ADVISING WIZARD/DEGREE AUDIT FORM for degree completion in 2017 (2016) (month) ____________________ (year) ______________ ACADEMIC PROGRAM/DEPARTMENT COORDINATOR SHOULD RETAIN COPIES OF SIGNED FORMS. STUDENTS MUST TAKE COMPLETED FORM, WITH REQUIRED SIGNATURES, TO THE REGISTRAR’S OFFICE IN FOREST HALL Student Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ ID#: _________________ International and Global Studies Major: Discipline: Region: MIDDLE EAST STUDIES Single, Double _____________________ (if double, please fill out another degree audit sheet form for your second major.) Number of courses completed: _________________ Courses in progress: (1)___________ (2)_____________ (3)_______________ (4)______________ Courses needed: (1)______________ (2)______________ (3)________________ (4)______________ For graduates in the classes of 2014, 2015 (2016), you will need to have a total of 13 courses to be counted toward the major. YES NO For graduates in the class of 2017 (2016) and after, you will need to have a total of 11 courses to be counted toward the major. YES NO Comments: I have reviewed this plan and affirm that successful completion of the completion of the courses listed on this form will complete the major and general college requirements: __________________________________________ MES Program Track Director ____________________________________ Academic Adviser __________________________________________ Print Name Date _____________________________________ Print Name Date __________________________________________ Student Signature Date MIDDLE EAST STUDIES STEP 1: Disciplinary Specialization □ IGST 0101 before going abroad STEP 2: Language/Culture □ Successful completion of three years of Arabic or Modern Hebrew (or the equivalent as determined by the Arabic or Hebrew program). Students who choose Modern Hebrew must be willing to pursue language study beyond Middlebury, if the College’s Hebrew program is not able to offer a full range of advanced courses. STEP 3: Regional Specialization For students graduating in 2016 who choose the old requirements: □ Three courses with exclusive or primarily Middle East content, in at least two different disciplines. No double counting of courses in your disciplinary specialization and your language. (1) __________, (2) __________, (3) __________ For students who graduate in 2017 (2016) and after: □ Five courses in at least three departments, spread across at least two divisions. At least three regional courses must be taken in Middlebury. (1)__________, (2)_____________, □ An upper-level course, in Arabic or Modern Hebrew that will be taken after returning from abroad. This requirement can also be fulfilled by taking a course in which the student uses resources in either Arabic or modern Hebrew. (1)__________________ For students who graduate in 2017 (2016) and after: □ A departmental seminar—either regional or global—in the Humanities or Social Sciences, OR an IGST 0400-level seminar ____________ □An upper-level course, preferably two in language of emphasis taken after returning from abroad (1)__________, (2)__________ Optional: Students may elect to write a two-term senior thesis, but cannot substitute it for the required senior seminar. (3)___________, (4)___________, Only for students under the old rules: class of 2016 (5)_________ Economics For students matriculating through 2014.5: □ ECON 0150 AND □ ECON 0155 AND □ ECON 0210 or 0250 AND □ ECON 0340 AND □ 1 elective on your region of interest at the 200- or 300- levels. * (1)____________ □ 1 elective on your region of interest at the 400- level. * (1)______________ For students matriculating 2015 (2016): □ ECON 0150 AND □ ECON 0155 AND □ ECON 0210 AND □ ECON 0340 AND □ 1 elective on your region of interest at the 200- or 300- levels. * (1)____________ □ 1 elective on your region of interest at the 400- level. * (1)______________ * If the course on your region of interest is not offered, then you may take an economics course with an international orientation STEP 4: Global Courses Beginning with the class of 2017 (2016), students will be required to take three global courses. These will be selected in consultation with the advisor, based on a list of courses designated as global courses by the IGS program. Global courses are thematic, trans-regional, and comparative. (1)___________, (2)____________, (3)_____________________ STEP 5: Study Abroad □ Study abroad in the Middle East, preferably for a year but at least for one semester. Students must receive the approval of relevant departments and/or, as appropriate, the director of Middle East studies to receive major credit for courses taken abroad. STEP 6: Senior Program For students who graduate in 2016 who choose the old requirements □ Either a senior international studies seminar (IGST 04XX), or students may also propose to write a two-semester honors thesis (IGST0706) in their senior year. A thesis is required for honors. Students must have a 3.5 average or better in