File - Prophecy Update

Date 6/3/15
Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines
UN chief calls for new Israeli-Palestinian talks, brands
UNRWA outcome of 'political failure'
UN's Ban calls on Israel, Palestinians to halt unilateral
actions undermining peace
State Department spokeswoman says Washington hasn't yet
decided how it would vote on UN resolution for Israel-PA
Obama raises possibility of allowing U.N. vote on
Palestinian statehood
Obama: World does not believe Israel serious about twostate solution
Obama: Netanyahu position on Palestinian state endangers
Israel's credibility
Obama says Netanyahu driven by 'fear'
Palestinian NGO threatens Israel with lawsuit, denies Hamas
'In Gaza, you can't run from house to house, Hamas has
booby trapped them'
Amid quiet in south, IDF and Hamas intensively prepare for
next round
Palestinian TV calls Jews and Israelis 'evil, filth'
FIFA President Sepp Blatter Resigns From His Post Amid
Growing Corruption Probe
Israeli ministers take boycott efforts head on
Israel brands Palestinian-led boycott movement a 'strategic
Netanyahu: British student union that now boycotts Israel,
refused to boycott ISIS
'Absurd': Anti-Israel group wins key designation from UN
panel over US objections
Reports: IAF jets strike targets in Syrian border area
Hamas kills ISIS supporter despite 48-hour ultimatum given
by ISIS supporters' in Gaza
Israeli Druse leader calls on US to bomb ISIS near border
Russia Urges US to Act in Lockstep with Syria to Crush ISIS
US says 10,000 ISIS fighters killed in nine-month air
Allies back Iraq plan against ISIS, Baghdad seeks more help
US envoy: Islamic State risks becoming global menace
Warnings over growing IS cyber-threat
ISIS' frightening arsenal: Remote-controlled sniper rifles,
steel plated suicide trucks
IS closes Iraq dam gates, sparking humanitarian fears
Hezbollah widens offensive in Syria border area, seizes
Syria Regime Barrel Bombs Kill 24, Including Children:
Syrian insurgent advances put Assad regime under
Iran's Rouhani vows to back Syria 'until the end of the road'
Netanyahu Warns Iranian Nuclear Deal Far More Dangerous
than ISIS
Obama: We can't maintain Iran sanctions forever
State Department spokesperson: We're All 'Totally
Perplexed' by NYT Story on Iran's Increased Nuclear
Egypt's el-Sissi heads to Germany, seeking Western support
Witness: Bomb blast hits market in Nigeria's Maiduguri city,
50 killed
South Korea test-fires missile that can strike all of the North
Philippine President Slams Beijing for Acting like Nazis in
the South China Sea
Bernanke blames Congress as China flexes economic
Source: Man fatally shot by officers in Boston part of terror
Obama still has confidence in TSA following poor report
US flights face bomb threats, no explosives found
US lab's suspect anthrax may have been taken into
Senate Passes Major NSA Reform Bill
Judge probes destruction of evidence in NSA leak
Edward Snowden: Becoming an 'international fugitive' was
worth it, claims NSA whistleblower
DEA eavesdropping tripled, bypassed federal courts
FBI flying surveillance aircraft over US cities; planes traced
to fake companies
Coulter on US Immigration Policy: 'Never Has a Country
Been Transformed Like This, Never in World History'
The border surge, a year later: Tens of thousands of
immigrant children remain in limbo
More older Americans are being buried by housing debt
Greece's creditors draft deal to unlock aid, Athens resists
India cuts interest rates for a third time this year
Oil prices drop on dollar, oversupply
Iraq, Venezuela see $75-80 per barrel as 'fair' price for oil
CERN's Large Hadron Collider to resume smashing particles
in hunt for dark matter
Fukushima leak 'could cause hydrogen explosion' at nuclear
5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Ndoi Island, Fiji
5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near L'Esperance Rock, New
2.8 million Nepalese in need of humanitarian aid, says UN
Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 19,000ft
Hurricane Blanca forms, heads toward Mexico resorts
Torrential Downpours Caused Major Flooding, Damage in
Flooded Streams in New Jersey Cause Fish to Swim on
Drought fears after lower monsoon forecast in India
Senator: Use RICO Laws to Prosecute Global Warming
Meningitis epidemic in Niger, 545 dead
18 quarantined in Hong Kong over MERS fears
Fear of MERS Virus Leads More Than 230 South Korean
Schools to Close
A chip placed under the skin for more precise medicine
New chip makes testing for antibiotic-resistant bacteria
faster, easier
Thync: company launches mood-changing wearable that
zaps brains
Barack Obama Praises Caitlyn Jenner: 'It Takes Courage To
Share Your Story'
Caitlyn Jenner debut poses challenges for media
Caitlyn has company: E! series among plenty of other
transgender shows, films
Gay teenager 'forced to have sex with his own mother' to
'cure' his homosexuality, campaigners in India say
'Gay conversion therapy' group accused of fraud in New
Jersey lawsuit
Let God be a 'she', says Church of England women's group
Advocacy group says dozens of corpses of trafficking
victims wash to Myanmar shore
TV now exploiting rape for ratings?
Is a new crime wave on the horizon?
Pre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED
*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All
Newsletters are archived at:
(Featured Article at Bottom)
Obama again threatens possibility of allowing UN
vote on Palestinian statehood, more
Iran's military mastermind promises a 'surprise' in
A Short History of Certain Agreements
Has Caitlyn Jenner Become The Most Popular
Woman In America?
"Rome, Final Days" Is Fitting Epitaph for Our Culture
USA Freedom Act Gestapo-like shell game
Daily Devotion: How Waiting Prepares Us
Featured Article: A Secular View of an Apocalyptic
Obama again threatens possibility of allowing UN vote
on Palestinian statehood, more - Christi Parsons and Michael A. Memoli
President Barack Obama took a step toward a tougher line with Israel in an
interview released Tuesday, raising the possibility that the U.S. will allow a
United Nations vote on issues related to the Palestinians if the two sides make
no meaningful movement toward peace.
