Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions
Please describe and explain biological magnification. Be sure to
include an example in your explaination.
Please describe the carbon cycle.
biological mag clip
study jams carbon
References are PAST DUE
Next MONDAY your rough draft of your RESEARCH report
is due (don’t discuss your experiment at all in this report).
It is background research only!
Ecology Root Quiz on Thurs 9-11-14
Webpage- check if you are absent
HAC/SAC- This is how you check your grades. Not during
Read Chapters 2 – 5 in your textbook. Exam on Monday the
Ecology Exam Study Guide Review due Monday.
Science Journals are due on Monday the 15th also
Do I stay in PreAP?
Drop date is Friday!
Do you plan to do science fair??
Do you plan to turn your work in on or before the due date from
here on out?
Late Policy: 1 day late = highest you can get is 70%
2 or more days late = highest you can
get is 50%
How did you do on the Root Quiz? Did you study? Will You?
How did you do on the Daily Quizzes? Did you study? Will You?
Daily quiz questions are just like our test questions
Do you plan to study a few minutes every night and go back
over the day's discussion questions and/or notes?
Clear your desks of everything
Do NOT write on the quiz please
Use CAPITAL letters please
Keep your answers covered
If you need to make up a quiz due to an absence…
let me know
Flip it over when you are finished and hang on to it
Root Quiz #2
Print your first and last name
List your period
Keep your answers covered at all times
Each answer is only used once
Use Capital Letters!
Flip it over when you are finished
EcoRegion Project
Part of your grade will be based on your
presentation and your attention during
your classmates’ presentations.
Hand me your rubric when you come up to
1. Please explain how humans are
disrupting the carbon cycle.
2. Explain how carrying capacity and
limiting factors are related (explain the
relationship…don’t just define)
1. Please explain how humans are
disrupting the nitrogen cycle.
2. How do you think events and processes
that occur during ecological succession
change populations and species diversity?