
Village of Spaulding
Board Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2015
Call to order village board meeting at 7pm by Mayor Brian Cuffle.
Roll Call:
Bill Hinkle, Mark Urban, Mike Foster, Dan Sexton, Mary Ann Burge, Amy Cunningham
Motion to waive the reading of last month minutes made by Bill Hinkle seconded by Mark
Urban. All in favor passes 6-0.
Treasurer’s Report (Lisa Cave)
Month Ending July 2015
Fines: $147.74
Police Vehicle Fee: $40.00
Ecitation Fee: $6.00
Gaming: Ameren Cilco: $1,635.00
Ameren Cilco: $1,520.40
General Revenue: $169,619.56
Outstanding Checks: $1,049.83
General Revenue Balance: $168,569.73
Motor Fuel: $13,305.45
DUI Fund: $290.00
Police Grant: $98.00
Police Vehicle Fee: $3,213.62
1st reading of the proposed budget. Will post in paper and come back for approval next month.
Total income proposed budget: $202,950.00
Total expense proposed budget: $210,404.00
Net income budget: -$7,454.00
Motion to approve 1st reading of the budget made by Bill Hinkle seconded by Mike Foster. Roll
call passes 6-0.
Motion to approve treasurer’s report as read made by Mark Urban seconded by Dan Sexton. All
in favor passes 6-0.
Police Report (Chief Hillyer)
Did receive the paperwork from the federal government to obtain the title for the dump truck. I
have already spoke to the Mayor and Lisa and I will go get a title in the next day or two. Both
radios in the two new Impala’s we got those reprogrammed from what they were. We did go
and speak with a couple of different agencies on marking the 2 cars. I got them emailed to me
but I was not able to get them out of my email to show you what they are but we are open to
suggestions. We have been to 2 places and they are roughly about $700.00 per car and that is
nothing fancy it is as inexpensive as you could go. We did receive new MDC’s from Williamsville.
We got the docking stations plus 2 of their tough books for $1.00 apiece. They did give us 3
docking stations and they will give us the 3rd tough book but they need to get some of their
stuff off of it first. We did go to the range and we do have all of our range dates set for the year.
We all did pass the state mandated course of fire and we did some additional training on all
that. We do have the fire extinguishers in all vehicles now except for the Tahoe. We did do the
ones here in the building and this one here has a plastic handle and they refuse to touch it
because the plastic breaks. I don’t know if you have heard but we have had a homeless guy
hanging out here for about the last month. If you see him don’t approach him he is extremely
dangerous just call us whether we are on or not so we can deal with him. We have had one
burglary and one attempted burglary. On the attempted burglary Officer Balding did recover
the ATV that was stolen out of the shed minutes after the call came out they had dumped it in
the ravine along the tracks. We are working a theft over and we did minimal investigation on it
because of the hours we didn’t want to exceed those. We did check local pawn shops for the
tools and they haven’t surfaced so we kind of just left it at that. We do have an open case with
DCFS on a new resident that just moved in from Riverton and we have had several complaints
of solicitors. We did catch 2 of them and I met with the mayor and gave him some of the
information of what they were out and about doing. None of them are from around here they
are all from out of state. They were supposed to come in and obtain a solicitors permit and we
explained that they would have a 10 day background investigation and they haven’t come in
yet. We did put the hummer in a car show for the very first time. For 3 years there has been a
charity car show out at Knights Action Park and for 3 years I never did it. This year they called
and we did go ahead and do it and took 1st place for best police vehicle. We have been working
on inventory; our insurance says we have to have a detailed list of everything.
Mayor Cuffle: To address the solicitor thing I talked to Kevin today and last week at our regional
leadership council meeting I asked the other mayors across Sangamon County how their
solicitor ordinance read. There are several of them that have a solicitor’s deal that says if you
catch someone pedaling in your town then they get a thing and cannot come back for 12
months. Then after 12 months they can come get a permit. I would suggest that we amend our
ordinance to have a fine if they are soliciting without a permit.