In an interview with an Israeli television station, Obama noted that his
administration has "up until this point" quashed such efforts at the U.N. while
insisting that the Israelis and Palestinians must negotiate a resolution. But he
said it is a challenge for the U.S. to keep demanding that the Palestinians
negotiate in good faith if no one believes the Israelis are doing the same.
"How do we move off what appears right now to be a hopeless situation and
move it back towards a hopeful situation?" Obama asked in the interview.
"That will require more than just words. That will require some actions. And
that's going to be hard work, though, because right now I think there's not a lot
of confidence in the process."
The comment was the latest sign that Obama has concluded that the U.S.
must rethink its stance on the Mideast peace process if it is to maintain
credibility in the world.
His thinking on the matter was clearly spurred this spring by Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's stand against Palestinian statehood during his
election campaign. Even though Netanyahu has since publicly reversed his
position, Obama said in the interview that Israel "as a whole loses credibility"
on the point.
"If, in fact, there's no prospect of an actual peace process, if nobody believes
there's a peace process, then it becomes more difficult to argue with those
who are concerned about settlement construction, those who are concerned
about the current situation," Obama said. "It's more difficult for me to say to
them, 'Be patient and wait because we have a process here' - because all they
need to do is to point to the statements that have been made saying there is
no process."
Obama's critical tone toward Netanyahu, describing him as someone who is
"predisposed" to "think perhaps that peace is naive," appeared to return to the
tough language that marked administration statements earlier this spring,
around the time of the Israeli election. More recently, the White House had
seemed to be trying to mend fences.
The apparent shift in tone seems "hard to understand," said a Democratic
strategist with close ties to the White House. Previous White House criticisms
of the prime minister clearly strengthened Netanyahu electorally, he said,
speaking on condition of anonymity to avoid alienating White House officials.
"These kind of attacks don't really hurt him. They help him."
Obama's veiled threat about Palestinian statehood lands hard at a time when
the U.S. and other world powers are in high-stakes negotiations with Iranian
officials to limit their country's nuclear program. Israel deeply opposes the deal
on the grounds that it will bolster Iran's nuclear efforts and its economy and
boost its aggression in the Middle East; some of Iran's leaders have said Israel
does not have the right to exist. The deadline for a deal, a major foreign-policy
priority for Obama, is at the end of the month, and the president is already
gearing up for the difficult sales job ahead of him if an agreement is reached.
Congress has demanded a chance to review the deal, a point Obama has
ceded, but the deep opposition from Israel could complicate his attempts to
gain approval from U.S. lawmakers who ardently support Israel.
In advance of that prospect, Obama recently visited a prominent Washington
synagogue to talk about his deep love of Israel. Close advisers and friends
have tried to underscore the point, with former senior advisor David Axelrod
telling Israeli Channel 2 that Obama feels a deep personal affinity for the
Jewish people.
And in an interview with the Atlantic magazine last week, Obama also talked
about his personal commitment to the security of Israel, and idea he mirrored
in the new interview with Channel 2's Ilana Dayan.
Obama told Dayan that the U.S. assistance to Israel on security, intelligence
and military matters "doesn't go away" because it is part of a "solemn
commitment that I've made with respect to Israel's security."
But there may be a "practical consequence" if there are new resolutions
introduced in the U.N., he said.
The peace process could become a bigger problem for Obama in his
complicated ties with Israel, but analysts say he has been trying to simplify that
relationship lately by explaining himself directly to the Israeli public.
As he prepares to talk about a possible resolution with Iran over its nuclear
deal, said one, Obama's primary message is about his intent.
"He has to persuade the Israeli audience that he is preoccupied with the
security of Israel," said Jon Alterman, head of the Middle East program at the
Center for Strategic and International Studies. "Did wearing a kippa and
speaking in a prominent synagogue do the trick? It certainly reinforced a sense
of affinity and reassured some people of the nature of his ties to Israel."
As he spoke with Dayan, Obama drew his own parallels between the AfricanAmerican experience and the Jewish one.
"In my mind, there is a direct line between the Jewish experience, the AfricanAmerican experience, and as a consequence, we have, I hope, a special
empathy and a special regard for those who are being mistreated because of
the color of their skin or the nature of their faith," Obama said.
Iran's military mastermind promises a 'surprise' in
Syria -
Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani has vowed
that upcoming developments in Syria will soon "surprise" the world, Al-Quds
al-Arabi reported.
"The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are
preparing for the coming days," the state Islamic Islamic Republic of Iran
Broadcasting (IRIB) quoted him as saying, according to the London-based
The Quds Force commander's comment comes after a recent visit to Syria
where he toured the Latakia region, which has come under threat from rebels
after they seized the nearby Idlib province last week following months of
sweeping victories against the regime.
Al-Quds al-Arabi reported that Soleimani "began his trip in Jourin, which lies
on the contact point with the opposition forces that form the Army of
The town, which lies a little over 40 kilometers east of Latakia, is not far from
rebel lines in the Al-Ghab Plain, where regime forces have begun to bolster
defense lines ahead of an expected insurgent attack.
A number of pro-regime outlets reported on Soleimani's trip over the weekend,
including pro-Hezbollah Mulkak news which said the Iranian military
commander met with the Syrian army's chief of staff as well as top field
commanders and Hezbollah officials during his secret visit.
"An agreement was reached [during the meetings] that will be translated onto
the [battlefield]," the outlet claimed.
