2015 Forum Dates March 24 Kitchener March 25 Toronto March 26 Ottawa April 28 April 29 April 30 Montreal Halifax St. John's www.churchleaderforums.ca April 7 April 8 April 9 Vancouver Calgary Edmonton May 5 May 6 May 7 Winnipeg Regina Saskatoon Presenters: Dr Don Moore Dr John Fuder National Church Ambassador World Vision Canada Founder & Director Heart for the City World Vision Canada’s Annual Church Leaders Forum is presented in cooperation with our local ministerial partners & Forum Overview Cities are close to the heart of God • God knows the heart of cities • God intent on reaching cities Churches are called to serve their city • Challenge: breaking up “holy huddles” • Challenge: contextualizing our mission LISTEN – LEARN – LEAD Canadian Cities Size No. Under 100k 139 100k 400k 46 Over 400k 15 City Snapshots Please see the Heart and Soul of the city Forum Resource Book for city specific statistics on each of the 12 cities visited on the Forum tour. (pages 4-63) This book can be downloaded from our Annual Forum Resources section. www.churches.worldvison.ca Meet Our Guest Speaker: Dr John Fuder • Urban Missionary in California and Chicago • Professor of Urban Studies, Moody Theological Seminary • Founder and Director of Heart for the City in Chicago • Author of 4 books including his latest: Neighborhood Mapping Making your Church Invaluable to your Community #heartsoulforum How Relevant is your Church “No matter how adept an exegete a theologian is… it is all for naught if he does not also understand his contemporary audience well enough to lead them to a correct understanding.” -Marc Van Houten #heartsoulforum Community analysis involves a “what,” “why,” “who,” “where,” “when,” and “how” strategy of postures and practices. We will discover each phase through a stepby-step plan, guided by prayer and biblical principles, toward practical, hands-on opportunities to engage our communities. #heartsoulforum The “What” i Q. What is community analysis? A. Community analysis, or neighborhood mapping, is a practical approach of learning how to understand and reach your neighborhood in order to effectively proclaim and demonstrate the gospel. #heartsoulforum Acts 17:16-31 #heartsoulforum Initial observation Deeper observation Examination (D+Rx) HW + PG = Changed Church/Community Diagnosis (D) Prescription (Rx) Hard Work (HW) Power of God (PG) #heartsoulforum Round Table Prayers: Praying through Acts 17: 16-31 For God to stir/break our hearts for people To adequately diagnose our communities For the courage to speak and live truth To operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit #heartsoulforum The “Why” Q. Why perform community analysis? A. Because community analysis—knowing who the people are and their specific needs—is God’s heart. #heartsoulforum Esther 4:13-17 Context Compassion Consecration Courage #heartsoulforum Commitment Psalm 122:6-8 Go to . . . Other churches/ministries Spiritual vitality Economic health Civic leaders- Google Physical safety Local police agencies Political justice Social service agencies Social relationships Community-based organizations #heartsoulforum Prayer-Walking Now Jericho was tightly shut . . . [But] the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and the valiant warriors. You shall march around the city. . . . When you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city will fall down flat.” Joshua 6:1–5 #heartsoulforum Round Table Explore: What does it mean to writhe in anguish for a people and the city? What steps can you take to pray more holistically for your city? What are the implications for you/your church to a fuller understanding of ‘Shalom’? #heartsoulforum The “Who” Q. Who performs community analysis? A. Community analysis is made effective by those whose hearts have been broken with compassion and who desire to share the good news of Christ. #heartsoulforum The word compassion is derived from the Latin words pati and cum, which together mean “to suffer with.” Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, anguish. Compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears. Compassion requires us to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless. Compassion means full immersion with the condition of being human. Henri Nouwen, Compassion The World of Green Eyes In a sense what I did in the skid row community of Los Angeles was community analysis. From my time spent with Green Eyes, I was able to understand better the needs of his community and strategize how best to minister to them, right where they were. #heartsoulforum What is an Insider “An insider is a person who has won the trust of the community and learned how to build relationships in the area. Becoming an insider involves a willingness to be a learner, to be instructed and informed by knowledgeable individuals who can swing open the doors to a particular subculture. It requires consistent, visible presence in a community of need. In major cities, the needs of those on the street vary minimally yet persist consistently. We are in short supply of consecrated, compassionate men and women who are willing to become insiders in order to penetrate such cultures and people groups in our communities.” (Fuder, Heart for the City, 2001) #heartsoulforum Becoming an Insider #heartsoulforum God is already at work in the community • John 5:17 Remember that you are a weak vessel • 2 Cor. 12:9 Bathe everything you do in prayer • James 5:16 Step out in obedience and persist faithfully • 1 Cor. 15:58 Becoming an Insider Go as a Learner and be vulnerable • Philippians 2:5-8 God keeps whom He calls as insiders • Joshua 1:9 We must revisit “doing