Judaism -Founder – Abraham – approx. 2000 BCE - from city of Ur in Mesopotamia - follower of old religions with personal gods - moves his family to Palestine based on orders from his personal god – Yahweh - man of great faith Judaism - Key contributions Law and ethics - Moses – approx 1200 BCE - leads Hebrews out of slavery from Egypt - key belief received Ten Commandments from God – Exodus 20: 1-17 Ethical Monotheism Judaism People to know (besides Moses & Abraham) - David Events to know (besides - Solomon the Ten Commandments) - Division of kingdom into Judah and Israel - Conquests by Assyrians, Chaldeans, Persians, Greeks, & Romans - Babylonian Captivity - Jewish Diaspora Christianity Christianity is born in Palestine during Roman occupation -Four Jewish sects - Pharisees - Sadduccees - Essenes - Zealots - Jesus – founder of religion - born c. 6-4 BCE - life known through New Testament - Gospels - attracted followers with simple message of loving God and brotherhood of humanity - used Parables Christianity -Central concept Resurrection - belief that Jesus died and rose from dead after 3 days - grants Christians hope in the next life redemption - Jesus left no writings - depended on disciples (apostles) to spread word - initially attracted few followers - Paul makes religion a world religion Christianity - Paul – Second Founder - attracted non-Jews – Gentiles - particularly among Hellenized populations - Pharisee who has epiphany moment - taught Jesus died to atone for sins and faith alone can gain salvation – spread new religion - taught using epistles letters - executed in Rome around year 65 Christianity Why did this religion appeal to Romans? - Rome going through time of mystery cults – Christianity fit b/c of idea of divine savior & resurrection into better & eternal life - promise of equality - occasional persecutions – particularly under Diocletian who believed it was a threat to his authority Christianity Constantine 313 – becomes Roman emperor (Battle of Milvian Bridge) - makes Christianity legal Edict of Milan - calls Council of Nicaea in 325 to settle doctrinal issues - Arian controversy – was Jesus human or divine? - Nicaea does 2 things - declared Jesus to be of the same substance as God uncreated and coeternal with Him - Arianism is heresy - Trinity Christianity Key Figures - Theodosius - 387 - Augustine – 354-430 - sinner early in life Confessions - City of God - fall of Rome – Adrianople, Vandals - synthesized Plato with Christian thoughts City of God Heaven Eternal Perfect God Important City of Man Rome Temporal Imperfect Man Unimportant Christianity Beliefs of Augustine - God existed in the souls all humans - people should devote all their time & attention to God and not be corrupted by worldly concerns - human souls could be saved by the grace of God - individuals were chosen by God to receive divine grace - predestination - human soul could not receive God’s grace unless that person belonged to the church and had received the sacraments - human weaknesses could be overcome with the help of the sacraments of the church Christianity Division of the Christian Church 3 Issues - Petrine Doctrine - Council of Chalcedon - Pope Leo I - Iconoclastic Controversy - Emperor Leo III Great Schism – 1054 - Roman Catholic – west - Eastern Orthodox - east Islam Spread of Islam Arabia – 570 - hot & arid -trade routes - bedouins - small cities around oasis - pagan Islam Mecca & the Ka’aba - Mecca becomes center of Arabian life b/c of Ka’aba - worship place - tourist attraction - Yathrib (later known as Medina) - multicultural, multireligious cities Islam Muhammad (570-632) - orphaned and raised by uncle – Abu Talib - Quraysh tribe - merchant - marries wealthy widow Khadijah @ age 25 (she was 40) The Revelations -received first revelation in 610 in cave - first convert – wife - Abu Bakr Islam - “Recite, recite!” - monotheism - Jews and Christians – People of the Book - new religion (Islam) supersedes previous - Islam “Submission to will of Allah - Muslim one who has submitted to will of Allah - “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet” Islam Five Pillars - Faith - Prayer - Almsgiving - Fasting - Hajj - problem with the Ka’aba - converts come slowly - death of Khadijah and Abu Talib - 619 The Hajj Islam 622 – flight to Yathrib (renamed Medina) Hijrah - beginning of Islamic calendar - 8-year war with Mecca - 630 war ends with Muhammad and Muslims victorious - Ka’aba accepted as part of Islam - all Meccans convert to Islam - Return to Medina (becomes center of Islam - Muhammad dies 632 Islam – The Four Caliphs - no succession to the prophet given - how to select of caliph (successor)? -Options relation to Muhammad community consensus - Abu Bakr chosen to succeed - 632-634 - unites Arabia - collects revelations into Qur’an - Umar (634-644), aka Umar the Great - campaigns to spread Islam conquers Sassanid Persia, Egypt, and 2/3 of Byzantine Empire Islam – The Four Caliphs - Reasons for rapid expansion -good generals - tax policy - tolerance - weakness of Sassanid & Byzantine Empires - restlessness of Bedouins united by Islam - Umar assassinated by Persians during Hajj Islam – The Four Caliphs - Uthman (644-656) - considered holy man - Umayyad Tribe – last Meccan tribe to accept Islam - allows cousin to continue conquests Mu’awiya - reaches western Africa - Uthman assassinated 656 Islam – The Four Caliphs - Ali – FINALLY (656-661) - son-in-law (married Muhammad’s daughter Fatimah) and cousin (father was Abu Talib) to Prophet - many claimed he should have been original successor - battles Mu’awiya for control - defeats Mu’awiya (battle of Siffin) but allows him to live and continue civil war - Ali assassinated 661 Islam – Umayyad Dynasty - Mu’awiya becomes caliph - continued expansion - establish dynasty 661-750 - Arab superiority - centered in Damascus (Syria) Largest expansion - include Middle East to Indus R., north Africa, and portions of Spain Islam – Umayyad Dynasty - tremendous growth economically & culturally - construction of important mosque Dome of the Rock - history - division in Islam continues - resentment of non-Arabs - Andalusia – Umayyad Spain Islam – Abbasid Dynasty - 750 – 1258 - centered in Baghdad - end of Arab superiority - fragmentation - Golden Age of Islam - less expansion - cultural development Islam – Abbasid Dynasty - unparalleled achievements - Science recovered ancient scripts to make advances in medicine, astronomy - Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - Math – Arabic numbers & algebra - Literature – A Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights) - based on Harun al-Rashid - Philosophy & Religion – Averroes - synthesize Aristotle and Islamic doctrine - Technologies include irrigation, gunpowder, sailing (astrolabe), water power - Falls to Mongol invasions in 1258