Meanwhile, a defected National Defense Force militiaman told Al-Quds alArabi that Soleimani's trip aimed to formalize the "entry of Iranian officers to
supervise and aid the battles in coastal Syria for the first time since the
outbreak of Syrian uprising."
"Prior aid was limited to only logistical aid," the unnamed source said.
Alawite concerns
Soleimani's visit to the Latakia region comes amid heightened concerns in the
Alawite-populated coastal enclave following regime defeats in Idlib and other
regions of the war-torn country.
As regime forces come under increasing strain amid manpower shortages,
Damascus has moved to mobilize its Alawite base.
Over the weekend, the government moved to form a new Coastal Shield
Brigade that would recruit Latakia Province residents who have avoided
compulsory military service.
A defected army officer from the region told Al-Jazeera Sunday that the regime
was "working to gather members" for the Coastal Shield Brigade in Latakia
through an "arrest campaign that [targets] all young men in the city, born after
"The number of young men arrested in one week reached 1,000. They were
pulled out of the city's mosques and [off] the streets."
Other than arresting young Alawite men avoiding conscription, the Syrian
regime has sought to recruit women and Baath Party employees, according to
recent reports in anti-Damascus news outlets.
A change in strategy?
Soleimani's promise of upcoming surprises was made as an influential Iranian
militant group thought to be close to the country's rulers has called for tens of
thousands of infantrymen to be sent to Syria, according to a report by Saudiowned news channel Al-Arabiya.
"Iran must send 50,000 soldiers from the infantry force to Syria to manage the
war there and prevent the fall of the Assad regime, which has begun to
collapse recently," Al-Arabiya reported, citing a study on Iran's management of
the war in Syria conducted by Ansar e-Hezbollah.
According to the cited study, the mission of the 50,000 soldiers would be to
ensure Syria's coastal region is not cut off from Damascus.
"Iran must preserve the vital corridor [connecting] Damascus to Latakia,
Tartous and the Lebanese border."
"[Any] delay by Iran in [implementing] this pre-emptive action will cause the fall
of Damascus airport, which in turn [means] the severing of the essential
communication and supply line Iran [uses] to assist the Syrian regime.
Ansar e-Hezbollah, which was formally created in 1992, serves as a plainclothed attack guard used by the Iranian government to target opponents of
the clerical ruling system.
Although not an official part of Iran's security services, the paramilitary group
receives state training and is thought to be close to top circles of the country's
Ansar e-Hezbollah's study comes as the Syrian government has faced serious
military setbacks, losing the Idlib province last week following months of
sweeping rebel advances, as well as the desert town of Palmyra, which was
stormed by ISIS on May 20.
Reports have emerged that the regime is moving toward considering a change
in strategy to withdraw its forces to protect core government-held areas
stretching from Syria's coast through Homs down to Damascus.
The new policy would serve as a reversal of Assad's strategy of deploying the
army in all areas of Syria, including in bases and other surrounded regimecontrolled areas in the east and north of the country, where ISIS now controls
50% of Syria's territory.
A Short History of Certain Agreements - By Gene Lawley
In the 1960s I had a friendship with an old gentleman who had served as a
Senate aide during those years in the latter part of the 1930s decade when
Hitler was flexing his muscles as the typical tyrant does. My old friend passed
away in the spring of 1970, just a few months before his required thirty years
of silence on internal government issues would have expired, but one thing he
did share with me stands out in these days of "agreement-seeking."
As an aide he traveled to Europe in 1939 with a contingent of Senators and
other high-level government officials where they met with others to learn from
Adolf Hitler what his intentions were in regard to other European nations. My
friend told me that they were assured by Hitler that he had no aggressive
interests in expanding German control anywhere.
The American party was half-way back across the Atlantic-travel by sea was
the method then-when a wire came over the air waves that Hitler had invaded
Poland! Perhaps that meeting was also attended by Chamberlain of Britain,
who is remembered for his miscalculation of Germany's true intentions, but my
friend did not say. The point of that incident is that any tyrant who has
demonstrated his true character already cannot be trusted to keep any kind of
an agreement. Never! The Scriptures tell us this:
"Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then may you
also do good who are accustomed to do evil" (Jeremiah 13:23).
Of course, there is the possibility of repentance, but that means turning entirely
from one direction and fully toward the opposite way. And may I say that few
tyrants have been willing to do so, if any.
Now let's go further back in history to the time of Muhammad's early
development of the Islamic faith when he and his followers were aggressively
plundering cities of non-Muslims, to the year of 629 A.D. Mohammad had left
Mecca, the city of his early years, and gone to Medina where he had acquired
considerable following. Now he desired to make a pilgrimage back to Mecca,
but that city's leaders met him outside its border and forbade his entry. What
resulted was a humiliating treaty known as the Treaty of Hudaybiyya. [1]
Making lemonade out of lemon juice, so to speak, Mohammad declared the
treaty really a victory, and a few years later, as he and his followers grew in
number and in resentment of that "victory," they returned to Mecca and took
the city. Without regard to the terms of the treaty that was to endure for ten
years, Mohammad broke the agreement without hesitation, for his intentions,
apparently, had never changed.
Deception seems to be the one major characteristic that rules the mentality of
those who have a hidden agenda and operate according to the premise that
"the end justifies the means." The obvious origin of that concept and motive is
shown in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15:
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into
apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into
an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform
themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to
their works."
Bringing this issue forward to current times, we should not be surprised to find
out that deceit is a very operative principle with those who would oppose what
is true and right-actually, what is of God and the gospel of Jesus, the Christ. In
prior articles I have quoted and referenced spokesmen who have
acknowledged a hidden agenda that is, in reality, truly antichrist. I have termed
this the "Tower of Babel Syndrome" because it reflects the attitude and
motivation of those who were involved in that experiment recorded in Genesis
11. It was a move to deny God and create their own plan for mankind. Here is
another revealing statement with that theme evident:
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from
behind the scenes." - Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court, 19391962.
