1 The University of Winnipeg Faculty of Education Middle Years Science CIA (Thailand) EDUC 4849-720 (3 credit hours) Monday, November 30 – Tuesday December 15 (M – Th 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm) Instructor: Dr. Don Metz E-mail: djmetz@gmail.com Office Information: N/A Class Information: TBA I. COURSE INFORMATION 1. Course Calendar Description This course will introduce students to the curriculum, instruction, and assessment for teaching middle years science. The course introduces of a wide variety of teaching strategies and resources to assist the learner’s conceptual development and understanding of Middle Years Science with an emphasis on inquiry and the design process. 2. Course Objectives become familiar with the Manitoba Middle Years Science curriculum documents identify and implement various strategies for teaching and learning Middle Years Science; gain insight to student problems in understanding Middle Years Science; identify curriculum materials, resources, and student activities useful for the Middle Years Science curriculum; use and evaluate multimedia resources for teaching Middle Years Science; assess learning using both formal and informal procedures; reflect upon instruction to improve and modify personal instructional techniques. 3. Required Text(s) Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning Curriculum Documents: available at: http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/science/scicurr.html Grade 5 - 8 Science: a Foundation for Implementation, http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/science/found/5to8/index.html 2 Science and Safety: A Kindergarten to Grade 12 Resource Manual for Teachers, Schools, and School Divisions 4. Supplementary Materials N/A 5. Topics to be Covered: (week-by-week breakdown) * This course outline should be considered a guideline only. Time constraints, other unforeseen factors and student needs may require that some of the above topics be omitted while others may be added. Middle Years Science curriculum in Manitoba. What is Science? Inquiry in Science Education The Design Process Lesson Planning Assessment Grade Five Science Grade Six Science Grade Seven Science Grade Eight Science 3 6. Assignments and Exams: (with grade weights and due dates TBA) 1. Participation (20 marks) Date: Ongoing Student participation is critical to the success of the course. Students will work collaboratively, make presentations, and provide feedback to their fellow classmates. The preparedness, amount and quality of your participation will determine your grade. Students will be required to complete numerous activities in class. All activities must be completed for full participation marks. 2. Unit development (20) – Within a group of 4 students plan and prepare a unit of work and share your planning in a poster presentation to the class. Groups and Topics as assigned. 3. Learning Cycle (40) – Plan a learning cycle for teaching middle years’ science based on your chosen outcomes from the Manitoba Middle Years Science curriculum. 4. Assessment (20) – Design, prepare, and present four assessment strategies for middle years’ science. 5. Test (20) – see class notes 7. Expectations for Submitted Assignments: (requirements, penalties) 1. Any request for a deviation from an assignment as stated here must be made in writing; and permission will be given or denied in writing. One paper cannot be submitted for two courses without the consent of each instructor. 2. It is the student's responsibility to retain a photocopy or e-copy of all assignments. 3. Late assignments may receive a 10% penalty. Students should consult with me beforehand. 4. Final grades are tentative until approved by Senate. 4 II. GRADING Percentage range A+ A A- B+ B C+ C D F 98 94 90 86 80 70 60 50 <50 III. UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG POLICIES Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Academic Regulations and Policies found in the University of Winnipeg Academic Calendar, available online at http://uwinnipeg.ca/academics/calendar/docs/regulationsandpolicies.pdf. Particular attention should be given to subsections 8 (Student Discipline), 9 (Senate Appeals), and 10 (Grade Appeals). Please note, in particular, the subsection of Student Discipline pertaining to plagiarism which reads in part “Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which individuals present published or unpublished work (written, electronic or other) of another person or persons, in its entirety or in part, as their own. While scholarship quite properly rests upon examining and referring to the thoughts and writings of others, when excerpts are used in any work submitted for evaluation, the sources must be acknowledged, using an accepted form for the discipline.” (University of Winnipeg, 2015, Section 8(a)i.) For a more comprehensive listing and discussion on acts of plagiarism and forms of misconduct refer to the above mentioned sections of the online calendar. Students with documented disabilities, temporary or chronic medical conditions, requiring academic accommodations for tests/exams (e.g., private space) or during lectures/laboratories (e.g., note-takers) are encouraged to contact Accessibility Services (AS) at 786-9771 or accessibilityservices@uwinnipeg.ca to discuss appropriate options. All information about a student’s disability or medical condition remains confidential. http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/accessibility. Students facing a charge of academic or non-academic misconduct may choose to contact the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) where a student advocate will be available to answer any questions about the process, help with building a case, and ensuring students have access to support. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit our website at www.theuwsa.ca/academic-advocacy or call 204-786-9780. 5 We ask that you please be respectful of the needs of classmates and instructors/professors by avoiding the use of unnecessary scented products while attending lectures. Exposure to scented products can trigger serious health reactions in persons with asthma, allergies, migraines or chemical sensitivities. Please consider using unscented necessary products and avoiding unnecessary products that are scented (e.g. perfume). If students are going to conduct research interviews, focus groups, surveys, or any other method of collecting data from any person, even a family member, they must obtain the approval of the appropriate ethics committee before commencing data collection. Exceptions are research activities in class as a learning exercise. See http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/research/human-ethics.html for submission requirements and deadlines. All students, faculty and staff have the right to participate, learn, and work in an environment that is free of harassment and discrimination. The UW Respectful Working and Learning Environment Policy may be found online at www.uwinnipeg.ca/respect. Students may choose not to attend classes or write examinations on holy days of their religion, but they must notify their instructors at least two weeks in advance. Instructors will then provide opportunity for students to make up work examinations without penalty. A list of religious holidays can be found at http://uwinnipeg.ca/academics/calendar/docs/important-notes.pdf.