church” on the streets • Luke 14:21-23 Compassion is at the core of our commitment • Matthew 9:13 #heartsoulforum Compassion Continuum Matthew 9:13 & 36 Pre-exposure “Seeing” “Feeling” “Acting” LEVEL 1 TRANSITION LEVEL 2* COMPASSION “TO SUFFER WITH” Vulnerable Discouraged Acceptance Incarnation +Naïveté Intimidated Frustrated Confession Identification Indifference Overwhelmed Disillusioned Commitment Empowerment - Overconfidence Anxious Helpless Conviction Servanthood - Prejudice Hurt Inadequate Brokenness - Fear Angry Stage 3 Stage 4 + Enthusiasm + Teachability EXPOSURE TO URBAN NEED - Guilt Stage 1 Stage 2 Key: + Positive, Neutral, - Negative *Denotes a cyclical pattern Round Table Explore: What does it mean that God is already at work in even the darkest areas? What examples of “insiders” are there in the Scriptures? Who is an already-established “insider” or culture broker who could let me into their community? If I were to evaluate myself on “learning compassion,” what grade would I give myself? The “Where” Q. Where do we do community analysis? A. Where God has placed you and your parish/ministry? #heartsoulforum The Model of Nehemiah Nehemiah 1:1-2:16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Context: Broken People and Broken Places (1:1-13) Intercede for God’s Heart (1:4-11) Never underestimate God’s purposes (2:1-9) Search out local needs (2:11-16) Pull others onto the team (2:17-3:32) Engage the community (3:1-4:23) Courageously persist through opposition and fear (4:1-23; 6:1-19) Take time to celebrate accomplishments (8:1-18) Conclusion: The world takes notice (6:15-16) Next Steps Explore the history and patterns of migration in your community Gather key leaders from the community as a focus group for identifying needs and roles Conduct a sample survey of an identified area Develop a purpose statement for your involvement in the community Create a timeline of events The “When” Q. When is the time for community analysis? A. Once we are willing to take the posture of a servant and humble ourselves to learn from and listen to our Lord and the needs of the community. #heartsoulforum Postures All postures must be prayer-centered - Mark 1:32-45 Spend yourself Refuel Stay focused Love deeply Don’t quit Infect others #heartsoulforum Postures Holistic Micah 6:8 Others-focused 1 Chronicles 12:32 Dignifying Neh. 4:21; 6:15 #heartsoulforum Listen – Learn - Lead You may be wondering, What’s the big deal with emphasizing these postures? But the reality is, our postures dictate our practices. The very foundation of our lives as Christ-followers, the way we will do community analysis and engage with our communities, is based on who we are. Our doing flows from our being. Once we understand these postures and are willing to apply them to our lives, then we know we are in a better place to move forward in mapping our neighborhoods. Positioning your Church Where are you? spiritually, geographically, practically . . . B. Where do you want to go? spiritually, relationally, missionally . . .is your church/organization prepared? C. How do you plan to get there? strategy, timeline, leadership . . . A. Round Table Explore: What next steps is God laying on your heart? Do you have access to others to join you in the task? What will it mean to stick with it over the long haul? What other postures might you add to this list to serve us well in our ministries? The “How” Q: How do we do community analysis? A: We do community analysis by networking service providers, finding neighborhood insiders, and identifying the needs of the broader community. #heartsoulforum Numbers 13:1-14:21 Choose specific individuals (13:1-3) Put together a survey team (13:4-16) Analyze the community (13:17-24) Report the findings (13:25-29) Propose a strategy (13:30-33) Potential resistance (14:1-4) Leaders response (14:5-19) Ultimate result (14:20-21) Exegeting your Community (1) #heartsoulforum Network available resources Pick an insider Build a relationship with that person Gather stories Survey the community Analyze your data Exegeting your Community (2) #heartsoulforum Filter your findings through a biblical/theological worldview Expand into the broader community Present to your ministry what you’ve discovered Actively engage the community Continually evaluate, study, explore Closing Remarks It is equally important to start slowly, continually being present in the community as learners and as servants. These strategies should be rooted in values that put people above programs. Do not get so busy that you do not have time for the Lord, your family and sustaining fellowship and recreation. Resist the temptation to do too much. God is not impressed with busyness, just obedience. #heartsoulforum Learn more from John Fuder Fuder, John. A Heart for the City. Moody. Fuder, John and Noel Castellanos. A Heart for the Community. Moody. Fuder, John and Elizabeth Koenig. Chicago Neighborhood Prayer Guide. Moody. www.h4tc.org docfuder@resourceglobal.org #heartsoulforum More resources to help you respond . . . • Browse World Vision Resources: You can visit our library of resources for purchase at www.churches.worldvision.ca/resources • Statistical Research: Our National Partner - Outreach Canada is available to equip your church with demographic research on your neighbourhood. Visit them online at www.en.outreach.ca • Share your insights on Twitter: Review participant reflections and add your insights on the forum at #heartsoulforum; @don_ambassador; @Heart4theCity Thank you for joining us today . . . To learn more about future forums and resources: Visit www.churches.worldvision.ca Sign up for our e-briefs #heartsoulforum