Impact Evaluation Microdata Catalogue: Deposit Form

What to Deposit and How to Complete this Form
The guiding principle is to deposit all materials necessary to enable users to gain a full understanding of an impact
evaluation and its supporting data. Such documentation materials include:
Soft copies of key documents including: the questionnaire(s); training and/or interviewer manual(s); concept note or
proposal describing the impact evaluation objectives and design; technical documents that detail the sampling design
or database design (if using non-survey data such as a project MIS database).
Soft copies of key outputs produced with the impact evaluation data (e.g., power point presentations, working papers
and research publications/articles).
Copies of the unit record data files – all modules and rounds, if multiple – ideally in a file format that includes
variable and value labels (e.g., STATA, SAS or SPSS), in Microsoft Excel/Access format or even ascii formats (e.g.,
CSV, TXT) with accompanying data entry/processing program (e.g., CSPro).
URLs to websites associated with this impact evaluation; including of funding sources, the project, data collection
firms, research and other partners.
Depositing these materials will enable comprehensive documentation of the impact evaluation and supporting data. The
data documentation team can extract the key metadata from these documents and data files. To streamline and facilitate an
accurate documentation process, we also ask you to complete as fully as possible this form and include this along with the
documentation materials and datasets you are depositing in this catalogue.
You can enter the requested information by clicking on boxes that look like this: ►click & type answer and then typing
in text (note that you can also copy/paste from other documents). You can edit the entered text simply by clicking on the
box again. You can save this document at anytime and return to complete it later.
Once completed, include this form and the accompanying datasets and documentation materials you want to deposit in an
email to In case your datasets are too large to attach to an email, please contact to organize an alternative modality to deposit or with any questions about this.
Contact Information
Your Name:
►click & type answer
(enter the name of the person depositing the data)
E-mail Address:
►click & type answer
(enter the email address of the person depositing the data)
Basic Information about the Microdata being Deposited
Country in which this microdata was collected:
►click & type answer
(If multiple countries, identify all)
Title of the survey or microdata:
►click & type answer
(e.g., XYZ Impact Evaluation Survey or ABC Program MIS Database)
Type of microdata:
►click & type answer
(e.g., household survey, firm survey, facility survey, MIS Database)
Data Collection Period
Start: ►click & type answer
►click & type answer
Enter the dates (at least month and year) of the start and end of the data collection in the ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).
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Basic Information about the Impact Evaluation
Impact Evaluation Project Title:
►click & type answer
(i.e., the name of the corresponding WB impact evaluation code or, if the impact evaluation does not have a separate WB code, then the
title/name under which this impact evaluation is known)
Impact Evaluation Project Code:
►click & type answer
(i.e., the corresponding WB impact evaluation code (e.g., P012345). Type “N/A” if this impact evaluation does not have a separate WB code)
Lead Evaluator(s)
Personal Homepage URL:
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
Impact Evaluation Team Member(s)
Personal Homepage URL:
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
(i.e., the WB TTL(s) and/or lead consultant(s)/researcher(s))
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
►click & type answer
(i.e., other WB staff or researchers/consultants who worked on this impact evaluation)
Impact Evaluation Description:
►click & type answer
(i.e., provide a summary/overview of the impact evaluation objectives, design and emerging/main findings if already available)
Basic Information about the related WB Operation
If the impact evaluation is not linked to a WB operation, type “N/A” in the fields below.
Name of the Related WB Operation:
►click & type answer
(i.e., the name of the WB operation to which this impact evaluation is linked)
Project Code of the Related WB Operation:
►click & type answer
(i.e., the project code (e.g., P012345) of the related operation)
Project Overview:
►click & type answer
(i.e., provide a summary/overview of the operation and the project development objectives)
Statistical Disclosure Control
Safeguarding the identity and privacy of respondents that have provided the data is important. If the data files you are depositing
contain any identifying variables (e.g., names, official ID numbers, precise GIS coordinates, etc) or any variables deemed otherwise
sensitive in your study setting (e.g., ethnicity, tribe, religion, etc) please list these below so that access to these can be suppressed.
►click & type answer
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Terms of Use
The Microdata Library’s “Impact Evaluation Microdata Catalog” disseminates data under some restrictions, the
terms of which vary by source, as well as according to the individual characteristics of each microdata set.
While the Impact Evaluation Microdata Catalog remains governed by the Terms of Use for the World Bank's
datasets, it is subject to additional terms, described below. If these additional Microdata terms are
inconsistent with the general Terms of Use, then these specific Microdata terms shall govern. To protect
the confidentiality of individual information and to meet the requirements of the data owners who provide the
microdata sets, the Impact Evaluation Microdata Catalog has three principal types of access that may be applied
to specific datasets: (1) direct access, (2) public use files and (3) licensed files:
(1) Direct access is the least restrictive access policy. Relevant datasets and the related documentation are made freely
available to registered and unregistered users under the following basic conditions. The data and other materials provided
by the Microdata Library will be used solely by the user, and shall not be redistributed or sold to other individuals,
institutions, or organizations without the prior written agreement of the Microdata Library or the originating repository,
and only subject to such conditions as may accompany such consent. The data will be used for statistical and scientific
research purposes only. They will be used solely for generating and perhaps reporting, aggregated information and not for
investigations into specific individuals or organizations. In other words, the data shall be treated as a finished product they may be used as a foundation for further work, but no reverse engineering or "upstream research" into the sources of
the data itself will be permitted. No attempt will be made to identify respondents or microdata providers, and no use will
be made of the identity of any person, facility or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery would
immediately be reported to the Microdata Library, to allow us to evaluate further use, apply further statistical disclosure
control methods, impose further restrictions on access, or appropriately re-classify the data. No attempt will be made to
create links among datasets provided by the Microdata Library, or among data from the Microdata Library and other
datasets that could identify individuals or organizations. Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations,
reports, or other publications that employ data obtained from the Microdata Library will cite the source of data in
accordance with the Citation Requirement provided with the dataset. The original collector of the data, the Microdata
Library, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for any use of the data or for interpretations or inferences
based upon such uses. When downloading datasets published under the direct access policy, users shall signify their
agreement to comply with the above-stated terms and conditions and agree that the use of statistical data obtained from
the Microdata Library will conform to these widely-accepted standards of practice and any other legal restrictions to
protect the confidentiality of respondents.
