How to Get the Gate

How to Get the Gate
by, Lorraine Saunders
Sundew Persians
 What kind of show does your club want to put
on? Large? Medium? Small?
 Large (sponsorship) Stadiums/Convention Centers
 Medium (local sponsors/club resources) Hotels/Colleges
 Small (club revenues) Schools/Lodges
 How can you advertise your show? What’s first?
 Assign a Publicity committee that will:
 Develop a media list
• Obtain from the web; other clubs and/or Michael Brim.
Develop a calendar and deadlines
Prepare materials and mail/telephone/fax
• Send media packets to the press a minimum of onetwo months prior to a small or medium show and at
least 6 months prior to a very large cat show!
Cheap signage everywhere in
town is an easy way to be
noticed by the public.
Small businesses could be handdelivered posters with discount
coupons (be warm, friendly and offer
advertising in your show catalog!)
Pre-Schools, Grammar Schools, High
Schools, Colleges, and Senior Centers
as well as…
• Libraries, Shriners Halls, Chambers of
Commerce, Malls (even hospitals have
bulletin boards)
More On Signage
 Just remember….the easiest, cheapest and by far
the path of least resistance to get passerby's into
your showhall is by using Signs!
 Signage around the general location of your show can
consist of:
 Cat Show Signs/Banners/Arrows at Freeway exits
 Cat Show Signs at main intersections
 Signs on the streets around the neighborhood (stuck at ends of
city blocks; and at the edge of curbs leading to the showhall!)
 Signage can be obtained directly from CFA’s publicity office
(contact Michael Brim) and/or you can go to any Kinko, etc. and
order simple signs mounted on sticks, poster board etc.
 Standup signs in front and back of showhall
 One month before the show your club could hire a
company to post signs (legally) and do the tear down
(NOTE: The company should be BONDED!)
 You can find such companies in your Yellow Pages.
 Or, three weeks before the show club members can post
posters/banners, etc. in storefronts - libraries etc.
 One week prior to your show post simple signs that say
“CFA CAT Show” with a date everywhere you can.
 Use arrow and/or stand up signs that can be stuck in the
ground (but high enough for someone in a car to read)
1,2,3 = Ad Campaign
Send out Press Releases (see:
Press Release examples) to
local Newspapers, TV, Radio
for their “freebie listings”:
Calendar/Bulletin Boards
Use the YELLOW PAGES to locate local
Do this one month before the show
Call the media contact (who you sent the
information) one week later
Keep calling every week until the show to
make sure your show is listed.
• Yellow Pages, Michael Brim and/or the
Web can provide local addresses and
Region 5
Marketing Plan
 The following is provided to explain
the best methods to increase gate to
your cat show in a BIG way.
A Calendar to assist planning how to
prepare timing for your advertising
A Press Kit with explanations and
Information on how to use the World
Wide Web and increase gate.
Eye-catching media ideas (bus signage,
posters etc. is also a part of this more
detailed marketing plan).
 Let’s begin…..
Calendar Plan
6-8 Months BEFORE your cat
Mail a Press Kit to the following
(a Press kit includes - Press
Release, Photos, Slides etc.)
For large “sponsored shows”
Send kit to national television shows like: Jay
Leno, Oprah. Send to publications such as:
People , Family Circle and to In-flight Airline
magazines, and
• Call TV/Cable/Radio Stations to find out
precisely who to send your packet to (the same
goes for large scale Magazines)
For mid-sized to smaller local shows
Mail a press packet to local mass media
publications (find in Yellow Pages!)
• Example: 911 is a magazine in Newport
Calendar Plan, cont.
3 Months BEFORE your cat show…
Contact the press
Find CURRENT names and titles of individuals
to send a Press Kit).
• CFA (Michael Brim) has lists.
• Ask other clubs for their lists.
• The Internet Section in this packet for more info
on finding names/addresses thru the Web!
Send Press Packets to the following
media sources (job titles listed):
1) Features Editors - Newspapers,
Magazines, Community Calendars and
2) Program Directors/PSA Editors Television News (Network and Cable)
3) TV Assignment Editors - Calendar/Billboard
Listings weekdays and weekends.
3)Assignment Editors/Public Affairs DirectorsRadio Stations
Calendar Plan, cont.
2 Months BEFORE your cat
Send a Press Release and an show
flyer to:
• Cable (Animal Shows)
Call and ask if they received it.
Ask if they can do a Feature Story on your
cat show.
