aan de hand van de voorgaande data (a t/m i): 1 Revenue budget (in £) 2 Production budget (in units) 3 Direct materials usage budget (in units and £) 4 Direct materials purchase budget (in units and £) 5 Direct manufacturing labour budget 6 Manufacturing overhead costs budget Overzicht opgaven (2) 7 Closing finished goods stock budget 8 Cost of goods sold budget 9 Marketing costs budget 10 Distribution costs budget 11 Administration costs budget 12 Budgeted profit and loss account Uitwerking opgaven 1 Revenue budget Opbrengsten uit verkoop (omzet) Lots Lemonade Diet lemonade Total Selling price Total revenues 1 080 £ 9 000 £ 9 720 000 540 £ 8 500 £ 4 590 000 £ 14 310 000 2 Production budget aantal te produceren producten Budgetted sales (1) Add target closing finished goods stock Total requirements Deduct opening finished goods stock Units (lots) to be produced Product Lemonade Diet lemonade 1 080 540 20 1100 10 550 100 1000 50 500 3 Direct materials usage budget gebruik directe materialen (in lots en £) Material Syrup L Syrup DL Direct materials to be used in production of lemonade (1000 lots) Packag. 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 1500 1500 1000 Dir. mat. to be used in production of diet lemonade (500 lots) Total direct materials to be used Contain. 1000 Total Syrup L Syrup DL Direct mat. to be used from opening stock Multiply by cost per lot of opening stock Cost of direct mat. (A) Dir. mat. To be used from purchases Multiply by cost per lot of purchased mat. Contain. Packag. 80 70 200 400 £ 1 100 £ 1 000 £ 950 £ 900 £ 88 000 Total £ 70 000 £ 190 000 £ 360 000 £ 708 000 920 430 1 300 1 100 £ 1 200 £ 1 100 £ 1 000 £ 800 Cost of direct mat. to be used from purchases (B) £ 1 104 000 £ 473 000 £ 1 300 000 £ 880 000 £ 3 757 000 Total cost of dir. mat. to be used (A+B) £ 1 192 000 £ 543 000 £ 1 490 000£ 1 240 000£ 4 465 000 4 Direct materials purchases budget aankoop directe materialen (in lots en £) Material Syrup L Syrup DL Contain. Packag. Direct mat. to be used in production (lots) 1 000 500 1 500 1 500 Add target closing direct mat. stock (lots) 30 20 100 200 1 030 520 1 600 1 700 80 70 200 400 950 450 1400 1300 Total req. ment (lots) Deduct opening dir. mat. Stock (lots) Direct materials to be purchased (lots) Deze aantallen directe materialen moeten worden vermenigvuldigd met de kosten per lot. Deze zijn: £ 1 200 voor 1 lot syrup lemonade, £ 1 100 voor 1 lot syrup diet lemonade, £ 1 000 voor 1 lot containers en £ 800 voor 1 lot packaging. De antwoorden zijn dus: Syrup L : 950 x £ 1 200 = £ 1 140 000 Syryp DL : 450 x £ 1 100 = £ 495 000 Containers : 1 400 x £ 1 000 = £ 1 400 000 Packaging: 1 300 x £ 800 = £ 1 040 000 Totaal: £ 4 075 000 5 Direct manufacturing labour budget Kosten van arbeid voor directe productie Output units/lots produced (2) Lemonade Diet lemonade Total Direct man. facturing lab. hours per unit/lot Total hours Hourly wage rate Total 1 000 20 20 000 £ 25 £ 500 000 500 20 10 000 £ 25 £ 250 000 30 000 £ 750 000 6 Manufacturing overhead costs Overige productiekosten At budgeted level of 3000 direct manufacturing labour-hours Variable man. overhead costs units produced: 1 500 lots 2 hours for 1 lot: 3 000 hours £ 600 per hour: £ 1 800 000 £ 1 800 000 Fixed manufacturing overhead costs gegeven: £ 1 200 000 £ 1 200 000 Total manufacturing overhead costs £ 3 000 000 7 Closing finished goods stock budget Eindvoorraad gereed product Cost / unit of input Lemonade Inputs Amount Syrup L £ 1 200 Syrup DL £ 1 100 Containers £ 1 000 1 Packaging £ 800 Dir man lab Man. overh Total Diet lemonade 1 Inputs Amount £ 1 200 1 £ 1 100 £ 1 000 1 £ 1 000 1 £ 800 1 £ 800 £ 25 20 £ 500 20 £ 500 £ 1 000 2 £ 2000 2 £ 2 000 £ 5500 £ 5400 Dir. materials Lots Cost per lot Total cost Syrup L 30 £ 1 200 £ 36 000 Syrup DL 20 £ 1 100 £ 22 000 Containers 100 £ 1 000 £ 100 000 Packaging 200 £ 800 £ 160 000 Finished goods Lots Cost per lot £ 318 000 Total cost Lemonade 20 £ 23 500 £ 470 000 Diet lemonade 10 £ 23 400 £ 234 000 Total cl. stock Total £ 164 000 £ 482 000 8 Cost of goods sold budget Kosten van de verkochte goederen Amount Opening finished goods stock, 1 January 2002 Direct materials used (3) Direct manufacturing labour (5) Manufacturing overhead (6) Total £ 790 000 £ 4 465 000 £ 750 000 £ 3 000 000 Cost of goods manufactured £ 8 215 000 Cost of goods available for sale £ 9 005 000 Deduct closing finished goods stock, 31 December 2002 Cost of goods sold £ 164 000 £ 8.841.000 9 Marketing costs budget Kosten voor marketing ‘Marketing costs are forecast to be 12% of sales for 2002’ Sales for 2002 (1): 12 % hiervan is: £ 14 310 000 £ 1 717 200 10 Distribution costs budget Kosten voor distributie ‘Distribution costs are forecast to be 8% of sales for 2002’ Sales for 2002 (1): 8 % hiervan is: £ 14 310 000 £ 1 144 800 11 Administration costs budget Kosten voor distributie ‘Administration costs are forecast to be 10% of the cost of goods manufactured for 2002’ Cost of goods manufactured for 2002 (zie 8): 10 % hiervan is: £ 8 215 000 £ 821 500 12 Budgeted profit and loss account Winst- en verliesrekening Amount Revenues (1) Total £ 14 310 000 Costs Costs of goods sold (8) £ 8.841.000 Gross margin £ 5.469.000 Operating costs Marketing costs (9) £ 1 717 200 Distribution costs (10) £ 1 144 800 Administration costs (11) Total Operating profit £ 821 500 £ 3 683 500 £ 1.785.500