Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Biomarkers in Sport

Vanderbilt Concussion Summit
October 24, 2012
Vanderbilt Sports
Concussion Research
Gary Solomon, Ph.D., FACPN
Associate Professor, Departments of
Neurological Surgery and Psychiatry
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Vanderbilt Sports Concussion Center
Team Neuropsychologist, Nashville Predators
Consulting Neuropsychologist, Tennessee Titans
Vanderbilt Sports Concussion Center
Became operational July 1, 2011
Joint venture of the Departments of
Neurological Surgery and
Orthopedics/Sports Medicine
ImPACT Credentialed
Virtual Center with multiple entry points in the VUMC system
Standardized assessments: ImPACT, BESS,
Neuro history
All ATCs and MDs have been trained
Baseline evaluations performed on >9,000
Davidson and Williamson county students
Our Mission Statement
Scott Zuckerman, M.D.
Neurosurgery Resident
The purpose of the Vanderbilt Sports Concussion Research (V-SCoRe) is
to improve our knowledge in the area of sports-related concussion
(SRC) and the outcome of these injuries in athletes.
Goals also include identifying pre and post-concussion variables that
influence recovery from a SRC and management approaches that can
optimize an athlete’s return to the pre-injury level of function and
V-SCoRE meets quarterly.
The Concussion in Sport Group has delineated several
“modifying factors” related to concussive injury. Few of
these factors have been validated empirically.
Return to play
Neurocognitive assessment
Multiple concussions
Medical conditions
Psychiatric disorders
ADHD/Learning Disabilities
Solomon, GS, Ott, SD and Lovell, MR. Long-term neurocognitive
dysfunction in sports: What is the evidence? Clinics in Sports Medicine,
2011, 30: 165-177.
Lovell, MR, & Solomon, GS. Psychometric data for the NFL
neuropsychological test battery. Applied Neuropsychology, 2011, 18: 197209.
Schatz, P. Moser, RS., Solomon, GS., Ott, SD., & Karpf, R. Prevalence of
invalid computerized baseline neurocognitive test results in high
school and college students. Journal of Athletic Training, 2012, 47:289-296.
Zuckerman SL, Solomon GS, Forbes JA, Haase RF, Sills AK,
Lovell MR. Response to acute concussive injury in soccer
players: Is gender a modifying factor? Journal of
Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, 2012.
In Press
Solomon, GS. & Sills, AK. Pharmacologic treatment of sport-related
concussion: A Review. Journal of Surgical Orthopedic Advances,
in press.
Zuckerman SL, Odom MJ, Lee YM, Solomon GS, Forbes JA, Sills AK. Recovery
from sports-related concussion: Days to return to
baseline in adolescents vs. young adults. Surgical Neurology
International, 2012, in press.
Zuckerman SL, Kuhn A, Dewan M, Morone P, Forbes J, Solomon GS, Sills AK.
Structural brain injury in sports-related concussion. Neurosurgical
Focus, 2012, in press.
Forbes, JA, Awad, A, Zuckerman, SL, Carr, K. Association between
translational acceleration, rotational acceleration, and concussion in
helmeted collisions: Literature review.
Neurosurgical Focus, in press.
Oral Presentations
Recovery from Sports-Related Concussion: Days to Return to Baseline in Adolescents vs.
Young Adults. CNS Annual Meeting, October 2012, Chicago, IL.
Establishing ImPACT Norms for the Learning Disabled Following Sports-Related
Concussion: A Neglected Population. AANS/CNS Pediatrics Section, November 2012, St.
Louis, MO.
Studies Under Review
Solomon GS, Haase, RF, Kuhn A.
Neurocognitive performance and biopsychosocial characteristics of elite NFL draft picks:
An exploratory study.
Solomon, GS, Haase, RF, Kuhn, A. The
Relationship Between Wonderlic and
ImPACT Scores in NFL Draft Picks: An
Initial Investigation.
Equilibrate Balance Assessment
Studies: Reliability and Validity
Studies in Progress
Zuckerman SL, Odom MJ, Lee YM, Solomon GS, Forbes JA, Sills AK.
Gender differences in symptoms of acute sport-related
concussion: statistical vs. clinical significance.
Zuckerman SL, Lee, Y,M, Solomon GS. Normative Data for Athletes
with ADD and LD in sports-related concussion neurocognitive
McClure, J, Solomon GS, Kutscher, S. Gregory A., Sills AK et al. Sleep
and Its Relationship to Baseline ImPACT Test Scores.
Studies in Progress
Lovell, MR, Solomon, GS. Concussion in cheerleaders.
Sills, AK, et al. Concussions in equestrians.
Ott, SD, Solomon, GS, and Schatz, P. Baseline Neurocognitive
Performance of Hispanic Athletes on ImPACT: A Comparison of
Test Results for Athletes with Baseline Administration in
Spanish Versus Baseline Administration in English.
Projects in development
iPad version of ImPACT
Reliability, Validity, Comparison with online ImPACT and SCAT2
Concussions in helmet vs. non-helmet sports
Role of sleep and SRC
National registry for structural injuries in SRC
Research Resources
U. of Texas-Houston, St. Joseph's University, University at Albany,
Boston University, University of Pittsburgh
V-SCoRE ImPACT database of >15,000 records
Relationships with Vanderbilt and Belmont Athletics, Tennessee Titans,
Nashville Predators, Milwaukee Admirals, and Cincinnati Cyclones,
Nashville Sounds, Mississippi State, Olympic Equestrians
SEC Concussion Committee (Dr. Sills)
Concussion in Sport Group (Dr. Sills)
CDC Children’s Concussion Workgroup (Dr. Gregory)
ImPACT Scientific Advisory Board (Dr. Solomon)
Areas for Collaboration
Structural and Functional Neuroimaging
Genetic Factors
Treatment Approaches
Long Term Effects