Supporting Your Child in Mathematics Grandview Elementary School Mr. William F. Baskerville, Jr. Principal Presenters Mrs. Lynda Jackey - District Supervisor Mathematics/Science Mrs. Abbate Mr. Ahrens Mrs. Errickson Helping Children Learn Mathematics National Research Council • • • • • Understanding Computing Applying Reasoning Engaging Some Strategies to Help your Child Succeed in and Enjoy Mathematics Be Positive! • If you have a negative attitude about mathematics, chances are your child will too. • Praise your child’s efforts as well as their accomplishments. • Relate mathematics learning to other endeavors that require hard work and persistence, such as playing a sport or an instrument. • Struggling at times in mathematics is normal and is actually necessary to, and valuable in, understanding mathematics. Persistence and hard work are the keys to success. Link Mathematics with Daily Life • • • • • • Purchasing items at a store Determining the price of an item on sale Developing a schedule Reading a map to find a location Deciding on the shortest route to a destination Building a budget Help your child realize that mathematics is a significant part of everyday life. Make Mathematics Fun • • • • • Solve puzzles and brain teasers together Play board games Play games recommended by your child’s teacher Visit the online resource “Think Central” regularly Find engaging websites that provide practice toward skills mastery Point out the mathematics involved and have your child discuss the strategies he/she used. Support Homework, Don’t Do It • Remember whose homework it is. • If you take over doing homework for your child, you encourage him/her to give up easily or seek help when faced with a challenging problem. • Don’t panic! May signal negative thoughts about mathematics to your child • Think of yourself as a guide rather than your child’s teacher. • Have your child explain his/her work. This often helps them to figure out the problem. • Ask questions and listen to your child. • Encourage your child to show all of their calculations and a description of his/her thinking process. • Help your child to take responsibility. • Communicate with your child’s teacher. • Stay involved. Resources • GO Math Resources • • Websites • District marking period expectations Think Central 1. Go to ThinkCentral 2. Click on Mathematics 3. Click on the Go Math Icon How do you login? 1. 2. 3. 4. Country: United States State: New Jersey District: Piscataway School: Grandview User Name: Your child’s Piscataway ID number. Password: Your child’s Piscataway ID number. Your Child’s Home Screen My Library gives you access to many useful resources! My Library 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. GO Math Student Edition Ebook Interactive Student Edition Math on the Spot Videos iTools Intermediate Mega Math GO Math Student Edition eBook Resources Tab: • Math on the Spot videos • A guided video that solves Think Smarter questions from each lesson. • Personal Math Trainer • An on-line resource that gives your students questions that align with the lesson. • It is here that you can also print out your child’s homework if they forget it at school. • Once inside the Personal Math Trainer click on the ‘Textbook’ icon located on the right hand side of the screen. • iTools • Such as base ten blocks, bar model, fraction strips and more. Interactive Student Edition • This icon is an interactive review of the lesson that was taught in class. • At the end of the lesson review you have access to the Personal Math Trainer. Lesson Sample • Why do they have to do a strategy? • I didn’t learn it that way. • Students understanding differently because they are learning at their own pace. • It’s not about finding the right answer it’s about the process. • PARCC measures their ability to explain and model. Math on the Spot Videos These videos review one of the Think Smarter questions from the lesson in class. • The Think Smarter questions are challenging questions that will have your child explain something, solve multi-step problems and continue to challenge them intellectually. iTools Intermediate • Here there is a plethora of interactive manipulatives your child can use to support their learning. • You can also access these from the GO Math Student Edition eBook via the resources tab. Mega Math • Here are games and activities that cover all areas of the common core standards to make learning and reviewing concepts fun and engaging for your child! • Buggy Bargains • Money using all four operations • Multi-step problems • Tiny’s Think Tank • Adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers • Identifying shapes and patterns • Up, Up, and Array • Multiplication and division practice • ArachnaGraph • Graphing • Carnival Stories • Solving story problems using models in all operations • Cross Town Number Line • Number patterns • Number order • Skip counting • Lulu’s Lunch Counter • Counting, ordering and comparing money • Making change • Wash ‘n Spin • Probability Websites 4134&pageId=1127584 Marking Period Grade Level Expectation 1. Go to 2. Click on Curriculum and Instruction 3. Click on Mathematics 4. Click on grades 1-3 5. Click on Mathematics Program Description Here you can find Grade 1-3 marking period expectations along with other useful recourses. Thank you! We would like to thank you for all of your support and continued faith you have in your child, your child’s teachers and administrators!