all courses that count for the major to apply to write an honors thesis. No exceptions will be made to these requirements. (1)____________, (2)_______________ Film and Media Culture □ FMMC 0101 AND □ FMMC 0102 AND □ FMMC 0104 AND □Three electives listed or cross-listed as FMMC, at least one of which must be at the 300- or 400level, and at least one must be international in focus. And preferably should have substantial content on the geographical area of specialization. (1)__________, (2)_________, (3)_________ Geography □GEOG 0100 AND □ GEOG 0120 AND three of the following seven electives: GEOG 0207, GEOG 0210, GEOG 214, GEOG 0215, GEOG 0220, GEOG 0223, GEOG 0225 (1)_________, (2)__________, (3)___________ AND □ 1 seminar (400 level course) (1)___________ □ Optional: students wishing to write a thesis are required to take GEOG 0325 OR GEOG 0339 History □ One course in ‘epistemology, language, metaphysics, mind and science’ (ELMMS) (1)_________________ Political Science □ PSCI 0103 OR □ PSCI 0109 AND □ PSCI 0101 or PSCI 0102 or PSCI 0104 or PSCI 0107 AND □ 4 courses at the 200-level or higher from the comparative politics or international relations and foreign policy categories (1)______________, (2)_____________, □ 1 HIST 0100 level course (1)___________ AND □ 1 HIST 400- level reading seminar within the regional focus (normally taken in the senior year (1)_________ AND □ 2 HIST courses within the regional focus (1)__________, (2)_________ AND □ 1 HIST course outside the regional focus (1)_______________ AND □ 1 HIST course (1)______________ AND □ With the permission of the history department chair, up to two of these courses can be taken abroad. History of Art and Architecture □ HARC 0100 AND □ HARC 0102 (or another course in non-western art and architecture) AND □ 4 electives at the 200-level or higher, two of which must be in region of specialization (3)______________, (4)_____________ One of these courses must be a 400-level seminar taken during the junior or senior year at Middlebury. [IGST seminars co-taught by PSCI faculty cannot substitute for 400-level PSCI seminars, but will count towards the six required courses in political science] It is highly recommended that IGST 0706 thesis candidates enroll in PSCI 0368 OR PSCI 0347 before their senior year Religion □ Six courses on religious traditions with a major presence in the region of study, at least two of which must be at the 300-level. Two of the courses may treat the religious traditions of the region as practiced in other parts of the world. IGS senior seminars co-taught by RELI faculty will count toward the required six classes. In some cases, RELI 0400 may also be counted toward the six courses. (1)__________, (2)__________, (3)__________, (1)_______________, (2)__________, (4)_________, (5)__________, (6)___________ (3)___________, (4)___________________ □ Students writing a thesis must take HARC 0301 in lieu of one of the 4 electives at the 0200level. Philosophy □ PHIL 0150 or PHIL 0151 AND □ PHIL 0180 AND □ PHIL 0201 or PHIL/CLAS 0175 or PHIL 0250 AND □ One 400-level seminar to be taken in one of the last three semesters (1)_____________ AND □ One course in ‘ethics and social and political philosophy’ (ESP) (1)____________ AND Sociology/Anthropology □ SOAN 0103 AND □ SOAN 0105 AND □SOAN 0305 or SOAN 0306 AND □ 3 electives: (1)__________, (2)__________, (3)_________ □ Optional: If writing a senior thesis, one of the electives MUST be SOAN 0301 OR SOAN 0302 TAKEN BEFORE STUDY ABROAD Form last updated 2/20/14 by M. Baldwin Completion of General College Requirements Degree requirements are explained in the College Handbook, available online at Please indicate below the Middlebury College Graduation Requirements that you have completed, and indicate how you plan to complete any that are still needed: 1. Distribution Requirements (circle categories already completed): a. Academic categories (students must take at least one course in seven of the eight categories, and count a single course in only one academic category) ART DED HIS LIT LNG PHL SCI SOC b. Cultures and Civilizations (students are required to complete all): AAL CMP EUR NOR 2. College Writing (indicate courses completed that satisfy these requirements): a. First-year seminar (a writing intensive seminar taken in the first semester):_______ b. A second writing intensive course taken after the first semester): ___________ 3. Physical Education:____________________ of two non-credit courses completed. 4. Graduation Units a. ________________ of 36 required course units completed. b. ________________ courses currently enrolled. c. At least 18 course units have been earned at Middlebury College YES NO d. At least two course units were earned in Winter Term: YES NO e. No more than four Winter Term courses have been completed: YES NO 5. Do you have transfer credits pending? (i.e., from a semester or year abroad, away at a U.S. college or university, or from summer school?) YES NO If yes, please describe: