The social science of human
CHAPTER 1 (the basics)
• Sociology is a study of social impacts on human
• Research is used in order to accurately predict and
make sense out of our social reality. Ch 1 covers
research in some detail.
• Sociology arose in Europe during the mid 19th
century. The happened through the expansion of the
‘’ sciences ‘’. This was the period of ‘’ Enlightenment ‘’
. Brought on by the Industrial Revolution and
Colonialism. Your text goings into detail about this.
• Social Myths work to cloud out realities, curb out
judgments even if there is odious evidence to prove
other wise. ( Michael Shermer , Ted – talks)
• Our role in this course .... Is to become critical thinkers
, dealing with facts as we analyze substantiated
research findings.
Conspiracy theory's
• The only theories that require little to no actual
• Are based on the natural human instinct to question
and challenge authority.
• Other forms of falsely based belief systems are ….urban
legends, gossip and stereotypes.
• Sociology is a science . We will deal only with
information that is based on scientific fact and
research only.
Putting Social Life into
• The Sociological Imagination
• Why Study Sociology?
• The Importance of a Global Sociological
• The study of Micro and Macro perspectives
Micro and Macro
Micro theories are small scale.
Consider it a magnifying glass,
when you look through it, you
'zoom' in to the society and
see the individuals who have
made up that particular
Macro theories focus on the society
as a whole ...... Examining the
bigger picture. It aims to answer
three basic questions:
1) What holds societies together?
2) What are the sources of conflict in
a society?
3) How and why do societies
The work of C. Wright Mills
C. Wright Mills [1916-1962]
In order to predict our social fate we
must be capable of identifying our
current social status ....
*Knowing where you are on the map !!
• If you can master sociological imagination you
will not suffer from a false sense of conciseness.
C . Wright Mills calls for a sociological vision, a way of
looking at the world that can see links between the
private problems of the individual and important social
A connection between micro and macro
cause and effect !
The realization that outside forces can have a direct
effect on our lives ….. Politics , the economy , our social
class , race , gender , sexual orientation …….
• C. Wright Mills was interested in empowering the
masses by awaking them to their own social
realities ….. This was controversial and ground
breaking at the time , 1959.
• Examples :
– Divorce …. A person may feel personal failure due to
a divorce. Mills would link every divorce with the
larger macro social issue of divorce rates due to the
effects of other social issues placed on marriages.
– Unemployment …. A person may feel unproductive
and helpless due to unemployment. Mills might link
this to a sagging economy , cultural marginalization
or many other macro issues.
• Suicide is a commonly used example for
demonstrating Sociological Imagination.
• Suicide is obviously a personal crisis.
• It is also 100% related and linked to larger
macro social issues.
– Addition
– Mental health
– Bullying
– Financial despair
– Serious illness
• Mills would suggest that there are outside forces
engaged in confirming your future.
– Your level of education.
– Your ability for upward class mobility.
– Your chances of becoming more successful then your
– The effects of marginalisation.
– Being blinded by a false sense of conciseness
If I work hard I will get what I want in life !
Good things come to those who earn them!
Good things happen to good people !
We can all be middle or upper middle class !
Education will insure middle class !
• Wake up !!!!
The Theory's
• Key Figures : Emile Durkheim , Karl Marx , Max
Webber , Herbert Spencer.
• Functional Theory : Analyzes how social systems
operate to insure a functioning society. And to
avoid dramatic changes.
• Conflict Theory : Understands life to be a struggle
for scars resources. That the high classes control
power over lower classes. That change is
• Feminist Theory : Draws upon the understandings
of women and members of other marginalized
Functionalist Theory
Emile Durkheim(1858-1916),
functionalist theory.
‘’Social facts must be
explained by other social
His analyses of
phenomena such as
suicide, religion, crime,
education, and the
professions established
functionalist sociological
Functionalist Theory
• Functionalist believe in a functionally stable society …..
