AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY-ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY- ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE DEADLINE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY - ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY ENGINEERS * The Association of Energy Engineers $500 The Southern California Chapter of AEE is making scholarship awards available to students who are about to enroll in the California State University or University of California systems, and plan to enter into Engineering or Technical Studies. Awards for the following years will be based upon continued academic performance and career plans, and will be at the sole discretion of the AEE Education Committee. PICK UP APPLICATION FROM MRS. THOMPSON IN THE MAIN OFFICE and submit with a copy of your academic transcript, a photograph, and a letter of recommendation. AYSO REGION 92 YOUTH VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP* AYSO Region 92 (2) Scholarships in the amount of $1000 Any graduating high school student going on to college, advanced education, and/or trade school. Applicant must have a history as a registered and active youth volunteer in the AYSO Region 92 soccer program. AYSO Region 92 Youth Volunteer Scholarship Application Forms are available in the main office of ESHS office, or on the region’s website ( or by contacting Tony Parascandola at 310-925-8353. The form should be completed along with the essay ("application packet"). Submit an AYSO Region 92 Youth Volunteer Scholarship Application and written essay of 250 words or less, titled “MY AYSO EXPERIENCE.” DEADLINE: Completed application packets submitted by ESHS students must be submitted by April 7 2015. Alternatively, applications may be submitted by mailing it to 214 Main St #507, El Segundo CA Mailed applications received after April 23, 2015 will not be considered. Selection will be made by the AYSO Region 92 scholarship committee. BABE RUTH/JAMES UPTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Babe Ruth & the Richard Upton Family $1000 Scholarship is to be awarded to a qualified male to help defray expenses at an accredited college. Applicants must have shown traits of sportsmanship and team leadership in any sport at El Segundo High School. Applicants must have participated in the El Segundo Babe Ruth program. File a common application This scholarship is in memory of Jim Upton, a former El Segundo student BABE RUTH/JOHN STEVENSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Babe Ruth $750 Scholarship is to be awarded to a qualified male to help defray expenses at an accredited college. Applicants must have shown traits of sportsmanship and team leadership in the El Segundo High School Varsity Baseball program. Applicants must have graduated from the El Segundo Babe Ruth Baseball program. File a common application REMARKS This scholarship is in memory of John Stevenson, former El Segundo High School Varsity Baseball Coach. AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY BLANCHE HUNSAKER SCHOLARSHIP by the GLOBAL BRIDGE FOUNDATION The Knapp Family $500 Any graduating senior who shows above talent in art and is planning to attend an accredited college or vocational school. File a common application Talent and desire should be primary consideration. PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS CENTER STREET SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Center Street School PTA (2) $500 Male or female ESHS graduating senior with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Student must have completed a minimum of three years and graduated from fifth grade at Center Street Elementary School. Student must be continuing on with higher education-either at a junior college, four year college or university, or vocational education. File a common application and include an essay up to one page describing a fond memory from Center Street School. Please include a list of all community service applicant participated in. CHEVRON COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP Chevron Products Company $1250 per year for four academic years of study (plus $250 to the college of attendance for processing), and $1000 to the runner-up. The award is to be based on academic potential, with an emphasis on science and math. Applicant must rank in the top 10% of graduating class. Applicant must demonstrate a leadership commitment in high school and community activities. Recipient may select any course of study with a focus on math and science, and attend a 4-year institution of higher learning. File a common application (Incomplete applications will not be considered) Application must include: Photo page with Name and address Transcript and SAT scores Essay. Tell us about yourself and your goals Parent’s statement. MUST INCLUDE vocational plans Activities Resume Two letters of recommendation. One must be from a teacher or school administrator. The scholarship winners will be selected by committee process. The selection committee shall be compromised on Chevron Management Representatives. One winner and one alternate will be announced. The recipient must be enrolled in the college of his/her choice within nine months of the announcement of the award or forfeit the scholarship to the alternate. AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS DEEDE KELLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Mark Talley Memorial Fund, Incorporated $500 A GPA of 3.5 or better and at least 12 units File a common application The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units. AWARD NAME Sponsor Amount Eligibility - ESHS ONLY DEXTER K. BENSON SCHOLARSHIP Olga Benson/El Segundo Chamber of Commerce $1000 Any senior male or female with a grade point average of 2.5 or above who has won a varsity letter in one sport. File a common application; final selection to be made by the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce committee. In order to receive the money in the fall, the recipient should contact: The El Segundo Chamber of Commerce@ 310-322-1220 Procedure AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME Sponsor Amount Eligibility