Give them some interesting ideas by
telling them about special features of your
Use The Telephone/Fax ….
Keep a rapport going and ask to call back as often as
THEY recommend to keep reminding them about the
Calendar Plan, cont.
1 Month BEFORE your cat
Send a Press Release to the Wire
Services (AP/UPI)
Call the next day to make sure you are
listed (they send this info out for
newspapers, etc. to pick up as stories)
Double-check one week later!
Follow-up with ALL media you sent a
press packet by doing the following:
FAX a Press Release and Show Flyer to
ALL Media you have mailed to previously.
• Follow-up phone calls to media every week
will keep your show in their memory
Calendar Plan, cont.
1-2 Weeks BEFORE your cat
show… and counting….
FAX Media Advisories to:
TV (cable)
Wire Services
• Wire Services, print syndicates and newspaper bureaus
will list your show for their clients (newspapers etc.)
Follow-up with phone calls
immediately after Faxing right up to
the day of the show!
The Tools
If your club has both a budget
and the staff and if they have
the time to help your club,
then nothing can stop you
from getting a larger gate than
the average cat show!
The following explains what to
prepare and how to do it ( just
use what you need and discard
the rest!)
How Do We Prepare
a Press Kit?
The following explains how to
customize and use a Press Kit
for your club’s show.
Each explanation will include
samples your club can use as a
“template” to build your own
individual press kit.
First Things First!
Write A Letter
When you send out Press Kits
and follow-up with more
mailings of media materials
and when you fax and
telephone media contacts,
what do you hope to achieve?
TV and Radio talk shows and
news programs are an outlet for
free advertising. Many shows
may grant you an interview and
that’s the big goal
First Things First!
Write A Letter
With you or another club
member (plus cats) as guests,
television interviews can last
1-3 minutes on TV and 5-10
minutes on Radio or more.
Be prepared: know all details
of your show (dates, times,
location). Give a phone
number for a contact. But
Send that Pitch Letter…….
First Things First!
The Pitch Letter
Type single-spaced on club stationery. Follow-up and telephone the
producers a few days after you send the letter to determine
interest in setting up an interview.
(Name of Producer)
Dear (name):
The cat (domesticated and pedigreed) is currently the most popular pet in the USA. Over
63 million felines reside in American households today. Many are purebreds of breeds
such as Abyssinians, Maine Coons and Scottish Folds. Approximately (list a number) of
those felines are expected to compete at the (year) annual (name of club) CFA cat show
on (date) at (location).
Cat shows are increasing in popularity all over the USA. Last year alone, there were more
than 350 CFA shows, with thousands of top cats competing. Millions of spectators turn
out to see the feline festivities. It’s no wonder cat shows attract the big crowds--the
pageantry of a CFA cat show can be quite dazzling. Picture rows of elaborately decorated
cages filled with beautiful and unusual felines. Visualize the excitement of intense
competition, and the fluff and finery when cats are groomed.
Since one-third of all households own a cat, I believe the subject of cat shows would be of
great interest to your viewing audience. I would be delighted to be a guest on YOUR
show. As the Publicity Director for (name of club), I’ve been planning this year’s CFA cat
show and I know it’s going to be fantastic. (Include mention of 1-2 special cats who will
be competing.) In fact, (name of cat) could even appear on YOUR show.
I’ll call you in a few days to determine the possibility of such a personal appearance on
your show.
(name of publicity directory)
Publicity Director
Press Kit Cover
Even if your club doesn’t want to
go to the trouble of sending a club
member and/or cat(s) for a
“special appearance” on TV or
Radio you still need a cover letter
for your Press Kit and the proper
mailing envelope for the package!
Make the letter simple and put it on
the outside of the Kit’s folder (attach
with a paper clip if necessary).
Use Club Stationery and/or something
unusual and eye-catching from a
stationery store for the letter.
Hint: Purchase envelopes for the Press
Kit that are eye-catching (club logo/CFA
Press Kit
Sample Cover Letter
The (
) Cat Club is holding a very special cat
show on ( date and hours ) at (location). With many
special exhibits plus 100’s of cats to see - it’s a show
the public shouldn’t miss.
We invite both you and members of your staff to visit
our show. We also ask that you help us tell people
about this cat show with perhaps a Feature Store
and/or Calendar/Bulletin Board mentions in appropriate
locations of your newspaper.
Further, we hope to advertise in your newspaper and
would like to discuss options and ideas.
I’ll be calling to talk with you shortly.