Mark Urban: I think we need to add in there $1,000 fine for soliciting without a permit.
Mayor Cuffle: I know we should be getting 3 more of the MDC’s from Ameren as well.
Engineer Report (Adam)
Take care of some old business first I have finished a draft of the park map that we were
discussing a while back and wanted to open it up for discussion tonight. It includes a walking
path, left room in the back for kids to play, 45 parking stalls, shuffle board and horse shoe pits
as well. This is not set in stone so it can be changed. Continuing on with old business on
Riverview Road, Flatt finally got ahold of me and it was Dick Weise who is with a seal coat
company over by Litchfield. He met me out here and we talked about doing hot mix asphalt
patches in the little divots they created with their backhoe he had concerns with their patches
that would be thin they would want to stay in the hole and if they dug them out and put thicker
patches in their then they would move differently than the road does around it because they
are a thicker section of material. The best that he could come up with is that they put road oil in
there and basically broom them all wash them all out get them all cleaned out and fill them up
with road tar and spread gravel back over them like band aids a foot or two outside of every
one of these divots all down through there.
Mike Foster: That is not what they did. They just took and where the divots were they just did
that divot.
Chief Hillyer: I watched them and they just took a bucket and dumped the oil in and another
guy came behind and through rock in the hole.
Mayor Cuffle: Take a look at that Adam because I don’t think that would be satisfactory to us.
Adam: I will take a look at it and we can go from there. We are still holding money out on this
and haven’t gotten a bill for it. They are waiting as well until we are satisfied with the work.
Next issue in old business is the Meyers driveway. I talked to Meyers Paving today and he thinks
he will be there sometime next week to dig that out. The Mayor had called me the day I was
out here to meet with Dick Weise and I went by Lyons St. up here on the west side on the South
half kind of basically by the intersection of Raylots and Lyons. Number one we think the root
cause is that the residents got some grubby kind of greenery kind of ivy sort of stuff growing in
the ditch that has kind of silted in the ditch over the years and it holds water it just needs to be
cleaned and regraded there. The one problem is there is a hydrant that sits right there in the
Mayor Cuffle: The biggest thing is the water just gets held up north of the intersection because
that curve is higher back to the north and it just can’t come this way no more. So it just kind of
sits in that corner so if we can get that cleaned up a bit then it would flow to the inlet like it is
supposed to.
Adam: At the last board meeting I can’t remember Brian if it was you or Lisa that handed me a
bill for EPA for MS4 storm water permit. This was an issue we dealt with last September and we
got a waiver on that. If the board remembers after the last census came out our population
went over the threshold so we would be required to do yearly reporting and have a yearly fee
for storm water discharge but because of our size and statue we wrote a waiver letter and they
accepted it so we are exempt from that as many municipalities are. The computer system and
probably just some summer intern going through sent out a whole bunch of bills to people and I
guess we weren’t the only community that got this letter that said you owe us money. I called
and Kathy has taken care of that and this is waived. The waiver is good for 5 years and then
they reevaluate. The next thing I think our last board meeting we talked about a quote for rip
rap on Primrose Ln. we had taken bids and at that point I had gotten bids from Jay McCulla for
$4,900, Ray’s Sewer Service for $6,500 and Meyers Paving for $3,745. That is to do 180 foot of
that ditch it would be on the west side of Primrose Ln as you go south towards the pond. This is
to clean it out, shape it out, put fabric down and fill it up with rip rap roughly 6ft wide is the
cross section. Start at the mouth of the end section of that guys driveway that we left 5 or 6
years ago going 180ft south down the hill almost down to the pond. I don’t know if the board
wants to discuss that anymore.