Procedure AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena DONNA MOORE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donna Moore Trust and Friends $1000 Scholarship Any graduating senior who has been accepted by UCLA and will attend UCLA in the fall of 2011. File a common application and provide a typed essay responding to the following: “If there were one thing you could change about the world, what would it be, and how could you go about initiating that change? This scholarship was established by Donna Moore, and El Segundo elementary and middle school teacher for 34 years. She devoted herself to the children of El Segundo and loved UCLA. DOOLITTLE MEMORIAL STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD (1) El Segundo Masonic Lodge #421 (1) $5000 and (1) $1000 $5000, not to exceed 1 year’s tuition, will be awarded to the ESHS student of the year. The proceeds will be paid directly to the college or university the student will be attending in the fall. $1000, not to exceed 1 year’s tuition, will be awarded to the Arena student of the year. The scholarship will be paid directly to the college or university the student will be attending in the fall. File a common application DOROTHEA FITZGERALD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Friends of the El Segundo Public Library One $1000 or two $500 scholarship This scholarship is open to all current graduating seniors from El Segundo High School planning to attend a trade school, a junior college or a four-year college or university, PROCEDURE SELECTION REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT AREAS COVERED ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT and taking at least 12 units, with the intention or working in a library or in an endeavor where library or informational skills would be an asset. Applicant shall have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in current completed coursework. File a common application Provide a single page, typed essay addressing the following: “What makes a library and important part of my life today, and how will a library be important in my future education and career?” The award winner will be selected by a committee of members of the Friends of the El Segundo Public Library Inc. Money will be sent directly to the recipient(s) upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units in a trade school, junior college, or four-year college or university. EAGLE’S NEST PRESCHOOL Preschool Board $1000 Available to a current ESUSD student who aspires to educate and enrich the lives of others. This includes teachers, counselors, administrators, professor, leaders etc. Essay required: minimum of 750 words not to exceed 1000 words on the following: Describe your most meaningful achievements or personal traits and how they will contribute to the education of others. Selection will be made by committee EL SEGUNDO COUNCIL PTA PERFORMING ARTS SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo PTA Council $500 Scholarship Vocal, Instrumental, Musical, Composition, Theater Arts, (Dance, Drama, Stage Technician). Any graduating senior with at least a 2.5 GPA who plans to further their education in the performing arts at an accredited school. File a common application Applicants may be required to participate in a solo performance. Financial need is not a prerequisite. EL SEGUNDO HIGH SCHOOL PTA El Segundo High School PTA $500 (3) All current ESHS graduating seniors with a grade point average of 2.5 or higher in current completed coursework. Applicant must be an ESHS PTA member (Membership envelopes are in the main office. Dues are $10; Contact Dawn Sohigian at for more information.) Submit a common application; submit an essay, maximum 250 words, describing at least one suggestion for how ESHS PTA could increase parent and student participation. Submit PTA Membership card EL SEGUNDO INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Concert Band (ESCB) One Time Awards of $500 up to $2000 (to be determined by the ESCB Selection Committee) PROCEDURE ELIGIBILITY –ESHS ONLY AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY Complete the common application along with an additional application. See Mrs. Thompson for that form. US Citizen: An El Segundo High School senior, who is college/university/conservatory of music or U.S. Armed Forces bound and intends to enhance capabilities, knowledge, and leadership in instrumental (non-vocal) music through performance and/or study of music at the institution or in the Armed Services. EL SEGUNDO KIWANIS/LES BALMER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Kiwanis Club $5000 Amount may be divided between more than one applicant. Any graduating student going further in education who demonstrates a financial need. The student must be an active member of Key Club. Grade point average is not criteria. File a common application EL SEGUNDO KIWANIS / TAMMY TAGAMI-REEVES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Kiwanis Club and the Family of Tammy Tagami-Reeves $500 to $1,000- may be divided between more than one applicant. Applicants are to be current year graduating seniors with at least a 2.5 GPA or higher for their education endeavors with the goal of working in one of the following occupation fields of service: Health Services, Elementary Education, Social Services and/or Performing Arts. Applicants must have demonstrated and verifiable examples of performing community service efforts especially involving leadership skills development and activities which have benefitted elementary, middle and high schools in the El Segundo Community. File a common application and submit a statement as to your intended major in college or university and specifically identify your future occupational aspirations and goals. Upon proof of enrollment at an accredited 2 or 4 year college or university with a minimum of 14 units, an award check will be made out to and sent to the winning students’ current address. EL SEGUNDO LITTLE LEAGUE SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Little League $500 Applicant must have played in little league and demonstrated appreciation for the game of baseball by spending time