K-6 Introduction to PDHPE PPT

K-6 Personal Development & Health Education
Towards Wholeness K-6
& the Catholic Perspective
An Introduction to the Revised PDH Resource
Staff Meeting
This presentation has been developed by the Catholic Education Offices
of: Sydney, Broken Bay and Wollongong
Outcomes of the Workshop
Each participant will:
 Explore the revised K-6 PDH resource and
 Understand how to incorporate the
resource into their school PDH program
and adapt the resource to meet the needs
of their students and context
 Understand how the Catholic Values from
the K-6 Towards Wholeness (TW)
document have been embedded into the
units and impact on practice
Rationale for PDHPE
 All Catholic Primary and Secondary
schools have the responsibility to
promote the health and wellbeing of
students within their care. Catholic
schools promote the health of students
within the context of Pastoral Care and
the Personal Development, Health and
curriculum. Together they provide a
framework for preventive and support
programs which aim to meet the social,
physical, emotional and spiritual health
needs of students. Implemented in the
context of a Catholic school, it has the
potential to make a significant
contribution to the improved and
ongoing quality of life for all individuals
within the community.
PDHPE within the Catholic Curriculum
 The aim of the Personal Development,
Health and Physical Education syllabus is
to develop in each student the knowledge
and understanding, skills and values and
attitudes needed to lead healthy, active
and fulfilling lives. In doing so, the
syllabus will form the basis for students to
adopt a responsible and productive role in
society. These aspirations demonstrate
that this Key Learning Area has the
characteristics of the Catholic Curriculum
embedded in it. The challenge for the
teacher is to draw out the characteristically
Catholic features of PDHPE. The Catholic
school commits itself to the development
of the whole person with the awareness
that all human values find their fulfilment
and unity in Jesus Christ.
PDHPE in a Catholic School
The teacher of PDHPE promotes a
view of the person, relationships and
life based on an understanding and
appreciation of each person as:
All learning must:
 contribute to student
growth and development
as disciples of Jesus
 express the Catholic
understanding of what it
means to be human (a
‘Catholic Anthropology’)
 find a balance in the
interplay of the cognitive,
behavioural and affective
 educate towards
 created in God’s image, essentially
good and dignified
a whole person
sustained by God’s grace
one in partnership with others for the
common good
essentially a free and responsible
growing, becoming, doing
loving, going beyond justice to
one whose life has purpose and
destiny beyond itself.
The Review of the PDH Resource
The revised (2010) K-6 PDH
Resource :
 is to support the
implementation of the K-6
PDHPE syllabus (BOS NSW)
 ensures that topics such as
sexuality, drugs, road safety,
protective behaviours,
cybersafety and active lifestyles
are being addressed in each
Stage within a Catholic values
 Teachers need to adapt the
units/lessons to meet the needs
of their students and context.
Who funded the review?
 Catholic School Offices
of : Sydney, Broken Bay,
Parramatta and
 Diocesan:
 Road Safety budget
 Student Wellbeing
Why the review?
Teachers were surveyed about the 2002 PDH Resource
across the Catholic sector in NSW:
The feedback was:
Embed the Towards Wholeness (TW) document, to
provide the Catholic values perspective. TW was released
after the 2002 PDH resource
embed Cybersafety, improve child protection, bullying
Be less content heavy
Be updated to include resilience education (Resilience
Education and Drug Information - REDI)
Provide up to date web resources
The revised 2010 PDH Resource
The revised 2010 PDH
 Is a review of the 2002
K-6 PDH Resource
 has embedded Catholic
values from the Towards
Wholeness K-6 (CEC
NSW) into the sample
units of work
What is the scope of the PDH Resource?
