grade 9 math selection_final_Jan 2014

January 6, 2014
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Over the next month you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with your son/daughter to choose
courses for grade nine. It is our hope that all students experience success in their first year of secondary
school and choosing appropriate courses plays a vital role in this. Often there are many questions
regarding course selection for grade 9 mathematics; this letter is intended to provide some guiding
criteria to aid in this decision.
Grade 9 Locally Developed
Compulsory Mathematics
(MAT 1L)
Students need more time to
develop essential mathematics
skills such as measurement
and money sense;
Grade 9 Applied Level Mathematics
(MFM 1P)
Students need more time to fully
understand and apply new concepts;
there are 3 strands in this course and
they continue to develop in the
Grade 10 Applied Level course;
Grade 9 Academic Level
(MPM 1D)
Students quickly understand and can
apply new concepts; there are 4
strands in this course with new
concepts introduced in Grade 10;
Students rely on calculators for
basic numerical skills;
Students routinely rely on using a
calculator; it is something they reach
for most of the time;
Students have strong mental math
strategies, using a calculator is mainly
for checking;
Students have benefitted
from modifications to the
curriculum expectations in
Grades 7 and 8;
Students have achieved less than
Level 3 in most strands in grade 7
and 8 mathematics; extra emphasis
should be placed on Number Sense
and Numeration and Patterning and
Students have achieved Level 3 or
higher in all strands in grade 7 and 8
Students usually achieve less than
Level 3 in the Thinking and
Application categories;
Students usually achieve Level 3 or
higher in the Thinking and Application
Students need frequent reminders to
keep their notes organized and to
fully complete their work;
Students keep well organized and
thorough notes with few, if any
Student benefit from
individual coaching as well as
more time and support for
exploring and investigating
Students need frequent prompting to
complete their homework and often
require assistance at home.
Students complete their homework
independently and require little, if
any assistance at home.
Please note that choosing the Grade 9 Applied Level Mathematics course does not prohibit a student
from attending university in the future. The Grade 9 Applied Level Mathematics course is part of a
pathway leading to Grade 12 Data Management at the university preparation level. This is appropriate
for students with an interest in languages, arts, social sciences, and humanities at the post-secondary
The flow chart below summarizes the main pathways in secondary mathematics.
Please take the time to discuss course selection with your son/daughter considering their ability,
interests, and future career options. Grade 7 and 8 teachers will also be able to provide guidance in
terms of which course is best suited for your child. Please do not hesitate to ask.
If you require additional information, please feel free to contact your child’s school or myself.
Yours sincerely,
S. Gillies
Sharon Gillies
Coordinator: Mathematics, Science and Technology, Computer and Business Studies
London District Catholic School Board
519-663-2088 ext. 42104