Setting Resource Template final

Physical Rehabilitation Hospital: Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital
Francesco Falini and Phoebe Thai
Facility description
Recreational Therapy
Recreational Therapy Interventions
• Mainly serves patients with physical and cognitive disabilities
• Role of a Recreational Therapist
Adaptive Sports
• Many specialized programs offered in stroke, orthopedics, brain injury, spinal
cord injury, pediatrics, amputation and more
A large part of the rehab process
• Uses the power of sports to provide physical and social benefits
Works with a team of interdisciplinary professionals
• Main Hospital located at Good Shepherd Plaza 850 South Fifth Street,
Allentown, PA 18103
Incorporates creative expression, social opportunities, leisure education, community
integration, emotional outlets, physical exercise, and intellectual stimulation
• Implemented by using sports that can be modified to meet the physical or
cognitive abilities of the patients
Has 30 other locations located in PA
Functional Impairments encountered
• Phone number: 610-776-3100
Physical limitations such as loss of limbs or loss of function in limbs
• Website:
Cognitive limitations such as memory loss or speech problems
• APIE Process
• Almost 60,000 served each year
• Various diagnosis and characteristics of patients admitted
• Various ages from pediatrics to geriatrics
Assessment: Function and ability of the individual, enjoyed activities
Planning: Individual goals and a plan for the individual in collaboration with the patient,
therapists, and other allied professionals
Implementation: Activities can be tailored to the individual, but also can be used for a
group of patients, goals and plan for individuals will help decide what activities are to be
Evaluation: Patient feedback, observation of the recreational therapist
• Modalities Used
Creative Arts: Crafts, music, dance, drama
Sports: Basketball, tennis, swimming
Games: board games, card games
Exercise: Yoga, stretching, weight lifting
• Various length of stay from short rehab stays to long-term care
Many sports can be adapted, sports chosen can be part of patient inclusion
• Benefits and Skills: Social skills, communication skills, support groups, fitness
• Special Considerations
Money, facilities in which to play, adaptive equipment needed
Horticultural Therapy
• Uses the act of gardening as a way of providing creative and relaxation benefits
• Implemented by creating garden areas where patients can plant and care for the
Can be for group gardens or individual potted gardens
• Benefits and Skills: Problem solving skills, planning skills, decision making skills,
• Special Considerations
Treatment Approach
Acute or Physician Care: Stabilize Condition
For people who just received an injury
Mostly concerns medical staff like doctors and nurses
• Inpatient Rehabilitation: Regain Function and Independence
Recreational Therapy Interventions
Humor Therapy
• Robertson, T. & Long, T. (2008). Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
• Uses the power of humor, laughter, and positive attitude to bring about physical
and emotional benefits
• Implemented by putting together comedy shows and open mic sessions
Patients can either actively participate or passively participate
After stabilization of condition
Occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, recreational therapy
• Benefits and Skills: Positive attitude, communication skills, socialization
Individual plans and goals created for patients
• Special Considerations
Collaboration of physicians, therapists and nurses
• Outpatient Rehab: Maintain and Improve Function
For when patients go back home
Continuing care
Fitness centers, in-home therapy, support groups
Places to have a garden area, adaptations and equipment needed
Group activity, adaptive equipment and adaptations might be needed
• Kinney, Judy S.(2004). Therapeutic Recreation Modalities and Facilitation
Techniques: A National Study. Retrieved November 25, 2013 from
• Therapeutic Recreation Directory. Activity and Treatment Ideas for Recreation
Therapy. Retrieved November 25, 2013 from
• Burke Rehabilitation and Research.(2013). Therapeutic Recreation: Therapy
Interventions. Retrieved November 25, 2013 from
• Good Shepherd Rehabilitation.(2005). Retrieved November 25, 2013 from