Thank you, in advance for your interest,
Publicity Chairman
Press Kit
Even if your show is average
in size you must have some
kind of information for the
press if you want to get media
The following will help you
understand how to prepare
your own individual kit for the
What IS A Press Kit?
Your press kit should include
at least some of the following:
Press Release
Fact Sheet
PSA’s (Public Service
Photo-Captioned Pictures
Tapes (ads for TV and Radio)
NOTE: Media Advisories are
NOT part of a standard Press Kit.
They are sent as follow-up only.
Press Release
The Press Release explains
the details about your special
cat show:
where it will be held
dates and times of the event
admission (and special discounts)
featured cats
highlights of your cat show
(seminars, etc.)
something about CFA
This is the tool that ALL ad agencies use no matter what the product (in this case
it’s a CFA cat show!)...
Muriel Green, Publicity Chairperson
The Cat’s Meow Cat Club, a CFA Club
(555) 555-1234
The Cat’s Meow 10th Anniversary Cat Show
Long Beach Convention Center
Saturday, January 5th from 10:00 - 6:00 PM
Sunday, August 6th from 9:00 - 5:00 PM
Long Beach, CA. - The Cat’s Meow Cat Club, a CFA (Cat Fancier’s Association) cat
club presents its 10th Anniversary Cat Show at the Long Beach Convention Center
on Saturday, August 5th from 10:00-6:00 PM and Sunday, August 6th from 9:005:00 PM.
See the finest pedigreed cats in the nation competing for high honors. Household
pets will be competing for great prizes. (Call Silvia Shain (555) 476-2020 for
information about entering a household pet (cats only!) in this cat show!)
Kittens, both long-haired and short haired, in every color in the rainbow are
waiting to go to a new home. Now’s the time to own the pedigreed kitten of your
Booths featuring health and nutrition tips plus grooming seminars with videos for
the pedigreed feline and household pet will be Special Features. Printed
educational pamphlets and books on the pedigreed cat are available at the CFA
Booth. Vendors offering cat food, vitamins, grooming products as well as unique
gift items will also be on hand.
Seminars will feature: Dr. August Meyers speaking on “Nutrition and Vitamins for
your Pet”. Ann Mays, noted feline groomer, will discuss and demonstrate “How to
groom your pet” and “How to groom a show cat”. In addition, the celebrity cat
National Winner Grand Champion Superduper’s Fuzzy Navel, a white Cornish Rex
will be greeting all visitors both days of the show.
Admission is only: $6.00 adults/$5.00 seniors/$3.00 children under 7. A great
event for the entire family.
The Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1906.
CFA works for the benefit of ALL felines. The Association continues to look to a
future that promises to provide a long, happy, and healthy life for ALL cats!
Fact Sheets
Fact sheets accompany the Press
Release (on initial mailings to the
media). Include them to increase
your show’s credibility.
Here’s where you brag about your
show’s unique attractions!!!!
Breed Booth
Ask The Vet Booths
Animal Shelter participation
Guest “stars” (cats and/or invited
Fact Sheet…...
The Cat’s Meow
10th Anniversary Cat Show
(A Spec”cat”ular Event)
Long Beach Convention Center
Saturday, January 5th from 10:00 - 6:00 PM
Sunday, August 6th from 9:00 - 5:00 PM
 See “National Winner Grand Champion
Superduper’s Fuzzy Navel, a white Cornish
Rex both days of the show.
 Discover the amazing and unique breeds of
CFA pedigreed felines (34 breeds).
 Visit Dr. Sid Millard at the “Ask The Vet”
 Watch grooming displays of show cats and
household pets “in-person”.
Muriel Green, Publicity Chairperson
The Cat’s Meow Cat Club, a CFA Club
555) 555-1234
Backgrounders tell a concise
history about a specific
subject, in this case….
Your club (how and when and
where it was founded, etc.)
Special members
How many shows you have
CFA’s history can be capsulized
to add interest.
The Cat’s Meow
10th Anniversary Cat Show
Long Beach Convention Center
Saturday, January 5th from 10:00 - 6:00 PM
Sunday, August 6th from 9:00 - 5:00 PM
 This cat show is a CFA (Cat Fancier’s Association)
cat show. And, who and what is CFA?
 The Cat Fancier’s Association is a non-profit
organization founded in 1906. It exists as a registry
for pedigreed cats and kittens.
