America On The World Stage

America On The World Stage
Chapter 28
Feb. 4, 1899 –
Filipinos begin open
insurrection under
the leadership of
Emilio Aguinaldo
Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipinos waged
guerilla warfare
 US used concentration
 1901 – Aguinaldo is
captured by US troops
and insurrection
 July 4, 1946 – Phil.
Gains independence
Open Door Policy
1899 – Sec. State John
Hay introduced the Open
Door Policy
 Respect Chinese rights
& fair competition
 Gained wide US
 Italy was only European
country to accept
Boxer Rebellion
Patriotic Chinese did
not like sphere of
Western influence
“Kill Foreign Devils”
200 missionaries and
other whites
# of foreign diplomats
besieged at Beijing
18,000 multi-national troops
(2,500 US troops) quelled
the rebellion
Election of 1900
Republicans renominate McKinley
 Won war
 Acquired rich real
 Set US on gold
 Gov. T. Roosevelt to
run for Vice-President
 NY politicians wanted
him out of their hair
Election of 1900
nominate William
Jennings Bryan
 Forced a free-silver
 Big issue was antiimperialism
 McKinley wins
 292-155
Theodore Roosevelt
Youngest president
to that date – 42
 Impulsive, radical
 Promised he would
cont. McKinley’s
 hard work
Isthmus Canal
 TR
became involved in foreign affairs
 Believed isthmus canal would augment
Navy’s mobility and help merchant trade
 Easier to defend new territories
 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850) – treaty
w/ England that said US could not build
a canal
 Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901) – US
could build and fortify a canal
Nicaragua v. Panama
Philippe Bunau
Varilla – engineer w/
the New Panama
 Wanted to sell
company to US for
bargain price of
$40 million
 Colombia controls
Panama and
Colombian Senate
Bunau Varilla’s Rebellion
 Bunau
Varilla raised a small “patriot”
 Columbian troops gathered to crush the
revolt, but the US Navy would not let
Columbia enter Panama
Panama Canal
1914 – canal
completed at a cost
of $400 million just
in time for WWI
T.R. and The Monroe Doctrine
Roosevelt feared Europe would interfere as
debt-collectors in Latin America
 This would be a violation of the Monroe
 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine –
In the event of future financial malfeasance
by Latin America, the US would take over
customhouses and pay off their debt. Europe
was to stay across the Atlantic
 No one can tell Latin America what to do
except Uncle Sam
 Policeman of the Caribbean
Russo-Japanese War
 Russia
and Japan go to war in 1904
over disputed land claims in China
 Teddy Roosevelt performed as a global
statesman to find peace to the conflict
 Russia wanted Manchuria for its ice-free
ports, and would not leave after the
Boxer Rebellion
Portsmouth Conference
 Roosevelt
forced Japan to withdraw
their indemnity request and only gave
Japan the southern half of Sakhalin
 Roosevelt received the 1906 Nobel
Peace Prize for Russo-Japanese Treaty
and his work to make peace in North
San Francisco
 “Gentlemen’s Agreement”
– 1907-1908
 Secret understanding that Japan would
stop the flow of laborers to the US and
SF would allow Japanese students in
white schools
 1907 – TR sent the Great White Fleet
on a world tour ending in Japan
Root – Takahira Agreement
 1908
 US
and Japan pledged to respect
territorial possessions in the Pacific and
to uphold the Open Door Policy in China
 The voyage of the Great White Fleet
gave Uncle Sam a new slogan : “Join
the Navy and see the World.”