Mayor Cuffle: Obviously it has been kind of a pain that whole west side of that road it is
something that we need to get done sometime. It just depends on if it is something that we
want to do know or do we want to do it next spring or next year. Well do we want to do it or
Motion to approve the rip rap work to be done by Meyer’s Paving for $3,745.00 made by Mark
Urban seconded by Dan Sexton.
Mike Foster: I would like to amend that I would like to see a time table out of them and on any
other work we have completed.
Mark Urban: That is a good idea I would say by September 15 th.
Mayor Cuffle: Okay so we will amend the motion to show completion date of September 15 th.
Motion to approve the rip rap work to be completed by September 15 th by Meyer’s Paving for
$3,745.00 made by Mark Urban seconded by Dan Sexton. Roll call passes 6-0.
Adam: The 2015 road work we put it out for bid through the state lading IDOT’s policy is it goes
for 2-3 weeks’ worth of lading and nobody picked it up. I reached out to all of our regulars they
are pretty much all saying the same thing. They all have more work than they know what to do
with because they are all 6-8 weeks behind because of the weather we have had. Both Flatt and
IRC said that if we put it out for bid again in March of next year before they could consider seal
coating or anything they could bid it then if that is the way we wanted to go. Frank Meyer’s
came through with a price on doing Meyer’s driveway and he feels like he has quite a bit of
work through mid-September. The patching that we have on Wildwood if we hire him to do
that he would do both jobs at the same time since he is pretty much right there. In that same
bid is White St. and a section on Vicar around the corner. The quote for all of that is $7,693.25
and just so you guys know in our state bid I estimated it to be somewhere around $10k.
Mark Urban: Let me ask you a question can we approach like Williams Township on some of
this stuff because I know we worked with them on Barclay Road? It might be to our advantage
to see if there is a way they could help us out.
Bill Hinkle: Will some of our stuff hold up another year?
Mayor Cuffle: Some of it will and some of it won’t. Virginia Lane between 54 and the hump
where it goes up to the little plateau that there is like a dirt driveway.
Mark Urban: Down there on that cult de sac on Wildwood there is a 12in pipe that comes out
and drains caddy corner across.
Adam: We talked about that earlier this year where we wanted to extend that pipe and direct it
towards that valley gutter they left for us. The valley gutter just keeps getting silted in because
there is such an area between the culvert and the valley gutter.
Mark Urban: Can we extend that out and run it straight towards the river and let it dump into
that instead of where it is now?
Adam: You can but I’m afraid you would have a lot of problems with erosion.
Mayor Cuffle: I think we got a bid from Jay at one point and I think that bid was $900 to do that
whole thing. He was going to put another 20ft. piece to extend it and then he was going to do
the same thing that he did on Mitchell lane he was going to put a system that was going
underneath the ditch for all the people’s aeration systems.
Mayor Cuffle: If memory serves me correct there is an inlet on the west side of that cult de sac.
Is there any way we can just run a pipe around there and tie into that thing.
Adam: He was just going to use corrugated tile for the pipe to drip into and take it down to the
river. $900 extend pipe on Wildwood lane 20ft. cover with dirt from Mitchell Rd. project grade
remaining barrier from existing pipe with 4x9 rip rap. For an additional $550 on top of the $900
install corrugated 4in perforated tile along the back for discharge down the side of the hill
connecting into existing aeration systems.
Mark Urban: So we are looking at $1,450 to get it done or it’s never going to be right until we
get that water off of it.
Adam: I don’t know what Jay’s schedule is I know that Mitchell Lane he started that already this
year. I know Mayor you said that he had been down there working on it.
Mayor Cuffle: He finished it today. To be honest I would consider having him do it as long as he
can do it for the price he gave us the first time.
Motion to accept Jay McCulla bid of $1,450 for Wildwood Lane to be complete by September
15th made by Dan Sexton seconded by Bill Hinkle. Roll call passes 6-0.