 Pedigreed felines are registered and recognized by
CFA. They must comply with recognized breed
standards which then make them eligible for
competition in bonified CFA cat shows.
 The first CFA cat shows were licensed by CFA and
held during 1906 - one in Buffalo and one in
 As of 1997 CFA cat clubs total 671 worldwide and
 A CFA cat show is taking place somewhere in the
world every weekend of the year!
Muriel Green, Publicity Chairperson
The Cat’s Meow Cat Club, a CFA Club
555) 555-1234
As an activity of a non-profit organization, CFA cat
shows qualify for this FREE air time.
Public Service Announcements
are written for radio and
television and are information
about local organizations or
activities that are of interest to
the general public.
These announcements are mentioned during
“News”, Weekly Calendar/Billboard, “spots”
and talk shows at local radio and tv stations
PSA’s are mentioned during weekdays and
They are 10 seconds, 30 seconds and 60
seconds in length
TV and Radio Stations are the prime targets
Public Service
Send all 3 lengths to each station. Type announcements doublespaced and in all capitals. Type the number of words in the margin
and allow 1-1/2” margins on bottom, right and left side margins.
 10 Second Announcement:
Attention all cat lovers. The (name of club) CFA Cat Show
will be held on (dates) from (times) at (location). Call
(contact person) for details.
 15 Second Announcement:
Just Who’s Top Cat? Well…pick your Favorite Feline at the
(name of club) CFA Cat Show on (Dates) from (Times) at
(location). More than (give a number) simply spectacular
purebreed pedigreed felines and household pets galore
are competing. Contact (phone number) for more details.
 30 Second Announcement:
Who made it to the top? Was it YOUR choice? Pick YOUR
favorite feline at the (name of club) CFA Cat Show on
(dates) from (times) at (location). Pedigreed felines and
household pets from everywhere in the nation will be
competing for honors and prizes. Celebrity cats and
speakers will be at this show. And, find the kitten of your
dreams, as purebred kittens will be for sale. Admission is
(cost) for adults and (cost) for children and seniors. Call
(number) for details.
Media Advisories
Send 4 to 5 Days BEFORE
the show!!!
 The Media Advisory is not a part of a
Press Kit. It is a follow-up sheet you mail
to press contacts to keep them updated
(and interested) in the show. Use it to...
 Act as a news bulletin
 Iinclude extra information
 As a reminder that your CFA show is coming soon so they
won’t forget!)
 Remember…. the day before the show,
call everyone you sent this sheet, and
 Ask if they can attend the show and find out the time they
will be there.
 Alert club members to tell you when media arrives.
 Make sure gate people let them in free!
 Be sure you get their names (business-cards) and send
thank-you notes (remember next year!!!!)
 During the show watch for reporters and/or TV cameras and
 Have a Show Catalog, Cats Centerstage and info on your club
plus a CFA pamphlet for them to take (even if you already
sent the press this stuff - hand it to them AGAIN!)
Media Advisory
(send to News Directors at TV/Radio Stations and to
Photo and City desks at newspapers) This is a last
minute reminder only!
Media Alert!
The Cat’s Meow
10th Anniversary Cat Show
Long Beach Convention Center
Saturday, January 5th from 10:00 - 6:00 PM
Sunday, August 6th from 9:00 - 5:00 PM
 See “National Winner Grand Champion Superduper’s
Fuzzy Navel, a white Cornish Rex both days of the
 Photo Opportunities with CFA pedigreed felines
 Interview: Dr. August Meyers speaker for “Nutrition
and Vitamins for your Pet”. Ann Mays, noted feline
groomer, will demonstrate “How to groom your pet”
and “How to groom a show cat”.
Muriel Green, Publicity Chairperson
The Cat’s Meow Cat Club, a CFA Club
555) 555-1234
Submit good quality
pictures of cats
The CFA Publicity Office has photos of
best cat/kitten/premier (of the year!)
that you can order from CFA’s Publicity
Office and then mail to the press, or
Use photos (from club member’s) that
are preferably black and white 3 x 5’s
or 5 x 8’s (the more exotic the breed
the better!)
Submit photos to newspapers and
magazines (include a Press Release!!!)
Send color pictures (with the Press
Release) labeled for weekend features
to newspaper editors.
Send with Press Release
Contact local TV stations and
ask if you can submit slides of
cats with your Press Release
and PSA for them to use on
the “News”
Request requirements for submitting
slides, before you send them, i.e. size
Label slides clearly on the BACK of the
slide at the bottom as to the cat’s name,
breed, etc.
