The FLUKA Code An Introduction to FLUKA: a multipurpose Interaction and Transport MC code P.R. Sala ESI2009 FLUKA Main authors: A. Fassò, A. Ferrari, J. Ranft, P.R. Sala Contributing authors: G.Battistoni, F.Cerutti, T.Empl, M.V.Garzelli, M.Lantz, A. Mairani, V.Patera, S.Roesler, G. Smirnov, F.Sommerer, V.Vlachoudis • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hadron-nucleus interactions Nucleus-Nucleus interactions Electron-photon int. Muon int. (inc photonuc) Neutrino int. Particle Transport multiple scattering Ionization Decay Low energy neutrons Combinatorial geo + voxels Magnetic field Analogue or biased 50 cm K p m m m e in LAr eDeveloped and maintained under an INFN-CERN agreement 7th FLUKA course, Paris Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2008 Copyright 1989-2008 CERN and INFN p 2 The FLUKA international Collaboration M.Brugger, F. Cerutti, A. Ferrari, M. Mauri, G. Lukasik, S. Roesler, L. Sarchiapone, G. Smirnov, F. Sommerer ,C. Theis, S. Trovati, H. Vinke, V.Vlachoudis CERN A. Fassò, J.Vollaire SLAC, USA J. Ranft Univ. of Siegen, Germany G. Battistoni, F. Broggi, M. Campanella, P. Colleoni, E. Gadioli, A. Mairani, S. Muraro, P.R. Sala INFN & Univ. Milano, Italy M. Carboni, C. D’Ambrosio, A. Ferrari, A. Mostacci, V. Patera, M. Pelliccioni, R. Villari INFN Frascati M.C. Morone Univ. Roma II, Italy A. Margiotta, M. Sioli INFN & Univ. Bologna, Italy K. Parodi DKFZ & HIT, Heidelberg, Germany A. Empl, L. Pinsky Univ. of Houston, USA K.T. Lee, T. Wilson, N. Zapp NASA-Houston, USA S. Rollet ARC Seibersdorf Research, Austria M. Lantz Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Sweden 3 Outline Fluka for calorimetry Energy deposition by ionization Electromagnetic processes Hadronic showers shower development and p0 production: high energy Hadron-Nucleus interactions non-compensation: “low energy” nuclear reactions neutrons instrumental effects the example of quenching ALICE : fluka through VirtualMonteCarlo How to dE/dx atomic interactions: Example: 300 GeV m in the ATLAS combined calorimeter test beam Layout of the experimental set-up (NIM A387,333(1997), NIM A449,461 (2000)) Test beams in 1994 and 1997, electrons, positive pions, muons preshower (LAr-Pb) LAr/Pb Fe-Scint dE/dx atomic interactions: 300 GeV m in the ATLAS comb. calo test beam Discrete events: Delta-ray production above a user-defined threshold Continuous energy loss: Cumulants approach to dE/dx fluctuations Multiple Coulomb Scattering with correlated PLC and lateral deflections Same algorithm for all charged particles and all energies Proc. of Calor96 Calibration in electron scale (e/m correct), electronic noise added Ions dE/dx Dose vs depth distribution for 670 MeV/n 20Ne ions on a water phantom. The green line is the FLUKA prediction The symbols are exp data from LBL and GSI Exp. Data Jpn.J.Med.Phys. 18, 1,1998 Fragmentation products Here more ingredients like effective charge and its fluctuations Applications to hadron therapy EMF ElectroMagneticFluka •Photoelectric: fluorescence, angular distribution, Auger, polarization •Compton and Rayleigh: atomic bonds, polarization •Pair production correlated angular and energy distribution; also m-pair production and direct e+e- for μ •Photonuclear interactions; also for μ •Bremsstrahlung : LPM, angular distribution, ... also for μ •Bhabha and Møller scattering •Positron annihilation at rest and in flight •μ capture at rest •Optical photon (Cherenkov) production and transport •Multiple or single scattering on option The KLOE calorimeter simulation The KLOE calorimeter at DANE, LNF (Italy) 24 barrel modules Trapezoidal section (52 – 59)x23 cm2 length: 430 cm Calorimeter module Pb/Sci fibres structure 200 layers, lead foils + glue + fibres Lead 1.2 mm F. Bossi et al, (Kloe Collaboration) Riv. Nuovo Cimento 031 (2008) 531. P.R. Sala Esi 2009 CERN 1.0 mm 1.35 mm results with First Fluka simulation version (G. Battistoni, B. Di Micco, A. Ferrari, A. Passeri, V. Patera) base module LEAD replicas : 200 layers GLUE FIBRES (198) P.R. Sala Esi 2009 CERN COMPARISON WITH DATA –RESPONSE to PHOTONS Resolution of the cluster centroid position along the module. Energy Resolution E E 0.057 E (GeV ) L 1.2cm E (GeV ) Curve : data Dots: FLUKA M.Anelli et al., NIM A 598, 244 (2009) Jaroslaw Zdebik PhD thesis , also LNF-08/19 B A Energy deposit P.R. Sala Esi 2009 CERN Kloe: e.m. shower penetration depth Cluster centroid Depth Cluster centroid depth Incoming photon FLUKA DATA RMSdepth P.R. Sala Esi 2009 CERN Hadronic Showers 100 GeV p on Pb shower longitudinal development Fraction of the beam energy converted into π0 and for interactions in Lead as a function of projectile energy The FLUKA hadronic Models Hadron-nucleus: PEANUT Elastic,exchange Phase shifts data, eikonal hadron low E π,K Special P<3-5GeV/c Resonance prod and decay hadron Sophisticated G-Intranuclear Cascade Gradual onset of Glauber-Gribov multiple interactions Preequilibrium High Energy DPM hadronization Coalescence Evaporation/Fission/Fermi break-up deexcitation 14 Inelastic hN at high energies: DPM Problem: “soft” interactions → QCD perturbation theory cannot be applied. Interacting strings (quarks held together by the gluon-gluon interaction into the form of a string) Interactions treated in the Reggeon-Pomeron framework each of the two hadrons splits into 2 colored partons combination into 2 colourless chains 2 back-to-back jets each jet is then hadronized into physical hadrons 15 DPM and hadronization from DPM: Number of chains Chain composition Chain energies and momenta Diffractive events Almost No Freedom Chain hadronization Assumes chain universality Fragmentation functions from hard processes and e+e− scattering Transverse momentum from uncertainty considerations Mass effects at low energies The same functions and (few) parameters for all reactions and energies 16 Inelastic hN interactions: examples p+ + p p+ + X (6 & 22 GeV/c) p+ + p Ch+/Ch- + X (250 GeV/c) Positive hadrons X2 Negative hadrons Connected points: FLUKA Symbols w. errors : DATA Dots: Exp. Data Histos : FLUKA 6 GeV M.E. Law et. Al, LBL80 (1972) 22GeV 17 Hadron-Nucleus interactions at high E Glauber cascade Glauber-Gribov Quantum mechanical method to compute Elastic, Quasi-elastic and Absorption hA cross sections from Free hadron-nucleon scattering + nuclear ground state Multiple Collision expansion of the scattering amplitude Field theory formulation of Glauber model Multiple collisions Feynman diagrams High energies: exchange of one or more Pomerons with one or more target nucleons (a closed string exchange) G-INC with Formation zone (=materialization time): gives a condition for possible reinteraction inside a nucleus 1 plab RA r0 A x for 2 pT M 2 3 18 Effect of Glauber and Formation Zone Rapidity distribution of charged particles produced in 250 GeV p+ collisions on Gold Points: exp. data (Agababyan et al., ZPC50, 361 (1991)). No Glau No FZ Yes Glau Yes FZ 19 Nonelastic hA interactions at high energies: examples Recent results from the HARP experiment 12.9 GeV/c p on Al p+ production at different angles Double differential p+ production for p C interactions at 158 GeV/c, as measured by NA49 (symbols) and predicted by FLUKA (histograms) 20 Atlas combined calo test beam: 1994 data pion beams: longitudinal shower development and its fluctuations The importance of low E interactions and nuclear physics 100 GeV p in a Fe absorber: space-averaged particle spectra Average binding energy losses for interactions in lead. The number of primary collisions are also reported Nuclear interactions in PEANUT: Target nucleus description (density, Fermi motion, etc) t (s) Glauber-Gribov cascade with formation zone 10-23 Generalized IntraNuclear cascade 10-22 Preequilibrium stage with current exciton configuration and excitation energy (all non-nucleons emitted/decayed + all nucleons below 30-100 MeV) Evaporation/Fragmentation/Fission model γ deexcitation 10-20 10-16 23 (Generalized) IntraNuclear Cascade Primary and secondary particles moving in the nuclear medium Target nucleons motion and nuclear well according to the Fermi gas model Interaction probability free + Fermi motion × r(r) + exceptions (ex. p) Glauber cascade at higher energies Classical trajectories (+) nuclear mean potential (resonant for p) Curvature from nuclear potential refraction and reflection Interactions are incoherent and uncorrelated Interactions in projectile-target nucleon CMS Lorentz boosts Multibody absorption for p, m-, KQuantum effects (Pauli, formation zone, correlations…) Exact conservation of energy, momenta and all addititive quantum numbers, including nuclear recoil 24 Equilibrium particle emission Evaporation: Weisskopf-Ewing approach 600 possible emitted particles/states (A<25) with an extended evaporation/fragmentation formalism Inverse cross section with proper sub-barrier Fission Fermi Break-up for A<18 nuclei ~ 50000 combinations included with up to 6 ejectiles de-excitation: statistical + rotational + tabulated levels Competition between evaporation and fission, on option competition also with gamma emission The same algorithm for all reactions, including nucleus-nucleus interactions In ALL reaction steps, from first interaction to last : Exact energy conservation including binding energy and recoil of residual nucleus Nuclear masses up to A=330, from experimental databases supplemented by calculated masses following the RIPL-2 IAEA report (2005). Example of fission/evaporation 1 A GeV 208Pb + p reactions Nucl. Phys. A 686 (2001) 481-524 • • • • Data FLUKA FLUKA after cascade FLUKA after preeq Quasi-elastic Spallation Evaporation Fission Deep spallation Fragmentation 26 Low energy ( < 20MeV neutrons) The fraction of visible energy due to neutrons below 10-20 MeV is significant. Most of their kinetic E is spent via elastic interactions recoils nonionizing or quenched. (except for interactions on Hydrogen). Most of the low energy neutron contribution comes from capture rays. The capture probability is maximal in the thermal region: thermalization times can vary from ms to ms depending on the material composition Infinite calorimeter visible E resolution vs signal integration time Low-energy neutron transport in FLUKA performed by a multigroup algorithm Energy range up to 20 MeV divided in 260 energy groups ( 30 thermal) and 40 groups for secondary gamma generation The library contains ≈230 different materials/temperatures/Self shielding Hydrogen cross sections available for different types of molecular binding (free, H2O, CH2) Pointwise, fully correlated, with explicit generation of all secondary recoils, cross sections available for reactions in H, 6Li , Ar and partially for 14N and 10B (4He, 12C and 16O in preparation) gamma transport by the standard EM FLUKA modules For most materials, information on the residual nuclei produced by low-energy neutron interactions are available in the FLUKA library Atlas Combined calo test beam: pions SIMULATIONS Calibration in electron scale DATA Scintillator quenching included Cut on mip in presampler Photostatistics convoluted Cut on beam position Noise added Proton contamination taken (beam chambers) into account Cut on preshower Energy reconstructed using the ``benchmark'' technique 2 E0 EEM a Qhad b EEM 3 a Qhad1 c EEM All parameters fixed to minimize /E0 at 300~GeV Atlas combined calo test beam: 1994 data Experimental electron scale calibration available 2 E0 EEM a Qhad b EEM 3 a Qhad1 c EEM Atlas combined calo test beam: resolution Energy resolution, 1994+1996 data 1996 Data Less electronic noise Better presampler No electron calibration Note the experimental point at 20 GeV 2 simulated curves: different algorithms for preshower reconstruction ATLAS TILE Calorimeter (1994 setup) 1994 Test beam : 5 modules, positrons and positive pions beam, 20-300 GeV/c NIM A394,384 (1994) 180 cm (9 λ) proton contamination in the beam measured (Cerenkov counters) in a later testbeam: scintillator (3mm) iron (4mm) iron (5 mm) TILE Calorimeter: resolution and e/p Beam at 200 incidence FLUKA simulations with: Proton contamination Photostatistics convoluted offline Step-by-step signal quenching online Tile Calorimeter: effect of quenching Qvis Q dE 1 kB dx FLUKA simulations, 20 GeV/c 200 incidence diferent quenching parameters and effect of beam contamination on e/p and resolution ALICE Test TPC Fluka compared to TPC Test Results Spatial Resolution Cluster Charge „Landau“ Truncated Mean (< 60%) „dE/dx“ Fluka compared to Silicon Pixel Detector Testbeam Results Cluster Size Distribution Si Pixel Detector Neutron Background at the EMcal Position Late (> 30 ns) neutron production vertices Optimization of the EMCAL time integration window using FLUKA FLUKA: Analogue vs Biased mode FLUKA can run in both analogue or biased mode Analogue mode: Correlations and fluctuations are preserved Event-by-event analysis is possible Biased mode: Faster convergence to average results Rare events/contributions can be amplified Deep penetration problems are feasible FLUKA contains a variety of variance acceleration (biasing) techniques how? FLUKA is available from and from NEA Written in Fortran Input from data-cards Customizable user-routines available Built-in scoring Geometry: Combinatorial + lattice + voxel, with debugging and 2D viewer External 3D geometry visualization tool available (SimpleGeo by C. Theis), internal one under development Courses for beginners twice a year (next in Mumbay, India, Oct. 2009) User support through mailing list Flair FLUKA Advanced Interface [] Input: Filtering Cards Show card links Units: i.e. 20 GeV/c (ToDo) Data validation Import/Export on various formats Process: Debugging Compilation Run monitoring Merging Flair FLUKA Advanced Interface [] Plotting , Databases of materials, isotopes etc Preequilibrium emission For E > p production threshold only (G)INC models At lower energies a variety of preequilibrium models Two leading approaches The quantum-mechanical multistep model: Very good theoretical background Complex, difficulties for multiple emissions The semiclassical exciton model Statistical assumptions Simple and fast Suitable for MC Statistical assumption: any partition of the excitation energy E* among N, N = Nh +Np, excitons has the same probability to occur Step: nucleon-nucleon collision with Nn+1=Nn+2 (“never come back approximation) Chain end = equilibrium = Nn sufficiently high or excitation energy below threshold N1 depends on the reaction type and cascade history 45 RF FLUKA Applications CMS Point 4 Momentun Cleaning Point 5 LHC Dump Point 3.3 Point 3.2 The LHC Loss Regions Point 6 Regions of high losses (e.g., Collimators,…) Point 7 Cosmic ray physics Neutrino physics ALICE Accelerator design ( n_ToF, CNGS, LHC systems) LHCb ATLAS Particle physics: calorimetry, tracking and detector simulation etc. ( ALICE, ICARUS, ...) ADS systems, waste transmutation, (”Energy amplifier”, FEAT, TARC,…) Shielding design Dosimetry and radioprotection Space radiation Hadrontherapy Neutronics Point 2 Regions with low losses (e.g., due to residual gas) Point 8 Point 1 7th FLUKA course, Paris Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2008 46 Betatron Cleaning FLUKA Main authors: A. Fassò, A. Ferrari, J. Ranft, P.R. Sala Contributing authors: G.Battistoni, F.Cerutti, T.Empl, M.V.Garzelli, M.Lantz, A. Mairani, V.Patera, S.Roesler, G. Smirnov, F.Sommerer, V.Vlachoudis Developed and maintained under an INFN-CERN agreement Copyright 1989-2008 CERN and INFN >2000 users 7th FLUKA course, Paris Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2008 47 The ATLAS EM calorimeter 287 GeV electron beam Stars : fluka Dots: expt. (RD3 collab.) Energy resolution 10-100 GeV: 9.2 0.3% 9.8 0.4% Exp : E E Fluka : E E Longitudinal Development impact position response vs. electron impact position deposited energy Detail of the FLUKA geometry and dE/dx atomic interactions Discrete events: Delta-ray production above a user-defined threshold Continuous energy loss: Cumulants approach to dE/dx fluctuations Experimental 1 and calculated energy loss distributions for 2 GeV/c positrons (left) and protons (right) traversing 100μm of Si J.Bak et al. NPB288, 681 (1987) Equilibrium particle emission (evaporation, fission and nuclear break-up) From statistical considerations and the detailed balance principle, the probabilities for emitting a particle of mass mj, spin Sj,ħ and energy E, or of fissioning are given by: (i, f for initial/final state, Fiss for fission saddle point) Probability per unit time of emitting a particle j with energy E Probability per unit time of fissioning • ρ’s: nuclear level densities • U’s: excitation energies • Vj’s: possible Coulomb barrier for emitting a particle type j • BFiss: fission barrier PJ 2S j 1 m j c p 2 3 PFiss 1 U i Q j f Vj U i BFiss 2 p 0 r f U f E EdE ri U i inv r Fiss U i BFiss E dE ri U i • Qj’s: reaction Q for emitting a particle type j • σinv: cross section for the inverse process • Δ’s: pairing energies Neutron emission is strongly favoured because of the lack of any barrier Heavy nuclei generally reach higher excitations because of more intense cascading 50 Small Angle Absorber (SAA) 2° 0.8° Lead Tungsten Complex integration issues: Inner interface Vacuum system, bake-out, bellows, flanges Outer interface Tracking chambers, recesses Optimization of the Small Angle Absorber performed with FLUKA Example: Can Pb be replaced by Cu ?