Adam: Virginia Lane and the rest of the roads we had set up to be done are basically reclaiming
work. Broughton was the last person I was waiting to hear back from and I finally did before the
meeting and they were not going to bid it. Brian asked me if Frank was going to bid it and he is
just not set up for all that. He does have a guy that has the reclaiming machine that comes in
and does it. He gave us a quote of $16,416.00 minus the seal coat over the top and I had it
estimated at about $20k in this year program. This does not include oil and chip either. I did ask
him about his schedule and he is busy into the middle of September with concrete work but he
said if he had to put another crew together to get it done he could do that. I think you would
definitely want to put a time stamp on this one. I think this is a good price for what is getting
done. My question to Frank was what the reclaiming guy’s schedule is. So what would you guys
like to do?
Mayor Cuffle: Well I think we need to go ahead with the other patch and crack fill work that
needs to be done first then when we find out this guy’s schedule we can call a special meeting
to pass it if need be.
Motion to accept Frank Meyer’s bid for patch work and crack fill of $7,693.25 to be complete by
October 1st made by Mark Urban seconded by Mike Foster. Roll call passes 6-0.
Attorney Report (Kevin)
I have one issue I need to bring up. There is a problem with the real estate taxes and I feel
somewhat responsible if not mainly responsible. At the last meeting the mayor gave me a letter
that Diamond Communications had sent to him that I have looked at over the last couple of
weeks. They have refused to pay the taxes for this year which amounted to $3,721.00. The
reason they are refusing to do it is because they said we never sent them a copy of the real
estate assessment notice. It is a notice that the county puts out in November. Our notice went
to the PO Box. There is a provision in the lease that says if we don’t get that assessment then
we are not responsible for the taxes. There logic is that they have got to have an opportunity to
contest that assessment. I feel like I probably should have flagged that or let Jean or somebody
know to look for that and I didn’t I blew it. If you want I will pay that tax and then going forward
I have talked to the attorney for Diamond Communication and they have agreed to let the
assessment notice and the tax bill just be put in their name.
Mayor Cuffle: I don’t know how you guys feel but I know Kevin is offering to pay for it. I don’t
feel that he should be responsible for paying that.
Mike Foster: I feel that we should just pay it and move forward.
Mayor Cuffle: Mitchell Lane is complete. Some of the things that happened at the Regional
Leadership Council meeting with the other towns and stuff one of the things were municipal
aggregation. We are going to be getting bids again to see where power prices are and then we
will come back to everyone. We got LRS to bring a proposal for a website for that group for all
the towns to utilize. It’s a take-off of the Sangamon County website where it would be a private
side and a public site. It is about $6k-$8k to have them design it and the county would pick up
half the cost. It would be about $200-$300 per town for the rest. I think it is a good thing and I
would like to see a commitment from us for our share.
Motion to pay $200-$300 for RLC website made by Mark Urban seconded by Dan Sexton. Roll
call passes 5-0, abstained – 1.
Mayor Cuffle: The bed of the white truck we need to look at getting it taken care of before
winter time. In addition to that I think we need to get another spreader it is in bad shape.
Mark Urban: We need to get it washed off each time the snow is out it needs to be cleaned.
Derik: I have replaced the baring’s in it several times but they are just not holding up. We have
been chased out of the truck washes and stuff.
Mark Urban: Can we just get a pressure washer for up there? What about spraying in like that
bed liner stuff sprayed in there to help with the bed of the truck.
Mike Foster: I only have one thing and that is to see about buying dragon for doing the minutes
and copying things over and stuff. It is only $111.87.
Motion to purchase dragon made by Mike Foster seconded by Dan Sexton. Roll call passes 6-0.
Mark Urban: Who is our phone and computer service through up here?
Chief Hillyer: AT&T
Mark Urban: I would like to look into having it switched over to Comcast. We did that at home
and saved $80 a month. Would you mind calling them and finding out (Jean) what the cost
would be?
Jean: Sure and then I’ll just call you.
Motion to adjourn made by Mark Urban seconded by Amy Cunningham. All in favor motion