Request slides be returned (if you
want them back).
Contact a “Kinko type photo shop” to
have slides created from pictures.
Follow-Up to Press
Once you send your Press
Materials to the media:
Follow-up constantly
Create a Calendar and contact the
press periodically)
Use the FAX machine to send
show information - right up to
the day of the show. Follow-up
with a “friendly” phone call.
This is how you establish a
personal relationship with members
of the press.
And now, time for a
Most of your advertising
should be geared around
“free” publicity as much as
possible, but never rule out
paid advertising as a tool to
get the gate.
Professionally produced Radio and TV spots
are available from the CFA Public Relations
office and are customized to a club’s cat show
(check the order form in CFA’s Media packet)
Discount coupons ads in newspapers
Classified ads
Posters (in vet offices, libraries, cleaners, food
& liquor stores, banks) and more will be
discussed on the following pages.
Banners over entrances to freeways,
billboards, buses (bus shelters) and more...
Internet Access….
Or, How To Get A Media List
Use the internet address above for an
automated media directory that
supplies updated telephone numbers,
addresses, contact names, plus web
site info about the following media
contacts to reach for your show:
TV/Radio,Daily/Weekly Newspapers,
Consumer and Trade Magazines,
Black/Hispanic and other ethnic media,
News Syndicates (AP / UPI Bureaus)
• This website has 23,000 listings totaling 500
spiral bound pages in a compact 6 x 9 size. PC
and MAC disks for this directory with a database
can be imported into your software for future
mailings, e-mailings and faxes.
Internet Access….
This resource lists TV, AM-FM
Radio Stations from all over
the USA and they are ranked
as to listeners in this directory.
They have call signs, AM or FM bands,
metro market rankings, addresses
with a 9-digit zip code, phone
numbers, Web URLs and e-mail
Mailing Labels can be accessed
through this directory
FYI: There is a MAC sample disk online
which you can order so that you can
experiment with this database.
Internet Access….
This all-in-one USA Media Directory has
files stored as standard ASCII text, in
variable (quote enclosed, comma
separated) length fields or fixed length
fields for IBM users.
MAC disks come in tab delimited format.
Just import data directly into your
software from this file and your mailings
will be automated
You do NOT have to learn new software,
and there are no installation problems plus you can modify the data almost any
way you want!
Unique Ideas
 Ever thought about contacting your local utility
company to place ads in their bills to the millions
that receive a statement? Call your local utility
company and find out.
 Town Malls/Movie Theaters
 How about renting a space that’s unusual and
putting on a show?
The Mall would support you with poster advertising
and you could hire people to stand outside the show
in “cat costumes and wave people in.”
 Buses and Cabs
 Find them in your Yellow Pages and call them 6-8
months out and find out about signage on the
backs/sides and insides of these vehicles.
They can help you get signage designed for their
They even can have a place inside the vehicle(s) for
coupons that the public can have access to.
Unique Ideas (con’t)
Coupon Mailers
Contact companies that produce “coupons”
and find out about including your Cat Show in
one of those packages that goes to the
general public.
Local businesses support these mailers and
sometimes your Chamber of Commerce can
help you locate the people in charge.
Coupon companies design discount coupons
(supply a photo of a cat and there you go!)
Door-to-Door coupons
Delivery services actually hand deliver (and
hang on door knobs) coupons. Just have
them design something or just include a show
flyer and your own coupon for them to
distribute (it’s cheaper).
You can select how far-reaching you want this
service to drop your coupons (5 -50 miles
whatever you want).
Unique Ideas (con’t)
Get the “City” involved.
Send a Press Kit (6 months out)
to the Mayor’s Office and other
public officials that you know like
See if you can’t get them to
commit to appearing at your show
(if it’s an election year - you’re in
Offer a donation to the City
Official’s favorite animal related
charity and get his support and
help with the media!
This is a huge subject onto
At another meeting we can
always explore -How To Get A Big Sponsor
But for the short-term Look to local businesses in the
area around your show.
Pet Stores might like to advertise
in your catalog and you could give
them a discount for donations to
your raffle!
In Conclusion
By advertising your show any way
you can, your club will be financing
your next CFA Cat Show and
possibly gaining support for
pedigreed felines.
If we offer the public a look at our
cats we will build a new generation
of exhibitors and cat lovers!
And remember, when the public
does visit us - let’s all trying to be
helpful, kind and friendly - that way
they might come back!!!