 28 PDH sample units - (note the DET Drug Ed units are
not reproduced in the document, but are available on line)
4 Units of work per year, 6-10 lessons per term
Lesson duration approximately 45 minutes
The Road Safety Education learning activities will be based
on the Move Ahead With Street Sense (MAWSS) kit
developed by the RTA NSW
The Drug Education will be based on the NSW Dept. of
Education & Training K-6 Drug Ed, with other options in
the unit
The Child Protection units will be based on the NSW
Department of Education and Training Child Protection
curriculum materials
Contents of
Tools for schools
1. Introduction
2. Early Stage 1:
Four Units
3. Stage 1:
Eight Units
4. Stage 2:
Eight Units
5. Stage 3:
Eight Units
6. Support
Overview of Suggested Focus Questions
for Each Unit
Sample K–6 PDH Scope and Sequence
Teaching the Sensitive Issues in a
Catholic School
Sample Letters to Parents
FAQs Teaching Sexual Health Education in a
Catholic school for Stage 3
Staff Power Point Teaching the Sensitive Issues
Parent Power Point The Sensitive Issues in
Towards Wholeness K-6 - The Catholic
Perspective on the PDHPE Syllabus
Catholic Teaching on Life and
Bioethical Issues
Cybersafety - Overview for the K-6 PDH
Useful Websites for PDH
The unit overview includes…
 Unit title (target year for each
stage if appropriate)
An Overview of Towards
Wholeness (TW) in the PDH
Lesson overview focus
Summary of unit outcomes
Content strands and subject
Sample student and teacher
unit evaluations
Correlation with other KLA’s
Assessment strategies
Review a sample unit overview &
TW unit overview
What’s new?
 Catholic
Wholeness perspective
Foundation Statements
Essential Questions
Technology - Websites
Outcomes are
organised as:
 Major outcomes
 Contributing
The lesson includes…..
Lesson focus question
Enduring Understandings
Outcomes and sample indicators
TW Catholic Values
Suggested learning strategies
(teacher notes where appropriate)
Sample assessment strategies
Some home tasks to support the
school - home - learning
Student activity sheets (where
Sample student and teacher unit
Review a sample lesson
 Essential Questions
and Enduring
identifies the goals
and expectations of
the unit. Teachers
should select the
teaching and learning
activities from the unit
that best support
students to construct
their understandings
identified in each unit.
Sample scope & sequence plan
Refer to support materials section
Red is a sensitive unit send parent note home
PDHPE BOS Requirements & Sport
 Enough time should be allocated to
adequately address all PDHPE syllabus
outcomes. The BOS suggests between 610% of time for PDHPE. This may equate to
 45min/week PDH theory
 120min/week of physical activity
(PE plus sport time)
 Students need adequate time to
develop the fundamental motor
skills from K-6.
Implications for teaching PDHPE
Learning Strategies
Safety and physical activity
Sensitive issues
School monitoring processes for
 Professional learning team
approach to PDHPE
 Parent Approval/Engagement
 Teacher motivation
The K-6 PDH
resource supports
teachers to address
some of these issues
The role of parents
Refer to support materials section
 Parent and community awareness
and support for the school’s
approach to teaching PDHPE and
the sensitive issues in a Catholic
 The school – home activities give
parents structured opportunities to
communicate with their children
and support their learning.
 Parent and child discussions allow
the parents to provide the family
values perspective and develop
relationships on a range of
The role of the Principal/Teacher when
teaching the sensitive issues
 Principals & teachers are reminded when
teaching the sensitive issues (sex ed, drug ed
and child protection) to follow
Diocesan/school guidelines such as:
 Inform parents by note prior to the
commencement of the unit
 Conduct a parent information night if appropriate
– refer to sample power point
 Regularly remind students of the classroom rules
for a sensitive issues lesson
 Review all teaching resources prior to the lesson –
check with Principal
 Staff review the Towards Wholeness document
 Check out teacher capacity to teach the unit
within a Catholic context - professional learning
 Regularly send home the student PDH workbook
for parents to provide feedback
 Evaluate the unit.
Where to from here?
 Inform and brief the Principal about the K-6 PDH
Resource and discuss your action plan and any issues
Each school should review their existing PDHPE program
to ensure it adequately meets syllabus requirements in each
stage – the challenge is a fair go for PDHPE!
Set a staff meeting date to introduce the resource to staff
If required set another staff meeting date to unpack the
resource and develop a stage SS plan using the workshop
process outlined
Identify who will upload the resource for staff onto the
school server
What monitoring process will the school put in place to
ensure quality learning in PDHPE?
Contact the Diocesan PDHPE, Road Safety and Drug
Education Adviser for support