Writing - Images

Six Trait Writing
A slide show to help you
with the 6 traits and
become the wonderful
writer that you are!
10 Great Ways To Become
A Better Writer
The only way to become a better…
is to write…
YOU have a unique voice. In fact, nobody else in the world has YOUR
voice. Nobody can tell a story or write a report quite the way YOU can.
So how do you find your voice? Where is it hiding?
Look in your heart and in your head.
The 6 Traits
Ideas are mainly ideas! Creative ideas
make the story all the better!
Here’s a great example of great ideasWhen I grow up I plan to invent a roller
coaster to the moon. Not only will
people be able to learn much about
space, but they will be able to
experience zero gravity.
It’s interesting, it’s creative, it’s ideas!
It is the writer’s unique and personal
ideas that make the writing fun to
Now take a look at bad ideasThe bike was pretty. It went fast. I like
my bike. It is cool.
Who wants to read that kind of story all
the time?
Organization consist of how well the
writing is organized.
Example of bad organizationHow to Dry Flowers
3. Keep flowers safe
1. Pick flowers
2. Press flowers and keep till dry
Pretty hard to read and understand,
Example of good organizationHow to Dry Flowers
1. Pick flowers
2. Press flowers and keep till dry
3. Keep flowers safe
See the difference?
Word Choice
Word choice consists of mostly
choosing good words.
Check out this good example of word
choice. It should help you picture
the subject mentallyThe scene was beautiful. The air was
sweet and balmy. The golden
sunset gave the world a warm,
golden glow.
Can’t you just picture it?
Now look at a bad example of word
choiceThe scene was pretty. The air was nice.
It was fun. The sunset was pretty.
Good word choice helps your
sentences flow smoothly and helps
your reader get a better mental
Voice is your voice, let it sing out! If your
writing has good voice it sounds like you
talking! You can usually show voice by
making people in your story talk using
quotation marks. Voice also expresses
feeling to other people or things.
Here’s an example of bad voiceMom told me to do my homework, she said
“Do your homework!” I don’t like it
when she says that.
Here’s an example of good, strong felt voiceI was just about to turn on the TV to watch
the best show on the planet when my
mom yelled for me to do my homework.
I hate it when she yells at me like that! I
haven’t watched my show for almost
two weeks because of that math
homework! I grumbled all the way
upstairs to my school bag.
Can’t you just feel the anguish that the
character is feeling here?
Sentence Fluency
Sentence fluency is how well your
sentences go with the flow! Make
sure your sentences aren’t choppy!
First let’s take a look at good sentence
fluencyThe gracious king and queen wanted a
baby girl very badly. Then that very
special day came when their wish
was granted. Born to them that day
was a dazzling beautiful baby girl
with hazel green eyes, green as the
Now take a look at a bad sentence
fluencyThe king and queen wanted a baby.
They got a baby. She was pretty. She
had green eyes. They looked like the
See the difference? Good sentence
fluency helps the reader read it
Conventions consist of spelling,
punctuation and grammar.
Example of good conventions in a
sentence - The grass is always
greener on the other side.
Example of bad conventions in a
sentence - the greess is allways
greeener on the othhr side?
See the difference? Bad
conventions confuse the reader.
Story Sparkers
Story Sparkers
• What if you found a dinosaur egg in you mom’s new and
exotic plant?
• What if you were invited to a sleepover at the haunted
house across the street?
• What if a family of monsters moved in next door?
• What if you found a secret passage way behind your
• What if your cat could talk, but only you could hear her?
• What if your favorite movie star knocked on your door one
Let the little author
inside of you come out
and write!