in giving back to the baseball community, such as coaching, umpiring, or assisting with a Little League team. Must have a 3.0 GPA. The recipient does not have to go into a sports related field and can be eligible if they attend either a two or four year school. All educational majors are eligible. File a common application Selection will be made by a committee EL SEGUNDO MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Middle School PTSA (1) $500 scholarship to a graduating senior, A GPA of 3.5 or better. Must have been an El Segundo Middle School Student for all three years. Must have offered some service to the El Segundo Middle School: some PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY - ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHA & Arena examples include being a tutor, cabin leader for Outdoor Science School, or organizing projects that benefits the school. File a common application The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units. EL SEGUNDO POWER LLC SCHOLARSHIP West Coast Power LLC (2) $1000 Any graduating student who shows potential for success in higher education and demonstrates a financial need. Students must have a cumulative GPA of approximately 3.5-2.7 (exceptions will be made). Candidate must take at least 12 units at either El Camino College or Santa Monica College File a common application The money will be given directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment and grades. EL SEGUNDO ROTARY SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP * EL Segundo Rotary Club $3000 First Place Service Scholarship $1000 Second Place Service Scholarship $500 Third Place Service Scholarship Any graduating senior who plans to attend an accredited college or vocational school. Applicants must have shown outstanding service to others through school, community, religious and/or individual activities. PICK UP ROTARY CLUB SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP FORM FROM MRS. THOMPSON IN THE MAIN OFFICE. A committee of Rotarians will interview the top applicants. All recipients must be enrolled in the accredited school of his/her choice within one year or forfeit the scholarship to an alternate. Terms of the First Place Service Scholarship is as follows: Upon proof of enrollment a check in the amount of the scholarship will be made payable to the designated school registrar and mailed to each student’s current address unless otherwise notified. EL SEGUNDO SENIORS’ CLUB SCHOLARSHIP ES Seniors’ Club (3) $500 Any graduating student who shows potential for success in higher education who will be taking at least 12 units in a 2 or 4 year college or attending an accredited trade school. File a common application The money will be given directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units or accredited trade school EL SEGUNDO TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION The El Segundo Teacher’s Association (2) $500 or (1) $1000 payable to the College/University of your choice at the time registration fees are due. Students must have an over GPA of 3.0 and plan to major in education. PROCEDURE REMARKS File a common application and PROVIDE A WRITTEN ESSAY ENTITLED “WHY TEACHING?” The Scholarship Committee shall be comprised of E.S.T.A. members. AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY-ESHS & Arena FRANK F. BERKLINE AND MARGARET M. BERKLINE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Kathy Hall, Class of 1964 & Donna Haymond, Class of 1958 $1500 Minimum 3.0 GPA. Award to Male or female student interested in pursuing a career in one of the following areas: Career as Police officer or Fireman, Fashion Design, or Business Administration. Education must be completed at an accredited 4-year college or university, 2 year college or university, or vocational training program. Selection will be made by a committee REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY-ESHS & Arena REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME Sponsor Amount Eligibility - ESHS Only GIMLEN ORTHODONTICS SCHOLARSHIP Adams, Duffin, and Gimlen Orthodontics Office $500 Duffin, Adams and Gimlen Orthodontics are offering a $500 SCHOLARSHIP for the winner of their essay contest. You are eligible to enter if you have been or currently are a patient of Duffin, Adams & Gimlen Orthodontics and are planning to further your education this fall. Your essay should be 250 words or less and answer the question: How did orthodontics change your life? Include your thoughts and feelings before, during and after braces. Please include: Name, address, phone, high school, accredited school you will be attending Fall 2014 along with a digital senior photo. Selection will be made by committee GLADYS KANODE SCHOLARHSIP Gladys Kanode Scholarship Fund $500 per year for 4 years First Year: Any graduation senior going on to further education in an elementary education major at a 2 or 4 year accredited college or university. Must have maintained a 2.5 GPA overall during their senior year at ESHS. Second – Fourth years: Maintain a 2.5 GPA taking 12 or more units and continue enrollment in an education major. File a common application and provide a statement of need. A short written statement about their high school experiences would be a plus. Qualified applicants will be interviewed by a committee which consists of one of the Gladys Kanode’s relatives, and an elementary school teacher. The treasurer of the ESUSD Federal Credit Union will issue a check in the name of the student upon receipt of proof of enrollment in college and GPA status at the beginning of each fall semester or quarter. HARVEY HAZELTINE MASONIC MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Masonic Lodge #421 $2000 For students pursuing a career in education. The essay topic this year will be “Discuss your personal career goals in education”. AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena PROCEDURE JOHN J and LOUISE R GIOVANNONI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Munson and Giovannoni Families (1) $500 Scholarships to a qualified senior Any graduating senior who plans to attend an accredited college or vocational school. File a common