Motion and Forces Test Study Guide

Motion and Forces Test Study Guide
1) Motion
a. Motion: Relative motion and Reference Point
b. Describing/Calculating Motion: Speed, Velocity, & Momentum
c. Graphs: Distance vs. Time & Velocity vs. Time
2) Acceleration and Force
a. Acceleration: Three ways an object can accelerate, calculating acceleration, and
graphing acceleration
b. Force: Units of force and Identifying net forces
c. Friction: Four Types of friction, Coefficient of friction
3) Newton Laws
a. Newton’s 1st law: Definition, Inertia,
b. Newton’s 2nd law: Definition, Equations, Free Fall, Weight, Terminal Velocity
c. Newton’s 3rd law: Definition, Applications
Vocab: Define on separate sheet or flashcards
Speed, Velocity, Momentum, Constant speed, Law of conservation of momentum
Equations: Write the equations for speed, velocity, and momentum below or on flashcards. Identify the
units and be able to derive each equation to solve for each variable.
1. Graph the following data of a car trip:
2. What type of graph did you get?
3. Calculate the velocity. Graph the velocity.
Total distance
Total time
0 km
150 km
200 km
10 s
1000 km
40 s
4. What type of graph did you get?
5. The object or point from which movement is determined is called
a. terminal velocity
b. motion
c. momentum
d. reference point
6. Motion is measured by:
a. speed and time
b. distance and time c. acceleration and distance
d. speed and density
7. Place the following objects in order from lowest to highest momentum. Assume that all objects are
moving at their maximum velocity: train, car, truck, Mr. Farrell, Nick Mangold (google if needed), a
rabbit mosquito.
8. How did you arrive at your answer above?
Practice Problems:
1. Alexanadra practicing for a track meet ran 250 m around the track in 30 seconds. What was her
2. Find the time it would take for a golf cart to travel 700 km at a speed of 25 km/hr.
3. How far would the same golf cart travel in 500 hrs.
4. Convert 60 hours to seconds
5. Convert 50, seconds to minutes
6. Polar bears are extremely good swimmers and can travel as longs as 10 hours without resting. If a
polar bear is swimming with an average speed of 2.6 m/s, how far will it have traveled after 10 hours?
7. Suppose the polar bear were running on land instead of swimming. If the bear runs at a speed of about
8.3 m/s, how far will it travel in 10.0 hours?
8. Find the momentum of Dan who is 123 kg is running east at 17.2 m/s?
9. What is the mass of a buffalo with 264 kg x m/s momentum charging south at 23.5 m/s?
Acceleration and Force:
Vocab: Define on separate sheet or flashcards
Acceleration, Force, Balanced Force, Unbalanced Force, Friction, Gravity
Equations: Write the equation for acceleration on another sheet or on flashcards. Identify the units for
each variable and be able to derive the equation to solve for each variable.
1. Acceleration is measured in:
a. meters per second b. meters per second per second c. seconds d. miles per hour
2. Negative acceleration is the same as:
a. terminal velocity
b. an increase in speed
3. What is defined as a push or a pull?
a. mass
b. inertia
c. an increase in velocity d. deceleration
c. force
d. balance
4. Analyze the following situations, and indicate whether the forces are balanced or unbalances:
___________ a skydiver falling from an altitude of 1.5 km
___________ a cannonball fired parallel to the ground
___________ a motor boat coasting after its engine is shut off
___________ a bike leaning against a tree
5. What are two factors that describe the effects of gravitational attraction? Write them out.
6. At what rate do objects on Earth fall? What is this called?
7. What is inertia?
8. If the distance between Earth and the moon was doubled, how would the attractive force between them
Practice Problems:
1. A runner whose initial speed is 29 km/h increases her speed to 31 km/h in order to win a race. If the
runner takes 5.0 s to complete this increase in her speed, what is her acceleration?
2. A child sleds down a steep snow covered hill with an acceleration of 2.82 m/s2. If her initial speed is
0.0 m/s and her final speed is 15.5 m/s, how long does it take her to travel from the top of the hill to the
3. Once the child in the above problem reaches the bottom of the hill, she continues sliding along flat,
snow covered ground until she comes to a stop. If her acceleration during this time is -0.392 m/s2, how
long does it take her to travel from the bottom of the hill to her stopping point?
Newton’s Three Laws:
Vocab: Define on separate sheet or flashcards
1st Newton’s Law, 2nd Newton’s Law, 3rd Newton’s Law, Free Fall, Weight, Terminal Velocity,
Inertia, Free Body Diagram
Equations: Write the equation for newton’s second on another sheet or on flashcards. Identify the units
for each variable and be able to derive the equation to solve for each variable.
1. State inertia in your words.
2. Draw a diagram of two men skydiving linking up with each other: Label pushing forces, air
resistance, and gravity.
3. One Newton is equal to ______ kg x m/s2 equal to _________ pounds force
Practice Problems:
1. What is the net force necessary move a 8.12 x102 kg truck forward at an acceleration of 2002 m/s2.
2. A Swedish bobsled team and Steve have a combined mass of 425000 grams. If the Swedish team and
Steve experience an unbalanced force of 2375 N pushing it forward, what is the bobsled’s acceleration?
3. Convert your pounds to kilogram (divide by 2.2). Find your weight in Newtons?