There is another broken agreement episode told about in Daniel 9:27 that is
still future, but it holds great significance in the wrap-up of human history and
God's enduring plan for the ages:
"Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of
the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of
abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation,
which is determined, is poured out on the desolate."
Other issues are apparent in the passage, but the making of a covenant or
agreement, and then aborting it at the midpoint is the point of reference here.
The agreement made with many parties allows the Jews to rebuild their temple
and reinstate their religious activities there, for those things are stopped when
the leading contender for the covenant decides to break its terms. Will the
enactment of that agreement result in that cry of "peace and safety" that Paul
wrote of in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3? If it does, then the coming of one like a
"thief in the night" with sudden destruction is clearly included in that scenario.
With the deceit and lack of transparency in the activities of governmental
agencies in these days, one might wonder how such scandals and
irregularities match up with promises that were made beforehand. Those who
have paid attention to the roll-out of the headlines and news articles over these
last several years may recall these, for example:
· "This administration will be the most transparent of all."
· "George Bush's $9 trillion national debt is unpatriotic."
· "We have to pass the Act before we can know what's in it."
· "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
· "...And four men died, 'what difference does it make!'"
· "I have done nothing wrong; I have broken no laws; I take the 5th
Like a swarm of hornets these and many other false claims and statements
have clouded this present administration like no other. The direction of its
policies and administration have been directly opposite the promises made in
the pre-election campaigns, yet a majority of the popular vote, apparently,
means that Americans are pleased with it. There is a proverbial conclusion laid
out in the Scriptures, however:
"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the
heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil" (Ecclesiastes 8:11).
"Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some
men they follow after" (1 Timothy 5:24).
"But if you do not do so [obey], then take note, you have sinned against
the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out" (Numbers 32:23).
It is a universal truth that one cannot escape the scrutiny of God, as the above
Scriptures testify. "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" says Proverbs
9:10; that is, acknowledging and respecting His justice and judgment for truth
is the smartest thing a person can do before all else! All things are open before
Him with whom we have to do, but fortunately, there is forgiveness from God if
we turn away from evil and to Him.
Contact email:
Our new video is in production, and this may be the most important video that we have ever
produced.The Rapture and the Thief in the Night, is a video that every
believer should own.The Rapture and the Thief in the Night is an excellent
video for witnessing and evangelizing here and now! More importantly, it is
also a video that each one of us will want to make sure that our loved ones,
that missed the Rapture, will have and watch and prayerfully accept the Lord's
gift of eternal salvation!
We must all face the facts and realize that all of us have friends and family
members that are going to miss the rapture. In our new video, "The Rapture
and the Thief in the Night," we give a step by step explanation of what has
happened, why it happened, what to expect next, and what they must do and
what they must not do!
Prayerfully our friends and family members will watch this DVD before the
Rapture and not miss it, but some will certainly be Left Behind! Every believer
needs to watch this video and share it with their unsaved friends, and family
members. This video explains why the Rapture is the Blessed Hope of every
believer and how this event is different from the Second Coming. It also
explains what a person is to do if they miss the Rapture, and the events of the
Tribulation, the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast. It is an excellent
witnessing tool that will prayerfully keep many from missing the Rapture, at the
same time it's also, a valuable guide for those Left Behind.
"The Rapture and the Thief in the Night" will be released on *7/3/15, PreOrder your copy today. When you Pre-Order one of our videos, not only are
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Has Caitlyn Jenner Become The Most Popular Woman
In America? - By Michael Snyder -
At the age of 65, Caitlyn Jenner has become far more famous than Olympic
athlete Bruce Jenner ever was. She is the most high-profile American to ever
identify as transgender, and right now she is getting a global tsunami of media
attention - most of it extraordinarily positive. When Caitlyn's Vanity Fair cover
was released on Monday, it was front page news for almost every major news
source in the western world. But it isn't just the media that is fawning over
her. Within just a few hours, Caitlyn Jenner received more than 100,000 likes
on a brand new Facebook page that she set up for her new identity. On
Twitter, the euphoria was even greater. Within fours hours and three minutes
of setting up her new Twitter account, she had a million followers. That beat
the official world record that had previously been held by Barack Obama. As I
write this, she now has more than 2.2 million followers. So precisely why has
Caitlyn Jenner become such an overnight sensation, and could it be possible
that she is now the most popular woman in America?
If it isn't Caitlyn, who would it be?
It certainly isn't Hillary Clinton. A new CNN/ORC poll that just came out found
that 57 percent of all Americans believe that Hillary "is not honest and
So what about Oprah?
Well, yes Oprah was exceedingly popular for a very long time, but she was far
more popular back in 2005 than she is in 2015.
At this moment, Caitlyn Jenner may be the most popular woman in America,
and it is because she embodies what so many people in this country want for
the future of this nation. In the United States today, it is estimated that there
are about 700,000 people that identify as transgender, and there are millions
of others that identify as gay or lesbian. To those communities, Caitlyn Jenner
is more than a hero - she is a symbol of their hopes and their dreams. In
addition, Gallup has found that overall support for gay marriage in America is
at an all-time record high of 60 percent. Jenner represents the direction that
our culture is headed, and so most of the nation is greatly celebrating what she
has done.
Of course not everyone is thrilled with Caitlyn Jenner. Some have compared
what is happening to the "final days" of the Roman Empire. Others consider
all of this to be strikingly similar to the great wickedness of the last days
described in the Scriptures.
But for Jenner and her fans, this is what they want. According to Jenner, she
is now "living my true self"...
Jenner launched a new Twitter account on Monday as @Caitlyn_Jenner,
saying "I'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self.
Welcome to the world Caitlyn."