application. Include an additional essay on the topic (What is it that you dream of doing, achieving, or experiencing in life? How does gaining an education fit into those plans?). AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE JOYCE WALDMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Joyce Waldman Memorial Fund and the Grant Family $500 Any graduating senior who had to overcome a personal hardship to graduate File a common application AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY LaVon FRAZEE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP La Von Frazee Trust (daughter of Mrs. Frazee) $500 Any graduating senior aspiring teacher majoring in English first. If not majoring in English, any level or subject within the teaching profession is fine. If not teaching than a female student majoring in engineering. File a common application. Essay should address the area of teaching that the student is interested in. The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in school. PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY KENNETH B. SCHWARTZ MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Herb and Maxine Walsleben $500 PROCEDURE File a common application. Essay should address the area of teaching that the student is interested in. AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY PROCEDURE LEE T. PATTERSON MASONIC MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Masonic Lodge #421 $1000 ESHS ONLY File a common application. Essay topic will be “The history of California Masonry and education” Selection will be made by committee REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE The recipient must attend a 2 year or 4 year accredited college or university with the intent to work in the fields of Arts, Entertainment, Media and/or Performing Arts. Students who are completing a VPA pathway or students who are passionate about set design, theater, art and related fields are encouraged to apply. Must have a minimum GPA of 2.00. The student must provide proof of enrollment in their institute of education. LYNN GLOTZ MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Glotz Family Dependant on funds Student must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and show dedication to either an El Segundo High school organization or and El Segundo community organization. File a common application REMARKS Selection will be made by committee AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY L.M. “Mike” LUNSFORD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Police Officers Associations $500 Any graduating student going on to further education who demonstrates a financial need. The student must have worked during high school to support themselves/family. File a common application This student should be selected by a school staff. GPA SHOULD NOT be a requirement. The students should be a good kid with a desire to help others. PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY NICHOLAS ALLEN BURNS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP David, Stephanie & Megan Burns $250 PROCEDURE REMARKS File a common application Selection will be made by the committee AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena RICHMOND STREET SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Richmond Street PTA $750 Applicant must have attended Richmond Street School. Student must be currently enrolled at El Segundo High school as a senior. Applicant must be a 3.0 GPA or above and planning on attending either a 2 or 4 year college after graduation File a common application PROCEDURE AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE The recipient must attend a 4 year college or university with the intent to either work in a medical field or an area of study which will advocate for children's health and/or rights and well being. Please include this intent somewhere in your application. The student must provide proof of enrollment in their institute of higher education. RICK COLEMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Shorewood Realtors Inc and Brighton Escrow (3) $500 Any graduating senior who shows potential for success in higher education, who will be taking at least 12 units in a 2 or 4 year college. File a common application The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in required number of units. ROGER KAHL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Police Officers Associations $500 A student who plans on going to a two- four year college majoring in criminal justice or law enforcement. If no student is found for the above major, then someone planning to major in music would be the next choice. File a common application AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY RYAN BRODERICK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Broderick Family $500 PROCEDURE File a common application AWARD NAME Sponsor: Amount: Eligibility: SPANISH CLUB MERIT SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo High School Spanish Club $100 Applicant must be an ESHS student who has taken four years of high school Spanish, with the last year being at ESHS. The student must have a 3.5 GPA in Spanish (overall 3.0 GPA) and must have an interesting in continuing foreign language study in college. Both native and non-native speakers of Spanish are encouraged to apply. Fill out a common application and include a paragraph to describe why you think you should receive this award. Procedure: AWARD NAME Sponsor: Amount: Eligibility: Procedure: AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT The recipient must attend either a 2 or 4 year college or university with an emphasis in at least one of the following areas: the preservation of environment, the civil rights of all people, respect for cultures or renewable resources/ ecology. The student must provide proof of enrollment in their institute of higher education. SPANISH CLUB SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo High School Spanish Club $100 Applicant must be an ESHS student who has taken at least three years of high school Spanish, with the last year being at ESHS. The student must have been an active Spanish club member for at least