Names:______________________________ ______________________________ Class: _____________ The Blues The Blues is a musical style which portrays a sad mood. Usually the blues composer has had very bad luck and they express their feelings through their music. The words tell a sad story and the music helps to deliver the sad message. Listen to the blues scale. Directions: Using the scales below, write out the blues formula in the following keys; c, d, f, g, a. Count the scale numbers to give you the correct chords. The first chord has been written. Major Scale C: C D E F G A B C Major Scale D: D E F# G A B C# D Major Scale F: F G A Bb C D E F Major Scale G: G A B C D E F# G Major Scale A: A B C# D E F# G# A BLUES Formula: I IV I C F C I IV IV I I V IV I D F G A Chords you will use: C blues: C= ceg F= fac G= gbd D blues: D=d f#a G=gbd A=a c# e F blues: F=fac Bb=Bb d f C=ceg G blues: G=gbd C=ceg D= d f# a A blues: A= a c# e D= d f# a E= e g# b Perform: You will play the chords in the progression. Each chord is held for 4 beats. I Compose: You will create a composition in the blues style in the key of your choice. Use the chord progression you wrote out on page 1. For each chord, you will use the notes from the matching blues scale or the matching major scale (see page 1). Your composition must be 12 measures long- 4 beats per measure. You will perform your composition with the blues chords and a drum beat. You will hand in your written composition after performing it for the class. Scales: C blues scale (use with the C chord): C Eb F F# G Bb C D blues scale (use with the D chord): D F G G# A C D E blues scale (use with the E chord): E G A A# B D E F blues scale (use with the F chord): F Ab Bb B C Eb F G blues scale (use with the G chord): G Bb C C# D F G A blues scale (use with the A chord): A C D D# E G A Bb blues scale (use with the Bb chord): Bb Db Eb E F Ab Bb Performance Day: In your team, one person will play the chords, the other will play the composed melody. You will have a programmed drum beat playing while you perform. If you are working alone, you will play the chords with a drum beat and then you will play your melody with the drum beat while Mrs. Myers plays your chords. Grading: (100 pts) _____ (10 pts.)Paperwork (fill in this page and your written composition) _____ (20 pts.)Chords performance _____ (20 pts.)Melody performance _____ (20 pts.)Melody creation (does it sound bluesy, did you use the notes from the right scales) _____ (20 pts.)Work Effort _____ (10 pts.)Overall effect and drum beat ______ total score Individual Scores: Put this on your individual score sheet! Name: Grade: Comments: _____________________ _______ _____________________________________ _____________________ _______ _____________________________________