1. In groups of 3-4, choose a part of the U.S. and then select one of the Native American tribes from that specific area. Consider the following Native American Regions: the Southwest,
Arctic, Plains, Southeast Woodlands, Northeast Woodlands, and Northwest Coastal.
You may use the following websites as resources:
· Map of Native American Groups by Region
· Native American Regions
· American Indian Resource Directory
2. Use the websites above as a jumping off point for your research. Answer the research questions below about the tribe your group selected.
3. Divide the questions so that each member of the group is responsible for a different one of the
Five Themes of Geography.
4. Answer your questions thoroughly using many details for each question. Groups will give a brief presentation about their tribe by Monday, March 31st.
5. Turn your research into a PowerPoint or Prezi which you will share with the class.
· Writing must in YOUR OWN WORDS (No plagiarism!)
· Include images on every slide (maps, pictures, etc)
· No long paragraphs, only main ideas and key details
· Include topic headings (each of the Five Themes)
Research Questions:
Location a. What are the Relative Locations of the Native American Nation/Civilization you researched? b. What advantages did this Native American civilization gain because of its location (physical features)?
Place c. Describe three features of this civilization’s culture – religious beliefs / customs architecture / diet / dwellings(homes)? (Be specific) d. In what ways was their society different from other Native American groups we have studied.
Human/Environment Interaction e. Describe two ways that this Native American civilization interacted with their environment to improve their lives? Be specific! f. Describe how they interacted with other local groups of Native Americans.
Movement f. Describe the migration or movements of this Native American civilization. g. In what ways did this Native American civilization exchange ideas with other civilizations?
Region h. Describe in detail the physical features of the region(s) inhabited by your Nation. i. Where is this region located within North America? j. Were there any other Native American civilizations that bordered yours? Who were they?
Group Presentation Rubric
Your group project on Native Americans will be graded based on the following categories. Make sure that you review this rubric so your group members understand what they are being assessed on.
1 = Weak 2 = Moderately Weak 3 = Average 4 = Moderately Strong 5 = Strong
Each member of the group was actively engaged in research during class time. 1 2 3 4 5
Group members presented their information or ideas in a clear and logical manner.
1 2 3 4 5
Each group member participated in the presentation. (No reading)
1 2 3 4 5
The presentation includes all required elements and appears to be well researched.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The presentation indicates an strong understanding of the topic.
1 2 3 4 5
The presentation includes sufficient visual elements.
1 2 3 4 5
Total: _____ / 35
% Grade: