GATE CUT-OFF GATE 2010 Cut-off Marks for all Branches CATEGORY/BRANCH Computer Science/IT Civil Electronics Electrical Mechanical GENERAL 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.25 25.00 S.C./ S.T./PH 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 OBC 22.45 22.70 22.50 22.70 22.50 GATE QUALIFYING SCORE: The Qualifying Score is the minimum mark that needs to be secured to become eligible for availing assistantships provided by MHRD, GOI. The qualifying score for general category in each paper is (a + s) or 25, whichever is higher, where a and s are the average and standard deviation of marks of all candidates in a particular paper, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero. The qualifying scores for SC/ST/PD/OBC categories would be 2/3, 2/3, 2/3 and 9/10, respectively, of the general category qualifying scorebr /> GATE SCORECARD:GATE scorecard is valid for TWO YEARS from the date of announcement of the GATE 2010 results (March 15, 2010 at 10.00 hrs.). There is no provision for additional GATE scorecards. GATE SCORE: The GATE score is calculated using the following formula: GATE SCORE = 10[ag + sg {(m - a)/s}] where, m = marks obtained by the candidate. a = average of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard in GATE 2010, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero. s = standard deviation of marks of all candidates who appeared in the paper mentioned on this scorecard in GATE 2010, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero. ag = average (global) of marks of all candidates who appeared across all papers and years 2007- 2010, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero. sg = standard deviation (global) of marks of all candidates who appeared across all papers and years 2007-2010, with all marks less than zero, converted to zero. The GATE score is set to zero if the value calculated by the above formula is less than zero and the GATE score is set to 1000 if the value calculated by the above formula is more than 1000. . GATE 2011 Cut-off Marks for all Branches GATE-2011 CUTOFF MARKS BRANCH & CATEGORY WISE BRANCH GENERAL SC/ST/PD OBC(Noncreamy) 17.39 23.47 ELECTRICAL ENGG. 26.08 26.11 17.41 23.50 ELECTRONICS & COMM 16.67 22.50 COMPUTER SC & IT 25.00 30.81 20.54 27.73 MECHANICAL ENGG. 25.00 16.67 22.50 CIVIL ENGG. 16.67 22.50 INSTRUMENTATION 25.00 26.90 17.93 24.21 CHEMICAL ENGG. GATE 2012 Cut-off Marks for all Branches GATE-2012 72680 137853 136027 81175 29347 18456 12994 CUTOFF MARKS BRANCH & CATEGORY WISE BRANCH APPERARED GENERAL SC/ST/PD OBC(Non- Total Creamy) Appeared Computer Sc. & IT 31.54 21.03 28.39 1,56,780 Chemical 29.38 19.59 26.44 11,407 Engineering Civil Engineering 33.03 22.02 29.73 36,156 Electronics & Communication Electrical Engineering Instrumentation Engineering Mechanical Engineering GATE 2012 Qualified 25 16.67 22.5 1,76,944 25 16.67 22.5 1,10,125 25 16.67 22.5 21,509 27.14 18.09 24.42 1,12,320 GENERAL SC/ST OBC(NonTotal Creamy) Qualified 54,020 23,765 30,294 1,08,526 7,77,134 candidates registered for GATE 2012 exam. 6,86,614 candidates appeared for GATE 2012 exam. 1,85,198 female candidates appeared in GATE 2012 and 22,896 qualified.