KIGALI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUT DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIE Avenue de l'Armée, B.P. 3900 Kigali, Rwanda INSTITUTE EXAMINATIONS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013 END OF SEMESTER MAIN EXAMINATION FACULTY OF SCIENCE SCIENCE 3: APPLIED BIOLOGY SECOND YEAR SEMESTER II BIO3222 – GENERAL PARASITOLOGY DATE: / /2013 TIME: 2 HOURS TOTAL = 60 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper contains FOUR (4) questions. 2. Section A: - Question number ONE is compulsory carries THIRTY (30) marks. 3. Section B:-Answer any TWO (2) questions. Each question carries FIFTEEN (15) marks. 4. No written materials are allowed in the examination room. 5. Write all your answers in the answer booklet provided. 6. Do not forget to write your Registration Number. 7. Do not write any answers on this question paper. 1 Section A: Compulsory and carries THIRTY (30) marks If you are given stool specimens collected from persons suspected of being infected with intestinal parasites, on the performing preparation and examination of samples for eggs and larvae, answer the following questions:Total = 30 marks a. How is reagent preparation done for physiological saline solution (0.9%) and Lugol’s iodine solution? (5 marks) b. Explain the methods you would employ to prepare slides for microscopic examination. (5 marks) c. How is slide examination under microscope performed? (5 marks) d. What will be the characteristics of the eggs as seen under a microscope? (5 marks ) e. Explain the detailed procedure of Baermann Technique to separate and concentrate larvae from feces. (10 marks) Section B: Answer any TWO (2) questions. Each question carries FIFTEEN marks. 2. Protozoa: Kinetoplastids Total = 15 marks a. Briefly explain the life cycle of the genus Leishmania (Illustrate your answer with line drawing). (9 marks) b. Give an example of a Leishmania sp and explain the following different types of leishmania manifestations: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL), mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), and Visceral leishmaniasis (VL). (4 marks) c. Name the leishmania species primarily responsible for manifestations leading to CL, DCL, MCL, and VL. (2 marks) 2 3. Protozoa: Total = 15 marks a. Discuss the life cycle of Trichomonas vaginalis (Illustrate your answer with appropriate diagram). (6 marks) b. What are the Histomonas and Opilina parasites? (6 marks) c. How do we control/prevent parasites that have fecal-oral life cycle such as Entamoeba and Giardia? 4. Helminths: Nematodes a. List four major characteristics of the nematodes. (3 marks) Total = 15 marks (2 marks) b. Describe the generalized round worm life cycle (Illustrate your answer with appropriate diagram). (6 marks) c. Give a brief account on the different types of filarial worms causing filariasis in humans. (3 marks) d. Explain the nematodes as parasites of plants and insects. (4 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER 3