two years, preferably three and must have an interesting in continuing foreign language study in college. Both native and non-native speakers of Spanish are encouraged to apply. Fill out a common application and include a paragraph to describe why you think you should receive this award. THE FIREFIGHTER SCHOLARSHIP EL SEGUNDO FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCOATION $1000 or (2) $500 Scholarship ELIGIBILITY – ESHS & Arena Any graduating senior who is pursuing a higher education in the field of fire science or a higher education in coordination with steps towards a career in the Fire Service, ie. enrollment in an EMT course, fire science classes, fire academy. PROCEDURE File a common application and provide a typed 500-750 word essay responding to the following: “Why is a higher education essential to the profession of firefighting, and how does a community benefit from this education?” AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE AWARD NAME AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS & Arena PROCEDURE AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS TEAM TODD SCHOLARSHIP Bonnie Maye and the Todd Allred Family $250 Designed to support students with an interest in photography, journalism, and/or graphic or media design. File a common application and students are asked to write an essay about how their interest in these fields has changed how they look at the world. To honor the life of an incredibly talented man who worked with passion in a field that he loved behind the lens of the cameras designing layouts for the newspapers. The Eagles of Eighty-Two Alumni Scholarship Given in memory of Mr. Richard and Mrs. Kathryn Peterson Members of the Class of ‘82 At least (1) $1000 Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a strong desire to continue their education. An essay to be written stating educational direction and future goals. File a common application. TODD ALLRED MELANOMA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Bonnie Maye and the Todd Allred Family $250 This scholarship will be awarded to a student who has been affected by cancer and/or is planning a career in the medical field. File a common application and students are asked to write an essay about how cancer has affected your life and/or what inspired you to go into medicine. WILLARD C. HARDEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Jolly, McNaughton, Avak, and Hixenbaugh Families $500 Any graduating senior with at least a 3.0 GPA who has taken three years of science and who plans to attend an accredited 4 year college or university. File a common application. Scholarship money will be deposited at the accredited college or university. Money may be drawn on as needed for tuition and books. THE EL SEGUNDO WOMAN’S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP The Segundo Woman’s Club (3) $1000 Any graduating senior who shows strong effort, have maintained a solid grade point average, have been involved in high school activities, have been of service to their school, church and/or community , and who show potential for success in higher education. Recipients will be taking 12 -14 units in a two or four year college. File a common application. Essay should address each of the above requirements. The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units. AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS ALEC SHEDLOV MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The El Segundo Woman’s Club $500 Any graduating senior who will be going to a junior college or trade school, has strong ideals, a good attitude, has exhibited effort in his schoolwork and wants to go into a service profession. File a common application The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units. BARBARA KESSENER SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP The Segundo Woman’s Club $1000 Any graduating senior who has demonstrated continuing service to their school, church, and/or community. Additionally, this senior has shown strong effort, has maintained a solid grade point average has been involved in high school activities and will be taking 12 -14 units in a two or four year college. File a common application. Essay should address the areas of service that the student has been involved in, and the amount of volunteer time spent at these activities. The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units. JEAN HAYOS MEMORIAL NURSING SCHOLARSHIP The El Segundo Woman’s Club $1,000 Any graduating senior planning on pursing a degree in NURSING either as an RN or LVN. Additionally, this senior has shown strong effort, has maintained a solid grade point average, has been involved in high school activities and will be taking 12-14 unites in a two or four-year college. File a common application. Essay should address the reasons applicant is interested in nursing, what particular field of nursing they plan on pursing and all volunteer activities relating to health care. The money will be sent directly to recipients upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units. LaVON FRAZEE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP El Segundo Woman’s Club – (1) (2) $500 Any graduating senior who has shown strong academic effort, maintained a solid grade point average, has been involved in high school activities, shown service to their school, church and/r community and who shows potential for success in higher education. Recipients will be taking 12-14 units in a two or four-year college. File a common application. Essay should address each of the above requirements. The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units. AWARD NAME SPONSOR AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY -ESHS ONLY PROCEDURE REMARKS VIRGINIA SHEDLOV MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The El Segundo Woman’s Club $500 Any graduating senior who will be going to a junior college or trade school, has strong ideals, a good attitude, has exhibited effort in his schoolwork and wants to go into a service profession. File a common application The money will be sent directly to recipient upon proof of enrollment in the required number of units.