That all parts of our society should complement one
another in harmony….government , local community and
the business sector must all work together.
• This theory works much like a tree!
– the roots of the tree is are local communities.
– the government is in powered by the people and acts as
the tree trunk carries the nutrients from the roots to the
– With out healthy leaves the tree would die ….. With out
healthy roots the same would accrue.
Health leaves represent a prospering society
Government, laws and infrastructure insure
stability and growth
The roots “community “provide nourishment
….the role of the roots and leaves are dependent
on each other.
When a society fails at any level it is likely because one
of its important elements is not working in harmony
with the others. This causes a weakness in society !
….Causes include , social greed, injustice, political and economic
instability , and war
A weak society is
susceptible to
destruction when
social stressors and
strain accrue. Like a
weakened tree in a
wind storm!!!
The weakest link
So if society suffers at any level it is contributed to a weak factor with in it.
Justice system
(Group work )
In this case
education is the
weak link, How
could scenario
effect the other
social links?
Foreign policy
Conflict Theory
Mike Moore, Rodger and Me
• C Wright Mills was a conflict theorist.
• Karl Marx (1818-1883) a German theorist, is recognized as
being the father of the Conflict Theory….he is not
Santa’s brother !!!
‘’History is the history of class struggle..... Men's ideas change with
changes in the conditions of their material
enlightenment leads to personal empowerment’’.
Karl Marx (1818-1883), socialism and Conflict theory.
He studied philosophy at Berlin and
then edited a radical newspaper,
which argued that the privileges of
privileged groups blocks progress.
This brought him into conflict with the
authorities, and he had to flee from Germany
to France and then to England. There, he
lived in poverty (most of his children died
from lack of food and medicine),
organized the First International Workingmen's
Association....the birth of the labour union
The Conflict Theory believes that Inequality exists
in societies because of Wealth and Power. The
haves and have-nots
Roger & Me
Conflict Theorist believes that the Rich and
Powerful in society control and maintain power for
themselves on the backs of the lower classes.
They believe that most of our social issue would be erased
if the rich shared their wealth more freely.
The conflict theory recognizes that 80% of our worlds
wealth is controlled by less than 20% of it’s population.
The Wealthy
Total Wealth
Caracas , (Car-rock-us) ,is the capital of Venezuela - the shacks on the left are called ranchos
and most of the hillsides in the area are inhabited by the poorer population (a whopping 80%
of the entire population of Caracas) in similar housing.
Feminist Theory
• The study of how gender effects the
experiences and opportunities of men and
• Often takes a Conflict view on issues from a
power perspective……men maintaining power.
Feminist believe that gender inequality is the
fundamental feature of society.
It exists in most social structures and affects our
During WW2 women
filled factory jobs while
men fought in the war.
Gloria Steinem , 1934 Gloria Steinem was one of the most
prominent activists of second-wave
feminism in the 1960’s and 70’s. For
several decades she has continued to
write and speak about societal roles,
politics, and issues affecting women.
• We are all created equally.
• A Woman's independence is related to the level
of dependency she has on her male partner.....or
male dominated society.
• Education is a means to change.
• Sexism leads to oppression.
Manon Rhéaume
Symbolic Interactionist
the micro theory of independent self control
• Symbolic Interactionism speaks to being connected
to the actions of others.
• It points out that we all of the power to make
changes in our lives. ….becoming educated / managing
addition / living healthier / class mobility ….
• That even though we are all effected by macro
forces such as the Conflict , Feminist and
Functionalist theory's in the end we can make
conscious choses.
This micro view of
independent thought
and change can in
turn have a macro
effect on
person having a
massive effect on
• We are constantly negotiating and navigating our
lives by our connection with others.
• The values and behaviors we choose are all selected
by how others treat us and the messages we choose
to send.
• The values you choose will in turn be reinforced by
society…… self-fulfilling prophecy !
The End
• Please read more on chapter 1 in your text.