It became the fastest account to reach 1 million followers in four hours and
three minutes according to Guinness World Records, besting U.S. President
Barack Obama's verified @POTUS account that reached 1 million followers in
five hours last month.
And many of those that are supporting Jenner are exceedingly zealous. It is
being reported that many are openly referring to her as a "goddess" in social
media, and a number of those that are being negative about Jenner are being
viciously attacked. The following is an excerpt from an article written by Paul
Joseph Watson...
Guardian writer Paris Lees also ordered everyone to "bow down bitches" and
genuflect in the presence of Jenner's angelic image.
As Brendan O'Neill writes, "There is a palpable religiosity to the wild hailing of
Bruce/Caitlyn as a modern-day saint, a Virgin Mary with testicles. Within four
hours, more than a million people were following Bruce/Caitlyn's new Twitter
account, hanging on her words like the expectant horde waiting for Moses at
the foot of Mount Sinai. Her every utterance, all banal celeb-speak, was
retweeted tens of thousands of times. Celebs and commentators greeted her
as a kind of messiah."
Those who dared blaspheme the new "Goddess" were the victim of swiftly
organized witch hunts, with Twitter users targeting anyone who still had the
temerity to address Jenner by her former name.
The transition from being a man to being a woman has certainly not been easy
for Jenner.
In fact, in order to look the way that she does now Jenner has to undergo
extensive surgery. The following comes from the Los Angeles Times...
Jenner says that she underwent hormone therapy and recently at least 10
hours of facial-feminization surgery; the "Keeping Up With the Kardashians"
reality star also had a breast augmentation.
Could the average person afford to have all of that work done?
Of course not.
But the choices that she has made have brought her fame, fortune and
millions of adoring fans. She is going to be the star of a brand new cable
documentary series, and she is even going to be given a special award by
Jenner, who has been prominently featured as the patriarch on E!
Entertainment's "Keeping Up with the Kardashians," will star in an E!
documentary this July chronicling her new life as a woman.
ESPN announced Monday that it will grant Jenner the Arthur Ashe Courage
Award, given to "individuals whose contributions transcend sports," at the
Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Award ceremony in July.
Personally, what I remember about Bruce Jenner is that he was on the cover
of my box of Wheaties back when I was growing up. Considering everything
that has just happened, CNBC is suggesting that he be put back on the front
cover of the Wheaties box...
Since becoming a gold medalist in the 1976 Olympic Games, Bruce Jenner
has been hailed as an American hero. Setting a world record in the decathlon
nearly 40 years ago, Jenner soon became one of hundreds of athletes to
grace the front of a box of Wheaties, but only one of seven to become a
Wheaties spokesperson.
With the introduction of Caitlyn Jenner, many consumers are looking to
General Mills for its next move, wondering if Caitlyn will also be featured on
the box. Twitter has been buzzing about the subject since Caitlyn came out in
a Vanity Fair article on Monday.
In the end, it is hard to deny that this is the path that America has chosen.
We have rejected the Judeo-Christian values that our forefathers embraced,
and we have replaced them with a completely different morality.
And ultimately, those of us that still embrace traditional Christian values will be
completely marginalized. This is already happening a little bit at a time, and
the Obama administration is doing all that it can to accelerate this
process. For instance, just consider the following example...
The Obama Administration will soon require faith-based, charitable groups
which receive federal grants to hire homosexuals and transsexuals. That
disturbing revelation comes straight out from published reports from the Center
for Family and Human Rights.
Here's the backstory: Last summer, Obama inked an executive order requiring
federal contractors to provide what Congress refused to pass, namely civil
rights status for sexual behavior or subjective gender identity.
Now Obama is reportedly adding the "sexual orientation and gender identity"
mandate to humanitarian groups that receive federal grants as well. Federal
contracts are awarded when a federal agency is acquiring something; grants
are awarded when a federal agency is providing assistance.
Given enough time, our politicians would eventually take away the tax
exemption from any church or Christian organization that "discriminates"
against those in the LGBT community. That would force literally thousands of
churches and Christian ministries to permanently close their doors. But that is
where all of this is heading. At this point, it is just a matter of time.
A massive cultural shift is happening in America, and right now it appears that
the "social liberals" are winning in a big way.
So what does this mean for the future of this nation?
"Rome, Final Days" Is Fitting Epitaph for Our Culture Belle Ringer -
If you haven't heard by now, Fox News host Neil Cavuto is being ridiculed
across every liberal and progressive website for his blunt comments on the
transgenderization (if there is such a word) of Bruce Jenner. Because it is the
"hot" story in the latest news cycle, Cavuto was forced to comment on it, and
when he shouted "What the hell is going on?", I can imagine that there were
millions of Americans who agreed with him. When a guest on his show stated,
"It's just the era that we're living in," Cavuto acerbically remarked, "Rome, final
days" and signed off.
So, it is not surprising that he has been called everything from
"transphobic" to "vile and hateful" to "disgusting and unprofessional". But just
because his opinion doesn't agree with the minority view of the loud and vocal
transgender and Hollywood crowds, doesn't mean his comment doesn't have
merit in its own right.
In a fitting article titled, Top Ten Reasons Ancient Rome Was A Pervert's
Paradise, we find out that the Roman Emperors were ... well ... a little
preoccupied with aberrant sexual behavior. Nero, for example, had his
favorite boy castrated and attempted to turn him into a woman. Caligula made
his horse a senator, converted the palace into a brothel and pimped out his
sisters; while Elagabalus spent more time cruising Rome's red light district
dressed in drag than anything else. And it is this latter Roman Emperor that
most closely resembles the transformation of Mr. Jenner and the trajectory of
our modern culture.