(2) Public Use Files (PUFs) are available to anyone agreeing to respect a core set of easy-to-meet conditions. These data
are made easily accessible because the risk of identifying individual respondents or data providers is considered to be low.
Before gaining access to these data, users are asked to register and to read and agree on the following conditions. Data and
other material provided by the Microdata Library will be used solely by the user, and shall not be redistributed or sold to
other individuals, institutions or organizations without the Microdata Library's prior written agreement, and only subject
to such conditions as may accompany such consent. The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes
only. They will be used solely for generating, and perhaps reporting, aggregated information and not for investigations
into specific individuals or organizations. In other words, the data shall be treated as a finished product - it may be used as
a foundation for further work, but no reverse engineering or "upstream research" into the sources of the data itself will be
permitted. No attempt will be made to identify respondents or microdata providers, and no use will be made of the identity
of any person, facility or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery would immediately be reported to
the Microdata Library, to allow us to evaluate further use, apply further statistical disclosure control methods, impose
further restrictions on access, or appropriately re-classify the data. No attempt will be made to create links between
datasets provided by the Microdata Library, or between Microdata Library data and other datasets that could identify
individuals or organizations. Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports or other publications
employing data obtained from the Microdata Library will cite the source, in line with the citation requirement provided
with the dataset. The original collector of the data, the Microdata Library, and the relevant funding agencies bear no
responsibility for any use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
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(3) Licensed files are files whose dissemination is restricted to bona fide users - authenticated users with legitimate need
to access the data - who have received authorization to access them after submitting a documented application and signing
an agreement governing the data's use. These users must be acting on behalf of an organization, who must take
responsibility for the use. The following conditions apply (specific datasets may differ in formulation, but will have
similar principles). Data and other material provided by the Microdata Library will be used solely by the user, and shall
not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions or organizations without the Microdata Library's prior written
agreement, and only subject to such conditions as may accompany such consent. The data will be used for statistical and
scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for generating, and perhaps reporting, aggregated information
and not for investigations into specific individuals or organizations. In other words, the data shall be treated as a finished
product - it may be used as a foundation for further work, but no reverse engineering or "upstream research" into the
sources of the data itself will be permitted. No attempt will be made to identify respondents or microdata providers, and
no use will be made of the identity of any person, facility or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery
would immediately be reported to the Microdata Library, to allow us to evaluate further use, apply further statistical
disclosure control methods, impose further restrictions on access, or appropriately re-classify the data. No attempt will be
made to create links between datasets provided by the Microdata Library, or between Microdata Library data and other
datasets that could identify individuals or organizations. Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations,
reports or other publications employing data obtained from the Microdata Library will cite the source, in line with the
citation requirement provided with the dataset. The Microdata Library and the relevant funding agencies bear no
responsibility for the data's use or for interpretation or inferences based upon it. As a condition to access Licensed Files,
the user's organization must be identified, as must the principal and other researchers who will be involved in using the
data at that organization. The principal researcher may be asked to sign a license on behalf of the organization. If the
principal researcher is not authorized to sign on behalf of the receiving organization, a suitable representative must be
identified. Any violation of the Microdata Terms of Use will be considered to have occurred on behalf of the user's
organization, and we will take appropriate measures to sanction such misconduct, which may include denying any further
and future access by any user from that organization. The intended use of the data, including a list of expected outputs and
the organization's dissemination policy must be identified and no different uses shall be permitted without prior written
consent from the World Bank. The World Bank shall have the right, but no obligation, to monitor use of Microdata
obtained from the Microdata Library, and may decide, in its discretion, whether an abuse has taken place. The World
Bank shall have absolute discretion to determine whether to sanction users for violations, and penalties may include
restrictions or denial of further access to the Microdata library, or any other World Bank Group resources. When
downloading datasets published under the licensed files policy, users shall signify their agreement to comply with the
above-stated terms and conditions and agree that the use of statistical data obtained from the Microdata Library will
conform to these widely-accepted standards of practice and any other legal restrictions to protect the confidentiality of
Regardless of the access method in place for any dataset, all potential users are required to agree to a disclaimer,
in which they agree to follow the Terms of Use applicable to the Microdata Library, and acknowledge that the
original collector of the data, the Microdata Library and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for
any use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses. The World Bank makes no claim
about the quality of the data or its suitability for any type of analysis or use. The World Bank shall have the
right, but no obligation, to monitor use of microdata obtained from the Microdata Library, and may decide, in
its discretion, whether an abuse has taken place. The World Bank shall have absolute discretion to determine
whether to sanction users for violations, and penalties may include restrictions or denial of further access to the
Microdata Library, or any other World Bank Group resources.
Type the “Access Condition” under which your data are being deposited
►click & type answer
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