High explosives and flying frogs: research at high magnetic fields Stephen Hill, Department of Physics • General Introduction • Research at high – History magnetic fields – Magneto-optics • Generation of high – Diamagnetic levitation magnetic fields – – – – Superconducting Resistive Hybrid Pulsed: Long pulse Short pulse – What do we do? The Magnetic Field 600 BC - Lodestone The magnetic properties of natural ferric ferrite (Fe3O4) stones (lodestones) were described by Greek philosophers. 1040 - One of the earliest magnetic compasses A floating fish-shaped iron leaf, mentioned in the Wu Ching Tsung Yao which was written around 1040. The book describes how iron can be heated and quenched to produce thermoremanent magnetisation. The first clear account of suspended magnetic compasses in any language was written by Shen Kua in 1088. 1175 - First Reference to a Compass Alexander Neckem an English monk of St. Albans describes the workings of a compass. 1269 - First Detailed Description of a Compass Petrus Peregrinus de Marincourt, a French Crusader, describes a floating compass and a compass with a pivot point. The Magnetic Field 1600 - Static Electricity (De Magnete) William Gilbert (1544-1603) studied magnetism and in 1600 wrote "De magnete" which gave the first rational explanation to the mysterious ability of the compass needle to point north-south: the Earth itself was magnetic. This opened the first era of modern physics marked by the great achievements of Galileo, Kepler, Newton and others. The Magnetic Field 1820 - Electromagnetism, Current In 1820, a physicist Hans Christian Oersted, learned that a current flowing through a wire would move a compass needle placed beside it. This showed that an electric current produced a magnetic field. As you will see in this talk, this is the way to generate high magnetic fields. The Magnetic Field 1820 - Electromagnetism, Current Andre Marie Ampere showed that two parallel wires carrying current attracted each other if the currents flowed in the same direction and opposed each other if the currents flowed in opposite directions. He formulated in mathematical terms, the laws that govern the interaction of currents with magnetic fields in a circuit and as a result of this the unit of electric current, the amp, was derived from his name. Birth of 2nd era of modern physics A sense of scale 1 tesla 10,000 oersted (gauss) Earth's magnetic field 0.5 gauss Text books claim strong lab field 1 tesla Saturation magnetization of Fe (1 - 2 tesla)/o 108 tesla - surface of a pulsar 104 tesla - white dwarf 3 × 10-1 tesla - in a sun spot 10-2 tesla - surface of sun The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded The 1985 Nobel Prize in Physics to Professor Klaus von Klitzing, Max-Planck-Institute, Stuttgart, Germany von Klitzing was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the quantized Hall effect. This effect can only be observed in strong magnetic fields, resulting in the most precise definition of the unit of resistance – the ohm. Citation: "for his discovery of the quantized Hall effect." The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly to Professor Robert B. Laughlin, Stanford University, California, USA Professor Horst L. Störmer, Columbia University, New York and Bell Labs, New Jersey, USA, and Professor Daniel C. Tsui, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA. The three researchers are being awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering that electrons acting together in strong magnetic fields can form new types of "particles", with charges that are fractions of electron charges. Citation: "for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations." The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded The 2003 Nobel Prize in medicine jointly to Professor Paul C Lauterbur, University of Illinois, USA Professor Peter Mansfield, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Citation: "for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging." Technology driven Importance of research at high magnetic fields • Up to 60 tesla using proven technology – Condensed matter • Superconductivity • Magnetism • Correlated systems – Magnetic resonance • EPR/NMR/MRI – Particle physics – Zero gravity conditions • Up to 1000 tesla - currently under development – Condensed matter • Superconductivity • Magnetism • Correlated systems – Spectroscopy of atoms – New forms of matter – Astrophysics Generating high magnetic fields Biot-Savart law o J r 3 B d r 3 4 r B log(Rout/Rin) where Rout and Rout represent the inner and outer radii of a solenoidal magnet B current density J • It is only practical to vary R up to a point • Key parameter is J • Major limiting factors – Power supply – Joule heating – Magnetic forces Method 1: Eliminate Joule heating Superconducting magnets • Combination of Nb3Sn and NbTi • Wires permeated with epoxy Typical specs Nb3Sn wire Field: 18/20 T @ 4.2/2.2 K Max current 122 A Voltage < 10 V Inductance 240 h Size Ro 6", Ri 1", h 