The Reddit website, which is essentially an online bulletin board system
where the community generates answers to questions, has an interesting
opinion on Elagabalus. Admittedly, this description must be accepted with a
certain cynicism; but if even a small percentage of it is true, I think you will see
why it lends some credibility to Mr. Cavuto's perspective.
Elagabalus was born in 203 AD, and died before his 19th birthday, in 222
AD. Ancient historian Cassius Dio wrote numerous books on the history of
Rome, and the 80th book of his chronicles was written in about 229 AD, and
makes for some interesting reading. According to Cassius Dio, Elgabalus may
have been one of the first transgender world leaders. Here are just some of
the passages:
"My Lord Emperor, Hail!" he bent his neck so as to assume a ravishing
feminine pose, and turning his eyes upon him with a melting gaze, answered
without any hesitation: "Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady." -- Dio Cassius
These passages suggest Elgabalus had gender dysphoria and desired to
have Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and facial hair removal: "He carried
his lewdness to such a point that he asked the physicians to contrive a
woman's vagina in his body by means of an incision, promising them large
sums for doing so."-- Dio Cassius 80:16
"He had planned, indeed, to cut off his genitals altogether, but that desire
was prompted solely by his effeminacy". -- Dio Cassius 80:11
"Once, indeed, he shaved his chin and held a festival to mark the event; but
after that he had the hairs plucked out, so as to look more like a woman."-- Dio
Cassius 80:14
Although Elgabalus successively married five women, he remained
childless; ultimately marrying a male partner. The "husband" of this "woman"
was Hierocles, a Carian slave ". -- Dio Cassius 80:15.
Now, those of the transgender persuasion, and those of the liberal and
progressive communities who applaud the rights and freedom of Bruce Jenner
to become the woman he desires to be, can hail this era as valid, and honest,
and liberating all they want. It still does not erase that such practices, along
with slave sex (regardless of gender or age); lewd and graphic public
pornography; sex-obsessed and X-rated literature; pederasty (man-boy sexual
perversion); and mass infanticide (babies born from all that sex were simply
discarded on the dung-heaps -- an extreme form of abortion) all contributed to
the downfall of ancient Rome.
Whether you think that God played a part in it or not; you cannot deny that
this was the picture of Rome in her final days. And I find it extremely
interesting that the Godless of today attempt to "normalize" this behavior and
lifestyle by pointing out that it was acceptable in ancient Rome. They say it is
just us "phobic" Christians who are exhibiting an irrational response. But,
"acceptable" to whom? Those who practiced it? Does that really give it
credibility? Isn't that like saying those involved in ritual child sacrifices accept
this practice among their tight little group, so that makes it normal for society?
Can they at least admit that "the decline of the Roman Empire" happened;
characterized, in part, by the debasement of its emperors and wealthy elite,
and their obsessive self-gratification? The emperors may have called
themselves Christian, following in the footsteps of the pseudo-Believer
Constantine, but they surrendered to the oldest temptation in Satan's playbook
... sex.
So, what does all this have to do with Bruce Jenner and Neil Cavuto's bold
sentencing of our culture? It just proves that the story of the downfall of both
men, and nations, is as old as history. Nothing has really changed, and the
outcome (without God) will be the same. "Rome, Final Days" ... it really says it
Romans 1:24
"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through
the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between
USA Freedom Act Gestapo-like shell game - Bill Wilson
It is a very rare thing these days when the "president," the House, and the
Senate agree on something. They did so on revising and extending the Patriot
Act with another misnamed "spy on all US citizens" bill called the USA
Freedom Act. Americans have become accustomed to major laws that are
named the exact opposite of what they do--Patriot Act, Affordable Care Act,
No Child Left Behind Act, Clean Air Act and so on. When this "president" and
this Congress agree on anything, it should raise your suspicion. The USA
Freedom Act is a shell game being played on all Americans. It is another
opportunity to continue spying on every American citizen, shifting
accountability to a secret court.
Now all the federal government has to do is get approval to gather your phone
records from an unconstitutional secret court called the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court. The National Journal reports that "the Freedom Act calls
for a transition within 6 months to a system where phone companies provide
records to government spies on an as-needed, more-targeted basis after
judicial approval is obtained from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court."
The government's spying on US citizens was exposed and after much outrage,
it was reinstated under a different procedure, hoping that Americans would be
content that they won a victory for privacy. But your privacy ends "as needed."
In June 2013, the UK Guardian released an investigative story on how the
White House used the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to bypass the
Patriot Act. The Guardian published documents submitted to the secret
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, signed by Attorney General Eric
Holder July 29, 2009. The documents show that the White House used this
court to back door "authority" to collect information on American citizens. The
Guardian reported that the broad scope of the court orders and nature of the
procedures established in the documents appeared "to clash" with assurances
from the White House that our telephone and email information could not be
accessed without warrants.
The White House knows how to use this secret court to spy on all Americans.
The USA Freedom Act is just appeasement to make people think the
government has corrected something. In reality, Congress and the White
House have just back-doored their ability to oppress your freedom. As written
in Jeremiah 6:14, "They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my
people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace." In John 3:20,
Jesus said, "For everyone that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the
light, lest his deeds should be exposed." We need to continue to expose these
deeds and demand accountability, otherwise your freedom of religion and of
speech will be crushed in darkness.
Daily Devotion: How Waiting Prepares Us - Greg Laurie
But the LORD was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love.
And the Lord made Joseph a favorite with the prison warden. -Genesis 39:21
Joseph had been doted on by his father, sold by his brothers into slavery,
bought by Potiphar, and eventually promoted to manage Potiphar's entire
household. He was doing a great job. Then he was falsely accused of rape
and thrown into prison.
But Genesis 39:21 tells us, "The LORD was with Joseph."
