DHS Weekly Lesson Plan Teacher: Kessel Date: 9/8-9/11 Subject: French 2 Grade: 9-12 Unit Name: 2: Daily Routine Key Standard(s) Addressed: Standards: FL.9-12.MLII.IP1: Interpersonal Mode of Communication: The students exchange spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. FL.9-12.MLII.INT2: Interpretive Mode of Communication: The students interpret verbal and non-verbal cues to understand spoken and written messages in the target language. FL.9-12.MLII.CU1: The students understand perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures where the target language is spoken and how they are interrelated. FL.9-12.MLII.CCC2: The students demonstrate an understanding of the similarities and differences between the culture(s) studied and those of the students’ own culture. FL.9-12.MLII.CCC3: The students develop a better understanding of the English language through the study of the target language. Key Elements Addressed: Daily routine, cultural comparisons, review of regular verb conjugations, basic body parts, reflexive verbs, simple future with reflexive, express needs/preferences, give descriptions about shopping, leisure, transportation, art eating, clothing, celebration of national holidays, adverbs of time, Data to be considered: (Formative and summative data. Benchmarks, standardized tests, teacher made quiz, grade level unit exam, etc. Student reading levels.) Students’ Present level of Performance and Knowledge - Benchmark data results and/or teacher’s anecdotal notes specific to the weekly focus and CCGPS: Summative Assessments Performance Assessment Project based assignment Traditional Tests Students will complete a seven-sentence oral description of their morning routine. Student work will be evaluated based on comprehensibility and work should exhibit the use of new vocabulary and structures. Formative Assessments Walk around and observe student work and listen to their speaking: The teacher will monitor students’ progress as they describe their daily routine and while they work in pairs to describe their character’s daily routine. Individual Class Activities Self-assess quizzes The teacher will model correct sentence structure and pronunciation as students describe their routines. Written assignments Classroom Layout: Describe any special classroom arrangements that will facilitate the planned lessons. Students will continue working in partners, will present in a theater style to their classmates about their daily routines, and will move around the room for oral activities. Student Groupings: Heterogeneous/Homogeneous-ability, learning styles, interest, etc. Students will be groups in pairs or more. Work individually Grouped by proficiency level and by level of needs Differentiation Strategies: Technology training for technology-lovers, oral practice, mixed modality learning including auditory and visual techniques, sentence starters, visual aids, ask open ended questions Gifted students: Additional activities to expand the learning on the lesson content Gifted students: Portfolio and choice assignments, multiple questions, differentiated activities, practice pre-AP strategies, challenge with higher order vocabulary, learn to form fuller sentences and write in more open ended contexts Other learners (please specify for each group): How will you adapt the learning for students who need pre-requisite skills or remediation? Remediation activities include methods to develop skills or re-teach the learning for students who need more. (IEP)Pre tutoring, extended time, more one on one, visual aids, and oral practice Additional after school tutoring for struggling students, re-take of last quiz Visual aid (posters/powerpoints) to help students learn reflexive verbs and the daily routine Additional time for skill mastery Preview of content, concepts, and vocabulary Alternative readings Answer list for fill-in-the-blanks activities Have the student repeat directions back to the class to check for understanding Student working with an assigned partner Visual presentation, check work frequently for understanding Student Products: What artifact(s) or products will result from the lesson to provide information about student learning? Examples: performance task, a critical experience and/or observation record, writing assignment, project, oral explanation, lab notebook, a picture, a journal entry, reader and/or writer’s response, etc…) Notes, verb charts, quizzes, Presentation in front of the class Observation Class discussion, question and response Materials Needed: Teacher-made warm-up activity, toiletry items, teacher-made description of morning routine Bien Dit! Level II, Holt, Rinehart, Winston 2010 Essential Question: How are my daily living routines different or similar to those of teens in French- speaking countries? What impact does my country have on these similarities and differences? Lundi Mardi Mecredi Jeudi Vendredi Warm up (do now) Opening LABOR DAY Write 7 sentences about your daily routine “Langue et Communication” hand out -make flash cards of useful words Things you can say about your daily routine vs. cannot in French P. 26: "Dormir, Partir, ou Sortir." (Irregular) Review daily sentences from yesterday Review warm up Hand out Unit II project Webquest Feedback A: Important word sequence exercise B: Reflexive verb review Homework items Describing a daily routine translation Work Period “Expression Peronnelle:” Write out sentences using the word choices that actually describe you. Conversation prompts with partners Reading on "my house." French translation activity 5 min. lecture on quick reminder for forming reflexive verb sentences Chelsea story reading and writing exercise and/or Reading comprehension activity Assessment of Learning Draw a quick sketch of your daily routine, quiz each other in French Daily life fly swat game vocabulary practice Listen and correct communication. Walk around and answer any individual Reflexive Verbs in the near future - brief lecture, worksheet and exercise Listen and correct communication. Walk around and answer any individual questions Correct and Daily Routine game of Battleship Time to start projects/Review Daily Routine vocabulary (see list of items) Anything we didn't get to previously in the week Corrections from "Tout sur Moi" Review Verb Quiz Closing/Summarizing Practice definite and indefinite articles (du, de, la, a, le, la, lesR31 Articles.). "I can statements" about language proficiency 5 Things you've learned in French 2 so far Listen and correct communication Verb quiz Correct and explain material covered Game of 21 in French Listen and correct communication. Walk around and answer any individual questions Correct and Homework None None questions Correct and explain material covered explain material covered Find daily routine items from home with French Daily routine interviews Comment m'appelle-je worksheet? explain material covered Summarizer analysis None Weekly Objectives Prepare for self directed daily routine projects Reinforce how to do reflective verbs, strengthen vocabulary Conjugate most regular ER, IR, and RE verbs consistently Start to gain confidence speaking about your daily routine without notes Unit Vocabulary Daily Routine: to wake up, to get up, to get ready, to brush/comb hair, to fall asleep, to take a shower/bath, to wash, to get dressed, to put on (clothes), to go to bed, to rest, to put on make-up, to get undressed, to shave, shower, bathtub, alarm clock, to ring, to turn off, to snooze, cell phone, to get/come back home Toiletries: shampoo, soap, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, brush, make-up, razor, mirror, lotion, reflexive verbs, adverbs of time (first, then, etc.) Recycled Vocabulary: school subjects, school locations, ordinal numbers, telling time, classroom commands, , adverbs of frequency Cultural Connections: Educational systems, technology use, daily routines and customs (school time, leisure time and customs related to daily activities), typical teen day, common means of transportation