12" Wire diameter 1 mm Filament diameter 75 m World record: 25 tesla Pros and Magnet is cheap Low power (< kW) Can be persistent Portable Easy to operate Large sample space Extremely reliable* cons... Requires liquid Helium Extremely high inductance slow ramp rates B field kills superconductivity 2 MJ stored energy @ Bmax *If operated correctly Method 2: Resistive magnets 3 coils in series Inner coil consists of 2 coils in parallel Cooling water flows axially through holes Elliptical holes minimize stresses Conductor: Cu/Ag alloy Insulation: Kapton Specifications... • NHMFL (Tallahassee, FL) – Two 20 MW supplies • Vm = 500 V; Im = 20 kA – Ripple < 10ppm – Two 30+ T magnets (32mm bore) – 25 T, 52mm – 20 T, 200mm – 24.5 T, 32mm bore - high homogeneity for NMR Also: Netherlands, France, Japan Max field: 34 tesla • World record magnet – – – – 34 tesla @ 38 kA 500 V max 19 MW!! Water 140 liters/sec T=35oC ( 20 MW) Method 3: Hybrid magnet Max field: 50 tesla ? Superconducting and resistive • • • • • • Superconducting outer Resistive inner V. expensive to run Not user friendly Whereabouts: Days to prepare Tallahassee, FL – (world record 45 T) Dangerous! Energy Nijmegen, NL – stored in supercon is (under construction) several hundred MJ Tsukuba, Japan MIT - decomissioned Method 4: Pulsed magnets Non-destructive, short pulse Wire: Cu/Ag and Cu/Nb Alloy Kapton insulation Reinforcement: Glass/carbon fiber • Coil consists of few turns – Keep inductance low • Magnet cooled to 77 K prior to pulse – Increases conductivity • Relatively cheap and easy to build Max field: 70 tesla Specifications Capacitor driven 63 T, 15mm, 7/35ms 50 T, 24mm, 6/30ms 42 T, 24mm, 100/500ms 1 pulse/hour to 63 tesla 1.5 megajoules at 10 kV (.44 magnum slug 1 kJ) Imax = 20 kA 500 - 800 pulses, then... 80 70 Magnetic Field (T) 60 50 10 mm SP 40 15 mm SP 30 24 mm SP 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time (ms) 25 30 35 Non-destructive, long pulse 260 ton flywheel 1.4 gigawatt Magnet ~90 MJ Can deliver 270 MJ NHMFL/LANL Amsterdam 60 MAGNETIC FIELD (tesla) 60 T for 0.1 s or 50 T for 0.5 s 32 mm bore 1 shot/hr 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 TIME (seconds) 3 Challenges in Producing High Magnetic Fields Pressure Under Water 4 m Ears 6 psi 1000 m Submarine 1000 psi 4000 m Ocean Floor Submersible 6000 psi Pressure inside NHMFL Magnets 80T Pulsed Magnet 200,000 psi (1.3GPascals, 130 kg/mm2) …exceeds the strength of most materials… …within a factor of three of theoretical ultimate tensile strength… Strong Electromagnets Generate HUGE Forces Flux compression Single stage Magnet is destroyed Sample often survives Max field: 200 tesla 3 stage explosive flux compression Before During After 3 Stage 850 tesla generator Syncronous Detonators Shockwave Foam Support 3rd 2nd Sample 1st Stage Machined High Explosives Optical Reflectivity of GaAs sample 60x10 3 Optical Signa ls @ 75 K - Dirac MC1 -D GaAs QW Refl ectivity @81 0 µm Quartz Farad ay Rotation @ 632 .8 µm J. S. Brooks a nd C. H. Mielke June 18, 1997 60x10 3 55 Refelctivity Signal (arb. units) 50 40 30 45 20 40 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 Magnetic Field (T) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faraday Rotation (arb. units) 50 Everything is magnetic..... ....Some fun with strong magnetic fields Diamagnetic levitation • Molecular diamagnetism – Common to all matter – Usually obscured by other forms of magnetism • Becomes apparent in strong magnetic fields • Study effects of microgravity – Crystal growth – Plant growth Basic principal m = (/o)VB Fmag = mB = (/o)VBB Fmag = (/2o)VB2 Fgrav = Mg = Vg levitation requires: B2 > 2og/ V is volume typically -10-5 JT-2kg-1 103 m-3 requires B2 103 T2m-1 Taking l 0.1 m We get B 10 tesla The work was first featured in Physics World, April 1997, p. 28 E.H. Brandt, Science 243, 349 (1989) and Physics World, September 1997 "Of Flying Frogs and Levitrons" by M.V.Berry and A.K. Geim, European Journal of Physics, v. 18, p. 307-313 (1997). http://www-hfml.sci.kun.nl/hfml/levitate.html http://www.nhmfl.gov/movies/levitation/index.html Very briefly..... What do we do? Nano-scale Single Molecule Magnets The Future: writing information to individual molecules 1 Nanometer Mn12Ac Synthesis and characterization: Christou group, UF chemistry Advanced characterization: High frequency EPR, UF physics Organic superconductors • One can easily tailor materials with desired properties • The materials are intrinsically clean, i.e. very pure • Organic conductors exhibit virtually all known electronic states of matter, e.g: Metal, insulator, magnetism, quantum Hall effect, superconductivity (conventional and exotic forms). Summary • History of magnetism and research at high magnetic fields • Overview of different ways to generate high magnetic fields –Superconducting –Resistive and hybrid –Long & short pulse (non destructive and destructive) • Overview of worldwide user facilities • Fun experiments - diamagnetic levitation • Examples of what we do