In typical Joseph fashion, he was so diligent and hardworking that he was
soon running the place. Enter the butler and the baker. They had been working
for Pharaoh, but now they were in prison. Joseph saw them one day and
basically said, "Hey guys, why are you so sad? Why the long faces?" That's an
amazing statement for someone in a dungeon to make to other people in a
dungeon. But there was a cheerfulness about Joseph. He was always thinking
of others.
So the butler and the baker told Joseph about the dreams they had. Joseph
told them, "Interpreting dreams is God's business. . . . Go ahead and tell me
your dreams" (Genesis 40:8).
The butler was the first to explain his dream to Joseph. Then Joseph said,
"Within three days Pharaoh will lift you up and restore you to your position as
his chief cup-bearer. And please remember me and do me a favor when things
go well for you. Mention me to Pharaoh, so he might let me out of this place"
(verses 13-14). But two years passed before the butler remembered Joseph.
Has it ever seemed as though you were just spinning your wheels and not
going anywhere? How easily Joseph could have felt that way. Yet we never
read of him complaining, even for a moment.
Joseph's life serves as a reminder that everything we go through is
preparation for something else. God is preparing each of us for something.
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A Secular View of an Apocalyptic Event - By
Don McGee
In December of 2010 The History Channel aired a docudrama, After
Armageddon, a story about a family in Los Angeles trying to survive a
pandemic pathogen and the resulting total breakdown of society. About 75% of
the film is drama and about 25% is input and commentary from experts from
various fields of study. It aired again recently, and since most people get their
information about the future from such sources it is worthy of a few comments.
The acting itself left something to be desired, and the screen writers really
dropped the ball a couple times regarding reality in such a situation, but a
critique of the technical aspects of the film is not the purpose of this newsletter.
The purpose is something of far greater importance.
What I mean is that the secular world itself understands the reality of a coming
doomsday; they just refuse to believe it will happen in the biblical context.
Many of the very people who are so quick to lampoon Christians and the Bible
are the same people who actually believe global devastation of some kind is
coming and that it will bring western culture back to a way of life not seen
since the early 19th Century.
Once again, in order to not be misunderstood, we must frame this in context
that the church will not be on earth during the Tribulation. At the same time,
however, we must also keep in mind that the church could, indeed, see some
very difficult times as the return of the Lord is prolonged.
We have no guarantee that global events will not morph into situations similar
to that portrayed in the film. In addition to the pandemic portrayed, there are
other events that could leave a similar result; major earthquakes, eruptions of
calderas, droughts, crop pestilences, an economic crash, an Islamic
nuclear/biological/chemical attack, etc.
The film centers around a particularly virulent flu strain that begins in
Southeast Asia "sometime in the future". Because of modern rapid
transportation systems the disease cannot be detected quickly enough to
quarantine the first victims, thus it spreads to the U.S. and around the world
very quickly. In order to escape the spreading disease and the disintegration of
social stability the family from Los Angeles leaves their home and heads for
Idaho, which they view as some sort of safe haven.
There are several facts that must be part of any evaluation of such situations,
and it is the ignoring of those facts that will lead to much suffering and death.
Further, though some people are aware of these facts, some of them cannot
be wholly dealt with simply because many people have little choice regarding
where they live and thus have little control over the resources available to
them. That is not good.
First is the fact that large groups of people will migrate in the face of present or
imminent danger. Remember South Viet Nam in 1975? It was pointed out in
the film's commentary that mass migrations have never been peaceful. From
disease and starvation to the thugs who loiter along the routes, there is no
safety in the movement of people, especially in small groups.
It does not take long for order to breakdown and to be replaced with survival of
the fittest. John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath does not come close to fully
portraying that kind of migration.
A second factor is that whether the cause is disease, geo-physical, etc., the
sick-care system of hospitals and clinics will not be able to handle the massive
influx of patients. People will die on the streets. Some are appalled by this
statement and some are even insulted. That does not matter. It will happen.
Related to this is the fact that sick-care providers will abandon patients in the
interests of family and self.
Sounds hard but that, also, will happen. In fact, it did happen during and in the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Further, some hospital administrations will
choose to not allow infected people to enter their facilities for reasons that do
not require a lot of common sense to figure out. The law will have no bearing
on the matter.
After utilities and social services break down the three big causes of death will
be cholera, dysentery, and famine. And that leads to a third factor: burial of the
dead. Burial services will be curtailed, and when the power is out and
generator fuel runs out and cannot be retrieved and/or delivered there will be
few, if any, make-shift morgues.
Many of us can remember the nine-day 1968 NYC garbage strike and the
100,000 tons of refuse on the streets. The point is it was a hay-day for rats and
other vermin, and it threatened the very health of the city. According to the
Daily News that was the last in a series of public-service strikes that includedyou guessed it- gravediggers.
This happened, though to a lesser degree than what was portrayed in the film,
after Hurricane Katrina when body locations were simply marked for retrieval
at a later time. Corpses lay out for days and sometimes weeks. Some were
never recovered. Further, this situation will happen in Israel in the future
(Ezekiel 39:11ff), so why would anyone think it can't or won't happen here?
Another factor has to do with security. Urban areas will have none due to the
loss of food, water and power. The police cannot effectively exist in those
conditions any better than the general public. Even if citizens are armed they
cannot remain in their homes without water.
The rural areas will fare better with the availability of natural resources
(livestock, the ownership of weapons along with the knowledge and will to use
them, wild game, private water sources-think: pitcher pumps, etc.). It is then
that civility will be seen for what it really is; a very, very thin veneer.
By the way, private water sources will quickly be confiscated by the
government. As to how effective the government will be in actually gaining and
maintaining control of those private sources is another question entirely.
Some people are preparing to "bug out" when something like this happens.
They have bug-out bags, 10 gallons of gasoline stored away, some cash on
hand, 3 or 4 cases of bottled water and sundry items they believe will
guarantee, or assist their survival. But, many of those same people have not
considered what they will do when tires go flat, gas runs out, the SUV breaks
down or crashes, someone blocks the road in order to take what they have,
Food and water are heavy and a person can't carry enough to take them very
far. Add to that a couple of weapons and sufficient ammo and the ease-inmovement dream fades very quickly. The fact is, if people live in urban or even
suburban areas just getting out of town will be next to impossible.
The film's expert commentators agreed that in such a situation no matter
where people go it will be dangerous and many family members will die. Even
if the initial disease outbreak or earthquake or whatever might be at the center
of the problem subsides, major damage will have been done and people will
continue to die for a long time.
To escape from a band of thugs in the morning does not guarantee that a
person will not suffer a broken leg in a fall in the afternoon. Just the lack of
antibiotics will contribute to debilitating and deadly infections. Feeble family
members will inhibit movement. Both cover and concealment will be hard to
find. Even back roads leading out of town, or to wherever will be prime targets
for thugs. Cash (easy to carry) will not be as valuable as commodities (difficult
to carry).
It reminds us of Amos 5:19, "As when a man flees from a lion and a bear
meets him, or goes home, leans his hand against the wall and a snake bites
him." This means that the toll taken will not only be physical, but will be
emotional and psychological. Mental fatigue can be as deadly as physical.
One of the film's greatest failures regarding reality is its treatment of weapons.
The family portrayed tries to escape without a firearm(s), and when one is
eventually found it is used hesitantly and with uncertainty, as if it is a liability.
When something like this actually happens it will be easy to identify those who
are weaponless: they will be robbed, raped and/or killed. There just simply is
no delicate way to put it.
Eventually, perhaps, reality will set in and the politically-correct dream of a
disarmed citizenry will not only be seen as the nightmare it is, but also as the
foolish thinking of people who have no real-world experience. Pacifism might
work well in non-desperate situations, but it is not worth a rip when a man has
to defend and provide for his family.
Interestingly, both the secular view of what Hollywood calls an "apocalyptic"
event and the genuine biblical apocalypse are being ignored. And the reason
for their being ignored is that most people have never seen, much less
experienced such events. Thus, people foolishly push aside such possibilities
and label them as fear mongering. And that leads to an inevitable fact: many
will die because they did not believe it would happen, and to aggravate the
situation they will not know what to do once it does happen.
The script of the film was written in a way similar to most run-of-the-mill
disaster movies. That is, at the end it all works out, even though one of the
main characters dies from an infection. Still, his family survives and the
concluding scene is his now-grown son standing at his father's grave 25 years
The narrator says that though things have not returned to what was once
"normal", the country is recuperating and life itself is not so bad. People, he
says, are living simple lives and the environment is cleaner with less industrial
pollution and lessons have been learned and on and on he goes about how
mankind and life will once again flourish.
The film's secular narrator duly notes that desperate situations prompt the rise
of religious fervor. The idea is that every time there is something of this
magnitude "religious fanatics" (his words) come to the forefront with their
firebrand preaching.
The tenor of that portion of the film seems clearly to treat any biblical response
with contempt, as though none of what happened really had anything to do
with God and sin and anything else spiritual.
Then, as if to punctuate the above, the narrator reminds viewers that the
human race has gotten down to low numbers before, but, "we've always come
back." Yes, it got down to 8 people once before, but that was not mentioned.
And the "coming back" was by the hand of God and not because of the
strength and force of Man.
Part of the film's objective, it seems, is to leave the viewer in awe of the
tenacity and resilience of humans. It also seems to point to man's ability to
learn and apply lessons from tragic experiences. At times people can, indeed,
be resilient but the truth is that to think we have learned lessons from our
failures and are applying them to present and future conduct is laughable.
The narrator says that going back to a simpler way of life will cause education
to be simplified and knowledge to be practical. The country will restart, but
without petty jealousies and other social ills. People will be kinder toward each
other, he said.
Well, hogwash is about all I can say to that. Social ills that range from petty
jealousies to global warfare have nothing to do with environment but
everything to do with evil hearts, and no degree of suffering in itself can take
care of that problem. I point you to Revelation 9:20 and 21.
This film is a subpart of the disaster-film genre and should be interpreted in
light of what God has said about how things will be in those days preceding
the return of Jesus. Remember that this kind of film is the product of people
who don't even really know what Armageddon is all about, much less what will
happen afterward.
The truth is that if such an event happens there will be no long-term
recuperation period. The world is living in the shadow of Revelation 6 and the
Four Horsemen, and it should be obvious to all that there is no retreating from
the edge.
And this is what deceives the viewing public. They do not understand the
Scriptures, thus when Hollywood speaks of "apocalyptic events," "the end of
the world" and "plagues of biblical proportions" they believe Hollywood, by
chance, is in some kind of lock-step with the Bible's portrayal of the end. So,
they conclude, if the film ends with the world eventually being not so bad after
all, then that must be what Scripture says.
They are lulled into deception by basing their belief system upon what some
entertainment industry scriptwriter and motion picture film producer dishes out
to them. Secular viewers of this film might know a lot about a lot of things, but
they know virtually nothing about Scripture.
They believe what they want to believe. Things are easier that way, and the
ending that is presented is more palatable to their secularly-refined tastes than
what some Bible-thumping preacher might have to say about it.
Modern homes are being filled with various media that are appealing to the
senses. The problem is that the messages they often convey have just enough
biblical truth to capture the attention of Christians whose knowledge of biblical
events is sufficient enough to make some kind of connection with the film, but
is not thorough enough to see through the smoke screen.
Because of that, people's spirits can become unduly disquieted, or, on the
other hand can become lulled into a secular and false sense of end-times
safety. Either situation can be countered by knowing the truth.
Contact Don McGee at:
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